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Sem. Tim Allen S. Palomera Reaction Paper Rev. Fr.

Francis Roi Madarang


While listening to the discussion of the reporter, Roland Remz Mejorada, I learned

that the philosophy of religion is not according to the belief of human being but according

to the existence of God that is called the “unmoved mover”. Almost all of the previous

discussions are related to the philosophy of religion that is why it is easy for me to point

out its important details. Why is so important to sense the existence of God in our lives?

Well, in my opinion, if I am going to answer this question by the ideas I found on the

discussion, it is important to sense the existence of God because humans seek for image of

something greater than them. They are not contented on theirs so they cling to what is lack

from them. The proof on the existence of God is there, there is always a question that

makes us incomplete. Incompleteness for me is something to not worry about because the

more we think that we have all flaws or imperfections, the more God will continue to exist

in us. God is the fullness of ours though the misbelieve to His existence is as rough as rock

to break. God will not find the way to break our limits but will find way to fulfill. Fulfillment

is not an easy-to-get situation. No man could get this fulfillment at a glance but I believe

fulfillment is an unimaginable process.

Unimaginable process means far beyond our senses specially to see what is truly the

fulfillment of us. Everyone has to say “to see is to believe” but I realized that the true saying

is “to believe is to see” simply because we are meant to be believed. Believing that there is

something than greater us no matter how foolish it seems becomes faith. Faith to see the

mysterious beyond of God that never rests to exist. The beyond is present not only there to

exist but also there to principle the goodness that is why it is called the gift of love.

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