SPE 22580 A New Method For The Quantitative Determination of The PHPA Polymer Content of Drilling Fluids and Other Aqueous Systems

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Society of Pet.roIllun Engineers

SPE 22580

A New Method for the Quantitative Determination of the PHPA

Polymer Content of Drilling Fluids and Other Aqueous Systems
L.Z. McCulley, Amoco Production Co., and E. Malachosky, * ARCO Oil & Gas CO.
'SPE Member

Copyright 1991, Society of Petroleum En9ineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 66th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Dallas, TX, October 6-9, 1991.

This paper was selected lor presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
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Abstract Introduction
The need for a reliable, quant.it.at.ive analyt.ical Bot.h Amoco Product.ion Company and ARCO Oil
method for the det.erminat.ion of the partially hydrolyzed and Gas Company have been using mud syst.ems based
polyacrylamide (PHPA) polymer content. of drilling mud on part.ially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide polymer (PHPA)
and ot.her wat.er-base fluids has been evident. for some extensively in bot.h domestic and int.ernat.ional oper-
t.ime. Previous methods have been based on eit.her t.he at.ions for some time. The advantages of low-solids
predpitat.ion of the anionic PHPA molecule or alkaline polymer mud syst.ems are well known, and t.he PHPA
syst.ems in general have been receiving increased at.t.en·
hydmlysis of t.he amide nit.rogen to form ammonia. All t.ion in t.he last. few years. The t.echnology of t.hese sys-
these met.hods are semiquant.it.at.ive det.erminations and t.ems is cont.inually developing as more field experience
are subject to a wide variety of int.erferences. Anot.her is obt.ained, and mud engineering practices and guide-
severe limit.ation, in t.he case of drilling fluids, is that a lines are being continually updated as our knowledge
port.ion of the mud filtrat.e is used for analysis, The free and underst.anding of t.hese syst.ems increases. The paper
polymer cont.ent of t.he filt.rat.e is rarely, if ever, the same by Kadast.er, Guild, Hanni, and Schmidt.! provides a good
as t.he unfilt.ered liquid phase of t.he whole mud. hist.oJ"ical background of t.he development. of PHPA mud
syst.ems, and also present.s a comprehensive set. of
The method described in t.his paper is truly quanti- guidelines for the field applicat.ion of t.hese syst.ems.
t.ative and is an absolute rather t.hen an empirical
met hod. It is based on the t.ot.al oxidation of all organic One of the major considerat.ions in eit.her field or
laborat.ory evaluat.ion of a mud syst.em is the ability t.o
material in a sample of t.he liquid phase of a wat.er-base monit.or and cont.rol t.he mat.erial concent.rat.ions. Being
dJ"illing fluid. The amide nit.rogen in t.he polymer mole- able t.o det.ermine t.he PHPA polymer content. in t.his t.ype
cule forms ammonium ions during the digest.ion and oxi- of syst.em is crit.ical. The test. met.hods currently being
dat.ion process. These ammonium ions are then used, while providing information as t.o t.he presence or
measured with an ammonia gas·sensing elect.rode afler absence of PHPA polymcr, arc unable t.o prOVide reliable,
conversion to ammonia by means of a simple pH adjust- quant.it.at.ive informat.ion as t.o the concentration of
ment. available polymer in t.he liquid phasc of the whole mud.
This paper will describe t.he development. of an analytical
In addition, a sampling technique has been devel- procedure which overcomes most. of t.hc objections t.o
oped which enables the analyst t.o obt.ain a solidl'·free existing met.hods. The complet.e procedur'c can be found
in t.he Appendix.
port.ion of the liquid phase of a drilling mud sample
without. filtering the liquid t.hrough t.he mud filter cake.
Thus, t.he met.hod assures measurement. of t.he available Discussion
free polymer cont.ent of the fluid phase of t.he whole mud.
Existing Methods
The met.hod described is ideally suit.ed t.o t.he det.er-
Thcre are a number of procedures described in t.he
mination of t.he PHPA cont.ent. of any aqueous solutions Iit.e,'at.ure for the det.erminat.ion of the polyacrylamidl'
including t.hose encountered in wastewater treatment. cont.ent of aqueous solutions, but. few oC t.hem arc appli-
and sludge dewat.ering operat.ions. The results of both cable t.o t.he usually complex samples encount.ered in
laborat.ory and field evaluations of t.he method are pre- whole mud or mud filt.rate analysis. Most. of these
sent.ed. met.hods are int.ended for the analysis of t.he dilut.e
polymer solut.ions of t.he type encollllt.erl'd in wat.er
t.reat.ment. or EOR operations.
References and illust.rat.ions at. end of paper.

