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Chemosphere 62 (2006) 80–88

Evaluation of boron removal from water

by hydrotalcite-like compounds
Odair Pastor Ferreira a,*, Sandra Gomes de Moraes b, Nelson Durán b,c
Lorena Cornejo d,e, Oswaldo Luiz Alves a
LQES—Laboratório de Quı́mica do Estado Sólido, Instituto de Quı́mica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP,
Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, s/n, C.P. 6154, CEP 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Laboratório de Quı́mica Biológica, Instituto de Quı́mica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP,
C.P. 6154, CEP 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Núcleo de Ciências Ambientais, Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, Mogi das Cruzes, SP, Brazil
Área de Quı́mica Analı́tica y Ambiental, Departamento de Quı́mica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Tarapacá,
Arica, Casilla 7D, Chile
Centro de Investigaciones del Hombre en el Desierto, Arica, Chile

Received 2 September 2004; received in revised form 2 February 2005; accepted 3 April 2005
Available online 3 June 2005


Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) or hydrotalcite (HT)-like compounds with different kinds of metal ions (Mg–Al
and Mg–Fe) in the brucite-like sheets were prepared and their adsorption properties were studied in the boron removal
from aqueous solution under laboratory conditions. The hydrotalcites were synthesized by the coprecipitation method
and were characterized by chemical analyses, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR) and specific surface area measurements (BET). The affinity of these materials with a mixture of B(OH)3 and
BðOHÞ 4 was studied as a function of contact time, initial pH of the solutions, HT quantity and B concentration
(adsorption isotherms). It was found that 120 min is enough time for the equilibrium state to be reached in boron
adsorption. Boron removal was independent of the initial pH of the solutions because of the high buffering capacity
of the LDHs. On the other hand, the adsorption capacity increases with increasing the adsorbent quantity. The adsorp-
tion isotherms, described by the Langmuir model, are of L-type, suggesting that BðOHÞ 4 is adsorbed preferentially on
HT-like materials. Besides, Mg–Al hydrotalcites showed higher adsorption capacity than Mg–Fe. We proposed that in
Mg–Al hydrotalcites, the boron removal occurs by both adsorption on external surface and ion exchange, whereas for
Mg–Fe it occurs only by surface adsorption. After treatment of a solution containing 5.2 mgB l1 with Mg–Al hydro-
talcites the final boron concentration reached the recommended limit by WHO for drinking water (0.5 mg l1).
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydrotalcite (HT)-like compounds; Layered double hydroxides; Boron removal; Water treatment

1. Introduction
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 19 3788 3394; fax: +55 19
3788 3023. Boron is naturally found in groundwater and its
E-mail address: (O.P. Ferreira). concentration depends on the surrounding geological

0045-6535/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O.P. Ferreira et al. / Chemosphere 62 (2006) 80–88 81

