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The Only Planet of Choice

by Phyllis V. Schlemmer
from Archive Website

1. Prelude

I - The Universe
2. The Council of Nine
3. God and Creation
4. The Universal Civilizations
5. Visitations
6. The Others

II - Planet Earth
7. Life on Earth
8. Accelerating Earth's Evolution
9. Crossroads

III - New Light on Earth's Ancient History

10. The Seeding of Humanity and the Akesu Culture
11. The Altean Venture - Atlantis
12. Ancient Egypt

IV - Vital Links in The Chain

13. Hoovid Branchings, Hebrew Roots and the Crescent
14. The Covenant
15. The Nazarene
Related Information
V - The Other Side Of The Coin
16. War and Peace in the 1990s Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth
17. Preventing Disaster The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion
The Stargate Conspiracy
VI - Terrestrial Affairs Vida en Nuestra Galaxia
18. Making a Difference
19. Adventures in Consciousness
20. Soul Matters
21. The Next Millennium
22. Briefing - How It Came To Be
23. Editor's Notes
24. Palden Jenkins' Notes from Revision 1993

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