Alejandre - Activity No. 1

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Course/Section: HRMGT - 3101

Subject: Ged 107 – Ethics



This video explains the definition of ethics and how it is defined by various philosophers.
It also states that in the Greek tradition, ethics is defined as good life or being happy, indicating
that an individual makes decisions based on their desire for pleasure and how they might achieve
it. While in the Judeo-Christian Tradition, they characterized ethics as the ideals of righteousness
before God and the love of God and neighbor.

In addition, the video also discusses normative ethics, meta-ethics, and applied ethics.
Here's a situational example that explains these three major types of ethics in further detail: A
35-year-old woman got pregnant after finding that she has ovarian cancer and has no choice
except to abort the fetus. According to the meta-ethics approach, the act of the 30-year-old
woman is morally evil because according to the Church, abortion is a grave sin and we should
constantly consider that a child is a blessing. However, the 30-year-old woman realizes that if
she chooses to keep the baby alive, she will harm it and be unable to fulfill her role as a mother.
So, in terms of normative ethics, it is the proper thing to do in this scenario because if she plans
to care for the baby, they will both suffer soon. Her action is morally acceptable in that situation.
And lastly, in the applied ethics or the Casuists may say that the 30-year-old woman is just doing
what is best for the two of them, that is, having an abortion and choosing to heal first and avoid
any danger to the unborn.


The second video went over the definition, types, scope, and advantages of business
ethics. The term “business ethics” refers to the right and wrong conduct in the business industry.
There are three types of business ethics: Moral Management, Amoral Management, and Immoral
Management. One of its advantages is to strengthen the business and boost employee
development. Moreover, one of the examples of ethical behavior is to respect customer
information. We must ensure that no information of the customer will be disclosed to others, and
we must treat their privacy and information as one of the most important ethical standards. On
the other side, one of the examples of unethical behavior we must avoid is taking sides when
there’s an employee argument or workplace conflict. When disagreements arise among
employees or other members, it is ethical for business management to stay neutral, but it is
unethical to be biased in the circumstance.


This video emphasizes society’s increasing social problems and how they might be
addressed. It tackles how important ethics is in all the happenings we are going through. Ethics
matters a lot; without ethics, nothing can be achieved and nothing can be done. Ethics is so
important and through ethical education, all the social problems can be reduced. To understand
the importance of ethics, we must prioritize education so that everyone sees the difference
between right and wrong and we can minimize the world's growing societal problems.


The video is all about the difference between non-moral standards and moral standards,
as well as how they might be applied in real life. It discussed more moral standards which means
it forces others to act accordingly and these are the acts or things that are morally right and
wrong. It tells out what an individual should be doing in terms of rights and obligations. For
example, if you’ve done something wrong, like harming innocent people or stealing your mom’s
wallet, since we know that it is morally wrong, it is normal for us to act ashamed and guilty
because we did something that is not virtuous conduct. On the other hand, non-moral standards
refer to standards by which we judge what is good or bad and right or wrong in a non-moral way.
For example, we tend to believe that talking while your mouth is full is wrongdoing and judging
the aesthetics whether it is bad or good art.

The fifth video talks about the nature of ethics. The first part of the video discussed the
difference between ethics and morals. It states that ethics are norms of conduct that we follow to
do the right thing in society, whereas morals are a principle or habit that we follow because we
believe it is right or bad. For example, there is a law that jaywalking is illegal. So, whether we
like it or not, we must follow the law since it is mentioned in our constitution and we can be
punished if we do not. But in morals, it is up to the people whether or not jaywalking is illegal.
Of course, as citizens, we are aware that jaywalking is forbidden; nonetheless, we believe that it
is not right to violate the law because we may be put in danger.

In addition, it also discussed the means and ends. Means refer to the tools we used to
achieve the desired outcome while ends are those outcomes that one desires to achieve. Consider
the following scenario: Your school is hosting a quiz bee. In order to bring home the bacon, you
prepared and analyzed all of the learning resources and modules that could help you win the quiz
bee. Later on, you know that you are well-prepared and confident in your ability to answer all of
the questions. Eventually, you finally finished the quiz bee, won, and ranked number 1 in your
school. In this example, the means is that you prepared all the necessary learning materials, and
the ends or the outcome is you did bring home the bacon.


The video no. 6 is all about how ethics is used in management. There are five approaches
to ethics: the Utilitarian approach, the Individualism approach, the Justice approach, Practical
approach, and Moral-rights approach. The utilitarian approach is making choice based on the
majority of people benefit from it. For example, you are torn whether to buy a burger for
yourself or the team. From a utilitarian perspective, you should buy a burger for the team
because it will benefit others, as more people will be able to eat instead of just you. The next
approach is individualism which means that you always consider your benefit when making a
decision. The best example of this is when you support yourself financially at school by working
part-time in a coffee shop rather than relying on your parents, who somewhat lacking in funding
your studies. Then, there is also a justice approach which is basically that a decision is must be
based on fairness, equity, and justness. The fourth approach is the practical approach which
bases the decision on the profession's and society's accepted standards. And last but not the least,
the moral-rights approach focuses on protecting the fundamental rights of individuals. The basic
example of this is you have the right to do whatever you want when you are on vacation or it’s
your leave.


The last video addresses the importance of understanding the difference between moral
standards and non-moral standards. As I said earlier, moral standards involve people's moral
rules regarding what they consider to be morally right and wrong. Examples of moral standards
are always telling the truth, don’t destroy other properties, don’t steal or kill innocent people, and
other actions that can seriously harm or seriously benefit human beings. While non-moral
standards are decisions/actions we judge based on what is bad or good in an unethical manner.
The basic example of this is we believe that sleeping when your hair is wet is a bad action
because you could go blind or crazy. Hence, it's important to remember that different societies
have diverse moral beliefs and that our own culture and surroundings have a big influence on our


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