Critical Listening

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Nama: safira handayani

Class: 3F

NIM: E1D020188

T5. 2

1. A: do you think the earth will continue to get warmer?

B: i don’t think it will
2. A: Do you think all the ice melt at the poles?
B: I’m not sure it might

T5. 4

3. Answer

1. The British iseles

2. Canada

3. Hungaria

4. Mexico

5. South africa



Heavy rains and a prolonged thunderstorm to affect parts of the country Friday through Saturday,
rainfall could reach 20 to 30 millimeters south but possibly up to 60 to 90 millimeters north of
Scotland. The heavy rain might lead to floading in some areas


strong winds that stormed canada overnight with a speed of 160 kilometers per hour. This hurricane
is causing havoc throughout northwest ontario. This storm will bring high temperatures throughout
the country and thunderstorms in many areas


In Hungary there is a heat wave the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius tomorrow and the
Budapest city council will send 22,000 bottles of water to the local community. meteorologists say
that temperatures will continue to rise until the end of the week

tropical storm Barbara is forming rapidly over the coast and will move towards land. Winds of 110
kilometers. An hour are expected and they could reach the popular tourist destination of Acapulco
over the next few days. Hotels and houses, may have to be evacuated. Meteorologists say that the
winds might even reach hurricane status.

South Afrika

for the first time in 25 years forecasters in Johannesburg are predicting snow up to 10 centimeters
could fall during the night. And this is causing much excitement throughout the city. S ABC News is
reporting. That some parents are going to take their children to the local parks after midnight to play
in the snow Tambo. International Airport, may be affected.

5. Answer

In each county like in some countries such as Seoul, South Korea, according to the weather forecast
in the next few days there will be light rain with temperatures of 15 degrees Celsius to 27 degrees
Celsius. and in south australia there will be light winds with a speed of 8km/h and the temperature
will reach 31 degrees celsius tomorrow. In the next few days I will stay at home. the temperature is
normal at 22 degrees to 33 degrees and the weather is likely to be a bit cloudy for the next few days.
My home at Indonesia for sure at NTB lombok barat

T5. 7

to become astronauts they will be trained in skydive and some other exercises.

if we don't have it takes to get out of an airplane with a parachute we don't tie ourselves up.

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