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Self-Assessment Name: Shabnam Omerkhil

Tool Registration #:

Part 1: Reflection Questions

Answer all of the statements and questions below.

1. Reflect on your practice and think broadly about what impacts your work.
Think about your: Consider:
• role • new opportunities
• responsibilities • challenges
• daily practice • changes in the sector or in your work setting
• new experiences • leadership development
• ongoing concerns or questions
Brainstorm and make a list of things that impact your work.

- My role and responsibilities impact my work. If I am working as a teacher, my work will be

different from a PLASP teacher or a babysitter.
- The age of the children impacts my work as well, as they have different developmental goals
and levels of knowledge.
- The environment and what I have access to impacts my work.
- The children I am teaching impact my work
- My coworkers impact my work
- The families of the children impact my work

2. Think about the role of others in your professional practice. How do you seek, offer and consider
feedback from others? What have you learned from others? What do others learn from you?

When I am having trouble, one of the first places I look are others in my professional practice. I
am not afraid to ask for help and they are the most knowledgeable people that will be able to
help. When I have trouble I ask for help, I ask for feedback to improve on my practices and more.
It is important to take the feedback of others as they have firsthand experience with children as
well, so their reasoning is always sound. Some things I have learned from others is to better
consider the age of the children I am leading. I used to mis-accurately create activities for children
that did not fit their age group and then would get flustered when they did not like the activity until
someone pointed out that it does not fit their current developmental stage. Since then, I have
become much better and also try to spread feedback when I can. Others can learn a wide range
of things from me, from communicating with children to creating creative activities.

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Self-Assessment Tool ı 2017 1
Self-Assessment Registration #:


3. Based on your professional practice and notes above, what additional knowledge, skills or
resources do you need to support your strengths, areas for growth, leadership development
or professional learning interests?

I feel that what I am lacking now is experience in a professional environment. I have done the
theoretical work and applied it in a smaller environment, however, I have not yet led or taught a
room full of children yet and I believe that the skills and understanding that comes with doing that
is what I am missing. That is an area of growth for me to target.

Something else that I require is confidence in my English ability as well as some improvement as
well. As English is my second language, I am still learning and I am not confident in my ability.
Because of this, speaking can be hard for me and I can get flustered easily. So this is a skill that I
wish to develop which will help me with my communication with the children.

Part 2: Reviewing the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

1. Before you begin Part 2, read the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
2. Indicate, by ticking the corresponding boxes below, that you have read both the Code of Ethics
and each of the Standards of Practice.
3. Respond to the statement that accompanies each standard and reference the standards. When
responding, consider your reflections from Part 1.

Code of Ethics
I have
✔ read the Code of Ethics on page 7 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Self-Assessment Tool ı 2017 2
Self-Assessment Registration #:


Standard I: Caring and Responsive Relationships

I have read Standard I: A – C on pages 8-9 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional learning
interests from Standard I. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard I: C.4).

I believe my first strength is Standard I: A. I definitely agree and know that strong, positive
relationships are the foundation for healthy child development and that a positive environment is
required for children to grow to their potential. Another strength I have is Standard I:B, specifically
B.1 and B.2. During my time at Humber, I have learned a lot about the theory of childhood
development and because of this, I believe that I have strength in the research, theories, and
strategies that can be used in development.

An area of growth is Standard I:C.3. I had not thought about the circumstances of the family
beforehand such as their identity and structure, and so that is something that I will improve on.

Standard II: Curriculum and Pedagogy

I have
✔ read Standard II: A – C on pages 10-11 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional learning
interests from Standard II. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard II: B.3).

I believe an area for growth that I have and also an area for professional learning interest is
Standard II: C.5 as I am not very familiar with assistive technological tools but I would love to
learn about them in order to help all children do their best. Otherwise I also find Standard II: C.4
as interesting.

Apart from that, I believe I have strength in the other standards through my work, common
knowledge, and learnings from school.

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Self-Assessment Tool ı 2017 3
Self-Assessment Registration #:


Standard III: Safety, Health and Well-Being in the Learning Environment

I have
✔ read Standard III: A – C on pages 12-13 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional learning
interests from Standard III. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard III: C.8).

I have interested in Standard III:A as I have not yet had to maintain a large environment yet so it
will be exciting to explore a larger environment but also take care of it and ensure safety and
good use of the environment.

Something that I have to work on is Standard III: C.3 to ensure that all children are safe and
worry-free. I have not taken a deep look into this standard yet but I will now.

