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Validation of in vitro digestion using simulated small intestinal fluid with

specific digestive activity to predict the metabolizable energy of feed

ingredients for duck

L. Zhang,∗ F. Zhao,∗,1 H. Zhang,∗ G. Z. Bian,† Y. M. Wang,∗ X. Yang,∗ and H. Li†

The State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, Beijing 100193, China; and † Guangdong Haid Group Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 511400, China

ABSTRACT Two experiments were conducted to val- SSIF 1 or 3 for IVDE 1 or 2, respectively. The accu-
idate a method to prepare simulated small intestinal racy of prediction model of true metabolizable energy
fluid (SSIF) for in vitro digestion in ducks. Experi- (TME) from IVDE 1 or 2 was evaluated to validate
ment 1 compared the in vitro digestible energy (IVDE) the efficacy of SSIF. In experiment 1, higher activities
of SSIF to endogenous small intestinal fluid (ESIF) on of amylase, trypsin and chymotrypsin were observed in
four feeds. The ESIF 1 or 2 obtained from two groups of ESIF 1 than ESIF 2 (P < 0.05). The IVDE determined
jejunal cannulated ducks offered diet 1 (3,050 kcal/kg with SSIF 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 were more comparable
of ME and 19.95% of CP) or 2 (2,801 kcal/kg of ME to that of ESIF 1 or 2 than determinations with SSIF
and 14.90% of CP) was purified into raw enzyme power 3 or 6. In experiment 2, the mean IVDE 1 or 2 was
(REP) 1 or 2. SSIF 1 to 3 or 4 to 6 were prepared to 97.22% or 96.23% relative to TME, respectively, and
mimic ESIF 1 or 2, respectively. The enzyme sources both were highly correlated with TME (P < 0.01; R2
were REP 1 for SSIF 1 and 4, REP 2 for SSIF 2 and ≥ 0.98). However, the residual SD of TME prediction
5 or reagent enzymes for SSIF 3 and 6, respectively. model with IVDE 1 was less than that generated with
The IVDE of each feed was determined with SSIF or IVDE 2 (55 vs. 71 kcal/kg). In conclusion, the IVDE
ESIF. Experiment 2 was to validate whether REP 1 was determined with in vitro digestion of pepsin following
more effective than only reagent enzymes to prepare SSIF prepared with REP can predict accurately TME
SSIF. Ten feeds were determined with pepsin following of feed for ducks.
Key words: simulated small intestinal fluid, duck, in vitro digestion, metabolizable energy
2019 Poultry Science 98:1280–1287

INTRODUCTION of porcine (Valdes and Leeson, 1992) or bovine (Bryan

et al., 2018) pancreatin or porcine small intestinal
Accurate energetic values of feed ingredients are crit- fluid (Sakamoto et al., 1980; Clunies and Leeson, 1984;
ical to formulating diets for poultry. However, in vivo Clunies et al., 1984). The homogeneity between SSIF
metabolizable energy (ME) assays are time-consuming, and in vivo intestinal fluid is challenging for several
expensive, and laborious. Animal nutritionists have de- reasons. Firstly, the digestibility of SSIF prepared with
veloped several in vitro digestion procedures to rapidly the wt/vol or vol/vol concentration of pancreatin or
predict effective energy of feeds (Boisen and Eggum, endogenous small intestinal fluid (ESIF) is not re-
1991; Valdes and Leeson, 1992; Boisen and Fernádez, peatable in different laboratories because the activi-
1997; Regmi et al., 2008; Losada et al., 2009, 2010). ties of digestive enzymes vary across sources (Furuya
In vitro digestion procedures have established dynamic et al., 1979; Sakamoto et al., 1980; Clunies et al., 1984;
data of feed ingredients for pigs (INRA-AFZ-INAPG, Valdes and Leeson, 1992). Secondly, SSIF of rooster is
2004), but in vitro digestible energy (IVDE) can- sometimes composed of enzymes derived from livestock
not accurately predict ME for poultry (Clunies and (Valdes and Leeson, 1992), the efficacy of which can dif-
Leeson, 1984; Clunies et al., 1984; Valdes and Lee- fer from that of the endogenous digestive enzymes se-
son, 1992; Losada et al., 2009, 2010). Generally, sim- creted by poultry (Crevieu-Gabriel et al., 1999). Lastly,
ulated small intestinal fluid (SSIF) of poultry is made the activities of digestive enzymes in SSIF do not
match in vivo values of host animals because little data
were reported on the composition of in vivo intestinal

