Labs U1 3 - Bent Wire

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In this experiment you will investigate how the period, T, of oscillation of a bent metal

wire varies with the angle between the straight arms of the wire, θ, and to calculate
acceleration due to gravity, g.


1) Secure the cork in the clamp of the retort stand so that the pin is mounted
2) Measure the length, L of the wire.
3) Make a sharp bend in the wire at its centre so that the angle , between the straight
parts of the wire is about 150°.
4) Measure and record this angle  using a protractor.
5) Suspend the wire from the pin and displace the wire from its equilibrium position
and release it so that it performs small oscillations in the vertical plane as shown in
Figure 1 above.
6) Make suitable measurements to determine the period T of oscillation.
7) Remove the wire from the pin and vary its angle by gentle bending the wire so that
30°≤≤150°, and repeat steps 3-6 until 6 sets of readings are obtained.


1) T and are related by the equation

= 𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠θ + B
where A and B are constants.
Plot a graph of 𝑇 4 vs cos θ

2)Relate the above equation to the equation of a straight line graph.

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