Otherwise, I have shown strength in Standard III: B through my school learnings and I have
confident in my knowledge.

Standard IV: Professionalism and Leadership

I have
✔ read Standard IV: A – C on pages 14-15 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional learning
interests from Standard IV. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard IV: C.7).

Strengths I have from Standard IV include Standard IV: B 3-6. reading the Code of Ethics and
Standards of Practice as well as other College of Early Childhood Educators documents, I have
understood these standards and their importance.

Areas of growth include Standard IV: B.1-2 and C.9. I believe it is important to stay up to date on
trends so I will use my resources to find information on current trends and legislations.
Furthermore, I did not know about cooperation with the College, so I will ensure that I do that.

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Self-Assessment Registration #:


Standard V: Professional Boundaries, Dual Relationships and Conflicts of Interest

I have
✔ read Standard V: A – C on pages 16-18 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional learning
interests from Standard V. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard V: C.6).

I believe I show strength in all of Standard V as it is very important to hold a professional

relationship as well as boundaries in all aspects of life and not just work.

A place of professional learning interest I have though is with Standard V: B.2 as although I have
faith in my strength, it is still important to ensure that the lines are not blurred accidentally.

Standard VI: Confidentiality, Release of Information and Duty to Report

I have
✔ read Standard VI: A – C on pages 19-20 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

Identify your strengths and any areas for growth, leadership development or professional learning
interests from Standard VI. Reference the specific standards (e.g. Standard VI: C.2).

Again, I believe I show strength with most of Standard VI as it is common courtesy to keep
confidentiality as well as understand the consequences of information.

However an area of growth that I do have is Standard VI: B.4 as I need to familiarize myself with
the Child and Family Services Act.

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Self-Assessment Registration #:


Part 3: Professional Learning Goals

1. Begin Part 3 by reviewing your responses in Part 1 and 2.
2. Complete the chart below by identifying three priorities for your professional learning over the next
two years.
3. For each priority, indicate the related standard(s).
4. Next, develop a professional learning goal for each priority and ensure that the goal is related to the
standards identified for that priority. You will work toward these three goals during this two-year
portfolio cycle. Consider creating goals that are:
 Specific
 Measurable
 Action-oriented
 Realistic
 Timely

Professional Learning Priorities Related Standard(s) Professional Learning Goals


I believe it is accessible Standard III: B.4 Every year, I will spend 50

learning for all children is Standard III: C.2 hours working with
very important as well as Standard IV: B.1 organizations or
enhancing practices and Standard IV: C.5 independently to advocate for
education. Standard IV: C.7 improved practices,
specifically regarding

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Self-Assessment Registration #:


Professional Learning Priorities Related Standard(s) Professional Learning Goals


I believe another priority I Standard II: B.3 During large group activities,
have is being able to create Standard II: C.1 I will come up with at least 3
plans and activities Standard II: C.2 ideas of extensions or new
responsively, based on the activities that will best aid the
interests, strengths, and children.
areas for growth of the


My last priority is working on Standard I: C.5 Be able to have a 15 minute

my English to improve my Standard I: C.6 conversation with families in
communication with the Standard II: C.7 English about their children
children, their families, my Standard IV: C.2 without becoming nervous.
coworkers, and other Standard IV: C.3

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Self-Assessment Tool ı 2017 7
Professional Name: Shabnam Omerkhil

Learning Plan Registration #:


1. Review your Self-Assessment Tool.
2. Reflect on the three professional learning goals you have identified.
3. Research and brainstorm learning activities that support you in realizing your goals.
4. Complete the Professional Learning Plan below.

Professional Learning Goals Professional Learning Activities Timelines

Transfer over the three goals List professional learning Indicate the timelines for
from your Self-Assessment Tool. activities that will support you engaging in your professional
in realizing each goal. learning activities and when
you plan to reach your goals.