C 2018 Poultry Science Association Inc.
Received April 19, 2018.
fluid in poultry.
Accepted September 2, 2018. We hypothesized that determinations of IVDE would
Corresponding author: differ when using SSIF prepared with raw enzymes

power (REP) purified from ESIF compared to SSIF Table 1. Composition and nutrient contents of diet for ducks
made with reagent sources of amylase, trypsin and (as-fed basis).
chymotrypsin. Using ducks as an animal model, the ob- Ingredient Basal diet Diet 1 Diet 2
jectives of this study were to (1) compare the IVDE of
feed determined with ESIF or SSIF, which prepared Corn, % 70.34 66.24 66.24
Soybean meal, % 23.95 25.54 17.69
with REP or only reagent enzymes and (2) validate Soybean oil, % 1.42 3.79 3.00
whether the REP was more effective than only reagent DL-Methionine, % 0.07 0.08 0.06
enzymes to prepare SSIF for in vitro digestion. L-lysine, % 0.04 0.01 0.07
Dicalcium phosphate, % 1.68 1.81 1.81
Limestone, % 1.20 1.23 1.08
Sodium chloride, % 0.30 0.30 0.30
MATERIALS AND METHODS Vitamin-mineral premix1 , % 1.00 1.00 1.00
Rice hull, % – – 8.75
Experimental procedures were approved by the ani- Total, % 100 100 100
mal care and welfare committee of the Institute of An- Nutrient content2
DM, % 89.11 88.73 89.53
imal Science, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences CP, % 17.72 19.95 14.90
(Beijing, China). Ether extract, % 5.00 8.05 6.37
Ash, % 5.66 5.6 6.16
Crude fiber, % 4.42 4.24 7.35
ME/(kcal/kg) 2 2,949 3,050 2,801
Experimental Design
Supplied per kilogram of diet: vitamin A, 2,500 IU, vitamin D3, 400
Experiment 1 The objective of experiment 1 was IU, vitamin E, 10 IU, vitamin K3, 0.5 mg, thiamine 1.8 mg, riboflavin,
to compare the in vitro digestibility of SSIF to ESIF 4.0 mg, vitamin B6 3.0 mg, vitamin B12 7 μ g, pantothenic acid 11.0 mg,
nicotinic acid 55.0 mg, folic acid 0.5 mg, biotin 120 μ g; choline chloride
on corn, wheat, soybean meal, and cottonseed meal 750 mg, Cu (as copper sulfate) 8 mg, Fe (as ferrous sulfate) 80 mg, Mn
digested in a computer-controlled simulated digestion (as manganese sulfate) 60 mg, Zn (as zinc sulfate) 40 mg, I (as potassium
system (CCSDS) to simulate the process of small in- iodide) 0.35 mg, Se (as sodium selenite) 0.15 mg.
ME values were calculated according to the AME values of feedstuffs
testinal digestion. Forty-eight 15-wk-old white Peking for chickens (China feed database, Ministry of Agriculture, China, 2013)
ducks (3.25 ± 0.50 kg) were divided into two treat- and others were determined values on DM basis.
ments of 24 birds each. Ducks were surgically fitted
with T-shaped cannulas at Meckel’s diverticulum ac- trypsin, and chymotrypsin of ESIF in ducks (Zhao et
cording to the method described by Zhao et al. (2016) al., 2007). Ten ingredient samples including three grains
and placed in individual cages (0.45 m × 0.38 m × (corn, sorghum, and wheat), four plant protein meals
0.51 m) in a temperature-controlled room (25◦ C) un- (soybean meal, cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal, and
der 12 h of light per day. Each cannulated duck was peanut meal), and three grain byproducts (two samples
fed 20 ml of 10% (wt/vol) dextrose solution three times of distiller’s dried grains with solubles [DDGS; sam-
daily for 3 d after cannulation followed by ad libitum ples A and B] and rice bran) obtained from Guangdong
access to water and a basal diet (Table 1) designed to Haid Group Co., Ltd (Guangzhou, China; Table 3). The
satisfy NRC recommendations (1994). The ESIF 1 or 2 IVDE of 10 ingredients was determined in a CCSDS
was obtained from cannulated ducks randomly offered with pepsin following SSIF 1 (IVDE 1) or with pepsin
diet 1 (3,050 kcal/kg of ME and 19.95% of CP) or diet following SSIF 3 (IVDE 2). The IVDE of each sample
2 (2,801 kcal/kg of ME and 14.90% of CP) according to was determined for five replicates. The true metaboliz-
the method reported by Zhao et al. (2007). REP 1 or 2 able energy (TME) of each feed was determined for six
was purified from ESIF 1 or 2, respectively, according to replicates with four ducks in each. Good correlation be-
the method described by Zhang (2014). The specific ac- tween in vitro and in vivo determinations is necessary to
tivities of REP 1 and 2 were 28,020.9 vs. 25,634.3 U/g compare novel in vitro digestion techniques (Boisen and
for amylase, 5,382.1 vs. 4,865.7 U/g for trypsin, and Eggum, 1991). Thus, higher correlation between IVDE
2,708.0 vs. 2,281.7 U/g for chymotrypsin, respectively. and TME indicates SSIF is more comparable to ESIF.
The SSIF 1 to 3 or 4 to 6 were prepared to mimic ESIF The R2 and accuracy of the prediction model of TME
1 or 2, respectively. The main sources of enzymes were from IVDE 1 or 2 were used to validate the efficacy of
REP 1 (SSIF 1 and 4), REP 2 (SSIF 2 and 5), or reagent SSIF.
enzymes (SSIF 3 and 6). All SSIF matched the activities
of amylase, trypsin and chymotrypsin in ESIF by sup- IVDE Determination
plementation of reagent grade amylase (Sigma A3306,
Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis, MO), trypsin (Amer- In Vitro Digestion of Small Intestine In vitro in-
sco 0785, Amersco Inc., Solon, OH), and chymotrypsin testinal digestion was conducted in a CCSDS. The
(Amersco 0164, Amersco Inc., Solon, OH; Table 2). The mix frequency, composition of small intestinal buffer
IVDE of each feed was determined with the in vitro di- solution, digestion time, digestion temperature, and
gestion of SSIF or ESIF in five replicates. wash procedure for digested product at the stage of
Experiment 2 Experiment 2 was to validate whether small intestinal digestion were described by Zhao et al.
REP 1 was more effective than only reagent enzymes (2014b). In brief, 2 g grains or 1 g non-grain sample
to prepare SSIF matching the activities of amylase, and 20 ml SSIF or ESIF were added into the dialysis
Table 2. Composition and enzyme activities of small intestinal fluid.

