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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

Thermal Analysis Of Hollow Pipe Using Altair Hyperworks

Pramod Bhatt
(M.Tech Scholar)

Associate Proff. Anirudh Gupta

(BTKIT, Dwarahat)

In this paper thermal analysis of hollow duct is done computationally using Altair Hyper
works Software. Simple Analytical results were obtained for conduction and convection
through cylindrical hollow duct which can be used to build up thermal circuit. The inner
surface of duct is maintained at constant temperature and ambient air is at certain temperature
that is less than inner surface temperature of pipe. Due to temperature difference heat will
flow from higher temperature to lower temperature. The material of pipe provides conductive
resistance and air provides convective resistance. Hence this is a mix mode of heat transfer.
The heat transfer takes place in one dimension only and properties are considered to be
isotropic. The cylindrical duct is assumed to be made of steel having known thermal
conductivity and density. The surrounding of pipe has known convective heat transfer
coefficient and temperature. The results obtain on hyper view are for heat flux, temperature
gradient and grid temperature. The different characteristics can be obtained by varying the
material of the duct and so conductivity varies.
Keywords: Cylindrical duct, Rectangular duct, Altair Hyper wor

1. INTRODUCTION a control-mass, states that the sum of the

Heat transfer is the study of thermal flow of energy and heat across the system,
energy transport within a medium or the work done on the system, and the
among neighbouring media by molecular energy stored and converted within the
interaction, fluid motion, and electro- system, is zero. Heat transfer finds
magnetic waves, resulting from a spatial application in many important areas,
variation in temperature. This variation in namely design of thermal and nuclear
temperature is governed by power plants including heat engines, steam
The principle of energy conservation, generators, condensers and other heat
which when applied to a control volume or exchange equipments, 1
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

catalytic convertors, heat shields for space molecules in a substance due to a

vehicles, furnaces, electronic equipments temperature gradient. It always takes place
etc, internal combustion engines, from a region of higher temperature to a
refrigeration and air conditioning units, region of lower temperature, and acts to
design of cooling systems for electric equalize temperature differences.
motors generators and transformers, Conduction needs matter and does not
heating and cooling of fluids etc. in require any bulk motion of matter.
chemical operations, construction of dams Conduction takes place in all forms of
and structures, minimization of building matter such as solids, liquids, gases and
heat losses using improved insulation plasmas. In solids, it is due to the
techniques, thermal control of space combination of vibrations of the molecules
vehicles, heat treatment of metals, in a lattice and the energy transport by free
dispersion of atmospheric pollutants. electrons. In gases and liquids, conduction
A thermal system contains matter or is due to the collisions and diffusion of the
substance and this substance may change molecules during their random motion.
by transformation or by exchange of mass Convection occurs when a system
with the surroundings. To perform a becomes unstable and begins to mix by the
thermal analysis of a system, we need to movement of mass. A common
use thermodynamics, which allows for observation of convection is of thermal
quantitative description of the substance. convection in a pot of boiling water, in
This is done by defining the boundaries of which the hot and less-dense water on the
the system, applying the conservation bottom layer moves upwards in plumes,
principles, and examining how the system and the cool and denser water near the top
participates in thermal energy exchange of the pot likewise sinks. Convection more
and conversion. likely occurs with a greater variation in
density between the two fluids, a larger
2. MODES OF HEAT TRANSFER acceleration due to gravity that drives the
Heat transfer generally takes place by three convection through the convecting
modes such as conduction, convection and medium.
radiation. Heat transmission, in majority of Radiation describes any process in which
real situations, occurs as a result of energy emitted by one body travels
combinations of these modes of heat through a medium or through space
transfer. Conduction is the transfer of absorbed by another body. Radiation
thermal energy between neighbouring occurs in nuclear weapons, nuclear 2
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

