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Cheboygan day essay

By Kamron Pillette
What would you do if someone made a baseless claim without knowing who
you are? Owen is a character in the story “Cheboygan day” he is not a mean
person, but he wants to follow in the footsteps of his group. This character
lives in a small town of few people. Every summer they have this event
called the seafood festival and it only lasts 10 days. One boy and one girl
from a city came to this school. But “Owen” is stuck helping the new girl
which many people in his friend group do not like.
Owen is an odd character in the story he relates to the group but also on his
own at the same time. This character is not mean but speaks out for others. A
lot of other characters in the story do not like the girl Cheboygan's aura or
energy that comes from her. Owen sticks up for her not knowing much about
her character not wanting himself to be affiliated with her not to be liked by
the group.
However, Owen does not oppose any idea coming from the group. For
instance, in paragraph 101 Owen states (The girl Cheboygan did not do
anything causing the class to turn their neck to turn around to him). But also,
in paragraph 105 Owen says (Hadn’t it been enough to defend her in
homeroom) as in him not wanting the girl to talk to him. Owen is a coward
but also does not want to be seen as scared. Owen is afraid of letting the girl
cheboygan like him as the group will not see it as cool. This shows how owen
is a coward and too afraid of not being cool to the rest of the group. Owen is
a good character in the story, but he is not good at expressing his own
emotions. I would say this lastly as in owen is scared and afraid of not being
liked by others. As stated by owen in paragraph 20 (The girl who had stolen
my seat slowly raised her hand) being too afraid to talk to the girl who sat in
his seat. But also taking his seat with no aggression. Owen is not afraid but
not able to show his true emotion to the girl cheboygan. Several
examples were made throughout the essay displaying owens cowardly and
fearful behavior. Owen often hides his emotions and tends to go along with
his friends. By doing this owen does not express his emotions about people.
By not expressing himself he is hurting himself and others associating with
him. By not showing his true colors he is avoiding becoming his own unique

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