Intestinal fluid

Enzyme sources
ESIF from duck fed diet 1 +
ESIF from duck fed diet 2 +
REP3 purified from ESIF
REP 1 + +
REP 2 + +
Reagent grade enzyme4
Amylase + + + + + +
Trypsin + + + + + +
Chymotrypsin + + + + + +
Digestive enzyme activities, U/mL
Amylase 433.7 433.7 433.7 433.7 361.2 361.2 361.2 361.2
Trypsin 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 89.8 89.8 89.8 89.8
Chymotrypsin 39.8 39.8 39.8 39.8 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.8
ESIF = endogenous small intestinal fluid. The intestinal digesta was collected for 1 h every 4 h
beginning at 9:30 on alternate days from day 38 to 98 after intestinal cannulation. After the collection
of digesta from each time, ESIF was obtained by centrifuging digesta for 10 min at 1,250 g and 4◦ C
according to the procedure described by Zhao et al. (2007). In each diet treatment, ESIF collected from
24 ducks were pooled for purification of digestive enzymes and in vitro digestion.
SSIF = simulated small intestinal fluid.
REP = raw enzyme power.
Reagent grade enzymes include: amylase (Sigma A3306, Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis, MO), trypsin
(Amersco 0785, Amersco Inc., Solon, OH), and chymotrypsin (Amersco 0164, Amersco Inc., Solon, OH).
“+” indicates the enzyme was added into the simulated small intestinal fluid.

