You Say Morals, I Say Ethics

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Sem. Tim Allen S. Palomera Reaction Paper Fr.

Francis Roi Madarang


When can we say that you are objective to be moral? It is hard to find the answer to

this question but the only thing I can say to feel that you are objective enough is to believe

the principle of the goodness of God. To feel may be subjective but God will never give

emotions if they are not helpful to find the truth of this world.

When I was in first year high school, I do not have the grudge to complain the strict

implementation of the formators but I still have in my mind the question that is it

important to observe this kind of rule. Obedience is the easy thing for me at that time

because I do not mind anyone in the community. Years later, obedience is not just the easy

thing for me because there are some decisions that I need to consider for the good of all the

members of the community. For instance, when we, grade 12 will have to choose whether

film viewing is the schedule after dinner or study period for us to submit all the

requirements on time. They are both good but we need to choose the schedule that makes

the community productive and happy and we need to set aside our own desire to complete

all the requirements by using the schedule after dinner.

Sometimes, it is best to consider what is good for everyone and to forget your own

desires because the more you are willing to give is the more you are willing to accept and

that is how love works. You do not mind what are the achievements you will get but you do

mind what are the benefits they will have when you are about to discern between two good

decisions. All I want to say is to spread this kind of goodness that one day, it is not just

ethics that only few are convinced but it is moral that everyone will have the courage to

uphold it.

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