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Global Changes

Air Pollution & Climate Change

Climate Change

The European New Green Deal focusing on reaching net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 or earlier.


1-Electrical cars and systems used. Some examples of this technologies are electrical bikes, motors, and cars. Electrical tools like excavators or any other construction tool [1].

2-Chemical Energy conversion is one of the promising technologies that will help with the reduction of greenhouse gases, such as the generation of green hydrogen via
electrolysis and fuel cells for mobile and stationary applications [1].

Air Quality

Atmospheric warming associated with climate change has potential to increase over the last 50 decades. There are several effects to different factor, meaning these factors can
affect either on warming or cooling the atmosphere. For example, black carbon which is a pollutant usually generated from combustion contributes to the warning of earth [2].


1-Closely monitoring multi-pollutant monitoring devices. Although this technology does not directly reduce emissions of air pollution from our skies it a control system that has
allows to monitoring this issue and enabling regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with emission limits for many different pollutants [3].

2-Catalyst Converter: This device catalyzes a redox reaction that transforms dangerous air pollutants into less harmful pollutant. Although this does not eliminate 100% pollution
from air it has the ability to transform carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide to nitrogen dioxide which are less harmful for the environment [3].
[1]“Examples of research projects for sustainability,” Bosch Global. (accessed Nov.
28, 2021).

[2]O. US EPA, “Climate Change Research,” US EPA, Apr. 25, 2014.

[3]D. Smith, “Air Pollution Solutions: 6 Pieces of Technology That Are Clearing Our Skies,”

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