Table 3. The nutrient contents of feed ingredients (on DM basis).

Category Sample CP, Crude Ether Ash, GE1 ,

% fiber, % extract, % % kcal/kg

Grain Corn 9.26 1.21 4.81 1.27 4,425

Sorghum 10.52 0.95 4.56 1.51 4,529
Wheat 14.52 1.23 2.98 1.41 4,416
Plant protein meal Soybean meal 49.29 6.60 3.45 6.60 4,700
Cottonseed meal 51.98 9.51 3.13 6.93 4,663
Rapeseed meal 42.28 10.36 3.90 7.09 4,683
Peanut meal 56.56 3.91 5.09 5.07 4,803
Grain byproduct Corn DDGS2 A 32.53 4.33 14.62 4.53 5,331
Corn DDGS B 30.08 4.38 12.28 4.98 5,214
Rice bran 11.76 15.2 15.46 9.51 4,879
GE = Gross energy.
DDGS = Distiller’s dried grains with solubles.

tubing of digestion chamber. The upper and lower small imal Husbandry and Aquaculture Research Center of
intestinal buffers each continuously circulated for 7.5 h. Guangdong Haid Group (Guangzhou, China). Ducks
Undigested residue was dried and assessed for gross en- were randomly divided into five groups, each with six
ergy (GE) to calculate the IVDE as described below. replicates of four ducks raised in individual cages. In
In Vitro Digestion of Gizzard-intestine In vitro di- the first ME trial, 1 of the 5 groups was used for the
gestion of gizzard-intestine occurred in a CCSDS. The determination of endogenous energy losses (EEL) and
pepsin activity in simulated gastric fluid, the activities each of the four remaining groups was used to deter-
of amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin in SSIF, and diges- mine the ME content of corn, sorghum, wheat, and
tion procedure were described by Zhao et al. (2014b). basal diet of corn starch. After the ME trial, there
After the simulated digestion, the undigested residues was a 14-d rest period when ducks were provided with
were dried and analyzed for GE to calculate the IVDE ad libitum access to a commercial diet and allowed to
as described below. swim in a pool. After 14-d, the same 120 ducks were
randomly reassigned into five groups of 24 ducks (six
replicates of four ducks) to determine the EEL and
Duck ME Assay ME content of soybean meal, cottonseed meal, rape-
seed meal, and peanut meal. Following a second 14-d
The TME values of 10 feed ingredients in experiment rest period, 96 of the same 120 ducks were randomly
2 were determined using 120 18-wk-old Peking drakes selected and assigned into four groups of 24 ducks
of similar weight (3.8 to 4.0 kg) provided by the An- (six replicates of four ducks) to determine the EEL
and ME content of corn DDGS A, DDGS B, and rice the different approach as follows: TME = (TMEt –
bran. TMEb × b)/(1 – b). Where: TMEt were the TME of the
The TME bioassay method was in accordance with complete diet (basal diet plus the ingredient); TMEb
Adeola et al. (1997) with minor modifications as fol- were the TME of the basal diet; b was the proportion
lows: After 5 d acclimatization and feed withdrawal of the basal diet in the complete diet. The following
for 36 h, ducks were force-fed with 60 g of sample to formula: IVDE = [(sample DM weight × sample GE)
determine AME. Excreta was collected for 36 h, dried − (defatted residue DM weight × defatted residue GE)
for 48 h at 65◦ C, and re-equilibrated with air for 24 h + GE of dry residue of digestive enzymes]/sample DM
before analysis. Corn, sorghum, and wheat were fed as weight was used to calculate IVDE.
the only dietary ingredients, but soybean meal, cotton- The TTEST procedure (SAS Institute, 1990) as-
seed meal, rapeseed meal, peanut meal, corn DDGS, sessed whether the activities of digestive enzymes in
and rice bran were tested as part of a complete diet ESIF were affected by diet. The general linear model
(60% corn starch + 40% test ingredient). Each ingre- procedure (SAS Institute, 1990) assessed whether IVDE
dient or mixture was ground through a 2-mm screen differed when determined with SSIF compared to ESIF.
before pelleting. Pellets measured 4 mm in diameter Tukey’s multiple comparison test was conducted at a
and 6 mm long and were air-dried to 14% moisture be- significance level of α = 0.05. The REG procedure of
