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Name Pritnces Aizy J. Almosara Date Nov. 6, 2021 Score _


• 7a. Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose.
(scanning and skimming) (EN7RC-IV-b-10)

Learning Objectives:
• Skim and scan for specific information
• Differentiate scanning from skimming.

Learning Inputs:

Reading – is a skill that one should developed. It enables us to interpret written

symbols and understand printed materials. There are some who reads for pleasure and
others for information.

Reading Strategies

a. Skimming – is reading quickly to get the general idea.

b. Scanning – is reading quickly to find specific information.


Directions: Skim and scan the passages below to get information then, answer the
given questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Get a timer and record the
time you start and finish reading and answering the questions of each text.
Time started: 6:10 PM _ Time finished: 6:25 PM _

Our National Anthem was first publicly played on June 12, 1898 as the Filipino flag
was being raised after the proclamation of the Philippine Independence by Gen.
Aguinaldo. It was composed by Julian Felipe.
On September 3, 1899 Jose Palma’s Lyric in Spanish was first published and it was
instantly accepted as fitting lyric to the hymn.
In 1916, English was declared the official language in government offices and
school, so the Spanish lyric had to be changed to English. A literal translation was made
by Martha Lane, an American school teacher who collaborated with Camilo Osias. This
became for a time the official version of our national anthem.
After the Independence proclamation in 1946, it became necessary to have a
version in Filipino. Finally, in 1956 a stirring lyric in Filipino was approved and won in
public acceptance. The Filipino National Anthem has remained unchanged since then.

B 1. When was our National Anthem first publicly played?
A. June 8, 1988 B. June 12, 1898 C. July 4, 1946 D. September 3, 1899
A 2. Who composed the Philippine National Anthem?
A. Julian Felipe B. Jose Palma C. Camilo Osias D. Gen Aguinaldo
B 3. Who declared the Philippine Independence?
A. Jose Palma B. Gen. Aguinaldo C. Camilo Osias D. Julian Felipe
B 4. When was English declared as the official language of the Philippines?
A. 1896 B. 1916 C. 1900 D. 1899
5. When was the Filipino version of the national anthem approved?
A. 1946 B. 1956 C. 1916 D. 1899
6:26 PM 6:32 PM
Time Started: Time Finished:

Princess Tarhata, Daughter of Datu Pangil, of Island Sibutu in the Sulu archipelago
was so beautiful that many young men wanted to win her hand in marriage.
As time passed, many of tarhata’s suitors gave up until only two remained,
Abdullah and Jikiri, were son of datus handsome, brave and strong. Tarhata seemed to
favor Abdullah, but her father had preference to Jikiri.
One day, Datu Pangil told Tarhata that he would test her suitors so that a final
choice could be made. He announced that on Sunday, he would dropped the pearl into
the deep sea and who ever in the two would find the pearl could have his daughter.

B 1. Who is Tarhata’s father?

A. Rajah Pangil B. Datu Pangil C. Sultan Pangil D. Jikiri
C 2. Tarhata has many _
A. friends B. cousins C. suitors D. relatives
B 3. Who did Tarhata favored?
A. Jikiri B. Abdullah C. Datu Pangil D. none of them
A 4. Tarhata’s father seemed to favour _
A. Jikiri B. Abdullah C. Sibutu D. none of them
A 5. Tarhata’s father dropped the pearl into the _
A. sea B. ocean C. river D. lake
6:32 PM
Time Stared: _ Time Finish: 6:35 PM

The Story of Maria Makiling

Maria Makiling is said to be the mysterious fairy guarding Mount Makiling.

