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who is your best friend tell me about them

my best friend is my cousin with whom I have always been we have
studied together in school and college and we are called Maria
2. Who do you take in your family?
I look a lot like my dad, we are both small and I like to be like the
cheerful one
3. Is there someone in your family that you don't get along with?
honestly with everyone I get along very well I am one of the people
who makes him laugh we share little but I get along well with
4. Is it better to have a lot of friends or just a few really good ones?
Depends on what you want out of those friendships. Probably the
best is a combination of the two. It’s nice to have people to talk to or
do things with but not be seriously committed to. It’s also important
to have close friends that will be there for you no matter what. Don’t
discount the value of shallow friendships, but don’t exclude yourself
from a few good close friendships either.
5. What are your neighbors like? Tell me about them
my neighbors with a little boisterous not there day that they do not
make noise once or twice a week they can be calm
6. Do you think the people of your country are friends?
At present we do not have only known friends at the moment many
things are happening and my thinking we only have acquaintances
7. Tell me about your first boyfriend or boyfrien
I am a very happy person because I have a great partner by my side,
he is one of those people who gives you a lot of positive advice, he is
hardworking, intelligent and most importantly respectful, we love
each other a lot
8. It is better not to have friends at work. What do you think of this
for me it is better to have only co-workers since at present there are no
friends only acquaintances

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