fore force-feeding. Force-feeding was conducted with a SAS (SAS Institute, 1990) developed linear regression
stainless steel funnel with a narrow stem (40 cm long models to predict the TME from IVDE. The coefficient
and 1.0 cm inner diameter). Before determining EEL, of determination (R2 ) and residual SD indicated quality
ducks were deprived of feed for 36 h. Data were used to of the prediction models (Kaps and Lamberson, 2004).
correct AME to TME.
Chemical Analysis
IVDE of Feeds Determined with ESIF or SSIF
Before chemical analysis, samples were ground finely
In experiment 1, the activities of amylase, trypsin,
in a laboratory mill fitted with a 0.3 mm mesh screen.
and chymotrypsin as well as total protein concentration
The dry matter (DM) content (method 934.01; AOAC,
were greater in the ESIF of ducks fed diet 1 than diet
1990) was determined by oven drying at 105◦ C for
2 (Table 4; P < 0.05). The greater dietary ME and
5 h. Feed ingredients, excreta, and residue samples
CP obviously induced activities of digestive enzymes
were analyzed for GE by a Parr 6400 automatic adi-
in ESIF of ducks. This phenomenon agreed with the
abatic calorimeter (Parr Instrument Co., Moline, IL)
results of our previous studies (Zhao et al., 2007; Ren
with benzoic acid as the calibration standard. Sam-
et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2012). Therefore, two types
ples of ingredients and diets were analyzed for CP
of ESIF (1 or 2) with different activities of digestive
(Kjeldahl N; method 954.01; AOAC, 1990), crude
enzymes can be collected from intestinally cannulated
fiber (method 962.09; AOAC, 1990), and ether extract
ducks fed diets 1 or 2.
(method 920.39; AOAC, 1990).
The small intestine is the main position for the diges-
Pepsin activity was determined as described by
tion and absorption of dietary nutrients. Historically,
Sturkie (1976) with hemoglobin as substrate. Amy-
researchers assumed the ability of SSIF and ESIF to
lase activity was determined as described by Dahlqvist
digest feeds in vitro was similar. However, few have
(1962) with soluble starch as substrate. Trypsin activ-
compared simulated and endogenous digestive fluid in
ity was determined as described by Wirnt (1974a) us-
previous experiments (Boisen and Fernández, 1997;
ing Nα-p- toluolsulfonyl-L- arginine methyl ester hy-
Wilfart et al., 2008; Swiech, 2017). The IVDE of ingre-
drochloride (T4626, Sigma-Aldrich CO., St. Louis, MO)
dients digested with SSIF or ESIF are shown in Table
as a substrate. Activity of chymotrypsin was deter-
5. The IVDE was similar for each of wheat and soy-
mined as described by Wirnt (1974b) using N-benzoyl-
bean meal determined with SSIF 1 or ESIF 1, but the
l-tyrosine ethyl ester (B6125, Sigma-Aldrich CO., St.
IVDE for corn or cottonseed meal was less for SSIF 1
Louis, MO) as the substrate. Total protein of ESIF was
compared to ESIF 1 (P < 0.05). The IVDE determined
measured using a protein quantification kit (A045-2,
with SSIF 1 was 97.81 to 100.34% that determined with
Nanjing Jiancheng Bioegineering Institute, Nanjing,
ESIF 1. The IVDE for corn, wheat, and cottonseed meal
was less for SSIF 2 compared to ESIF 1, whereas the
opposite was true for soybean meal (P < 0.05). The
Calculation and Statistical Analysis IVDE determined with SSIF 2 were 95.84% to 101.68%
that determined with ESIF 1. The IVDE of each feed
The TME of corn, sorghum, wheat, and diet were ingredient was less for determinations with SSIF 3 com-
calculated as follows: TME (kcal/kg) = (energy intake pared to SSIF 1, 2, or ESIF 1 (P < 0.05). The IVDE
– energy output + EEL)/feed intake. The TME of rice determined with SSIF 3 was 82.41% to 98.14% that de-
bran, soybean meal, cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal, termined with ESIF 1. In the second group, the IVDE
peanut meal, and DDGS were calculated according to was similar for ingredients determined with SSIF 4 or

Table 4. Digestive enzyme activity of ESIF1 from ducks fed diets 1 or 2.