Beazley 2 used a size-exclusion chromatographic resuUs. The most. serious objection, however, relat.es to
technique to measure PHPA in the 1-100 mg/L range in the use of filt.rat.e for t.he analysis.
oilfield waters. Scoggins and MillerS described an
iodometric method, and Foshee, Jennings, and West 4 used It. is recognized that. filt.ration of a PHPA-containing
a turbidimetric procedure based on an insoluble chlo- fluid t.hrough a filt.er cake will result in removal of a
rami de reaction product formed when the polyacrylamide port.ion of the polymer. The ext.ent of the polymer
is treat.ed wit.h sodium hypochlorite. Kuehne and Shaw 6 removed is influenced by a number of fact.ors: eleet.ro-
also describe bot.h manual and automat.ed turbidimet.ric Iyt.e cont.ent. of t.he fluid, amount. and types of solids in
methods. the mud, nat.ure of the filt.er cake, molecular weight of
the polymer, and type and quant.it.y of ot.her polymeric
One of t.he earliest met.hods used for the det.ermi- materials present.. The use of a liIt.rat.e sample from t.he
nation of t.he PHPA content. in t.he more complex drilling API fluid loss t.est. was t.herefore considered t.o be
fluid samples is the "floc" method. In this method, the unsuit.able for any t.ruly quantitative procedure for t.he
polymer is precipit.at.ed from an acidified filtrate sample determination of the PHPA concent.rat.ion in drilling
with a solut.ion of a polyvalent cat.ion such as aluminum fluids.
or tin, and t.he volume of precipit.ate is measured aft.er
cent.rifuging. This floc volume is then related to PHPA Aft.er a careful consideration of fact.ors discussed
concent.ration by reference t.o a previously prepared cal- above, it. was decided t.hat. an attempt would be made to
ibration curve. This calibration curve is prepared by develop a procedure which would eit.her eliminat.e or
testing a number of solutions of known polymer cont.ent. minimize t.he objections t.o t.he existing met.hods. The
and plot.ting floc volume as function of polymer concen- init.ial effort.s were directed toward the development of
tration. a suit.able digestion procedure, since the work relat.ed to
developing a sampling technique would require digestion
This met.hod, while relat.ively easr and requiring and analysis of PHPA solutions. In addit.ion, for reasons
few reagent.s, is subject, to a number of mterferences. It. which will be discussed lat.er, a decision was made t.o use
is not specific for the polyacrylamides and many other the ammonia ion-selective elect.rode ((SE) t.echnique for
anionic polymers can also be precipitated. This includes the actual nit.rogen determinat.ion.
t.he majority of t.he polymeric materials commonly used
in drilling fluids - filtration control additives, thinners, Digestion Procedure
dispersants, deflocculants, and many of the polymer vis-
cosifiers. In addition, t.he volume of the floc is also Since the method in general was directed toward
influenced by the tot.al ionic strengt.h, the pH of t.he test. the det.ermination of the nitrogen in the amide group,
solut.ion and the speed and duration of centrifuging. and since the intent was t.o ult.imately measure the
nit.rogen in t.he form of ammonia, t.he pdmary object.ive
From an analyt.ical perspective, t.he amide group in of a suit.able digest.ion procedure was to provide a quan·
t.he PHPA molecule is the most likely functional group tit.at.ive conversion of the amide nitrogen t.o either
on which to base an analytical technique. This amide ammonium ions or ammonia gas. Direct. hydrolysis in
group can be hydrolY7.Cd in either acidic or alkaline alkaline media at room t.emperature would have been an
menia, with the formation of either ammonium com- ideal solution, but. it. was known t.his t.echnique provided
pounds or ammonia gas. Measurement of the ammonia much less t.han quant.it.at.ive conversion. Even the vig-
produced by acid digestion, followed by alkaline hydl'O- orous reaction condit.ions ut.i1ized by Fnlser 7 were not
lysis, of polyacrylamide flocculants used in treat.in~ adequate to effect. complet.e conversion even aOer 60
potable water WilS reported by Crummett. and Hummel minut.es of boiling,. probably due to t.he shielding or
JI1 1963. The procedure provided encouraging results,
but the authors acknowledged t.hat the less-than-desira- "hiding" of t.he amide groups in t.he long, high moleculilr
weight. polymer chain. This "shielding" effect, can also
ble accuracy and precision was relat.ed to uncertainty explain why an acid hydrolysis t.echnique, followed by
as to the completeness of the digestion process. adjust.ment. of t.he pH t.o 11 or higher to convert the
ammonium ions t.o ammonia gas, also result.s in less than
Two methods for det.ermining the PHPA content. of quantit.ative conversion of t.he amide nitTogen to ammo-
drilling fluids which are also bilsed on the hydrolysis of nium ions.
the amide group are described by Fraser 7 and Clapper,
Norfleet, and Alford. A Both these methods are based on
direct alkaline hydrolysis of a silmple of either whole AO.er ext.ensive laborat.ory evaluation, a digestion
mud or mud filt,l·ate. The method described by Fraser t.echnique which is essent.ially a modificat.ion of t.he
involves the distillation of the ammonia generat.ed in t.he classical Kjeldahl digestion process was selected. This
hydrolysis reaction int.o a boric acid absorbing solut.ion, t.echnique result.s in the tot.al oxidation of all organic
with subsequent tit.ration with a standard acid solution. mat.erial present in the sample, wit h conversion of all
Clapper, Norfleet, and Alford purged the react.ion mix- organic mt.rogen t.o ammonium ions. The digestion con-
ture during hydrolysis with a stream of air and passed sist.s of heating a portion of the aqueous sample in the
the gases through a Drager tube. The tube is packed presence of sulfuric acid unt.i1 all wat.er has been
with an absorbent impregnated with an indicat.or that expelled and t.he sulfuric acid has j!-'st reached t.he tem-
changes color when contact.ed by ammonia gas. The perature where sulfur t.rioxide fumes are being gener-
t.ime required for the t.ube t.o change color complet!'ly is at.ed. At. this point. a "charring" of the organic matter
measured, and t.he PHPA content. of t.he sample is est.i- in the sample will commence, as evidenced by a discol·
mated by comparing this t.ime t.o t.he times recorded for orat.ion of t.he sample solution, I'ilnging from a st.raw
polymer solut.ions of known concent.rat.ion. Fraser also color to black, depending on t.he amount. of organic
uses polymer solutions of known concent.ration for cali- matter present. A small amount. of hydrogen peroxide is
bration, but att.pmpts to carry the hydrolysis reaction to now added and t.he solut.ion is again heat.ed until the
completion by extending the boiling period to the point dense, white snlfur t.rioxide fumes are produced. The
where no additional ammonia is produced. solut.ion should be wat.er·clear ilt. t.his point., indicating
complet.e oxidat.ion of all organic millt.er. This sample
Both t.hese methods have serious shortcomings from now contains ammonium ions from the quant it.iltive con-
an analyt.ical perspective. There is no way to determine version of all or'gilnic nit.rogen present in the original
if the hydrolysis reilcl iOIl is t.ruly quanti tal ive, alld both sample. All t.hat. remains is to diltrt!' t.he sample t.o a
methods acknowledge that control of the tesl conditions known volnme and proceed wit.h till' nit.rogen dell'rmi-
is critical, since smilll variat.ions in anyone of iI number nat.ion st.ep of t.he procedlll'e. This is quite similar 10 a
of procedurill parameters (time, temperilture, air flow, t.echnique used by Thompson ilml Morrison" for the
sample size, amount of caustic pl'eselll.) can affect t.he digest.ion of nit.rogen-cont.ilining organic silmples pdor to

