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The duty of conscientious writing teachers is to evaluate the kinds of feedback they
are providing students, and to determine if it helps students to present meaningful ideas in
written discourse. The challenge writing teachers’ face is to provide suggestions which
motivate the students to improve their written attempts. Teacher feedback requires the
teachers follow a process that include establishing setting goals, Selecting an appropriate
Feedback Forms and deciding the moment of error correction.

The general goal of the teacher response to students written is to promote students
improvement, departing from this challenge, Teacher has establish the setting goals that
consist in implement a variety of responses types, and establish what type of response will
facilitate student writing. In addition, teacher needs to recognize when the student
improvement occurs and how to measure this improvement. Those are the main goals that
the teacher has to consider in order to students use constructively the commentary of the

When selecting the form of feedback, teacher has to consider that feedback can be
oral as written and include the peer response. Traditionally written feedback consists in
comments on draft of student’s paper. In the other hand Oral feedback include individual
conferences with the student, in which the teacher can clarify student misunderstandings,
the use of audio is other type of feedback that is use for students in this case the student
can replay as many times as necessary to understand. In peer response student receive
feedback from peers, so it make feel them the sense of the audience The different forms of
feedback, give the teacher the opportunity to choose the feedback according with needing
of its student.

Error correction must be deal in an appropriate stage of the composing process it

means that is part of the editing stage, when the text is complete in terms of content and
organization. The reason is the teacher doesn’t exacerbate whatever insecurities students
might have about their writing. Sometimes in this part of the process teacher has to decide
when and who is going to make the error correction teacher assign this stage as a part of the
peer feedback and at the same time to train the student in error detection. So error
correction should to be realizes in specific time and by the person that teacher evaluate can
provide better results in student writing production.

In conclusion, if the teacher establish goals into the process of the application of
feedback. It can obtain advance in the student writing skill it means student take advantage
of teacher feedback and peer evaluation. Furthermore the opportune error correction help
student to deal with grammatical and spelling problem. Therefore teacher should to control
the goals that it wants to accomplish and the kind of response he will use to improve
student writing.

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