Items ESIF 12 ESIF 23 P value

Digestive enzyme activity, U/ml

Amylase 463.1 ± 40.4 395.1 ± 45.5 0.0210
Trypsin 115.4 ± 8.7 94.6 ± 5.3 0.0005
Chymotrypsin 47.4 ± 4.1 31.4 ± 3.0 < .0001
Total protein concentration, mg/mL 3.5 ± 0.3 3.0 ± 0.2 0.0067
ESIF = endogenous small intestinal fluid. The intestinal digesta was collected for 1 h every 4 h
beginning at 9:30 on day 33, 35, and 37 after intestinal cannulation. After the collection of digesta
from each time, ESIF was made by centrifuging digesta for 10 min at 1,250 g and 4◦ C according to the
procedure described by Zhao et al. (2007). In each replicate, an equal volume of ESIF from four ducks
in each collection time was pooled to determine enzyme activity.
ESIF 1 was the endogenous small intestinal fluid from jejunal cannulated ducks with six replicates
of four ducks fed diet 1.
ESIF 2 was the endogenous small intestinal fluid from jejunal cannulated ducks with six replicates
of four ducks fed diet 2.

Table 5. The IVDE1 of feed ingredients determined with ESIF2 and SSIF.3

Item Corn Wheat Soybean meal Cottonseed meal

IVDE determined with small intestinal fluid, kcal/kg

ESIF 1 4,092 ± 15a 3,918 ± 13a 3,564 ± 24b 2,692 ± 11a
SSIF 1 4,030 ± 13c 3,929 ± 10a 3,576 ± 13b 2,633 ± 19b
SSIF 2 4,059 ± 14b 3,886 ± 19b 3,624 ± 10a 2,580 ± 23c
SSIF 3 3,926 ± 5d 3,845 ± 14c 2,937 ± 9c 2,535 ± 6d
P value < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001
Ratio of IVDE determined with SSIF to value determined with ESIF 1, %
SSIF 1/ESIF 1 98.48 100.28 100.34 97.81
SSIF 2/ESIF 1 99.19 99.18 101.68 95.84
SSIF 3/ESIF 1 95.94 98.14 82.41 94.17
IVDE2 determined with small intestinal fluid, kcal/kg
ESIF 2 4,076 ± 7a 3,881 ± 19a 3,555 ± 19a 2,601 ± 31a
SSIF 4 4,009 ± 8b 3,880 ± 8a 3,532 ± 16a 2,538 ± 27b
SSIF 5 4,009 ± 11b 3,896 ± 11a 3,541 ± 12a 2,540 ± 14b
SSIF 6 3,889 ± 12c 3,836 ± 12b 2,873 ± 20b 2,468 ± 7c
P-value < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001
Ratio of IVDE determined with SSIF to value determined with ESIF 2, %
SSIF 5/ESIF 2 98.36 100.39 99.61 97.65
SSIF 4/ESIF 2 98.36 99.97 99.35 97.58
SSIF 6/ESIF 2 95.41 98.84 80.82 94.89
IVDE = in vitro digestible energy (DM basis). The values represent mean of five replicates per sample and are expressed as mean ± SD.
ESIF = endogenous small intestinal fluid. The intestinal digesta was collected for 1 h every 4 h beginning at 9:30 on alternate days from day 38
to 98 after intestinal cannulation. After the collection of digesta from each time, ESIF was made by centrifuging digesta for 10 min at 1,250 g and

4 C according to the procedure described by Zhao et al. (2007). In each diet treatment, the ESIF collected from 24 ducks was pooled for in vitro
SSIF = simulated small intestinal fluid.