colorimetric det.ermination of ammonia by use of deionized water was prepared. A port.ion of this
Nessler's Reagent.. 1.00 Iblbbl solut.ion was then used to prepare another
solution which was formulated to contain 0.67 Iblbbl
Since this digestion process involves heat.ing sul- PHPA and 10% by weight sodium chloride. Separate
furic acid t.o t.he point of the actual evolul.ion of sulfuric 10 mL port.ions of each solution were then filtered
trioxide fumes, some provision must be made for the through disposable, 25 millimeter diameter syringe fil-
removal of t.hese fumes. If the digest.ion is done in a ters with pore sizes of 0.20 micron, 0.45 micron, and
laborat.ory, heating the samples in an Erlenmeyer flask 0.8 micron. Five replicate 1.00 mL portions of each fil-
on a hot plate inside a conventional fume hood is sat.is- trat.e and each stock solut.ion were then digest.ed, oxi-
factory. When the test is being conducted where no dized and analyzed for nitrogen according to the
fume hood is available, which is normally the case when procedure described in this paper (see Appendix). The
t.he t.est. is being run at. t.he rig site, the use of a special calculat.ed PHPA concentrations for the deIOnized wat.er
digestion apparat.us and fume scrubber syst.em such as solut.ion and the 10% sodium chloride are shown in
the one described in t.he Appendix is strongly recom- Tables 2 and 3, respectively. A summary of t.he
mended. reduction in PHPA content as a function of pore size is
shown in Table 4. Based on these results, the
One very import.ant benefit of a digestion process 0.80 micron pore size filt.er was selected as the smallest
which is truly quantitative is the abilit.y t.o use primary permissible pore size for filtration of samples prior to
st.andards for the calibration of the measuring syst.em, analysis. Even t.hough there was a reduction in PHPA
rat.her than relying on empirical calibration techniques content of over 7% in the deionized water matrix, PHPA
such as t.hose employed by Fraser7 and Clapper, Norfleet., reduction in actual drilling fluid samples can be expected
and Alford. s In order for this to be valid, however, there t.o be ne~ligible. If t.he total ionic strengt.h of a polymer
must be a known, predictable relat.ionship between the solution IS relatively low, use of a filt.er with a pore size
amount. of nit.rogen measured and t.he original polymer of 1.2 microns would provide an added margin of safet.y.
In order to avoid filt.ering a polymer-cont.aining sol-
It. is generally accepted t.hat. most. PHPA polymer ution through a filt.er cake, t.he fluid phase of a whole
products supplied for use in drilling fluids have molecu- mud sample must. be separat.ed from the solids. Fraser 7
lar weight.s ranging from 10 t.o 15 million, and are about suggested simply cent.rifuging t.he sample to achieve this,
30% hydrolyzed - that is, for every 70 amide groups but. many mud samples do not respond well to this sepa-
along t.he polymer chain there are 30 carboxylic acid ration technique, and quit.e ollen a satisfactory centri-
groups (these cal'boxylic acid groups have usually been fuge is not. available. The t.echnique finally selected
neutralized with sodium hydroxide). One can then cal- utilizes a combination of st.eps - dilution wit.h a sodium
culate that the theoretica nitrogen content of a pure, chloride solut.ion, flocculat.ion of solids with a chemical
30% hydrolyzed polyacrylamide polymer is 12.58% by Oocculant., cent.rifuging if necessary, and finally filtering
weight.. Ar.tual analysis of samples of solid PHPA pro- a portion of t.he supernat.ant. t.hrough a 0.8 micron dis-
ducts supplied by t.he vendor companies gave values for posable membrane filter.
nitrogen content. which average about 11.4% by weight.
This value is in agreement with st.atement.s from bot.h Tbe dilution of a whole mud sample with 10%
vendors and manufacturers t.hat. most. dry products con- sodium chloride solut.ion not only facilitates the sepa-
t.ain about 10% impurit.ies, consisting primarily of ration of t.he solids by the chemical Oocculant., but also
adsorbed water with small amounts of organic com- provides t.he high ionic st.rength environment necessary
pounds and inorganic salts. to minimize t.he effective size of t.he polymel' chains.
This size reduction has the effect of reducing or elimi-
The result.s of t.he analysis of some t.ypical solid nat.ing loss of polymer during the filtration step.
PHPA products are shown in Table I, along with t.he
theoretical values. The analysis of t.he polymers was The flocculant. used is a high molecular weight
conducted by conventional elemental analysis techniques (approximat.ely 5 million) poly(ethylene oxide) resin
using a Carlo Erba CHON Analyzer. which is widely used in t.he mining indust.ry 1.0 flocculate
t.he solids in colloidal suspensions. It is added to the
Sampling dilut.ed whole mud sample as a 0.5% by weight solution
in water. Flocculat.ion and coagulat.ion of t.he solids in
It. is widely recognized that the filtrat.ion of a sol- t.he sample will commence after addition of t.he floccu-
ution containing PHPA polymer through a filter cake lant.. Some mud samples will settle sufficiently in 5 to
will result. in removal of a portion of the polymer. In t.he 10 minut.es t.o permit the removal of a few milliliters of
early stages of the development of this overall proce- essent.ially solids-free supernatant. fluid. If not, t.he solids
dure, it was observed that in the analysis of API filtrat.e can be separated by cent.rifuginl; for 2-3 minutes at.
from laborat.ory muds which had ident.ical whole-mud speeds as low as 1800-2000 revolutions per minute (these
PHPA content. but. varying amount.s of filt.rat.ion-cont.rol speeds can be easily attained wit.h a hand-crank cent.ri-
addit.ives (hence varying API fluid loss values), the mea- fuge). Finally, a few millilit.ers (2-3) are filtered through
sured PHPA content decreased with decreasing fluid a disposable, 25 millimeter diamet.er membrane syringe
loss. Since it was accept.ed that at. some point a filt.ra- filt.er wit.h a pore size of 0.8 micron or 1.2 micron.
tion st.ep would almost. cert.ainly be required in any
sampling procedure, a series of test.s were designed to This final filt.rat.ion st.ep is necessary to remove any
provide information on acceptable filtration techniques. remaining colloidal part.icles in t.he fluid phase. It should
not be neglect.ed, even if the supernat.ant appears clear.
Convent.ional theories regarding behavior of PHPA If t.he amount. of colloidal material is higb enough to
polymers in aqueous solutions state t.hat t.he largest. begin t.o blind t.he filter and produce a not.iceable back-
effective size of a I;iven polymer occurs when the pressure, remove and discard the syringe filter and
polymer is dissolved III fresh water, with t.he polymer replace wit.h a fresh unit..
chains contracting in t.he presencf' of electrolytes such
as sodium chloride. Thus, if a filfflr with a particular The sampling proc£!dure discuss£!d ahove (and
pore size would permit the passage of a given polymer described in det.ail in the Appendix) meds t.h£! criteria
in fresh watel', it would also be expected to permil the of providing a means for obtaining a solids-fre£! sampl£!
filtrat.ion of the same polymer in a salt solution. In of the liquid phase of til£! whol!' lIlud without filfNing
order t.o determine an acceptable fil1ration media, a sol- t.he fluid t.hwugh a filter cake.
ution cont.aining 1.00 lb/bbl of a solid PHPA product in

