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Name: Charles Vincent A.


Year and Section: BPED-2B

Activity #01: Essay

1. When do we use performance-based assessment?

Performance assessment is a better tool for me to gathering evidence about what students
can do with their knowledge. It is allowing the students to showcase their skill to develop them
to be better.

2. When do we use process performance-based assessment and product performance-based

assessment? Explain your answer comprehensively.

It was creating a performance task where in the assessor views and scores the final product
made and not on the actual performance of making that product because product assessment focuses
on evaluating the result or outcome of a process

3. Is performance-based assessment a substitute to traditional method of assessing the performance

of students? Explain your arguments comprehensively.

Yes, because it is also appropriate by determining if students are achieving the higher standards
set by states for all students it both focuses on the students skill and their participating on a given task.

4. Why is it very important to discuss the constraints in performance-based assessment?

Because it is a better tool to gather evidence about students` skill and knowledge on how they
perform on a given task and it is one of the most effective ways in learning materials.

5. What are the advantages of analytic rubric over holistic rubric?

Because holistic rubrics do not provide any specific things or feedback for the students to be
able to improve on their weaknesses and strengths while the analytic Provide useful feedback on areas
of strength and weakness.

6. Are the scores of students using performance-based assessment always reliable? Why? Explain

comprehensively your answer.

Yes, because students can't literally answer anything if they don't know anything. Knowledge is
power and a good assessment should be reliable, valid, and free of bias. It is how to measure the
reliability that refers to the consistency of students' scores.

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