characteristics. Its presence in surface water occurs positive (brucite-like sheets) and negative (anions)
frequently as a consequence of the discharge of treated layers, consecutively (Cavani et al., 1991; Newman and
sewage effluents. This element is generally found in nat- Jones, 1998; Rives and Ulibarri, 1999; Ferreira et al.,
ural water as boric acid, B(OH)3, and/or borate, 2004).
BðOHÞ 4 (Peak et al., 2003). Boron is an essential micro- LDHs can be readily synthesized by coprecipitation
nutrient for plants, although it may be toxic at higher methods under laboratory conditions (Reichle, 1985).
levels. The range in which it is converted from a nutri- The physical–chemical properties of the LDHs depend
ent to a contaminant is quite narrow. The boron on the M2+ and M3+ nature, interlayer anion and x val-
concentration recommended by the World Heath Orga- ues (responsible for the charge in the layers). These
nization (WHO) for drinking water is 0.5 mg l1 (WHO, materials can interact with anions both by the interlayer
1998), but some places in the world present a much space and external surface. Due to the presence of a
higher level of this element in water. Borate toxicity is huge number of exchangeable anions (2–5 mmol g1)
of extreme concern for agriculture in arid regions and and their relatively large surface areas (10–120 m2 g1)
in poorly drained soils of high salinity. Therefore, boron (Miyata, 1983), HT are good ion exchangers/adsorbents
removal from water is of great importance in several for removal of toxic anions from contaminated waters.
situations. LDHs have been studied as potential adsorbents for sev-
There is no universal method for the removal of bor- eral anionic species like dichromate, selenate, fluoride,
on from water. One or more methods may be applied Phenols, dyes, pesticides, phosphate, among others (Uli-
according to the boron concentration in the medium. barri et al., 1995; Goswamee et al., 1998; Inacio et al.,
The main removal processes studied so far involve some 2001; Das et al., 2002, 2003; Ferreira and Alves, 2002;
of the following processes: precipitation–coagulation, Seida and Nakano, 2002; You et al., 2002). The anion
adsorption, ion exchange, solvent extraction after boron exchange properties of LDHs are affected considerably
complexation, ultrafiltration and the use of boron selec- by the nature of the interlayer anions. LDHs generally
tive resins, particularly Amberlite XE243 (Okay et al., have greater affinities for anions with higher charge den-
1985; Goldberg et al., 1993; Keren et al., 1994; Smith sity, like carbonate, which is preferentially intercalated,
et al., 1995; Rajakovic and Ristic, 1996; Lou et al., preventing further ion exchange (Miyata, 1983; Sato
1999; Simonnot et al., 2000; Öztürk and Kavak, 2004; et al., 1986).
Polat et al., 2004). These investigations have shown that HT-like compounds have already been used for boron
treatments using selective resins are suitable for drinking adsorption. Parker et al. (1995) utilized a commercial HT
water, despite their high application and regeneration (Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3 Æ 4H2O) and synthetic ones contain-
costs (Simonnot et al., 2000). Therefore, novel materials ing sulfate and chloride anions for the adsorption of dif-
and methods are needed for the treatment of waters con- ferent anions such as F, Br, BðOHÞ 
4 , NO3 and
taminated with boron. HPO4 . Zhang and Reardon (2003) showed possible bor-
In recent years, some sorption (adsorption, bio- on removal from aqueous solution by in situ precipita-
sorption and ion exchange) processes have gained tion of hydrocalumite Ca4Al2(OH)12(OH)2 Æ 6H2O. In
importance as effective purification and separation tech- the present work, we present a systematic study employ-
niques for removal of toxic substances from water due to ing LDHs on boron removal [a mixture of B(OH)3 and
the preparation of some innovative materials. One of BðOHÞ 4 ], which was investigated by the batch adsorp-
these promising materials belong to the family of syn- tion methods. We prepared HT-like compounds with dif-
thetic compounds called layered double hydroxides ferent kinds of metal ions (Mg–Al and Mg–Fe) in the
(LDHs) or hydrotalcite (HT)-like compounds. The gen- brucite-like sheets and evaluated the effect of some
eral chemical formula of these lamellar solids is written parameters such as contact time, initial pH of the boron
as [M2+1xM3+x(OH)2](An)x/n Æ mH2O, where M2+ is a solution, boron concentration (adsorption isotherms)
divalent cation (Mg2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Cd2+), and HT quantity on the efficiency of boron removal. Fur-
M3+ is a trivalent cation (Al3+, Fe3+, Cr3+, Ga3+), An thermore, through adsorption isotherms were evaluated
is an anion and x is defined as the M3+/M2+ + M3+ ratio, the maximum adsorption capacity for each adsorbent.
whose value varies between 0.2 and 0.33. These solids The results reported here provide evidence for the reme-
present a brucite-like structure, where metallic cations diation of boron present in waters using HT-like com-
are located in the center of an edge-sharing octahedral pounds as adsorbent.
network. Isomorphous substitution of divalent cations
by trivalent ones generates positive charges on the lay-
ers, which are compensated by anions located in the 2. Materials and methods
interlayer region. Water molecules are also found in
the interlayer space. Both anions and water molecules All chemicals (reagent grade, Ecibra or Vetec) were
are arranged in a liquid-like configuration. Therefore, used as received, without further purification. All solu-
HT-like compounds can be viewed as a stacking of tions were prepared with deionized water.
82 O.P. Ferreira et al. / Chemosphere 62 (2006) 80–88