Nitrogen Determination In order to furt.her study this effect, a series of four
samples were prepared. Four lab barrels of If stock
The nitrogen in the digested and oxidized sample is PHPA solut.ion containing 1.00 Iblbbl PHPA in deionized
determined by use of an ammonia ion-selective electrode. wat.er were prepared and t.ransferred to mixing cups. To
This device is actually a gas-Rensing electrode. The one sample, 1.0 g of a finely ground composit.e shale was
nit.rogen in t.he acidic solut.ion result.ing from the added, 5.0 g to the next., and 10.0 g t.o the next. One
digestion and oxidation ~rocess is actually in t.he form sample was carried through t.he process as a control,
of ammonium ions, NB 4 • These anunonium ions are wit.h no solid material added. The four samples were
convert.ed to dissolved ammonia gas, NBs, by adjust.ing mixed for 20 minut.es on a laborat.ory mixer. The API
the pH of t.he solut.ion t.o 11 or higher with a st.rong base filtration test. was run and the filtrate samples were
such as sodium hydroxide. The electrode has a semi- analyzed for PHPA using the digestion and nit.rogen
permeable membrane which separat.es t.he sample sol- det.ermination processes described in t.his paper. Sam-
ut.ion from the internal filling solution and the sensing ples of each of t.he unfilt.ered whole fluids were then
element. of the electrode. The dissolved ammonia gas in processed through the entire procedure, including the
sampling, digestion and nit.rogen measurement. The data
t.he sample solut.ion diffuses through the semi-permeable on the sample formulation and API fluid loss is summa-
membrane and reacts with the int.ernal filling solution. rized in Table 5, and the result.s of the PHPA analysis
This reaction creates an electrical potential which is is in Table 6. Each analysis was performed in duplicat.e.
measured by the electrode. This potential, which is
propol-tional to the amount of ammonia present in the These result.s clearly show t.hat a significant amount
solution, is then displayed as either an analog or digital of the PHPA is being removed by the filt.er cake. There
signal on a pH meter wit.h an expanded millivolt scale. is some reduction in the free polymer in the fluid phase
There are many suitable meters available, many of them of the whole mud, probably due to adsorption of the
with features which permit the measured potent.ials to polymer by t.he solids. However, t.hese t.est.s clearly show
be displayed directly in t.he concent.rat.ion unit.s selected t.hat the majorit.y of t.he polymer removed is a conse-
by t.he analyst.. quence of t.he filtration process and not. due to adsorp-
The ISE t.echnique for t.he final det.erminat.ion of the
nitrogen was chosen because of t.he relat.ive simplicit.y Accuracy and Precision
of operat.ion and because of r.-eedom from int.erferences.
Sample color and turbidit.y have no effect on measure- During the development. of t.his procedure over the
ments. Most anions and cat.ions will not. int.erfere. The past. 2-1/2 years, lit.erally hundreds of samples of various
only really major direct int('rferences are relatively low t.ypes have been analyzed. Precision amI accuracy st.u-
molecular weight volatile aminI'S, and t.he probabilit.y of dies on a variet.y of sample types have been conducted.
t.hese materials being present in a sample after the The present status of the met.hod can best. be demon-
digestion and oxidat.ion process is extremely remot.e. st.rated by t.he data in Table 2 and Table 3. The values
in "RSD" columns are t.he relat.ive st.andard deviations,
The measurement is arrected by variat.ions in t.he or t.he st.andard deviat.ion expressed as a percent.age of
level of total dissolved ionic species (total ionic strength) the mean. Wit.h t.he exception of one set. of measure-
in t.he sample solulion, but this is compensat.ed for by ment.s, t.his value ranges from 1.24 t.o 5.20.
simply adjust.ing the t.otal ionic strength in all standards
and samples t.o t.he Mme level by t.he addit.ion of an ionic The only means of evaluating t.he accuracy of the
stnmgth adjusting burrel' (lSA). met.hod was t.o compare t.he results t.o the known con-
centration of test. solutions prepared in the laboratory
One very import.ant feature of this overall met.hod under carefully controlled condit ions. In t.hese t.wo
is t.hat standardization and calibrat.ion can be performed series of t.ests only t.he unfiltered samples could qualify
through use of materials other t.han nit.rogen-cont.aining as "known" mat.erials, and in both cases the values
obt.ained by the new procedure indicat.e t.he met hod is
polymers. Since t.he nitrogen in t.he samples being ana- capable of a very high accuracy.
lyzed is ultimately converted 1.0 ammonium ions prior t.o
the measurement st.ep, standards cont.aining ammonium The conclusions regarding precision are that under
ions derived from any mat.erial may be used. This per- laboratory condit.ions, t.he st.andard deviation can be
mits t.he usc of high-purit.y mat.erials such as reagent. expect..ed t.o be 5% of the amount pl'esent or less, and
grade ammonium chloride for the preparat.ion of primary 10% of t.he amount. present., or less, undC'r field or rig-site
standards for usc in st.andardizat.ion and calibrat.ion of conditions.
t he electrode syst.em. This does not, however, eliminate
the need t.o periodically evaluat.e t.he overall efficiency
of t.he procedure. It is recommended t.hat. t.his verifica- Field Tests
t.ion be performed by preparing a reference solution
containing a known concentration, normally 1.0 Iblbbl, Field Mud System - Amoco Catoosa Lease
of t.he part.icular product used in t.he mud syst.em being
analyzed. Samples of this reference solution should then The met.hod was used t.o monit.or t.he PHPA content.
be periodically carried through the entire samplmg, of t.wo wells drilled by Amoco Product.ion, Research,
digestion, and analysis process. Tulsa, at. t.he Amoco rig t.est facility in Catoosa in ,Janu-
ary and February, 1990.
Fluid Loss and PUPA Content Testing conduct.ed during t.he drilling of t.he first
well, DM-15A, provided the opportunit.y to evaluate t.he
As menl ioncd in the "Sampling" section, it was suitabilit.y of t.he method for field usc. The port.able
observed that, in a given nuid, as t.he API nuid loss digest.ion and fume removal syst.ems werp. used and per-
decreased there was a corresponding decrease in the mitted t.he digest.ion and oxidation of samples in an
PHPA content in t.he filtnlte. Our conclusion was t.hat enclosed area wit.h completp. safC'ly. The t.est. results
as t.he nuid loss decreasp.d, t.hp. erredive pore size were in good agrep.ment wit.h the calculalpd PHPA con-
thl'ough t.he filt.p.r cake was also decreHsillg, thus per- tenL
mitt.ing t.he passage of less polymer. This is admilf.p.dly
a very simplistic moricI, but the nHturc of IIIP. filler cake Thp. second well where the m{'thod was used to
appcHred 1.0 have a dcfinite~ e rre ct. on the pHssHge of the monitor Ill(' PHPA provided milch lIlore information on
PHPA. the performHnce of HIP mcl.hod. No other met hod was

