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Group No Section

Group Members Name Experiment Date

Title of Experiment

No Criteria Fail Pass Satisfactory / Acceptable High Satisfactory Excellent
1 Cover page or First page heading All required parts missing Some parts are missing or All required parts are clearly
This section of the report should contain error written
include a heading with the author and
group members name, experiment
title and date, as well as course title
0-1 2 3 4 5
and the semester.

Objectives  Purpose of experiment is not  Purpose of experiment  Purpose of experiment is  Purpose of experiment is  Purpose of experiment is
This section should include a concise identified. is somewhat vague. clearly identified but merely clearly identified, not entirely clearly identified, with own
statement of the purpose of the  Relevant input variables and  Relevant input copying from lab sheet. copying from lab sheet. writing style.
experiment. Although it is acceptable desired outputs are not variables and desired  Relevant input variables  Relevant input variables  Relevant input variables and
to copy things directly from the lab described. outputs are not and desired outputs are and desired outputs are desired outputs are clearly
experiment sheet, nevertheless it is described. described. clearly described. described.
pertinent that you understand what
suppose to be done as well as the
purpose it is being done and clearly
write them in your own words
0-1 2 3 4 5

List of Equipment used  There is not a list of the  Most of the  All necessary lab  All necessary lab  All necessary lab equipments
This section should include a equipments need. equipments needed are equipments needed are equipments needed are needed are included are
complete listing of all materials i.e. listed. included but copied from lab included are not merely written originally IN OWN
equipments, parts and components sheet. copying from lab sheet, but WORDS and OWN WRITING
to complete the experiment. not listed in a particular STYLE.
Although it is acceptable to copy order.
3 things directly from the lab
experiment sheet, nevertheless it is
pertinent that you understand what
is needed to run the experiment IN 0-1 2 3 4 5

Experimental Setup/ Procedures  There is not a list of procedures  Only most of the  All necessary procedures  All necessary lab  All necessary lab procedures
This section should include a explained procedures are listed needed are included but procedures needed are needed are included are
complete lay out of the procedure i.e. merely copied from lab sheet included are not merely written originally
steps, circuit diagrams complete the copying from lab sheet, but
experiment. Although it is acceptable not listed in a particular
to copy things directly from the lab order
experiment sheet, nevertheless it is
pertinent that you understand what
4 suppose to be done as well as the
purpose it is being done and clearly
write them in your own words. It is
acceptable to write this section in
either bullet/ list format or paragraph 0-1 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
format, as long as it completely
recalls all steps taken during lab.

Data Collected Fail Pass Satisfactory / Acceptable High Satisfactory Excellent

This section should include all data/
5 result collected in the lab.

0 3 5 10 15

Discussion of result Result not stated at all Result was not clearly Result was clearly stated. But Result was clearly stated. Result was clearly stated. And
This is where any questions asked stated and objectives not theoretically reasoning not And theoretically reasoning theoretically reasoning is well
during the lab or required results explained well well explained is well explained. explained by own words
should be answered or explained. It
6 is also important to state any reasons
explaining discrepancy in the result
from the expected or not matching
0-7 8-14 15-21 22-28 29-35
theoretically-backed result.

Conclusion No conclusion included Poor Fair Good Excellent

This should be discussion of whether
the data is in the context of the
7 objectives of the experiment and
what can be concluded from the
0-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15


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