2.1. Preparation of hydrotalcites at 25 °C, centrifuged and the supernatant boron concen-
trations were determined.
Mg–Al and Mg–Fe hydrotalcites with Mg2+/M3+
(M = Al3+ or Fe3+) molar ratios equal to 2 were syn-
2.3. Chemical analysis and physical measurements
thesized by the co-precipitation method at variable
pH. An aqueous solution (70 ml) containing 0.1 mol of Metal contents of the HDLs were determined by
Mg(NO3)2 Æ 6H2O and 0.05 mol of Al(NO3)3 Æ 9H2O or Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spec-
Fe(NO3)3 Æ 9H2O was added dropwise under vigorous trometry (ICP OES), using a Perkin-Elmer instrument
mechanical stirring into 150 ml of a 2.0 M NaOH solu- model Optima 3000 DV, after dissolving the samples
tion. During this process, the temperature was kept at in 0.1 M HCl. Boron contents in all supernatant solu-
45 ± 3 °C. Once the addition of the nitrates was com- tions were also determined by ICP OES, using a Jobin
pleted, a thick slurry was obtained, which was heated Yvon instrument model JY 50P (Sah and Brown,
for 2 h at 85 ± 3 °C for ageing. The solid products were 1997). Carbon and nitrogen were determined by elemen-
separated by filtration and washed several times with tal microanalyses using a Perkin-Elmer Model 2400
deionized water until pH 7–8. Finally, the solids were CHN Analyzer. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pat-
dried at 60 °C for 24 h and crushed below 105 lm. The terns were obtained with a Shimadzu XRD6000 diffrac-
materials will be named hereafter as HTFe for Mg–Fe tometer, using CuKa (k = 1.5406 Å) radiation at 30 mA
hydrotalcite and HTAl for Mg–Al hydrotalcite. and 40 kV and a scanning rate of 1° min1. Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra were re-
2.2. Adsorption experiments corded using KBr pellets on a Bomem MB spectrometer
over the 4000–400 cm1 range. ATR-FTIR spectra were
All solutions were prepared and stocked in polyethyl- recorded on a Bomem FTLA2000, equipped with a
ene or TeflonTM flasks. The adsorption experiments were MIRacleTM ATR accessory. The specific surface areas
carried out in 50 ml polyethylene centrifuge tubes. Bor- (BET) were determined using a Flowsorb 2300 from
on stock solutions were prepared from Na2B4O7 Æ 10- Micromeritics Instrument Corporation.
H2O. Most of the experiments were carried out at the
same pH of the stock solution (pH  9) and at room
temperature (around 25 °C). 3. Results and discussion
The time-dependent adsorption of B on HTFe and
HTAl was carried out with 100 mg of the adsorbent 3.1. Characterization of the hydrotalcites
and 40 ml of 26 mg l1 boron solution (2.5 grams of
adsorbent per liter of solution). The mixtures were stir- The results of chemical analyses for Mg, Al and Fe
red at low speed (100 rpm) for different time intervals showed that the Mg/Al and Mg/Fe molar ratios were
(10–120 min), centrifuged and the boron concentrations 2.1 and 1.9 for HTAl and HTFe, respectively. The molar
in the supernatant were then determined. ratio values observed for the precipitated solids are very
The effect of the adsorbent quantity on boron re- close to the nominal ratios used for preparing the start-
moval was investigated using 40 ml of 18 mg l1 boron ing solutions, thus showing that the precipitation pro-
solutions, with increasing amounts of HTAl and HTFe cesses were efficient.
(20–200 mg). The mixtures were stirred for 120 min, cen- The X-ray diffraction patterns for the as-prepared
trifuged and the supernatant solutions were collected for LDH are shown in Fig. 1a. The XRD patterns show
boron determination. sharp and symmetric peaks at lower 2h values, which
pH-dependent experiments were carried out by are characteristic of HT-like compounds (lamellar com-
adjusting the initial pH (in the 4–10 range) of the boron pounds), and also indicate a high degree of crystallinity
solution (18 mg l1) using 0.1 M HNO3 or 0.1 M NaOH of the parent samples (Ferreira et al., 2004). All the dif-
solutions. One hundred milligrams of HTAl and HTFe fraction peaks can be indexed to the space group R3m,
were weighed into centrifuge tubes and 40 ml of the thus revealing that the hydrotalcites crystallized in a
stock solution with adjusted pH was added and stirred rhombohedral structure (JCPDS card 22-0700 and
for 120 min. Then, the pH was measured again, the mix- JCPDS card 25-0521). The results agree well with
tures were centrifuged and the supernatant boron con- previous reports (Del Arco et al., 2000; Das et al.,
centrations were determined. 2002). The (0 0 3) and (0 0 6) peaks (Fig. 1a) are attrib-
Adsorption isotherms were obtained by the batch uted to basal reflections, corresponding to successive
equilibration technique. One hundred milligrams of stacking of the brucite-like sheets. The remainder peaks
HTAl and HTFe were weighed into centrifuge tubes in Fig. 1a are attributed to non-basal reflections. Sec-
and then these were filled with 40 ml of aqueous solu- ondary phases such as Fe(OH)3, Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2
tions of boron (pH  9) ranging in concentration from were not observed in the XRD patterns of the prepared
0 to 50.0 mg l1. The mixtures were stirred for 120 min samples.
O.P. Ferreira et al. / Chemosphere 62 (2006) 80–88 83