used for the purpose of comparison, but. a careful mat.e- The design, engineering and maintenance of PHPA
rial balance syst.em was used t.o calculate the expected mud systems should be improved and enhanced t.hrough
PHPA cont.ent. Fluid volumes were carefully monit.ored, use of the informat.ion and dat.a which t.his met.hod can
and fluid and product losses on t.he cuttings and at. the provide.
solids cont.rol equipment. were taken into account.
Wat.er usage was measured, and an est.imat.ed loss of Acknowledgement
product by adsorpt.ion on the solids was also t.aken int.o
account. The authors would like t.o thank the entire st.affs of
the Drilling Fluid Research groups at. Amoco and ARCO
The mud used was a simple PHPA system with a for their assistance and support during the development.
low-viscosit.y PAC for fluid loss cont.rol and sufficient. of this procedure. We also thank Amoco Producl.ion
sodium chloride t.o maint.ain chlorides at Company and ARCO Oil and Gas Company for permis-
3,000-5,000 mg/L. Small amount.s of xant.han polymer sion to publish this paper.
were added as required to maintain rheology in t.he
desired range. Typical mud propert.ies are shown in References
Table 7, and the measured and calculat.ed values for the
PHPA concentrat.ion for a total of 16 days are summa- 1. Kadaster, A. G., Guild, G. J., Hanni, G. L., and
rized in Table 8. This dat.a is also shown graphically in Schmidt, D. D.: "Field Application of PHPA
Figure 1. Muds," paper SPE 19531 present.ed at. the 64th
Annual Technical Conference of the SPE, San
Bot.h test. wells were drilled t.o dept.hs of approxi- Antonio, October 8-11, 1989.
mat.ely 1250 ft wit.h 8·3/4 in. diamet.er bit.s. The total
mud volume was maint.ained at. about. 250 barrels. 2. Beazley, P. M.: "Quant.itat.ive Det.ermination of
Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide Polymers in
Field Mud System - ARCO Alaska Well Oil Field Production Waters," Anal. Chem. (1985)
57, 2098-2101.
A part.ially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (PHPA)
polymer mud syst.em was used t.o drill an explorat.ory 3. Scoggins, M. W. and Miller, J. W.: "Det.ermination
well for ARCO Alaska, Inc., on the Kenai Peninsula. of Wat.er Soluble Polymers Cont.aining Primary
Ant.icipat.ed hole problems required a potassium based Amide Groups Using the Starch-Triiodide
mud syst.em and environment.al considerations suggested Met.hod," SPE Journal (1979), 151-154.
that pot.assium chloride would not be a suit.able pot.as-
sium source. Consequent.ly, an ARCO mud formulat.ion, 4. Foshee, W. C., Jenninp, R. R., and West., T. J.:
using pot.assium nit.rate as t.he t.he potassium source, was "Preparation and Teshng of Part.ially Hydrolyzed
selected t.o drill t.he well. The mud system contained Polyacrylamide Solut.ions," ~aper SPE 6202, pre-
2,000-4,000 mg/L pot.assium during t.he phase of the well sented at. t.he 51st Annual Technical Conference
discussed below. A minimum PHPA cont.ent. of 0.5 Ib/bbl of t.he SPE, New Orleans, October 3·6, 1976.
in the suction pit was considered necessary to produce
the required rheological and shale st.abilizing properties 5. Kuehne, D. L. and Shaw, D. W.: "Manual and
in t.he mud syst.em. Table 9 shows typical mud proper- Aut.omat.ed Turbidimet.ric Met.hods for the Det.er-
ties upon conversion t.o t.he new system and at the end mination of Polyacrylamides in the Presence of
of Ihe t.est. period. Sulfonat.es," paper SPE 11784, present.ed at t.he
Int.ernat.ional Symposium on Oil Field and Geot.h-
The PHPA conlent. of the whole mud was contin- ermal Chemist.ry, Denver, June 1-3, 1983.
uously monitored in t.he field using the technique
described by Fraser.' Samples of t.he mud were taken 6. Crummett, W. B. and Hummel, R. A.: "The Deter-
and sent t.o t.he ARCO labs in Plano, TX, for PHPA mination of Traces of Polyacrylamides in Wat.er,"
analysis using the new t.echnique. A split. portion of Jour. A WWA <February, 1963), 209-219.
t.hese samples was also t.ested at. the Amoco laborat.ories
in Tulsa, OK. Table 10 summarizes and compares the 7. Fraser, L. J.: "New Met.hod Accurat.ely Analyzes
dala from the t.hree determinations. PHPAs in Muds," Oil and Gas J. (.July 6, 1987),
It is interesting to not.e t.hat. t.he field results (run
on samples of the whole mud) arc consist.ently lower 8. Clapper, D. K., Norfleet, J., and Alford, S. E.:
than t.he results from the new procedure. This is t.rue "Analyzing PHPA in Mud Filt.rat.es," World Oil
even after adjustment. of the whole mud values for the (April, 1989) 77-82.
report.ed solids content of the mud system.
9. Thompson, J. F. and Morrison, G. R.: "Det.ermi·
Wit.h the except.ion of the samples from 5/3 and 5/5 nation of Organic Nit.rogen: Conlrol of Variables
in the Use of Nessler's Reagent.," Anal. Chl'm.
the agreement bet.ween the two laborat.ories is excp.llent.. (1951) 23, 1153-1157.
Since the precision of the dat.a on these two sampleI' is
also relatively poor in comparison to the ot.her samples,
there appears t.o be a possibilit.y that. the two samples Appendix - Experimental Section
may not have becn tl1oroughly mixed before splitting.
Equipment, Reagents, and Supplies
Conclusions The PHPA product.s used in t.his st.udy were com-
mercial products obt.ained from t.he various sel'vice com-
A new analytical procedure has been developed panies. The flocculant. used was POLYOX WSR
which permits the det.ermination of the free polymer Coagulant., obt.ained from Union Carbide Corporation,
conlent. of the fluid phase of wat.er base drilling nuids. Specialt.y Chemicals Division, South Charleslon, WV.
It. is t.ruly quant.itative, and is not. dependent. upon The DIGESDAHL digestion apparat.us and th(' fum('
empirical calibrat.ion. The accuracy and precision of the scrubber syst.em were obt.ained from Ih(' Harh Company,
method is very good. This met.hod overcomes most. of I.he Loveland, CO. The ammonia glls-sensing electrode
objections t.o existing met.hods, and is expect.ed t.o pro- syst.em and ISE-pH inst.rument.ation were obtained from
vide reliable, quant.it.ative informat.ion t.o drilling person- Orion Research Incorrorat.ed, Laboralory Producl.s
nel. Group, Bost.on, MA. AI laborat.ory l'ea~el1ls w('r(' ACS

