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Let’s Check Activity 1.

Communication 1. In ancient times, these were also essential in their endeavors to discover
and occupy new places.
Sumerian Civilization 2. A civilization known for their high degree of cooperation with
one another and their desire for great things.
Weapons and armor 3. Was the ancient people's primary challenge though they were
successful in harnessing the rich resources that the world could provide?
Hieroglyphics 4. The early writing system of the Egyptians which they believed it was
provided to them by their gods by using symbols.
Sumerian Civilization. The location of this civilization is on the southernmost tip of
ancient Mesopotamia, and one of their major contributions is the development of the first
writing system known as cuneiform.
Greek Civilization 6. Known as the birthplace of western philosophy, some of the major
achievements they contributed much to the world were in science and technology.
Roman Civilization 7. Known to be the strongest political and social entity in the west and
looked up by other civilizations as their model in terms of legislation and codified laws.
gazettes 8. It is the first newspaper of Romans that contained the Roman Empire’s
announcements to their people, and it was engraved in metal or stone and publicly

Let’s Analyze Activity 1.

1. Ancient people to modern ones are becoming more and more innovative and smart.
The development in science and technology makes their life easier and better. Before
their clock was just made of water but now there are already digital clocks and
analog clocks. From a time when life was very simple and almost only survival was
the main focus until it became modern and had a variety of technologies such as
telephones, cellphones, and many more which is very useful and makes the human
life become better.

2. How science and technology affect society? Science has helped so much in people's
lives. It has made human life easier and better. Due to modern technologies, more
opportunities are opening up, and because of this the state of people's lives also
becomes better. It also made transportation and communication better.

3. Yes, I agree with the continuous developments, and I know that it's not only me but
also everyone. The ongoing developments have helped us all greatly in so many
aspects of our lives. Communication, transportation, and education become better.
There are so many work and business opportunities that help everyone. Continuous
development also means continuous improvement of people's lives.

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