Cambridge Stage - 8 Science Unit - 7: Elements & Compounds Practice Test (7.1-7.5)

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Cambridge Stage - 8 Science

Unit – 7 : Elements & Compounds
Practice Test (7.1-7.5)
Q1. The diagram shows arrangement of some substances.

Write the letter of the diagram that represents:

a) Atoms in an element : _______________________

b) Molecules in a compound. _______________________
Explain your choice of answer.

Q2.Label the parts of an atom .

Letter Particle Location Charge

Q3. Use the periodic table to answer the questions given below.

(a)Name one metal from group 1.__________

(b)Give symbol of one non metal from period 2 and group 5. ________

(c)Write the symbol of a metal from group 2 and period 3. ___________

(d) Name one element with 10 protons in its nucleus. ____________

(e) How many elements are present in period 1 ____________

(f) What is the name of element that has electron arrangement 2,8,2 ? __________

Q4.Observe the following diagram and answer the questions below.

To which period and group this element belongs ? How can you say this ?
Q5.Complete the table by putting a tick next to the correct statement for compounds .

Description Compounds
Can only be separated by chemical methods
Made of only one type of atom
Different atoms joined together
Cannot be separated into anything simpler
The properties of elements are changed

Q6. The formula of a compound is KSO4.

i) Name the compound .


ii) Name the elements present in it.


iii) How many total atoms present in it.


Q7. The element Magnesium is shown in the periodic table as :

Use the numbers listed below to complete the sentences that follow:

24 12 36 12

A Magnesium atom has :

a. An atomic number of ____________

b. ____________ electrons in its orbit .
c. ___________ neutrons in its nucleus .
d. An atomic mass of _______________.

ii)Draw a diagram to show the electron arrangement in a Magnesium atom.

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