B 1. A Mars-Sized Object Rammed Into The

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Mid term examination in Big HIstory
Name: Charles Vincent A. David
Date:April 16, 2021
Course and Section:BPED-2B

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer. Make an extra sheet for to write the letter of your

B 1. A Mars-sized object rammed into the

Earth that leads to the formation of the
a. Ceres
b. Theia
c. Eris
d. Comet
D 2. Why is the formation of stars an
important threshold in Big History?
a. Stars exploded during the Big Bang
b. Stars rid the Universe of dark
c. Stars created cosmic microwave
background (CMB)
d. Stars created the “hot spots”
necessary for further complexity
C 3. The universe is mostly made up of
a. dark matter
b. atoms
c. dark energy
d. empty space
C 4. Organisms have structures that are
homologous to important structures in
other organisms but that have lost their
major ancestral function. These
structures are called __________.
a. Proteins
b. DNA
c. Vestigial
d. Chromosomes
B 5. The process that provides the sun with
its energy
a. solar flare
b. nuclear fission
c. radiative zone
d. nuclear fusion
A 6. When protons fuse during the
formation of stars, they release a
tremendous amount of energy.
a. True
b. False
C 7. Radiation left over from the big bang is
a. cosmic radio waves
b. gamma ray bursts
c. cosmic microwaves background
d. cosmic x-ray radiation
D 8. The process where species evolved
independently in different organisms
because the organisms lived in similar
environments or experienced similar
selective pressures.
a. Homologous
b. Analogous
c. Inherited
d. Convergent evolution
A 9. We know that Earth did not originally
have any water because ___________.
a. Earth was too hot
b. Earth was too dry to soak up water
c. Earth's magnetic field was too
d. Earth was too small to hold onto
C 10. Which of the four fundamental forces
pulled together hot, dense areas of
matter in the early Universe to
jumpstart the process of star formation?
a. Electromagnetism
b. Weak nuclear force
c. Gravity
d. Strong nuclear force

A 11. Which fate of the universe do scientist

currently believe to be true?
a. open universe
b. flat universe
c. closed universe
d. accelerating universe
B 12. Proposed that imple inorganic
molecules could have reacted (with
energy from lightning or the sun) to
form building blocks like amino acids
and nucleotides, which could have
accumulated in the oceans, making a
"primordial soup."
a. Charles Darwin
b. Oparin and Haldane
c. Miller and Urey
d. Jean Baptise Lamarck
B 13. A small body from which a planet
originated in the early stages of
development of the solar system is
called ___________.
a. dwaft planet
b. planetesimal
c. terrestrial planet
d. gas giant
D 14. The period in a star’s life when it is
fusing hydrogen into helium is called
the ______________.
a. supernova
b. red giant
c. planetary nebula
d. sequence star
B 15. Which is NOT evidence to support the
big bang theory?
a. red shift of galaxies
b. galactic clusters
c. cosmic background radiation
d. abundance of light elements (H, He
and Li)
A 16. Physical features shared due to
evolutionary history (a common
ancestor) are said to be _______.
a. Homologous
b. Analogous
c. Inherited
d. Convergent evolution
D 17. What is the nebular hypothesis?
a. Prediction about how the universe
was formed
b. Prediction of how the moon was
c. Prediction of how comets were
d. Prediction of how the Solar System
was formed
B 18. Refer to the figure below. Which of the
following is the other starting material
for the nucleosynthesis of beryllium-7
from helium-4?
a. proton
b. helium-3
c. gamma radiation
d. neutron
B 19. The _________________ states that
the universe began when a dense, hot,
super massive singularity violently
a. steady state theory
b. big bang theory
c. string theory
d. big crunch theory
D 20. This explains the wings of penguins
would be smaller than those of other
birds because penguins do not use them
to fly.
a. Natural Selection
b. Law of Use and Disuse
c. Inheritance
d. Environmental effect
D 21. What force acted on the massive nebula
to collapse it and eventually form our
a. electrostatic force
b. strong force
c. weak force
d. gravity
D 22. Refer to the figure below. Which of the
following is the by-product of the
nucleosynthesis of helium-4 from a
deuterium and tritium?
a. proton
b. gamma radiation
c. helium-3
d. neutron
B 23. Space based telescopes, such as the
Hubble Space Telescope, allow
astronomers to see further away than
they can with telescopes on Earth.
Seeing more distant objects is in effect
equivalent to seeing
a. the edges of the universe
b. further back in time.
c. into other universes.
d. further forward in time.

