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SALLY: Good Afternoon. My name is Sally. What is your name?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: I’m calling from the shrimp Restaurant Popeye´s to get your responses and opinions about
our restaurant. We don´t want to sell you anything. We randomly selected you to provide us with
important information for planning our new services. You don’t have to answer any question if you
don’t want to, and you can end the interview at any time. The call will take about 5 -10 minutes.
Do you want to participate?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: Thank you for agreeing to participate. I appreciate your time. O.K. Let’s get started.
How old are you?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: Which is your household income per month?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: What is your education level?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: Do you know anything about POPEYE´S restaurant?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2012.

SALLY: Do you like its prices?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: Do you like its taste?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.


YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: How often do you eat shrimps?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: What´s your general opinion about our products?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: Which suggestions can you give us to improve the products?

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: I really appreciate your time. Thank you.

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

SALLY: Have a nice day.

YOU: Remember to record your answers, and sent the file to your tutor-instructor.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2012.

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