It is believed she is old as the mountain itself. Very few people who have seen her
wandering around the forest with brown skin, deep black eyes, and long hair Hunters
have seen her standing on the edge of a cliff on moonlight nights with her long hair
floating in the air and her singing echoing throughout the deep valleys.
Maria Makiling is also known to have a good heart. She would appear as young
girl to help old women gather firewood and slip nuggets, coins and jewels into their
bundles of woods. She would also invite tires hunters to her home and served a warm
meal and cold drinks. She often gives them a small parting gift of ginger, which hunters
discover to have turned into gold when they got home.
1. Who is said to be a mysterious beautiful fairy that has a good heart?
A. Urduja B. Maria Makiling C. Mayari D. Tala

Quarter: 1_ Week: 7 & 8

MELC: Use appropriate reading strategies to (Government Property. Not for sale)
meet one’s purpose. (scanning and skimming)

2. How old does Maria Makiling?
A. old as the trees B. old as the mountain C. old as the hunters D. all of the
C 3. How would you describe Maria Makiling?
A. naïve and selfish fairy B. young girl who lives in Mount Makiling
C. mysterious fairy that is gorgeous and kind D. graceful and songster
A 4. What are the evidences that show Maria Makiling’s generosity?
A. She would help elder women gather firewood and gives coins and jewels
B. Sings throughout the deep valleys while floating in the air
C. Tired hunters were given food to eat.
D. Mysterious goddess in Mount Makiling
A 5. What is the moral of the story?
A. kindness B. industrious C. adventurous D. sensitivity


A. Directions: Determine the reading strategy (skimming, scanning, intensive

reading, and extensive reading) described in the following sentences.
Write your answer on the space provided.

1. This reading style requires a fluid of decoding of text. Often for pleasure and for
overall understanding. extensive reading
2. It is used to identify the main idea of the text. skimming
3. This type of reading helps with the retention of information scanning _
4. Type of reading that enables you to search for specific information.
5. It can be used before reading, during reading, or even after reading extensive _
6. A method of quickly moving the eyes over a text to get the main idea and the
supporting details._intensive reading
7. It requires familiarity with the form (number, text, graph, etc.) the piece of
information being looked up is likely to appear. scanning
8. It allows readers to predict and usually requires more intensive reading than
scanning._extensive reading
9. It is used when a reader needs to decide whether a text is relevant. intensive _ reading
10. It is used when you want to read quickly and get the main idea skimming _

B. Directions: Identify what reading strategy is appropriate for the given situation. Write
skimming or scanning.

1. Check the date falls in the calendar skimming _

2. Search for the meaning of a word in a dictionary_ scanning
3. Read the procedures in cooking kare-kare skimming
4. A google search in the internet_scanning __
5. Scan the new edition of the book Harry Potter scanning _

C. Directions: Answer the following questions and encircle the letter of your answer.
1. What reading technique is required if one is to decide whether to buy a book or
not from a bookstore?
A. Scanning B. Critical Reading C. Skimming D. Summarizing
2. Which of the following activities will require you to read fast?
A. Reading a bible verse for reflection
B. Reading a recipe for a special occasion
C. Reading an explanation letter from an erring student
D. Reading a story of How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife
Quarter: 1_ Week: 7 & 8
MELC: Use appropriate reading strategies to (Government Property. Not for sale)
meet one’s purpose. (scanning and skimming)
B 3. Which of the following is not a strategy for skimming?
A. Read titles and headings
B. Read the first and last sentence of paragraphs
C. Read the text word for word
D. Read to get the main idea and the supporting details
A 4. What reading technique refers to look only for the general or main ideas?
A. Skimming B. Scanning C. Intensive Reading D. Extensive Reading
C 5. the following are some of examples of scanning except:
A. Check what time your program is on television
B. Find the specific details in investing in a stock market
C. Look up a word in a dictionary or index
D. Check the latest copy of your favorite magazine in the bookstore


• 7b. Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose
(intensive and extensive reading) (EN7RC-IV-b-10)

Learning Objectives:

• Note significant information from the material read

• Differentiate intensive reading from extensive reading style
• Identify the appropriate reading style for each situation.

Reading Strategies:

c. Intensive – reader intensely involved in looking inside the text, reading for
specific and precise information and shorter text segments.
d. Extensive – reading for pleasure any topic of interest to relax and enjoy.