B 24. The RNA hypothesis proposes that

RNA was the first organic molecule to
evolve and that early life is based on
RNA rather than _____________.
a. Proteins
b. DNA
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
C 25. How long ago was our sun formed?
a. 10 million years ago
b. 5 million years ago
c. 4.5 billion years ago
d. 2 billion years ago
B 26. Which of the following events during
the big bang expansion led to the
nucleosynthesis of helium-3 and
a. The temperature of the
universe cooled down below
1010 K.
b. The temperature of the
universe increased above 1010
c. The nucleosynthesis of helium-
4 halted.
d. Beryllium-7 spontaneously
C 27. Hubble used collective learning in order
to determine that the Universe was
expanding. Which of the following
scientists provided Hubble with the
evidence he needed to figure out if
certain stars (Cepheid variable stars)
were moving away from us?
a. Nicolas Copernicus
b. Ptolemy
c. Henrietta Leavitt
d. Isaac Newton
B 28. The RNA hypothesis proposes that
RNA was the first organic molecule to
evolve and that early life is based on
RNA rather than _____________.
a. Proteins
b. DNA
c. Both A and B
A 29. None of the above The planets of the
solar system formed as
a. the center of the gas cloud cooled
b. planetesimals flattened into a
rotating disk
c. planetesimals collided into one
d. the sun absorbed extra gas and dust
from the solar system
D 30. Sequence the following products of big
bang nucleosynthesis from lowest to
highest by mass.
a. Hydrogen> deuterium> helium>
b. Deuterium> Hydrogen> helium>
c. Lithium> Hydrogen> deuterium>
d. Helium> Hydrogen> deuterium>
D 31. The molecules that form the basis of life
are built around the element
a. Nitrogen
b. Carbon
c. Oxygen
d. Phosporus
B 32. How many planets are there?
a. 4
b. 9
c. 8
d. 10
C 33. ________ are the remains of energy
created after the Big Bang expansion.
a. Gravitational wave
b. Cosmic microwave background
c. Blackbody radiation
d. Magnetic field
B 34. The theory that the Universe is
expanding is supported by the
a. blueshift of light from distant
b. redshift of light from distant
c. nuclear fusion occurring in the Sun
d. radioactive decay occurring in the
D 35. How do fossils support evolution?
a. Individual species disappear and
reappear in the fossil record over
b. The fossil record provides
evidence that all organisms
developed at the same time.
c. Organisms in the fossil record
are identical to living
d. The fossil record provides
evidence that organisms have
changed over time.
C 36. What is the smallest terrestrial planet?
a. Mars
b. Venus
c. Mercury
d. Earth

C 37. Which of the following refers to the

process of producing the light elements
such as helium?
a. supernova nucleosynthesis
b. cosmic ray spallation
c. big bang nucleosynthesis
d. rp-process
C 38. Before the invention of the telescope,
what did ancient astronomers use to try
to determine the distance of stars from
a. Spectroscopes
b. Satellites
c. Parallax
d. Microscopes
B 39. What best describes the hind leg bones
seen in the whale?
A. Analogous structures to the fins
of living fish
B. Vestigial structures that had a
function in an ancestor
C. Fossil structures from an extinct
D. Homologous structures to the
wings of butterflies
D 40. Earth and the other planets closest to
the Sun are made mostly of _______.
a. gas
b. metal
c. water
d. rock
A 41. What is the fundamental force of
attraction between bodies of mass?
a. Gravity
b. Matter
c. Atom
D. Thermonuclear fusion
A 42. Which of the following would best
determine whether two plant species
share a recent common ancestor?
a. DNA sequences
b. Habitat distribution
c. Stem lengths
d. Flowering times
C 43. A force of attraction between any two
objects is called _____________.
a. static electricity
b. rotation
c. gravity
d. orbit
B 44. The ______is between the orbits of
Mars & Jupiter.
a. solar system
b. asteroid belt
c. terrestrial planets
d. Photosphere
D 45. Nebula is composed of a mixture of
gases and ___________.
a. clouds
b. stars
c. tiny particles
d. dust

II. Morse type : Write L for th

Lamarcks, D for Darwin and N for
none of the above.
N 1. The presence of mesosaurus suggests a
single habitat with many lakes and
L 2. Organisms changed because they
wanted to survive.
L 3. Organisms can never become extinct.
N 4. In Genesis this story is followed
immediately by a second creation story,
in which humans are created first,
followed by plants and animals.
L,D 5. Organisms have changed over time.
D 6. Certain traits helped organisms survive
and reproduce better than other
organisms without those traits.
L 7. Organisms can never become extinct
L,D 8. Parents are able to pass on at least some
of their traits to their offspring.
L 9. Organisms could decide to change
something about their body and pass on
that change to their offspring.A
D 10. Certain traits helped organisms survive
and reproduce better than other
organisms without those traits.

III. Identify the following.

1. an observed change in the frequency of a
wave when the source or observer is
2. theory that all matter and energy in the
universe exploded 10 to 15 billion years
ago and began expanding in all directions.
3. apparent shift toward shorter
wavelengths of light when a luminous
object moves toward the viewer
4. theory that matter distorts space
5. sum of all space, matter and energy
6. matter not visible through current
methods, but observable through
gravitational interactions between
7. apparent shift toward longer wavelengths
of light when a luminous object moves
away from the viewer
8. steady but faint microwaves from all over
the sky
9. unexplained high speed of galaxies going
into outer space
10. the study of the nature, structure, origin
and fate of the universe.
11. a red super giant star explodes
12. the remaining compact core of a lowmass star that has come to the end of
its lifetime following a planetary nebula
13. they expand, cool and change colour
and grow to more than 400 times its
original size
14. a large cloud of gas or dust in space
15. what a medium-mass star becomes at
the end of its life
16. exerts such a strong gravitational pull
that no light escapes
17. a graph that plots the temperature of a
star against its absolute magnitude or
18. the earliest stage of a star ’s life
19. the remains of a high mass star
20. the process of light element formation
God bless..
Test III Answer: Test 3
1. Doppler effect
2. Big Bang Theory
3. Blue shift
4. General relativity
5. Universe
6. Dark matter
7. Red shift
8. Cosmic Background Radiation
9. Dark energy
10. Cosmology
11. Supernova
12. White Dwarf
13. Core
14. Nebula
15. Red Giant
16. Black Hole
17. Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
18. Protostar
19. Neutron Star
20. Primordial

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