Tony Simms - Test Manager

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Tony Simms MBCS CITP

Senior Test and Acceptance Manager

Tel. 07957 870 267



An experienced and versatile ISEB qualified Programme Test Manager with a proven track record of rescu-
ing failing testing processes and managing in-house and third party test teams for clients within the Gov-
ernment, Financial, and Retail sectors. Tony is used to quickly assessing test and acceptance
programmes, on large, complex and high value accounts, producing the Test Strategy, justifying the test
and QA budget and managing all test planning and execution activities.

Tony’s work experience has included reviewing and overhauling an number of high profile test projects,
including projects for The NHS Connection For Health (CfH), The BBC and CSC.

At CfH Tony introduced a set of contractual requirements for third party suppliers to follow when deliver-
ing to the NHS. These clauses gave the NHS access to every stage of supplier testing, with associated
quality gates and payment linked milestones.

At CSC Tony was seconded from the NHS to CSC to undertake a full restructure of the CSC project testing
process to ensure compliance of a previously failed delivery. With the full support of the CSC senior man-
agement Tony managed to deliver a fully resourced and executed test project in time to meet a very
tight revised deadline.

At the BBC Tony undertook a quantative audit of a failing testing department, and recommended a two
phase recovery plan. He then executed the plan, both in London and at the supplier organisation in Israel.

Tony’s Test Strategy Template has been adopted by BERR an example of best practice for large govern-
ment projects. Tony’s model contract clauses, ‘A Contractual Framework for Managing Third Party Test-
ing’ has been used for number of high value projects.


· Delivered various papers on Testing at a number of conferences

· Test Strategy accepted by BERR (formally the DTI) as an example of best practice
· Appointed to the advisory council of the QA Guild and as a ‘World Ambassador’ for TestCommon.
· Achieved Chartered IT Professional status
· Supported high profile, high value (up to £200m) projects to achieve quality standards
· Successfully achieved Ready for Operations compliance on a previously failed project
· Executed a 10 week rescue plan for failing test department with a major public sector client


· Provided Test and QA Process Consultancy and Management on £10m project to deliver an enhanced
helpline services to vulnerable children
· Managed multiple concurrent Test and Acceptance work streams
· Responsible for approving supplier test activity and ensuring acceptable quality of all deliveries into
the NSPPC Helplines Development Programme
· Responsible for ensuring the technical readiness of two new data centres (System, Integration, Per-
formance and Security Testing)
· Responsible for UAT, OAT and SMAT
May 2008 to August 2008
Producing training and resource material on the theme of, developing a test strategy. This work resulted
in BERR adopting Tony’s Test Strategy Template as an example of best practice for large government

October 2007 to May 2008 OPERATIONS MANAGER: London Congestion Charging MSC
· Called in at TfL’s request to take control of the Congestion Charging, Managed Service Centre to in-
troduce controlled processes and bring management oversight to an under performing department
· Published and policed new operations manual
· Introduced ITIL procedures and training
· Wrote new resource plan, introducing enhanced services and reducing cost by amalgamating teams
and changing skill mix
· Improved the running of the Managed Service Centre such that it could be handed over to a perma-
nent Operations Manager

May 2007 to October 2007 STRATEGIC TEST MANAGER: The BBC

· Undertook full audit of current test practices and personnel effectiveness.
· Introduced process improvements including use case modelling and proactive defect management and
enhanced User Acceptance Testing
· Reduced regression test cycle execution time by 75%
· Managed off shore third party supplier delivery
· Produced and obtained supplier signoff to completely new test strategy giving the BBC greater con-
trol and visibility of the suppliers test process

· Provided Test and QA Process Consultancy and Management on £80m project to deliver a congestion
charging solution to Transport for London
· Managed third party testing, including Integration, System and Acceptance Testing. Introduced test
team structure changes to increase utilisation of test models by 50%
· Renegotiated the requirements of the customers test strategy to allow a risk based approach to the
level of testing stipulated, allowing the system to meet its target ‘go live’ date


· Achieved Ready for Operations acceptance on a highly complex £200m project
· Reviewed all testing processes following earlier project acceptance failure
· Fully analysed testing functions and identified required changes to achieve goals
· Met with NHS staff to negotiate sign off for Authority to Proceed
· Delivered all required changes within stringent timescale and budget requirements

Jan 2005 to Sep 2005 RFO TEST MANAGER: The NHS

· Reviewed and signed off all supplier test strategy, plans and reporting documentation
· Monitored multiple third party suppliers and their activities to ensure RFO compliance
· Advised NHS managers on the technical worthiness of various supplier solutions
· Liaised with suppliers to agree QA processes and advise on RFO requirements
· Witnessed deployment of scalability, network worthiness and security tests

Feb 2004 to Dec 2004: DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Charity Logistics

· Responsible for overall operational management and development activities
· Oversaw provision of project management, IT and Telecoms contract support
· Ensured processes were durable and resilient for the 3500 member organisations
· Helped found and develop CITRA the Charity IT Resource Alliance

Jul 2003 to Jan 2004: QA TEST & PROJECT MANAGER: The Entertainer
· Controlled the implementation of the Island Pacific Retail Management System
· Managed project teams, controlling financial planning and work scheduling
· Acted as interim chief technology officer, advising on and managing all IT issues
· Ensured full testing of systems prior to live status to ensure integrity and reliability
· Responsible for project planning, quality assurance and release management
· Supported the development of multi site entertainment and e-commerce application
· Implemented and controlled formal test, validation and release procedures

Jun 2001 to Dec 2001 UAT TEST MANAGER: Gerling UK

· Produced UAT test strategy
· Lead business team to form a UAT approach
· Produced Business as Usual Data Migration Test Strategy
· Trained business users in both the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of testing
· Developed reusable UAT test script pack and online training package
· The approach developed at Gerling UK was adopted by Gerling worldwide

Aug 2000 to April 2001 TEST & QA MANAGER: Dom James

Built test team of 20 from scratch using both external recruitment and internal Cap Gemini Graduates
· Reported directly to the main capital investors on quality and progress
· Developed ‘time boxed’ risk based approach to testing

Apr 2000 – Jun 2000 TEST & QA CONSULTANT: AssureSoft PLC

· Met very tight eight week deadline to ensure no slippage to a previously published application deliv-
ery date.
· Built entire test department from developing the test approach, recruiting staff to providing a com-
plete documentation system and templates.

Jun 1999 – Apr 2000 TEST & QA MANAGER: Merrill Lynch Investment Managers
· Negotiated consultancy contract to supply entire test team
· Produced Test Strategy including approach to verifying 32,000 legacy Client Guidelines.
· Developed full test documentation scheme

Mar 1998 – June 1999 TEST MANAGER: Robert Fleming

· Managed full lifecycle testing
· Responsible for Test Strategy, Test Planning, Recruitment, Resource Management, Third Party Suppli-
er Negotiations, Test Environment, System Testing and Automation of Testing.

1 Oct 1995 – Mar 1998 VV&T MANAGER: British Telecom

· Responsible to project director producing and implementing Test Strategy
· Worked closely with developers to facilitate development led testing


· BCS Certified IT Professional

· Full member of The British Computing Society
· ISEB Introduction to Software Testing
· Various internal and external training courses

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