carbonate could be located in the interlayer spaces of

both samples.

The FTIR spectra of the as-prepared HTFe and
HTAl samples are shown in Fig. 1b. The broad band ob-
served in the 4000–3000 cm1 range is attributed to the
O–H stretching mode (mO–H). The OH groups are pres-
ent in the layers and also in both adsorbed and interla-
mellar water. The mode at about 1640 cm1 is assigned



500 cps to HOH deformation (dH–O–H), thus confirming the
presence of water molecules in the interlayer region of
the parent materials. The band observed at approxi-

mately 1400 cm1 is actually formed by two peaks: a

sharp one centered at 1385 cm1 and a broader one at



1360 cm1 (marked with an upward arrow). These


250 cps

modes are assigned to the m3 (asymmetric stretching
10 20 30 40 50 60 mode) of nitrate and carbonate anions, respectively
2θ (degrees) (Hernandez-Moreno et al., 1985; Das et al., 2002). The
two weak bands located at about 825 and 835 cm1 have
(b) been identified as the m2 [out-of-plane deformation
mode] of nitrate anions. Therefore, FTIR results corrob-
HTAl orate with the CHN analysis, indicating the presence of
both carbonate and nitrate in the interlayer spaces of
HTFe and HTAl. The remaining bands below
T (%)

1000 cm1 are due to metal oxygen vibrations (Hernan-

HTFe dez-Moreno et al., 1985).
Specific surface areas of the two compounds were
determined by the single-point BET method and were
found to be 5 and 20 m2 g1 for HTAl and HTFe,

4000 3600 3200 2800 1600 1200 800 400

3.2. Adsorption
Wavenumber (cm-1)

Fig. 1. (a) XRD patterns of HTFe and HTAl. (b) FTIR spectra It is well know that Na2B4O7 Æ 10H2O is an excellent
of HTFe and HTAl. buffer (pH  9), dissociating completely into equal con-
centrations of neutral boric acid, B(OH)3, and borate,
BðOHÞ 4 (Eq. (1)). In concentrated aqueous solutions
polyborates can be formed by combining B(OH)3 and
Using the (0 0 3) peaks and Bragg equation it is pos-
BðOHÞ 4 , but in dilute solutions the presence of poly-
sible to calculate the interlayer space (d-spacing, layer
borates is negligible (Momii and Nachtrieb, 1967; Smith
thickness + gallery height) of the HT-like compounds.
and Wiersema, 1972; Stevenson et al., 1997)
The interlayer space of HT-like compounds depends
on the geometry and the size of the anion, M2+/M3+ B4 O2 
7 þ 7H2 O
2BðOHÞ3 þ 2BðOHÞ4 ð1Þ
molar ratio, and for some anions, on the degree of
hydration. The interlayer spacing calculated for HTAl Boric acid, B(OH)3, and its anion borate, BðOHÞ
4, be-
and HTFe are 8.89 and 7.85 Å, respectively, which are have quite differently from most other oxyanions. Bo-
typical values for nitrate and carbonate-containing rate can be formed by the addition of one hydroxyl
HT. Therefore, the synthesized HTAl has mainly nitrate group to boric acid (Eq. (2)). The anion concentration
in the interlayer spaces, whereas HTFe presents mainly in solution is pH-dependent. At pH values around 9.0,
carbonate (Cavani et al., 1991; Del Arco et al., 2000). the B(OH)3 and BðOHÞ 4 concentrations are practically
Nitrate is present in the metal salts used for the synthesis the same, while at higher pH values (11.0), BðOHÞ 4
and carbonate must have resulted from CO2 present in is the predominant species (pKa = 9.2) (Lou et al.,
aqueous solution, since these syntheses were not pro- 1999; Peak et al., 2003)
cessed with decarbonated water and under inert atmo-
4 ð2Þ
sphere (Cavani et al., 1991; Newman and Jones, 1998).
However, CHN analyses (not shown here) showed N The pH of the borate solutions studied were approxi-
and C in all samples, suggesting that both nitrate and mately 9.0, suggesting a buffering behavior. In all
84 O.P. Ferreira et al. / Chemosphere 62 (2006) 80–88