A. Directions: Identify the reading strategies used in the following situations. Write the
letter of your choice before the number.

A. skimming B. scanning C. intensive D. extensive

D _ 1. The TV guide for Friday evening

B _ 2. An English grammar book
B _ 3. An article in National Geographic magazine about Roman Empire
B _ 4. A good friend’s homepage on the internet
C _ 5. The opinion page in your local newspaper
B _ 6. Finding an article in a magazine
B _ 7. Finding a word in a glossary of a textbook
A _ 8. Reading a math problem to be solved
A _ 9. Reading the headline of a newspaper
C _ 10. Reading the procedure for a lab experiment

Quarter: 1_ Week: 7 & 8

MELC: Use appropriate reading strategies to (Government Property. Not for sale)
meet one’s purpose. (intensive and extensive)

B. Directions: Read the following passage below. Then answer the questions that

Engaging with nature is indeed a stress-free activity one can enjoy. Gardening
is not just a hobby but a way of staying fit and heathy. It is a lifestyle for those who want
to help save the environment and at the same time to save money or earn extra income.
If you start growing vegetables and fruits in your garden, you’re obviously inclined to
start eating more vegetables and fruits and become healthy. Commercial fruits and
vegetables are picked when they are still young and green and they are sprayed with
chemicals to speed up the ripening process. We are misled that one’s health is as good
as it is. However, if we produce what we eat, something happens in our garden that is
so true, fulfilling and self-worthy. When we sow a seed to the ground, we make a
commitment, a vow to take care of that plant.
In addition, growing indoor plants also improve our mental health, it can make
us feel relaxed, calm our emotions and uplift those people who are depressed. Indoor
plants are further beneficial for they help reduce stress, improves memory and mental
well-being, and also purify the air by absorbing toxins and microbes which are deemed
harmful compounds found in our houses. So, what are you waiting for? Grab those
shovels and let us put some seeds on the ground.

1. Why is engaging to nature good to our mental health?

Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduced _ anger, fear, and stress
and increases pleasant feelings.
2. In this time of new normal situation, why do think gardening is a very popular activity?
Because, There are certain very stabilizing foces in gardening that can grounds
us when we are feeling shaky.
3. Give at least 3 more benefits of plants in our daily life. Support your answer with
details and information.
Supplying food and energy
Maintain Earth's atmosphere
Cycling water and nurturing soils

4. What is the appropriate title of the passage?

Pyschological Benefits of Plants _

Quarter: 1_ Week: 7 & 8
MELC: Use appropriate reading strategies to (Government Property. Not for sale)
meet one’s purpose. (intensive and extensive)


Directions: Read the short story. Then, answer the questions that follow.
The Carabao and the Shell

One very hot day, when a carabao went into the river to bathe, he met a shell and
the began talking together.
“You are very slow,’’ said the carabao to the shell.
“Oh, no,’’ replied the shell. “I can beat you in a race,’’
“Then let us try and see,’’ said the carabao.
So, they went out on the bank and started to run. After the carabao had gone a long
distance he stopped and called, “Shell!’’
And another shell lying by the river answered, “Here I am!’’
Then the carabao thinking that it was the same shell with which he was racing, ran
on. By and by he stopped again and called, “Shell!’’
Again, another shell answered, “Here I am!’’
The carabao was surprised that the shell could keep up with him. But he ran on and
on and every time he stopped to call, another shell answered.

1. Who are the main characters in the story? Carabao and the shell
2. How did they meet? when carabao went into the river to bathe
3. Create an alternative ending of the story.
The carabao was surprised that shell_ stop at the middle of the race. And the
carabao heared a cracked noise and_carabao lean at the left and see shell at the
ground lake and _

4. Draw what you have seen in your mind while reading the story.

Quarter: 1_ Week: 7 & 8

MELC: Use appropriate reading strategies to (Government Property. Not for sale)
meet one’s purpose. (intensive and extensive)


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