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Case Analysis Number 1

❖ The company was not able to complete the market demand due to failed
❖ Sales draws down which affects the financial stability.

2) The proposed product innovation is competitive enough against other

competitors in the market since it was clear that this was one of the demands
of their existing and potential clients. In todays' modern era, companies should
be more innovative enough due to changes of demands and customers’ needs.
Companies should see to it what particular demands of the market are for them
to create innovative products urgently.

3) Mr. Johnson was incompetent as COO because he did not make a series of
monitoring and evaluation of what was the latest updates and status of the
proposed project. As a COO, it was right that he gave a specific time to
Alfred to finish the project but he should check it monthly. For example, for
him to react and give support. If he did the monitoring, he was able to know
the challenges encountered, which he can support at the earliest.

• knowing the demands of the market is a must
• creating innovative products is necessary to compete in the market
• thorough monitoring of the proposed projects is a must to check if it will be
done in a given time accomplishment target.

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