experiments, only the presence of B(OH)3 and BðOHÞ

4 Comparing the kinetic curves shown in Fig. 2, it is
species in solution was considered. probable that boron is only adsorbed on the external
surface of HTFe. Miyata (1983) showed that divalent
3.3. Effect of contact time anions interact more strongly with the brucite-like sheets
than monovalent ones. The strong interactions between
The variation of boron adsorption as a function of carbonate anions and hydrotalcite lamellae inhibit anio-
time is shown in Fig. 2. The kinetic curves show that nic exchange for HTFe, since this adsorbent have mainly
the equilibrium time and adsorption capacity of HTAl carbonate in the interlayer space (Sato et al., 1986). Due
and HTFe are quite different. We observed that adsorp- to the smaller surface area showed by HTAl, one could
tion of boron is a fast process on HT-like compounds. expect lower adsorption capacity for this sample. How-
This behavior has already been reported in the adsorp- ever, Fig. 2 shows the opposite, and we believe that the
tion of anionic species on HT-like compounds (Her- most probable reason for that is the occurrence of both
mosı́n et al., 1996; Inacio et al., 2001; Das et al., removal mechanisms commented above, adsorption fol-
2002). Using HTAl as adsorbent, the removed amount lowed by anion exchange. In this adsorbent, anion ex-
of boron presents an initial step (10 min) and after that change can occur due to the presence of nitrate as the
it increases slowly until approximately 80 min. The main interlayer species (Miyata, 1983). The ion ex-
amount of adsorbed boron was 9.20 mg g1. For HTFe, change of nitrate by others anionic species in HT-like
only 10 min were necessary for reaching equilibrium and compounds has been abundantly described in the litera-
the maximum amount of adsorbed boron was ture (Del Arco et al., 2000; Komarneni et al., 2003;
3.13 mg g1. Tamura et al., 2004).
It is well known that HT-like compounds interact The experiments of contact time suggest that 120 min
strongly with anionic species due to the existence of po- is enough to reach the equilibrium state in the boron
sitive charges on the lamellae and also over their exter- adsorption on HT-like compounds studied.
nal surface (Inacio et al., 2001). This property makes
possible the occurrence of two different mechanisms of 3.4. Effect of solution pH
anion removal: (i) adsorption on external surface (faster)
and (ii) ion exchange (slower) (Cavani et al., 1991; New- The effect of the initial pH on boron removal for
man and Jones, 1998). The adsorption process depends HTFe and HTAl samples are shown in Fig. 3a. 0.1 M
on the variable charge density on the surface and of HNO3 and NaOH solutions were used for pH adjust-
the surface area of the adsorbent. On the other hand, ments. Buffer solutions were not used in order to avoid
ion exchange has its occurrence conditioned to the na- contamination of foreign anions, since it is well recog-
ture of the interlayer anions present in the sample (Mi- nized that secondary anions extensively affect adsorp-
yata, 1983; Sato et al., 1986). Generally, the adsorption tion (You et al., 2002; Das et al., 2003). Miyata (1983)
process is faster than ion exchange because of the strong showed that the ion selectivity in HT-like compounds
interaction (Coulomb forces) between negative ions and is in the following order: OH > F > Cl > Br >
the positive external surface and due to the high exposi- NO3 > I and divalent anions have higher ion selectiv-
tion of the external surface of the hydrotalcites, while ity than monovalent ones. Based on these previous stud-

ion exchange is a diffusion process. ies, we believe that NO3 and OH have a minor effect
on boron adsorption compared to conventional buffer
The amount of boron removed was higher for HTAl
than for HTFe (Fig. 3a). However, the maximum
amount of boron removed for each adsorbent remains
practically constant in the pH range studied. In other
Removal (mg B/g)

HTAl words, the adsorption process was pH independent.