sPE 22;80


reagent. grade mat.erials unless ot.herwise specified. All 10. Prepal'e ammonia electrode according to manufac-
the ot.her apparatus and supplies were obtained from turer's inst.ructions. Calibrat.e and st.andardize
various laborat.ory supply firms. All wat.er used was the ISE system wit.h 1.0 mg/L and 10.0 mf/L
dist.iIIed or deionized. nitrogen standards, prepared by dilution 0 a
1000 mg/L stock solution (prepare st.ock solution
When t.his t.est. is perfOl'med in t.he field, the use of by dissolving 3.819 g reagent. ammonium chloride
syringes and micro- and macro-pipett.ing syst.ems wit.h in wat.er and diluting to 1 liter). Use 3.0 mL of
disposable t.ips is recommended for the measurement. of t.he pH-adjusting ISA, rat.her than the 2.0 mL
small volumes « 10 mL) and PMP plast.ic graduat.ed suggest.ed in the electrode inst.ructions. Use
cylinders are suggest.ed for measurement. of larger vol- 150 mL beakers and stir on magnetic stirrer while
umes. Conventional volumetric glassware and plast.ic taking readings.
ware is used in nonnal laborat.ory environment.s. Not.e
that t.he 5N sulfuric acid and 3% hydrogen peroxide 11. If using a met.er which reads directly in concen-
specified for t.he digest.ion and oxidat.ion are t.he same as tration, adjust. instrument. t.o read the proper
reagent.s used for t.he MIBT t.est.. value when a st.able reading is obtained in each
standard. (If the inst.rument. being used does not.
Any t.ime t.he test. is conduct.ed where a conven- have this feat.ure, record readings while operat.ing
tional laborat.ory fume hood is not. available, the Hach in millivolt. mode. Obt.ain a reading on a
digestion apparatus wit.h fume removal system (or equiv- 100 mg/L st.andard in addit.ion to the 1.0 mg/L
alent.) must be used. The fumes generat.ed during the and 10.0 mg/L. Plot millivolt. readings on linear
digest.ion are very irrit.at.ing and any exposure t.o them axis of 3-cycle semi-log paper and concent.rat.ion
should be avoided. The use of the digestion and fume on logarithmic axis.)
removal syst.ems permit.s t.he test. t.o be performed safely
in any area. 12. Transfer sample to 150 mL beaker, place on mag-
net.ic stirrer, immerse electrode and add 3.0 mL
Procedure - Drilling Fluids of pH-adjust.ing ISA. St.ir at. a moderat.e rat.e and
record concent.ration or millivolt. reading when
1. Obt.ain a 10.0 mL sample of t.he whole mud and stable. If operating in millivolt mode, refer to
t.ransfer t.o a 25 x 200mm t.est. t.ube fitted wit.h a calibrat.ion curve prepared in St.ep 11 above.
screw cap or rubber st.opper. Add 30 mL of 10% NOTE: Some values may fall below t.he 1-10 or
NaCI solut.ion and mix t.horoughly_ 1-100 mg/L range of t.he calibration, but. elect.rode
response should be linear t.o at. least one decade
2. Add 1 mL of 0.5% POLYOX solut.ion and mix by above and below calibration range, so values in
gently invert.ing t.ube several times (do not shake range of 0.1-1.0 mg/L are reliable.
vigorously after addit.ion of POLYOX). Allow
t.ube to sit in upright. posit.ion for 5-10 minut.es. 13. The PHPA cont.ent. of t.he liquid phase of t he whole
mud is calculat.ed as follows:
3. Using a disposable syringe, wit.hdraw about. 3-5 mL
of supernat.ant. fluid. If solids have not. seWed PUPA, Iblbbl Nitrogen Content, mg/L,)(O 308)
si~nificantly, cent.rifuge a port.ion of t.he t.est. sol- ( from Step 12 .
utIOn using a 15 mL cent.rifuge t.ube, then wit.h- (I)
draw supernat.ant.. x [ (10 x W.F.) -I 30 ]
(10 x W.F.)
4. At.t.ach a disposable 0.8 01' 1.2 micron syringe filter
unit and filt,er t.he fluid int.o a clean, dry glass or whel'e: W.F. Water fract.ion of whole mud as
plast.ic vial. obt.ained from ret.ort t.est,