Every year, I will spend 50 - Spreading awareness My goal is something that I

hours working with - Raising donations will continuously work on and
organizations or
- Collaborating with is a goal that I will re-do
independently to advocate for
improved practices, organizations every year. However, I
specifically regarding - Researching methods to believe it is most important to
accessibility. implement better practices start with research and
- Reaching out to those with making connections with
the power to make change organizations and others with
- Reaching out to those who more information. After that I
more information than myself will try to spread awareness
- Conferences and reach out to those that
- Speakers can make a change.
- Participation in communities
of practice

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Professional Learning Plan ı 2017 8
Professional Registration #:

Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goals Professional Learning Activities Timelines


During large group activities, I - Collaborate with my When we have all the
will come up with at least 3 coworkers to note anything children gathered for one
ideas of extensions or new
that we see activity, I will try to collaborate
activities that will best aid the
children. - Document certain activities with my coworkers to note
to reflect on our process any possible extensions or
- Create a rubric to rate the new ideas to help the
extensions that we come up children. We will then decide
with and implement certain
- Workshops extensions if it makes sense
- Conferences and then grade them based
off of the rubric. Finally, we
can reflect on our process as
well as the children's learning
by documenting the activities
such as by video taping

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Professional Learning Plan ı 2017 9
Professional Registration #:

Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goals Professional Learning Activities Timelines

Be able to have a 15 minute - Increase my vocabulary This is a goal that I wish to
conversation with families in - Participate in conversations accomplish as soon as
English about their children possible and the only way to
with my coworkers
without becoming nervous.
- Have conversations in do it is to continue to speak.
English with my friends and Through conversations with
family the people around me and by
- Reading out loud speaking in English
- English workshops whenever I can, I hope to
accomplish my goal.

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Professional Learning Plan ı 2017 10
Name: Shabnam Omerkhil
Record of Professional
Learning Registration #:

1. Review your Professional Learning Plan.
2. As you engage in professional learning activities, complete the Record of Professional Learning
chart below and attach evidence or documentation of participation in planned learning activities.

Professional Learning Description of the Documentation Application of

Goals Professional Learning of Participation* Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice

Transfer over the Provide brief List the evidence or Provide brief
three goals from your descriptions of the documentation that descriptions of how you
Professional Learning professional learning shows you have have integrated, or will
Plan. activities including the participated in your integrate, your learning
date and professional planned activities and into your professional
learning provider, if keep this with your practice.
applicable. record.


Every year, I will Discussed in Timeline N/A I will integrate my

spend 50 hours learning into my
working with professional practice
organizations or by providing all the
independently to children with an equal
advocate for chance of learning
improved practices, and development.
specifically regarding Those who require
accessibility. accessibility aid will
have technology,
additional help, and
anything else they
require in order to

* You may choose to keep your documentation in any format (e.g. paper, electronic, audio/video/voice recordings). Please
ensure you indicate the form of your documentation and be prepared to share, or provide access to your documentation if
requested by the College.

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Record of Professional Learning ı 2017 11
Record of Professional Registration #:


Professional Learning Description of the Documentation Application of

Goals Professional Learning of Participation Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice

1. (Cont’d)

Reflect on your learning. Describe the successes, challenges or unexpected outcomes related to
meeting or not meeting your goals.

N/A - Still in the process of learning

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Record of Professional Learning ı 2017 12
Record of Professional Registration #:


Professional Learning Description of the Documentation Application of

Goals Professional Learning of Participation Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice


During large group Discussed in Timeline - Detailed Responsive I will integrate this into
activities, I will come Plans my practice by using
up with at least 3 the new extensions
ideas of extensions or and ideas to aid the
new activities that will current development
best aid the children. of the children and
also to keep track of
how to improve
activities for future

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Record of Professional Learning ı 2017 13
Record of Professional Registration #:


Professional Learning Description of the Documentation Application of

Goals Professional Learning of Participation Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice

2. (Cont’d)

Reflect on your learning. Describe the successes, challenges or unexpected outcomes related to
meeting or not meeting your goals.

N/A - Still in the process of learning

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Record of Professional Learning ı 2017 14
Record of Professional Registration #:


Professional Learning Description of the Documentation Application of

Goals Professional Learning of Participation Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice


Be able to have a 15 Discussed in Timeline N/A I will integrate this into

minute conversation my practice
with families in everywhere, as I will
English about their constantly be having
children without conversations in
becoming nervous. English so it is very
important to be
confident in my
abilities and be able
to hold long
conversations, with
children, and their

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Record of Professional Learning ı 2017 15
Record of Professional Registration #:


Professional Learning Description of the Documentation Application of

Goals Professional Learning of Participation Professional Learning
Activities in My Practice

3. (Cont’d)

Reflect on your learning. Describe the successes, challenges or unexpected outcomes related to
meeting or not meeting your goals.

N/A - Still in the process of learning

College of Early Childhood Educators CPL Portfolio Cycle ı Record of Professional Learning ı 2017 16

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