Laser Pointer Incidents On The Rise

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1 Laser pointer attacks against aircraft pilots are on the rise. They are becoming a growing threat to
passenger planes, especially during take-offs and landings. In the United States alone there are more
than 3,000 incidents with these devices every year.

4 More and more commercial airline pilots have reported laser pointer attacks in which flashes of
light temporarily blind their vision. A recent study has found that this kind of pointers
can cause permanent eye damage to pilots as well as.

7 In February, a Virgin Atlantic flight to New York JFK had to return to London Heathrow because a laser
light had been shone into the cockpit. In the same month, Pope Francisco’s flight from Cuba to Mexico
was targeted by a laser beamer during landing. In New Zealand, there have been reports of rescue
helicopters being targeted by laser pointers.

11 While in the past laser pointers only had about 1 milliwatt of energy , they have become much more
powerful today. Laser pointers with a thousand milliwatts of energy can be purchased on
the internet for $30 or less.
14 Most attacks are carried out by young men or boys, who are often not aware of the dangers of these
instruments. According to psychologists, playing around with guns and other weapons is
something that typically attracts males.

17 Laser pointers are normally used for presentations and outdoor entertainment, like laser
shows. Astronomers use them to point at stars. Scientists have been using such instruments
for various tasks.

What do the words in italics and bold refer to? Read the article and find out

1. They are becoming a growing... (line 1) …………………………………

2. … with these devices every year. (line 3) …………………………………

3. … blind their vision. (line 5) …………………………………

4. … that this kind of pointers… (line 5) ………………………………....

5. In the same month, Pope… (line 8) ………………………………….

6. … of energy , they have… (line 11) ………………………………….

7. … or boys, who are often… (line 14) ………………………………….

8. … dangers of these instruments… (line 14) ………………………………….

9. … is something that typically … (line 16) ………………………………….

10. Astronomers use them to point… (line 18) ………………………………….

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