6 HTFe
The relationship between the initial and equilibrium
pH for boron adsorption suggests that LDHs have high
4 pH buffering capacities (Fig. 3a). Thus, when the ini-
tial pH was low, the pH increased due to dissolution
2 of the HT-like compounds. When the initial pH was
high, the decrease in pH was related to OH adsorption
0 directly from the solution by LDHs (Hermosı́n et al.,
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
1996). Therefore, boron removal was carried out at only
Time (min)
one pH value (equilibrium pH) and, as a consequence,
Fig. 2. Effect of time on boron adsorption (C0 = 26 mgB l1 the amount of boron removed remained constant irre-
and pH = 9.2). spective to the pH of the starting boron solution due
O.P. Ferreira et al. / Chemosphere 62 (2006) 80–88 85

100 12 3.5. Adsorbent dose

HTAl (a)

10 The amount of boron removed from 18 mg l1 boron
solutions increases by increasing the adsorbent quantity
% of adsorpition

HTAl for both adsorbents (Fig. 4a). For HTAl, the amount of

Final pH
boron adsorbed reaches a plateau at 2.5 g l1 with maxi-
6 mum adsorption around 92%. On the other hand, for
40 HTFe a plateau was not observed in the studied dose
HTFe 4 range and the maximum adsorption was around 33%.
20 For HTAl (from 2.5 g l1 on), the increase in the
2 number of adsorption sites (increase of adsorbent mass)
0 did not result in the increase of boron removed. This
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 observation indicates that the chemical equilibrium
Initial pH
existing between the species of boron in solution and
50 the equilibrium in the solid-solution interface may be
(b) responsible for such behavior. We performed ATR-
FTIR measurements in the HTAl compound submitted
Conc. of Mg2+ (mg/l)

to the treatment of the boron-containing water and we
30 verified the presence of BðOHÞ 4 on its surface (Fig.
4b). BðOHÞ 4 and B(OH)3 present distinct bands in
20 the infrared spectra (Su and Suarez, 1995; Peak et al.,
2003). BðOHÞ 4 presents a characteristic band in 955
10 cm1 attributed to the asymmetric stretching of tetrahe-
dral boron, while B(OH)3 presents a band in 1410 cm1
0 assigned to the B–O asymmetric stretching of trigonal
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Initial pH

Fig. 3. (a) Effect of pH on boron removal. (b) Concentration of 100

Mg2+ after boron removal.
% of adsorption

to the buffering effect of the adsorbent. Other authors 60 HTAl

have also observed the buffering effect of hydrotalcite- HTFe
like compounds. You et al. (2001) observed this studying 40
SeO23 adsorption in Mg–Al and Zn–Al hydrotalcites,
where the amount of anion removed was almost con- 20
stant in the pH range where this effect was observed. Sei-
da and Nakano (2002) observed the same effect studying 0
phosphate adsorption in Mg–Fe and Ca–Fe 0 1 2 3 4 5
hydrotalcite. Adsorbent quantity (g/l)
An important point to be evaluated is the stability of
the adsorbent in the adsorption process. If metals are re- HTAl-containing adsorved boron (b)
leased in the solution, it would be important that this
amount of metals keeps below the levels that are harm- 955
ful or to choose low toxicity cations. The amount of
T (%)

magnesium ion released from the compounds decreased HTAl

with increasing initial pH (Fig. 3b). This result shows
higher stability of the brucite-like sheets at higher pH
values which is expected, since these materials are
hydroxides. The amount of Mg2+ released from HTFe
was smaller than from HTAl. Fig. 3b provides some
interesting points: (i) adsorption performed in pH values
higher than 7 induces a decrease in the amount of re- 3900 3600 3300 1800 1500 1200 900
Wavenumber (cm-1)
leased metals (natural waters usually present pH in the
range of 7–9); (ii) the nature of the metals in the bru- Fig. 4. (a) Adsorption of boron as a function of adsorbent
cite-like sheets would be also an important issue in the quantity. (b) ATR-FTIR spectra of HTAl and HTAl contain-
control of the releasing of metals. ing adsorbed boron.
86 O.P. Ferreira et al. / Chemosphere 62 (2006) 80–88

