Group 7 Energy Therapy

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Franz Morell and his son-in-law, engineer Erich Rasche, devised energy
therapy in 1977 in Germany. Chinese healers first noticed the connection of
energy and healing thousands of years ago, when they identified twelve
primary meridians, or energy routes, in the body. These meridians form an
extensive network that connects numerous limbs and organs. The entire
organism remains healthy and balanced when this energy field is strong and
bright. The body becomes increasingly vulnerable to weakness, sickness, and
death when it is weakened or disrupted by a variety of circumstances. Healers
who practiced energy medicine for generations found that by interacting with
the body's energy field, they could positively impact its health. Slow, regulated
movements, breathing, meditation, and relaxation were among the strategies
they taught their patients. As a result, they were able to assist their patients in
recovering from serious illnesses and maintaining their health.
● A form of complementary and
alternative medicine based on the
belief that a vital energy flows
through the human body. The goal
of energy therapy is to balance the
ENERGY energy flow in the patient. It is used
to reduce stress and anxiety and

THERAPIES promote well-being. Energy

therapy is being studied in patients
receiving cancer therapy, to find
out if it can improve quality of life,
boost the immune system, or
reduce side effects. Also called
energy healing.
● It involves the use of energy fields.
● Biofield therapies - therapies that
impact the energy fields that
surround the human body are
referred to as biofield therapies
ENERGY (though the presence of these
fields has not been scientifically

● Bioelectromagnetic therapies -
make use of electromagnetic
fields in unusual ways, such as
pulse fields, magnetic fields, or
alternating-current or direct-
current fields.
Healing Touch
The healing touch is based on the
belief that human beings are fields
of energy that are capable of
interacting with the environment.
This type of touch uses light hand
techniques that believed to re-
pattern the patient’s energy field
and provides faster healing.
The therapeutic touch is based
on the belief that vital energy
has the ability to flow through
the human body. The goal of it
is to help people feel relaxed,
relieve any pain, and help them
heal faster.
Reiki is a famous japanese
energy healing technique. It is
based on the belief that the
practitioner’s palm can stimulate
the body’s natural healing
is the study and practice of
cultivating vital life-force through
various techniques. Qi means
"breath" or "air" and is considered
the "vital-life-force" or "life-force
energy." Gong means "work" or
Magnetic healing
uses magnets placed on
different parts of the body.
Practitioners believe these
magnets help unblock the
energy flow around the body.
Promotes harmony
and balance
Energy therapy, particularly Reiki,
uses a non-invasive approach that is
extremely effective in promoting
overall wellness. Through energy
transfer, the body is able to restore
balance across all systems of the mind
, body , and spirit.
Relaxes and releases
tension from the
Regular energy therapy promotes the
consistent and unlocked flow of energy
throughout the body, allowing people
to feel less stress, enhance learning
and memory, promote mental clarity,
and physical healing
Cleanses the body from
toxins and supports
immune system
The techniques used in energy therapy
remind our bodies on how to go back
into the “repair” or “self-healing” state
of rest and digest. By triggering this,
our bodies start to cleanse themselves
of the useless energy.
Clears the mind and
improves focus
The positive energy transfer enables
the mind to focus on current events,
not hold onto past mistakes, and not
fret or overthink on anxieties about the
Helps spiritual
growth and
emotional cleansing
Energy therapies elevate the patient’s
mood and general attitude in life. The
healing from within will reflect on their
decisions and perspective on the
Accelerates the body’s
self-healing ability
The energy transferred from the
therapy balances the internal body
levels to return to a near-natural and
healthy state. This will improve
breathing, heart rate, blood pressure,
circulation, and other bodily systems.
This physiological balance will allow
the body to heal itself from within.
Palliation of cancer
symptoms and
treatment-related side
Reiki helps in relieving cancer-related
fatigue, anxiety, and it provides overall
improvement of life and decreased pain.
Healing touch is associated with the
alleviation of mood disturbances, fatigue,
nausea, and pain.

1. Energy Healing is Based on

Scientific Fact
2. Energy Medicine Can Help Heal
Physical and Emotional Traumas
3. Energy Healing is Available to
4. Energy Medicine is Painless and
has no Negative Side Effects
5. Energy Medicine Works with
Almost Every Other Type of
● Pallipedia. (2021, September 8). What is Energy therapies - Meaning and

definition - Pallipedia. Retrieved from

● Francesca, M. C. P. D. (2006–2021). A Brief History of Energy Medicine.

Energy Medicine: Practical Application of Ancient Wisdom, 1. Retrieved from

● National Cancer Institute. (n.d.). NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Retrieved



● NCCIH. (n.d.). CAM Therapies: Meditation, Yoga and Cognitive Behavioral

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● What is qigong. (n.d.). University of Minnesota. Retrieved September
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● Energy therapies. (n.d.). Canadian Cancer Society. Retrieved September 17,

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● Nesci, N. (2021, April 15). 5 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Energy

Healing. Retrieved from


● Cronkleton, E. (2018, June 22). 5 reasons you should try reiki. Retrieved

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● Healing touch - dr. weil's wellness therapies. (2017, October 31). Retrieved

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● Therapeutic touch. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2021, from
● Mental Health & Performance Inc. (n.d.). 8 benefits of reiki

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● Schnepper, L., PhD, Barton, D., PhD, & Bauer-Wu, S.,

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