5 for each of four feed ingredients. The IVDE of corn cause they have a greater influence on the GE digestibil-
and cottonseed meal was less for SSIF 4 or 5 compared ity in each of four feeds compared to other enzymes in
to ESIF 2 (P < 0.05), but there were no significant ESIF. Previous studies reported that amylase, trypsin,
differences for wheat and soybean meal. The IVDE de- and chymotrypsin can account for more than 86% of the
termined with SSIF 4 or 5 was 97.58% to 100.39% that activity of ESIF (Xie, 2011; Yan et al., 2012). The dif-
determined with ESIF 2. The IVDE in each of feed in- ferences of digestible ability between SSIF 1 or 2 and
gredients was least when determined with SSIF 6 com- ESIF 1, and between SSIF 4 or 5 and ESIF 2 indi-
pared to SSIF 4, 5, or ESIF 2. The IVDE determined cate SSIF made of REP 1 (supplemented with a small
with SSIF 6 was 80.82% to 98.84% that determined quantity of reagent enzymes) was closest to the ESIF
with ESIF 2. In the small intestine of poultry, more than relative to REP 2 (supplemented with relatively more
10 types of digestive enzyme contribute to digestion reagent enzymes). In general, the digestibility of en-
(Whittow, 2000). Previous studies focused on the ac- zymes is dependent on their enzymatic properties. Pre-
tivities of amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and lipase in vious studies have documented differences in pH activ-
digesta or intestinal fluid (Furuya et al., 1979; Sakamoto ity profile and hydrolysis kinetics of enzymes from pigs
et al., 1980; Fan, 2003; Zhao et al., 2007; Ren et al., and chickens (Crevieu-Gabriel et al., 1999). This study
2012) because these enzymes influence extent of diges- utilized REP purified from the ESIF of ducks. There-
tion of dietary nutrients. The current study focused fore, the digestive enzymes of REP had the same enzy-
on activities of amylase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin be- matic properties as that of in vivo digestive enzymes.
Table 6. The determined TME1 and predicted values from IVDE2 of 10 samples (on DM basis).

Ratio of IVDE
IVDE, kcal/kg TME, kcal/kg to TME, % Difference
Category Ingredient IVDE 13 IVDE 24 Determined Predicted 15 Predicted 26 IVDE 1 IVDE 2 D17 D28

Grain Corn 3,996 ± 18 3,836 ± 4 4,006 ± 29 3,984 3,928 99.75 95.76 22 78

Sorghum 3,919 ± 13 3,849 ± 6 3,893 ± 18 3,921 3,940 100.67 98.87 –28 –47
Wheat 3,839 ± 14 3,693 ± 8 3,907 ± 31 3,855 3,798 98.26 94.52 52 109
Plant protein meal Soybean meal 3,556 ± 19 3,430 ± 11 3,625 ± 31 3,623 3,558 98.10 94.62 2 67
Cottonseed meal 2,568 ± 17 2,572 ± 19 2,777 ± 19 2,813 2,774 92.47 92.62 –36 3
Rapeseed meal 2,795 ± 19 2,838 ± 15 3,034 ± 24 2,999 3,017 92.12 93.54 35 17
Peanut meal 4,015 ± 16 4,037 ± 20 4,061 ± 43 3,999 4,112 98.87 99.41 62 –51
Grain byproduct DDGS9 A 3,777 ± 9 3,660 ± 18 3,694 ± 35 3,804 3,768 102.25 99.08 –110 –74
DDGS B 3,459 ± 16 3,475 ± 20 3,521 ± 28 3,543 3,599 98.24 98.69 –22 –78
Rice bran 2,719 ± 28 2,829 ± 5 2,972 ± 12 2,937 3,009 91.49 95.19 35 –37
Mean 3,464 3,422 3,549 3,548 3,550 97.22 96.23 0 0
Minimum 2,568 2,572 2,777 2,813 2,774 91.49 92.62 –110 –78
Maxmium 4,015 4,037 4,061 3,999 4,112 102.25 99.41 62 109
TME equation from IVDE
Slope 0.820 0.913
Intercept 707 426
R2 0.99 0.98
Residual SD, kcal/kg 55 71
P-value < 0.001 < 0.001
TME values were determined for six replicates with four ducks in each and expressed as mean ± SD.
IVDE = in vitro digestible energy. The values represent mean of 5 replicates per sample and are expressed as mean ± SD.
IVDE 1 was determined with pepsin following simulated small intestinal fluid (prepared from REP 1 supplemented with small amounts of reagent enzymes) matched the activities of digestive
enzymes in duck fed normal diets (as described by Zhao et al. (2007)) in a computer-controlled simulated digestion system. REP1 was purified from endogenous small intestinal fluid (ESIF 1) of
ducks fed diet 1 (3,050 kcal/kg of ME and 19.95% of CP).
IVDE 2 was determined with pepsin following simulated small intestinal fluid (prepared from reagent enzymes) matched the activities of digestive enzymes in duck fed normal diets (as

