Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan On Cultural Diversity

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Teacher Candidate’s Name: Angelina Greco

Lesson Title: Exploring and Sharing Culture in the Classroom

Time: 45 minutes

Student Learning Objective(s):

 Students will be able to identify the definition of culture and recognize cultures within the
classroom and their respective customs.
 Students will be able to write 3 sentences describing their culture.
 Students will be able to draw a picture illustrating their own cultural customs.

Academic Standards:
 RL.1.3. Describe characters, settings, and major event(s) in a story, using key details.
 NJSLSA.W4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
 1.5.2.Cr1b: Engage in individual and collaborative art making through observation and
investigation of the world, and in response to personal interests and curiosity.


Objective(s) Planned Assessments

Students will be able to identify the definition of Formative: The teacher will listen to and analyze
culture and recognize cultures within the student responses during the stopping points
classroom and their respective customs. while reading All Are Welcome. The teacher will
also assess their responses regarding an
interesting fact they learned about one of their
classmates’ cultures during morning meeting the
following day. This demonstrates understanding of
the content because they are able to show their
knowledge of what culture is and of the cultures
within the classroom.

Summative: The teacher will analyze their shared

responses from their worksheet and collect the
worksheet at the end. This demonstrates mastery
of the content because they are able to apply their
knowledge acquired during instruction to write
about their own culture.
Students will be able to write 3 sentences Formative: The teacher will walk around the room
describing their culture. while students are doing their worksheets and
analyze their understanding. This demonstrates
understanding of the content because students
are using the knowledge acquired during
instruction to brainstorm characteristics of their

Summative: The teacher will analyze their shared

responses from their worksheet and collect the
worksheet at the end. This demonstrates mastery
of the content because students have organized
their thoughts in a cohesive manner and are able
to present their 3 sentences in a coordinated way.
Students will be able to draw a picture illustrating Formative: The teacher will walk around the room
their own cultural customs. while they are doing their worksheets and analyze
their understanding. This demonstrates
understanding of the content because students
are using the knowledge acquired during
instruction to brainstorm ideas for their drawings.

Summative: The teacher will analyze their shared

responses from their worksheet and collect the
worksheet at the end. This demonstrates mastery
of the content because students have shown that
they can utilize their art skills and knowledge
acquired through instruction to draw images
relating to their culture.

Descriptions of Lessons and Activities

 The teacher will begin by sharing the definition of culture and writing it on an anchor
 The teacher will then activate prior knowledge by asking the class to share what sort of
culture they participate in based on the definition (this could be the culture amongst their
family, or culture amongst their friends/age group such as the type of music they listen to
or clothes they wear)
 The teacher will then write aspects of culture on the anchor chart based off of their
responses—such as music, clothes, and food. This will help students come up with
ideas for what to write about and draw on their worksheet (see Instructional
procedures/learning tasks).
Instructional procedures/learning tasks:
 The teacher will read All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold and will stop at various
points that highlight characteristics of cultural diversity. For example, the teacher will
stop at the page with the quote “Time for lunch—what a spread! A dozen different kinds
of bread. Pass it around till everyone’s fed.” and ask students what they think is meant
by what is said here (different people from different places eat different foods).
 Based on the stopping points during the book, the teacher will write the characteristics of
culture on the anchor chart such as music, clothes, and food. This will help students
come up with ideas for their worksheet (see next bullet point).
 After the book is read, the teacher will pass out a worksheet with lines for writing with an
empty box at the top, where students will write 3 sentences describing how they
participate in their culture and draw a picture of one of their favorite aspects of their
culture. For example, a student could write 3 sentences about how they participate in
their Italian culture and draw a picture of their favorite Italian food.
 The teacher will share an example of their own 3 sentences and drawing to model for

 Each student will read their sentences and show their drawings to the class. The point of
sharing is to raise awareness of cultural diversity within the classroom and to promote
 After all students share, the teacher will emphasize how sharing and recognizing
different cultures is important for the classroom community, and say and write the
following quote from All Are Welcome on the anchor chart: “We’re part of a community.
Our strength is our diversity. A shelter from adversity. All are welcome here.”

Support for Accommodations and/or Modifications:

• Specific support strategies outlined for students in the class:
o Support for ELLs: vocabulary sheets with translated definition of culture, visual aids
(pictures within the mentor text, drawings of favorite aspect of cultures)
o Support for Students with IEPs or 504 Plans: proximity seating, modeling, prompting,
positive reinforcement when completing parts of the assignment, sentence starters for
their assignment
o Support for Advanced Students: have them write 5 sentences instead of 3 on the
worksheet/draw 2 pictures instead of 1 on the worksheet
o Support for Struggling Students (who do not have IEP/504 Plans): modeling, prompting

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:

• Teacher Materials: anchor chart, markers, All Are Welcome Here by Alexandra Penfold,
model of assignment
• Student Materials: worksheet, pencil, crayons/colored pencils, vocabulary sheet

Homework/Assignment for Next Class:

For homework, the students will think about something they found interesting about their
classmate’s culture and share it with the class the next day during morning meeting.

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