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Let's Check & Let's Analyze Activity - ULOa for Week 4-5.

Let’s Check

1) Technology as Poesis
2) Technology as Poesis
3) Technology as Poesis
4) Technology as Revealing
5) Calculative Thinking
6) Technology as Revealing
7) Meditative Thinking
8) Technology as Revealing
9) Technology as Revealing
10) Technology as Poesis

Let’s Analyze
1) Science and technological advancements are the face of human civilization's progress. Technology,
according to Heidegger, may be a way of revelation because it reveals so much more about the human
individual and thus the world. The truth will be revealed as a result of this.

2) The goal of interrogating technology is to break free from its shackles, not by the lack of technology,
but through better comprehension of its substance and significance. Because technology is the most
important requirement of this era, it should be questioned. You can't comprehend technology without
asking questions about it. If someone is explaining how something will operate to you and you don't
comprehend it to some extent, how will you understand if you don't ask questions about it?

3) Heidegger believes that our grasp on calculative thinking, or rather its hold on us, creates an
environment in which our meditative or reflective powers are blunted and meaning is hidden. Many
physicians, who have been taught to save many lives through science and technology, may rush into
medical-based remedies when there are meaningful-based alternatives available but concealed from
calculative eyes.

4) The two conceptions of technology are inextricably linked. Posing goals and obtaining and employing
the means to achieve them is a human action. All human actions are based on technology. Technology
may be viewed as a means to an aim. The technology could be a device or, in Latin, a musical
instrument. This definition of technology, which considers it to be a process and a person's action, is
known as the instrumental and anthropological definition of technology.

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