described by Zhao et al. (2007) in a computer-controlled simulated digestion system.

Values are calculated based on TME = 0.820 × IVDE 1 + 707 (R2 = 0.99, P < 0.001).
Values are calculated based on TME = 0.913 × IVDE 2 + 426 (R2 = 0.98, P < 0.001).
Values are calculated as determined TME- predicted value from IVDE 1.
Values are calculated as determined TME- predicted value from IVDE 2.
DDGS = Distiller’s dried grains with solubles.

However, the reagent grade amylase (Sigma A3306, Xie (2011) reported a similar phenomenon with wheat
Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis, MO) was from Bacil- bran for ducks.
lus Licheniformis and reagent grade trypsin (Amer- Linear regression analysis revealed that strong corre-
sco 0785, Amersco Inc., Solon, OH) and chymotrypsin lations with TME for IVDE 1 (P < 0.01; R2 = 0.99) and
(Amersco 0164, Amersco Inc., Solon, OH) were puri- IVDE 2 (P < 0.01; R2 = 0.98), respectively. However,
fied from swine. Consequently, enzymatic properties of residual SD was lower for IVDE 1 relative to IVDE 2
reagent grade enzymes may differ from in vivo digestive (SD = 55 or 71 kcal/kg, respectively), indicating su-
enzymes of ducks. Accordingly, SSIF 3 or 6 (made of perior accuracy of predicting TME from IVDE 1 com-
only reagent grade amylase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin) pared to IVDE 2. Similarly, the IVDE 1 was more accu-
greatly underestimated the IVDE compared to the rate than IVDE 2 to predict TME in three grains and
SSIF 1, 2, 4, and 5. Higher activities of digestive en- one soybean meal sample. Diets for ducks in China con-
zymes contained in REP led to less supplementation of tain more than 70% grains and soybean meal, so using
reagent enzyme. Greater activities of amylase, trypsin, IVDE 1 may more accurately predict the ME of diets.
and chymotrypsin were present in REP 1 than REP These results further imply the SSIF 1 is better than
2. Therefore, the SSIF made of REP 1 (supplemented SSIF 3 for in vitro digestion.
with less reagent grade enzymes) more closely mimicked In conclusion, SSIF prepared with REP and supple-
the enzymatic properties of ESIF than SSIF made of mented with small amount of regent amylase, trypsin,
REP 2. and chymotrypsin can reasonably assess the TME in
consideration of comparable digestibility and enzymatic
property with these of ESIF. The IVDE determined
with in vitro digestion of pepsin following the novel
TME predicted from IVDE determined with SSIF may more accurately predict TME of feed ingredi-
Pepsin-SSIF1 or Pepsin-SSIF3 ent for ducks compared to mixtures of reagent enzymes.

A good correlation between in vitro and in vivo re-

sults is necessary to validate the efficacy of in vitro ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
digestion with pepsin-SSIF. In the experiment 2, the
mean IVDE 1, 2 and TME of 10 ingredients was 3,464, This project was financially supported by the Young
3,422, and 3,549 kcal/kg of DM, with ranges from 2,568 Scientist Plan, the Innovation Team of the Chinese
to 4,015, 2,572 to 4,037 and 2,777 to 4,061 kcal/kg Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Beijing, China) and
of DM (Table 6), respectively. The mean IVDE was the scientific fund of Guangdong Haid Group Co., Ltd
97.22% (IVDE 1) or 96.23% (IVDE 2) of TME, which (Guangzhou, China).
indicates the present two-step in vitro digestion with
pepsin following SSIF 1 or 3 simulates the majority of
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