expressed as a decimal
5. Transfer a 1.0 mL sample of the fluid t.o either a
125 mL Erlenmeyer flask (Iaborat.ory) or the Not.e: The theoretical nit.rogen cont.ent of a pure
100 mL digest.ion flask (field). Add 10 mL 5N polyacrylamide polymer, with exactly 30% of t.he
H2S0 4 , amide groups hydrolyzed, is 12.58% by weight..
We have analyzed replicate samples of t.he com-
6. Heat. unt.il the water has been expelled and the mercial dry polymer products suppled by t.he
evolution of dense, whit.e fumes begins. There drilling fluid service companies and have found
should be a charring or discolorat.ion of t.he small that the average nit.rogen cont.ent of these dry
amount of liquid in flask. Cont.inue heating for polymer pr?ducts approximat.es 11.4% by weight.
1-2 minut.es. Do not. heat to dryness. (If using The precedmg calculations are therefore based on
digest.ion unit, set. temperature at. 425°C.) a dry powder product wit.h a total nit.rogen con-
t.ent of 11.4% by weight..
7. Add 10 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide. If using an
Erlenmeyer flask remove from heat. and cool If it. is det.ermined t.hat. the nit.rogen cont.ent. of the
before addit.ion. If using digest.ion apparat.us, add product being used in a given syst.em is substan-
t.o capillary funnel while st.ill heating. tially different from 11.4%, t.he resu\t.s obtained
with Equat.ion (l) above can be corrected as fol-
8. Boil unt.il all wat.er has been expelled and dense lows:
whit.e fumes are again visible. Conl.inue heat.ing
for 1-2 minutes. Corrected PIIPA)
( Content, lblbbl = Vallie from (I) above

9. Remove flask from heat., cool, and add about llA )

60-70 mL of water. Add 3-4 drops of t.hymol- x ( Actual Nitrogrn Con!.rnt
phthalein indicator and 7.0 mL 5N NaOH sol- of Product, in wt.%
ution, t.hen mix thoroughly. Solut.ion should be
colorless. If solution is blue, add 5N H 2S0 4 drop- A correction will also be necessary if at any step
wise until blue color disappears. Transfer t.o ill the procedure, a sample volume which dirTers
100 mL volumet.ric flask (if digesl.ion was per- from t.he specified amount is used.
formed in Erlenmeyer flask) and dilut.e to volume.

SPE 22Cj80


Procedure • Water Samples Interferences
The processing of samples from wast.ewater t.reat.- Since t.his met.hod is based on t.he total oxidation of
ment. or EOR operations can be performed in much t.he all organic material in t.he sample, t.he most common
same way as the drilling Ouid samples. The Oocculat.ion source of int.erferences are ot.her nit.rogen-cont.aining
st.ep may be omil.t.ed if t.he solids cont.ent. is low enough polymers. The most frequently encount.ered mat.erials of
t.o permit. filt.ration of a sample t.hrough the membrane t.his type are the vinyl amide-vinyl sulfonate copolymer
products which are used as high t.emperat.ure filt.rat.e
filter. Also, in cases where t.he polymer cont.ent. is quit.e reducers, and the polyacrylamide-cont.aining bent.onit.e
low, a larger sample size may be processed in order t.o ext.enders. These mat.erials must be absent for the
provide a nit.rogen cont.ent. in t.he opt.imum range for described t.est t.o be reliable. The majority of t.he
measurement. (1-10 mg/L in the final t.est. solut.ion). common products used in wat.er base mud systems do not

Table 1
Composition of Commercial Products*

% by Weight
Product Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Total
PHPA Product A 40.26 6.30 31.63 12.05 90.25
PHPA Product B 36.38 5.47 26.20 9.18 77.22
PHPA Product C 36.69 5.33 31.05 9.61 82.67
PHPA Product D 38.70 5.87 30.37 10.00 84.95
PHPA Product E 39.79 5.91 30.74 11.36 87.79
Theoretical + 46.21 5.65 26.70 12.58 91.14

