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Competency Experience Log

Not all of the experiences you include on the log will make it into your portfolio. This is a way to keep track of all the
experiences you do throughout the year and aid in the planning of future competency development.

Completed Experience Level Brief Description of experience and what you
(anticipated or (development or application) learned.
Completed Experiences
Represented the sophomore class in the Honors
Honors Sophomore program. I learned more about how to be a leader
Representative 2020-2021 application and how to use the skills I’ve developed.
By participating in the learning community, I
learned about different leadership styles, while
Emerging Researchers also learning more about how to effectively work
Learning Community 2020-2021 development with a team.
Took the skills finder test to learn about my top
Strengths Finder 2019-2020 development five leadership strengths.
I have worked at Westlake for four years and the
MSU reporter for two. While working these jobs I
have learned about different leadership styles,
Work at Westlake and the 2017 - how to work in a team, and about what good
Reporter present development leaders should and shouldn’t do.
Pre-Professional Learning
Community 2019-2020 development Learned about different leadership styles.
*Future/Planned Experiences
Develop a mentor relationship with youth in
Mankato area. I would learn how to take the
Big Brother Big Sister of leadership skills I’ve developed and out them into
Mankato 2021? application action.
Represent the junior class in the Honors program.
Honors Junior I will probably learn similar things to what I did
Representative 2021-2022 application being the sophomore class rep.


Completed Experience Level Brief Description of experience and what you
(anticipated or (development or application) learned.
Completed Experiences
Emerging Researchers – Dec 2020 development Put together our ideas for research project into a
final plan on how we wanted to complete it. I
learned what creating a research project looks
final research proposal like.
Put together a completed URC grant application.
While doing this I learned what all goes into
applying for a grant and just how much work it
Apply for URC grant 2020 development takes.
Reviewed existing literature on the topic of cultural
perspectives on healthcare. I learned how different
cultures view healthcare and how that affects the
kind of healthcare they choose to receive. I also
Literature Review 2020 development learned what goes into creating a literature review.
This experience was collecting the data from our
survey, analyzing, and presenting our finished
Emerging Researchers – team research project at the URS. From this I
collecting data and learned what creating a finished research project
presenting at the URS Apr 2021 application is like and how presenting original research goes.
In this 401 class I learned about the different types
of research methods and how you can use them
Honors 401 – to create an original research project. I also
Interdisciplinary learned what type would work best for the project
Undergraduate Research 2020 development my team was looking to create.
Future/Planned Experiences

Completed Experience Level Brief Description of experience and what you
(anticipated or (development or application) learned.
Completed Experiences
Learned about deaf culture at the event. I think I
Deaf Comedian, Research could further learn by doing some research and
and Reflection Oct 2019 development reflecting on the experience.

Future/Planned Experiences
Participating in this program would allow me to
Language Partners learn about cultures other than my own, while
Program ? development helping someone practice their English.
Maverick Diversity Institute This program would help me learn about a variety
Passport Program 2021? application of different topics related to cultural diversity.
The first changes I made were to the leadership section. I added the strengths finder assessment that I we took in Honors
201 because I didn’t even think of including that last year when I first filled this out. I think it is a good development
experience because it shed more light on what leadership skills. I also added the junior class representative position
because that is my leadership position this year on HSB. I think eventually I might just combine the sophomore and junior
class rep experiences into something called HSB class rep since the two positions pretty much entail the same things.
That way there aren’t two reflections that are very similar in my portfolio and then I can reflect on how my leadership skills
have grown through both positions. In the research category I made a few changes. I added applying for the URC grant
and doing a literature review. Both were crucial parts to the research project I worked on last year and I think they are
important to reflect on. I also added the Honors 401 class that I had to take since I was in the learning community,
because I didn’t even think to include that last year. I also took out research projects I did for past classes (Bio 105 and
106, and genetics) because they weren’t formal research projects just things we did for class. I think they were good for
helping to develop research skills like how to find reliable information and how to put that together into a paper, but I think
that I better developed those skills from being a part of Emerging Researchers. I’m also not sure if those experience work
for the new program like they did for the old program. I also moved presenting at the URS to completed because that was
finished as of April. For Intercultural Engagement, I kept going to see the DJ Demers (deaf comedian) because I feel like it
could work if I did some more research and reflected on the experience more, but I’m not entirely sure if I should keep it or
not. I also added doing the Maverick Diversity Institute Passport Program because I looked into what it is, and it seems
like an experience that I could get a lot out of. I don’t have much else for Intercultural Engagement, but I am open to
suggestions on experiences that I could participate in to add to that.

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