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Alamat : Jl. Raya yang kamu mau, Lebak-Banten Kode Pos. 42393



Hari, Tanggal : ………., … Desember 2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VII/1 (Ganjil)
Waktu : 120 menit

1. Isikan identitas anda dalam format lembar jawaban dengan teliti dan benar
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket soal ini
3. Periksalah naskah soal yang anda terima, apabila halamannya tidak lengkap minta ganti pada pengawas ruang ujian
4. Baca dan pahamilah dengan baik pernyataan atau soal sebelum anda menjawab
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan Kepada pengawas ujian

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!
1. Please complete the dialogues to answer question. 5. When we meet somebody at 5 p.m we greet him...
Siti : “Hello. My name is Siti”. A. good afternoon C. good night
Day : “.......... I’m Dayu. Nice to meet you”. B. good evening D. good morning
Siti : “Nice to meet you too”. 6. Please complete the dialogues to answer question.
A. good morning C. hi Nadya : “Mesi, .............. Your pen lost”
B. good night D. good afternoon Mesi : “Never mind. I still have two pens”
A. I am so happy C. thank you
2. Please complete the dialogues to answer question. B. I am so sorry D. you are welcome
Aini : “My mom bought chocolate at
Bandung yesterday. And this is for Quations 7 to 10!
you” I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Snowy. Snowy is a
Nadya : “...........................” Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has thick
Aini : ”You’re welcome”
white fur. When I cuddle it, the fur fells soft. Snowy
A. where do you live?
does not like bones. Every day it eats soft food like
B. good night
steamed rice, fish or bread. When I am at school, Snowy
C. good morning
plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight,
D. thank you so much
maybe because Snowy does not bark a lot. It treats the
other animals in our house gently, and it never bites
3. Please complete the dialogues to answer question.
Fiska : “Hi, my name is Fiska Rahmawati.
Please call me Fiska”
We always spend time together at home. We do many
Sandir : “Hello, I am Sandira. How do you do,
activities, playing balls, hide and seek, or do racing in
a Fiska?”
Fiska : “.....................” the backyard. In the afternoon, I usually take her for a
A. What do you do? C. How are you? walk. People love to see Snowy. Snowy is really a sweet
B. How do you do? D. See you and friendly pet.

4. I was born on June, and my best friend's birthday is 7. What si the topic of the story?
the third month of the year. It is ..... A. A friendship between a cat and a dog
A. March C. January B. A friendship between a pet and its owner
B. February D. April C. A friendly and sweet dog

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
D. Spending time with a pet inside and outside the D. Indonesian telephone cards
15. How many telephone cards does Thomas have?
8. The main topic of paragraph two is ... A. sixty three C. forty three
A. snowy always plays with the cat B. fifty three D. thirty three
B. everybody loves to walk with Snowy
C. Snowy is a cute and friendly dog 16. Does Thomas have foreign telephone cards?
D. the writer's activities with his/her pet A. Yes, he does C. Yes, he is
B. No, he doesn't D. No, he isn't
9. Where does the writer usually spend the time with
his pet? 17. How does Thomas get much money?
A. At home C. on the street A. By collecting stamps
B. At school D. in the backyard B. By selling stamps
C. By working hard
10. What activity does the writer do after school with his D. By buying and selling telephone cards
A. Cuddle it softly 18. Which is the true sentences based on the text above?
B. Let it play with the cat A. Thomas buys and sells telephone cards
C. Take it for a walk B. Thomas buys and sells foreign telephone cards
D. Give it milk C. He has fifty five different telephone cards
D. Indonesian don't collect telephone cards
11. Nayla : “If today is Friday. What is the day
after tomorrow?” 19. Aslan : “..... does the lesson end?”
Lisna : “It’s .......................” Melly : “It ends at half past one”
A. Sunday C. Saturday A. what color C. how long
B. Monday D. Wednesday B. what time D. how

12. Rindu : “Where do you put my books?” 20. Alya : What time is it?
Yunita : “I put ..... on the table” Budi : It is ..... (2.15 p.m)
A. it C. theirs Alya : Oh, I have to go now. I have a piano
B. us D. them class at 3 p.m
A. A half past three C. A quarter past two
13. Rendy : “Where do you come from, Frisca?” B. A quarter past three D. A half past two
Frisca : “..........”
A. Nice to meet you 21. All people in the world celebrate New Years on...
B. I'm twelve years old A. December 20th C. January 1st
C. I come from Bandung B. July 1 st
D. August 17th
D. I'm Junior High School student
22. Regina : What do usually do at nine in the
Quations 14 to 18! morning?
Thomas’ hobby is collecting telephone cards. He spends Tata : .....
all his money on these cards. He has 53 different A. I study at school
telephone cards. All his cards are Indonesian. He doesn’t B. I have breakfast with my family
collect foreign telephone cards. C. I have a lunch
D. I have dinner
Many Indonesians collect telephone cards. Thomas sells
cards to other collectors. Sometimes he buys cards from 23. What month is before November?
other collectors. He gets much money by buying and A. December C. September
selling telephone cards. It’s a good hobby. B. October D. January

