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NPM : 1421110105 TASK : WRITING 2

Definition Essays
The essay is the opinion, opinions, views, or personal expression of an author who
poured into written form. This paper is a combination of scientific articles and opinions. In other
words, the essay contains not only the opinion - opinion only, but it is a combination of facts,
knowledge and imagination or sense of authorship.Essays were made to present an information
that are hot in the society from the viewpoint of the author. It is therefore good essay is an essay
that can convey information to the reader with a clear and straightforward - the bush.
The essay consists of several interrelated parts, namely:
1. Introduction / Introductory Paragraph
The first part is introductory essay. The introduction to disclose the topics that will be
discussed in the essay. This section contains background topics that will be the introduction to
the content of the essay. In addition to the background, in the introduction there is also a Thesis
Statement, which is the author's personal views or opinions about the topics that will be
2. Body Essays / Developing Paragraph
Body of the essay is part of the content or discussion of the topic being discussed. This
section consists of several paragraphs are arranged chronologically or sequentially, in accordance
with the sequence of ideas.
3. Conclusion / Concluding Paragraph
Essay last part is the conclusion. This section contains a summary of the topics that have
been discussed in the body of the essay. This conclusion is written in one sentence by way of
calling back the idea - the main ideas contained in the body of the essay with a different
language. A conclusion can not contain other topics.
1. Essay Sample
This essay is a kind of essay that outlines the main topic is presented with examples -
examples that authentic as a discussion in the body of the essay.
2. Compare and contrast essay
Comparison essay is an essay that the main topic was delivered by comparing it with
other objects. Essays contrast too, but the comparison essay analyzing similarities. In contrast,
the contrast essay analyzing the difference.
3. Classification Essay
Essay essay topic classification is primarily delivered to classify them into specific
criteria according to the personal opinion of the author.
4. Essay Process
Essay essay topic process is primarily in the form of a process of something happening or
how to make something.
5. Essays cause - effect
Essay of this type is the main topic of the essay, which analyzes a cause and a result of an
event or events according to personal views.
6. Argumentative EssayArgumentative essay essay topic is the main form of the pros and cons.
This essay raises issues that are still debated in public.
Examples of English Essay on the Environment (Flood)
Flood has already been included in the agenda of the annual disaster in Indonesia. Not
only in Jakarta, but in almost all regions of Indonesia are flooded in the month of December to
February. Every year the government always try to solve the problem of flooding. But as they
had done before, flooding still exist. Even it tends to be worse from year to year. So who is
responsible to this flood disaster?The whole society is responsible for the flood. we can not just
blame the government alone. there must be cooperation between the government and the
community to support each other. The following three factors are the main causes of flooding
that has always struck Jakarta. The first is the high rainfall. Appropriate weather forecasts
delivered BMKG agencies, January and February are the peak of the rainy season. This means
that rainfall in these two months are in the highest intensity. The volume of rain water that spills
into the mainland in the end can not be accommodated in rivers, ditches, lakes and water
reservoirs in the greater Jakarta area. Green open land is increasingly narrower also cause rainfall
can not soak into the ground. Logic, if the volume of water that eventually flowing into rivers cut
through the Capital which then overflow and flood the resident and highway.
The second factor is caused by human ignorance. Build settlements and homes in
riverbanks, littering, and inattentive make green open space is a form of ignorance that finally
bring floods and other disasters. Flood is basically a disaster of our own involuntarily because of
our ignorance of the ecosystem and the environment. Settlement on the riverbanks narrows the
width of the river and makes and sedimentation of the river faster. As a result, the capacity of the
river is very limited and uncompromising water flows and inundates the settlement.
Garbage is also a major cause of flooding. The tons of garbage clogging drains, drainage,
and water gates make the water flow into the sea faltered. This blockage causes the water
overflowing. The lack of green open space in Jakarta makes water unable to seep into the
The last factor is the government’s lack of attention in the construction policy to the
environment’s capacity. Economic motivation has always been a driving force of the
construction. Settlements outside Jakarta make a massive by thousands of constructor. As a
result, the open area is narrower. It makes the rain that falls in this area is growing rapidly
flowing into the sea. Unfortunately, before reaching the sea, it firstly passes the Jakarta area.
This is evidence that the development is driven by purely economic motives often lead to
disaster. Because of this man’s greed, we must be willing when disasters come, especially floods
in the rainy season, would be a matter unsolved completion.
Both the government and society should work together and support each other in dealing
with flooding. instead of blaming each other.
Definisi Esai dan Contoh