* Pro~ucts are commercially available solid PHPA, obtained from drilling fluid service com-
+ For 30% .hydrolyzed PHPA

Table 2
Filtration Studies
1.0 lb/bbl PHPA in Deionized Water

Filtration PHPA Content

Media lb/bbl Mean, X RSD
None 1.02, 1.02, 1.02, 0.992 4.12
0.97, 0.93
0.8 micron 0.90, 0.93, 0.92, 0.916 1.24
0.92, 0.91
0.45 micron 0.83, 0.90, 0.90 0.872 3.92
0.89, 0.84
0.20 micron 0.28, 0.17, 0.20, 0.216 18.7
0.22, 0.21

SEE 22580

Table 3 Table 4
Filtration Studies
Filtration Studies
0.67 lb/bbl PHPA in 10% NaCI
Filtration PHPA Content
Media lb/bbl Mean, x: RSD Reduction of PHPA Content, %

None 0.70, 0.67, 0.68, 0.678 1.92 Filtration Media Deionized Water Salt Water
0.67, 0.67
0.8 micron 0.64, 0.63, 0.71, 0.672 5.20 None o o
0.69, 0.69 7.66 < 1.00
0.80 micron
0.45 micron 0.62, 0.61, 0.61 0.61 2.01
0.62, 0.59 0.45 micron 12.10 10.03
0.20 micron 0.34, 0.33, 0.34, 0.336 1.63 0.20 micron 78.23 50.44
0.33, 0.34

Table 6
Filtration Studies
Table 5 Comparison of PHPA Content of Filtrate
and Whole Muds·
Filtration Studies
Effect of Solids on API Filtration PHPA Content, lb/bbl
Sample API Fluid
~ Loss, mL Whole Mud API Filtrate
Sample No. 1 No control 0.94, 0.99 1.02, 0.99
1 2 3 4 0.81, 0.80
2 98 1.00, 1.04
1.0 lb/bbl PHPA 350 350 350 350
Solution, mL 3 25 0.95,0.93 0.44, 0.43
Composite Shale, g 0 1 5 10 4 14 0.92,0.89 0.29, 0.29
Mixing Time, min 20 20 20 20
API Fluid Loss, mL N/C 98 25 14 * The filtrate samples were digested and analyzed without
further treatment. Whole mud samples were flocculated,
filtered, digested, and analyzed.

Table 7
Typical Drilling Fluid Properties
Catoosa Test Wells

2/21/90 2/27/90
Mud weight, lb/gal 8.85 8.70
Plastic viscosity, cP 14 12
Yield point, Ib/100 sq ft 6 11
10 second Gel Strength, Ib/100 sq ft 1 2
10 minute Gel Strength, Ib/100 sq ft 1 2
API Fluid Loss, mL/30 min 6.8 10.2
Total Solids, % by volume 4 3
MBT, lb/bbl Bentonite equivalent 5 2.5
pH 8.1 9.5
Chloride, mg/L 4000 2900

Table 8
PHPA Field Test - Catoosa Lease
Comparison of Analytical Results to
Table 9
Material Balance Calculations Typical Drilling Fluid Properties
ARCO Alaska Well
PHPA, lb/bbl
Sample Data Analysis Material Balance 5/8/91 5/12/91
2/2/90 1.64 1.64 Mud weight, lb/gal 9.0 9.6
2/5/90 2.30 1.97 Plastic viscosity, cP 13 10
2/6/90 1.90 1.97 Yield point, Ib/100 sq ft 4 15
2/7/90 1.92 2.13 10 second Gel Strength, Ib/100 sq ft 1 5
2/12/90 1.34 1.34 10 minute Gel Strength, Ib/100 sq ft 6 15
2/13/90 1.41 1.38 API Fluid Loss, mL/30 min 6.5 6.8
2/14/90 1.37 1.38 Total Solids, % by volume 3 9
2/15/90 1.39 1.38 MBT, lb/bbl Bentonite equivalent 9 16
2/16/90 1.82 1.79 pH 8.6 9
2/17/90 2.11 1.96 Potassium, mg/L 2300 3700
2/20/90 2.00 1.96
2/21/90 1.87 1.96
2/26/90 1.08 1.08
2/27/90 0.79 0.89
2/28/90 0.97 1.09
3/1/90 0.90 1.30

Table 10
Comparison of Laboratory To Field Data
ARCO Alaska Well

Sample Laboratory Data

Date Time Solids, vol % Field Field** Amoco* ARCO* Avg STD DEV
5/3/91 12:00 PM 3 0.60 0.62 0.74 0.57 0.66 0.1004
5/4/91 2:00 PM 5 0.55 0.58 0.76 0.72 0.74 0.0741
5/5/91 2:00 PM 5 0.65 0.68 0.78 0.65 0.72 0.0911
5/6/91 2:00 PM 6 0.70 0.74 0.84 0.77 0.81 0.0656
5/7/91 2:00 PM 6 0.70 0.74 0.89 0.84 0.87 0.0597
5/8/91 1:00 PM 6 0.65 0.69 0.83 0.75 0.81 0.0479
5/9/91 3:00 PM 7 0.65 0.70 0.90 0.82 0.86 0.0753
5/10/91 6:00 PM 8 0.68 0.73 0.80 0.82 0.82 0.0191
5/11/91 2:00 PM 9 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.79 0.81 0.0434
5/12/91 3:00 PM 9 0.68 0.74 0.92 0.98 0.95 0.0299

Field results obtained by use of method described by Fraser

* Results from both Amoco and ARCO laboratories obtained by use of new method as
described in Appendix. Replicate determinations performed in each lab.
** Adjusted for reported solids content of the mud system.

Figure 1
PHPA Field Test - Catoosa Lease
Comparison of Analytical Results to Material Balance Calculations
3 -.--------------------.,

---- ...~.
. .

1- .- : - - : .

0.... Legend
• Muterial

o Anulysis
o- t - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - " " " " I - - - - - - - - I
15 20 25 30
Test Number


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