14. What does Thomas collect? 24. I have breakfast at 05.55 in the morning. We can say
A. cards that it is....
B. telephones A. Five past six C. Six past five
C. foreign telephone cards B. Five past fifty five D. Five to six

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
A. brother
25. Arrange the jumbled sentences bellow into a good B. baby
conversation between Mesi and Mrs. Dayu! C. father
1. Mesi : “I help my mom first” D. grand mother
2. Mrs. Dayu : “Don’t be late again next
time, ok?” 32. "Hello my ....... is lala". lengkapi!
3. Mesi : “Good morning, ma’am. I’m A. hobby C. favorite food
sorry. I am late” B. name D. familiy
4. Mrs. Dayu : “Good morning, why are you
late?” 33. "Sunday, monday ......... , wednesday". lengkapi!
A. 3-2-4-1 C. 4-3-2-1 A. friday C. thursday
B. 3-4-1-2 D. 1-2-3-4 B. saturday D. tuesday

Quations 26 to 29! 34. "........, july , august. Lengkapi nama-nama bulan!

This man is working while we are sleeping at night. He A. december C. may
uses a big telescope to help him. He is Taufiq Hidayat. B. april D. june
He is an astronomer.
35. "09.00 pagi". In english is ...
From Monday to Saturday, Taufiq goes to Bosscha A. it is nine o'clock in the morning
Observatory, Lembang. He uses a big telescope and a B. it is two o'clock in the morning
computer to observe the stars. Then, he uses maths and C. it is nine o'clock in the night
physics to make theory. D. it is onw o'clock in the night

26. What does Taufiq Hidayat do?

36. What is jon say ....
A. He is a pilot C. He is an astronomer
A. "thank you Roy"
B. He is an astronaut D. He is a math teacher
b. "what is your name ?"
C. "i am sorry Roy"
27. Where does he work?
D. "what is your hobby roy?"
A. At a laboratory
B. In the room
C. At Bosscha Observatory, Lembang 37. "Saya bangun tidur pada pukul 07,00 pagi". In
D. At the outer space english is ..
A. I wake up at 0ne o.clock in the morning
28. What does he need in doing his job? B. I go to bath at two o.clock in the night
A. A telescope and a computer C. I go to school at seven o.clock in the morning
B. A big laboratory D. I go home at 0ne o.clock in the morning
C. Some astronomers
D. A healthy physical condition 38. "Terima kasih ibu". In english is ..
A. thank you dad
29. How can astronomer help astronauts? B. thank you mam
A. An astronomer helps them land the planes on C. i am sorry mam
the earth D. good bye mom
B. An astronomer helps astronauts by giving
information about the stars 39. She will say ...
C. An astronomer helps astronauts fly the planes A. hai, my name is lala
D. An astronomer helps them land on the moon B. hai how are you ?
and put satellites on the outer space C. hai, im fine thank you.
D. good bye
30. Tania : ”......... money do you have?”
Risa : ”I have one hundred thousand rupiahs”
A. how much C. how long 40. "Good bye, see you tommorow". Artinya..
B. how many D. how far

31. This is ...

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
A. selamat tinggal, sampai jumpa besok! Risma : She is cooking rice in the ..........
B. hai apa kabar? b. Keisya : Hello. Where are you going?
C. hai siapa namamu? Mita : Hi, I’m going to the ...........
Keisya : What do you want to buy?
D. ayo ikuti aku!
Mita : Some vegetables
44. Observe the family tree to complete the sentences
II. Essay! below!
41. What should you say to the following situations. 1. Didi is Hasanah’s.........
a. You meet your friend at 08.00 p.m 2. Siti is Mrs. Saras’s.......
b. You meet your teacher when you will go to 3. Yuli is Beni’s............
school. 4. Beni is Siti’s...............
c. You broke your friend’s glasses accidentally. 5. Didi is Siti’s.............
d. Your parents give you a present on your
birthday party.
42. When do we celebrate: 45. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
a. Hero’s day 1. Its name is Si Manis.
b. Our Independence day 2. I like very much.
c. Kartini’s day 3. It also has a long tail and bright eyes.
43. Complete the following dialogs! 4. This is my funny cat.
a. Fani : Where is your mother? 5. It has black and white fur.

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JAWABAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √ √ √
C √ √ √ √
D √ √ √ √ √

JAWABAN 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
A √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √ √
C √ √ √ √ √
D √ √ √

41. a. Good evening
b. Good morning
c. I am sorry
d. Thank you

42. a. November 10th

b. August 17th
c. April 21st

43. a. Kitchen b. greengrocer

44. 1. Husband
2. Granddaughter
3. Aunt
4. Brother
5. Father

45. 4-1-5-3-2

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal

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