Esai adalah pendapat, opini, pandangan, atau ekspresi pribadi seorang penulis yang dituangkan ke dalam
bentuk tulisan. Tulisan ini adalah perpaduan dari artikel ilmiah dan opini. Dengan kata lain, esai tidak hanya
mengandung pendapat – pendapat saja, tetapi merupakan gabungan dari fakta, pengetahuan dan imajinasi atau
perasaan penulisnya.

Esai dibuat untuk menyajikan sebuah informasi yang sedang hangat di masyarakat dari sudut pandang sang
penulis. Oleh karena itu esai yang baik adalah esai yang bisa menyampaikan informasi kepada pembacanya dengan
jelas dan tidak berbelit – belit.

Struktur Esai

Esai terdiri dari beberapa bagian yang saling terkait, yaitu :

1. Pendahuluan / Introductory Paragraph

Bagian esai yang pertama adalah pendahuluan. Bagian pendahuluan mengungkapkan topik yang akan
dibahas di dalam esai. Bagian ini berisi latar belakang topik yang akan menjadi pengantar ke bagian isi esai. Selain
latar belakang, di dalam pendahuluan juga terdapat Thesis Statement, yaitu pandangan atau pendapat pribadi penulis
tentang topik yang akan di bahas.

2. Tubuh Esai / Developing Paragraph

Tubuh esai adalah bagian isi atau pembahasan tentang topik yang sedang di bahas. Bagian ini terdiri dari
beberapa paragraf yang tersusun secara kronologis atau berurutan, sesuai dengan urutan ide.

3. Kesimpulan / Concluding Paragraph

Bagian esai yang terakhir adalah kesimpulan. Bagian ini berisi kesimpulan dari topik yang telah dibahas
pada tubuh esai. Kesimpulan ini ditulis dengan satu kalimat dengan cara menyebut kembali ide – ide pokok yang
ada pada tubuh esai dengan bahasa yang berbeda. Sebuah kesimpulan tidak boleh mengandung topik lain.

Jenis – Jenis Esai

Esai terdiri dari beberapa macam jenis yang dikelompokan berdasarkan isinya. Berikut ini adalah jenis –
jenis esai :
1. Esai Contoh
Esai ini adalah jenis esai yang topik utamanya disajikan dengan menjabarkan contoh – contoh yang authentic
sebagai pembahasan di dalam tubuh esai.
2. Esai Perbandingan dan kontras
Esai perbandingan adalah esai yang topik utamanya disampaikan dengan cara membandingkannya dengan objek
lain. Esai kontras pun demikian, tetapi esai perbandingan menganalisis persamaannya. Sebaliknya, esai kontras
menganalisis perbedaannya.
3. Esai Klasifikasi
Esai klasifikasi adalah esai yang topik utamanya disampaikan dengan mengklasifikasikannya ke dalam kriteria
tertentu menurut pendapat pribadi sang penulis.
4. Esai Proses
Esai proses adalah esai yang topik utamanya berupa sebuah proses tentang terjadinya sesuatu atau cara membuat
5. Esai sebab – akibat
Esai jenis ini adalah esai yang topik utamanya, yaitu menganalisis suatu sebab dan akibat dari sebuah kejadian atau
peristiwa menurut pandangan pribadi.
6. Argumentative Essai
Argumentative esai adalah esai yang topik utamanya berupa pro kontra. Esai ini mengangkat isu yang masih
diperdebatkan di dalam masyarakat umum.

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