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SUMMATIVE TEST # 2: Sharie Mae B. Calsina — 11 St. Lorenzo Ruiz

PART 1: Table Completion (10 points)


Hierarchy of Needs In this theory human motivation Abraham Maslow
was being explained. This states
that an individual is motivated to
fulfill their needs in hierarchical
order, peaking at “self-
Emotional Intelligence This refers to the ability of an Daniel Goleman
individual to manage one’s
emotion through recognizing,
assessing and understanding it,
that will later on result to a positive
metal and physical health, and
healthy relationships with other
Trait Factor In Trait and Factor Theory, one’s Frank Parson and E.G. Williamson
traits, skills, values and interests
were analyzed and find for a job or
occupation that matches those
traits an individual have.
Life Space (Career Development) This theory states that human Donald Super
undergoes changes and are
constantly changing, thus as
humans learns new skills or new
discoveries they’ll also be
changing their roles and choices
(pathways) in the process.
Whole Brain Whole Brain Theory explains how Ned Herrmann
our brains function during cognitive
processing. This theory also
explains that the four brain
quadrants (Analytical, Organized,
Integrating, and Interpersonal)
reflects the dominant
characteristics of an individual’s
way of thinking.

PART 2: Identification (10 points)

a.) Name the 4 factors that are essential in considering the chance of succeeding in your chosen career.
Describe each factor in relation to how it will influence your career decision. (4 points)

Factor 1 Factor 3
Personality Traits Interests
— pertains to the traits you yourself and people — your interests will influence your career decision-
perceived of you. This will influence you one’s career making same with personality traits factor. Knowing
decision, because it can be a basis to what path or your interest can be your first step in choosing what
job you are taking that is appropriate or match with path to take, or to what path your interests are
your traits. aligned to.

Factor 2 Factor 4
Values Skills/ Abilities
— this refers to what you value the most in terms of — this pertains to what you are good at as an
different aspects. This will help you weigh your individual. Same with the other three, this can also be
choices in life with you looking to the different a basis fo you or the company you are applying to in
aspects in your life that you considered important or the future to assess you if you are applicable to the
valuable. path or job you have taken.

b.) Identify at least three (3) social influence and write brief description for each, you may cite an example to
emphasize further its meaning. (6 points)


Comformity This is when an individual change his/ her own self in

favor of other people. This can be both positive and
negative changes. For example you need want to be
part of a group of friends who loves to drink alcohol,
thus you changed yourself to what they are like to
favor them — Negative. You need to get used to
wearing masks so that you’’ll be able to protect
yourself and the others as well — Positive.
Identification This often happen when you are being influenced by
your “idols.” For example, you saw how your parents
have a positive view in their lives, you idolized them
that’s why you adapt that trait and you are being
affected by that behaviour.

Obedience This is when you follow authorities. For example is

when we follow the rules implemented at to prevent
the spread of Covid- 19 virus.


Answer this part briefly. Make a personal analysis of your career plan. Answer each item as an ABM, STEM or
HUMSS GRADUATE (assume that you have completed SHS)


1. State your course choice and the school you desire to enroll.

Civil Engineering (Bicol University, De Lasalle)

2. What type of personality should you possess in order to succeed in your chosen course? Why?

Inorder for me to succeed in my chosen course I need to be always motivated, hardworking and perseverance.
Because I know that this course is not an easy one, it requires a lot of studying in order to finish or succeed
with this course. Being motivated and have a good fighting spirit is also a MUST, for we should be ready for the
stressful days, and hardships we are going to encounter in this journey.

3. What skill must you have in order to perform the tasks expected of you in college? Explain your answer.
Possessing good critical thinking skills , practicality as well as organizational skills will be a big help in
college. First is critical thinking because as I have said the course I’ll be taking is not an easy one , thus I need
to have critical thinking so that I’ll be able to grasps the lessons to be taught to us. Second, practicality—
college life is a new chapter in our life. It will not be like high school anymore, we are now surrounded with
different people, different mindset, that’s why in order to survive we must be practical. Lastly is organizational
skills, practicing proper time management and being organized is also a huge factor in life. Having a properly
organized and managed day to day life will make our life easier.

4. What values and attitudes must you carry so that you will be able to face the challenges you will encounter
in the field?

The very important value I must carry to face the challenges that I will be encountering is to NEVER GIVE UP.
It will be indeed hard, but we should never give up. We can take a pause or rest for a little while but we should
not think of stopping. Next is “ora et labora” — this is the value I have gained in my stay in SAA, this will also
help me face those challenges, because this reminds me that we cannot surpass those difficulties if we just
pray, but we must also do the work and vice versa.

5. What challenges are you expecting when you go to your chosen course in college? Knowing yourself, how
are you going to face these challenges. State a specific insight or learning you got from personal development
subject that will facilitate your management of the identified challenges.

Sleepless nights, home works overload, terror prof, and difficult exams — this are the challenges I already
expected when I enter my chosen path in college. Knowing myself I think I will probably overthink about those
things, but I will never stop nor give up. I have this personality wherein I absorb first the problems or my
concerns, then later on I will just ignore it and just continue with my life. And I think that will be applied to my
college life. I have this one learning gained from this subject — Do not think or choose a path because of its
high salary, rather choose a path that will make you happy. This learning made me realized that I can do a
good job if I love and is happy about the path I have chose, and this will be a big help in facilitating with the
challenges I expected to encounter.

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