boron. In Fig. 4b we clearly observe a band at 955 cm1 tively. Using this model, it was possible to calculate
(marked with up arrow) of BðOHÞ 4. the maximum capacity of boron removal as 14.0 mg g1
When BðOHÞ 4 is adsorbed in the HTAl surface, the for HTAl and 3.6 mg g1 for HTFe. Therefore, the
equilibrium described in Eq. (2) would be shifted to adsorption capacity of HTAl is much higher than that
the right. However, in a limit value of concentration of HTFe. The process may not be described as a pure
there would not have the conversion of B(OH)3 to adsorption in the case of HTAl, but as a combination
BðOHÞ 4 and, because of that we would still have boron of adsorption and ion exchange (Hermosı́n et al., 1996).
in the solution. This way, even if we increase the number It is important to comment that when HTAl was used
of adsorption sites, the amount of boron removed would for the treatment of water containing 5.2 mg l1 of bor-
be the same, once hydrotalcite-like compounds can not on (in the adsorption isotherms experiments) it was pos-
remove B(OH)3. sible to reach the limit recommend by WHO to boron
For the HTFe sample, as the amount of adsorbed concentration in drinking water: 0.5 mg l1. This result
BðOHÞ 4 is smaller in each step, the equilibrium would suggests that HT-like compounds can either be used as
not reach its extreme conditions, and consequently by adsorbent for boron removal in natural water or partic-
increasing the number of adsorption sites we observed ipate in the purification process.
the increase in the amount of boron removed.

3.6. Adsorption isotherms 4. Conclusions

The boron adsorption isotherms on HTFe and HTAl In this study we showed that Mg–Fe (HTFe) and
at 25 °C are shown in Fig. 5. Isotherm profiles can give Mg–Al (HTAl) hydrotalcite-like compounds can be used
information about the nature of the adsorbed species as adsorbents for boron removal [BðOHÞ 4 ] from aque-
(Hermosı́n et al., 1996). According to the classification ous media. It was found that 120 min is enough for
proposed by Giles et al. (1960), both are L-type (sub- the equilibrium state to be reached in the adsorption
group 2) isotherms, indicating that the interaction sor- experiments.
bate–sorbent is much stronger than solvent–sorbent at The HT-like compounds synthesized showed high pH
the adsorption sites. Isotherms with this profile are typ- buffering capacities and, consequently, the amount of
ical of systems where the monofunctional adsorbate is boron removed was independent of the initial pH. On
strongly attracted by the adsorbent, mostly by ion–ion the other hand, the boron removal was dependent of
interaction, reaching a saturation value given by the iso- the adsorbent dose. When HTAl was used as adsorbent,
therm plateau. These results again suggest that BðOHÞ 4 a maximum adsorption was found at 2.5 g l1 (92%).
anions are preferentially removed. L-type isotherms After this point, the increase in adsorbent dose (increase
have been reported by others authors for the adsorption in the number of adsorption sites) did not result in the
of inorganic anions on HT-like compounds (You et al., increase of the boron removal capacity. However, when
2001). HTFe was used as adsorbent, the boron removal in-
The data obtained from the adsorption process was creased linearly with increasing adsorbent dose, but
fitted into the linearly transformed Langmuir adsorption the maximum removal capacity of removal was only
isotherm. Our data nicely fit the Langmuir model, with 33%.
r2 = 0.999 and r2 = 0.994, for HTFe and HTAl, respec- Adsorption isotherms were performed for initial B
concentrations ranging from 0 to 50 mg l1. The iso-
therms are L-type for both adsorbent indicating an
15 ion–ion interaction and that BðOHÞ 4 is the chemical
species adsorbed. The adsorption can be described by
12 the Langmuir model and the maximum adsorption
capacity was 14.0 and 3.6 mgB g1 for HTAl and HTFe,
respectively. Therefore, the adsorption capacity of HTAl
qe (mg/g)

is much higher than that of HTFe. This difference in the
6 boron removal performance was attributed to the fact
HTFe that in the case of HTAl the removal process may not
3 be described as a pure adsorption, but as a combination
of adsorption and ion exchange, while for HTFe adsorp-
0 tion was the only process responsible for B removal.
0 10 20 30 40 HTAl have mainly nitrate in the interlayer space, which
Ce (mg B/l) can be exchanged by others anionic species, whereas
HTFe present mainly carbonate, which interacts
Fig. 5. Adsorption isotherms on HTAl and HTFe. strongly with the brucite-like sheets and therefore can
O.P. Ferreira et al. / Chemosphere 62 (2006) 80–88 87

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