reactors, radioactive radio waves, infrared The section considers the various solution
light, visible light, ultraviolet light, and X- methodologies used to obtain the
rays substances. temperature field. The objective of
Usually, when both conduction and conduction analysis is to determine the
convection are possible, convection will temperature field in a body and how the
play a stronger role than conduction. The temperature within the portion of the body.
relative importance of the two heat transfer The temperature field usually depends on
modes is described by the Nusselt number. boundary conditions, initial condition,
Conduction will only dominate at low Nu, material properties and geometry of the
which is far from being a realistic scenario body, Teixeira and Rincon (2009).
in the majority of engineering applications Why one need to know temperature field.
you will face. The most straightforward To compute the heat flux at any location,
way of approaching conductive heat compute thermal stress, expansion,
transfer in isolation is to consider solid deflection, design insulation thickness,
bodies, inside which there can be no fluid heat treatment method, these all analysis
motion, and hence no convective heat leads to know the temperature field,
transfer. Fried,(1957).
The solution of conduction problems
involves the functional dependence of
Heat conduction is increasingly important temperature on space and time coordinate.
in various areas, namely in the earth Obtaining a solution means determining a
sciences, and in many other evolving areas temperature distribution which is
of thermal analysis. A common example of consistent with the conditions on the
heat conduction is heating an object in an boundaries and also consistent with any
oven or furnace. The material remains specified constraints internal to the region.
stationary throughout, neglecting thermal Keshavarz and Taheri (2007) have
expansion, as the heat diffuses inward to obtained this type of solution.
increase its temperature. The importance
of such conditions leads to analyze the The problem is known and analytical
temperature field by employing solution is obtained but the on Altair
sophisticated mathematical and advanced software and making thermal analysis on it
numerical tools, Schneider (1957). is a new challenge. The conduction of heat
on material is by Fourier law and in the
fluid around pipe the heat transfer is due to 3
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

convection. The heat transfer in cylindrical rate of heat transfer rate. Here, in the given
case is of logarithmic variation in contrast case we know the value of convective heat
to the linear variation in plane wall, transfer coefficient, Kadambi and Drake
Gnielinski,(1973). In steady one- (1981).
dimensional conduction in cylinder
requires that temperature is a function of
only the radial co-ordinates r. The analysis
of steady heat flow across a plane wall is 1. An effort has been made to predict the
simple because the flow area A did not temperature field in solid by Hyperworks
change in the flow direction. In the case of and analytically.
cylinder the area for heat flow changes in 2. Effort has been made analyze more
the direction of heat flow, Incropera and practical case of cross sectional duct.
Dewitt, (2009). 3. Effort has been made to obtain grid
The convective heat transfer coefficient temperature in heat transfer process.
term is used to describe heat transfer from The present work on the project mainly
surface to a moving fluid. The flow may deals with the use of Altair Hyper works
be forced using some external means or Software on the mechanical engineering
free caused by buoyancy forces arising problems. Here, we are modelling a
from density difference, Churchill and component and doing thermal analysis on
Chu, (1974). The flow may be laminar and it using the Altair software. There are
turbulent which depends upon the various problems on heat analysis that may
Reynold’s number. Heat transfer rate tends be conduction, convection or radiation and
to be much higher in turbulent flow than in any two modes simultaneously act on the
laminar flow. The rate of heat transfer by component. Our work is on hollow pipe in
convection is usually function of surface which we are assuming steam is flowing at
area, geometry and thermo physical certain temperature due to which inner
properties Mills and Ganesan, Second surface of the pipe is maintain at the steam
Edition (2009). In an external flow heat temperature. The atmospheric temperature
transfer is directly proportional to the is less than steam temperature due to
temperature difference. When convective which heat flow takes place from inner
heat transfer coefficient is known than that surface to ambient air. This is done by
can be find by correlation given in hand conduction and convection both.
book for external and internal flow.
Knowing the value of h we can find the 4
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

Putting value in equation 4 we get

Derivation of heat conduction through

cylindrical duct:

The heat conduction rate Q is given by

The general heat conduction equation is
given by

Putting value of T and differentiating w.r.t. r

we get

For steady state, unidirectional and without

heat generation the equation becomes

In the given case we have a hollow tube

having internal radius, r and outer radius,
R. The tube is assumed to be made of steel
material having isotropic property i.e.; the
thermo physical properties are directional
independent and the properties are
Therefore equation 3 becomes, constant in all direction.

The material having thermal conductivity

within the material and there is convective
heat transfer coefficient outside tube due to
air is fluid around tube. The air and

Integrating above equation we get, material provide thermal resistance to the

heat flow. Due to which there is a drop in
temperature in each successive stage.
Applying boundary condition The temperature distribution at any radius is
given by the given formula:
At r = T= and r =
T= we get, 5
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

Where Rth is total thermal resistance and is

Where, sum of conductive and convective resistance


Rate of heat transfer is given by:

Altair® Hyperworks®

Finite element analysis (FEA) involves

solution of engineering problems using
computers. Engineering structures that
Figure Hollow pipe with conductive and
have complex geometry and loads, are
convective resistance
either very difficult to analyze or have no
6. PROBLEM FORMULATION: theoretical solution. However, in FEA, a
The thermal resistance can be express as structure of this type can be easily
electrical analogy as given: analyzed. Commercial FEA programs,
written so that a user can solve a complex
T1 ---------/\/\/\/\-------/\/\/\/\----------- T2
engineering problems without knowing the
Rcond. Rconv.
governing equations or the mathematics;
The overall heat transfer is given by: the user is required only to know the
geometry of the structure and its boundary 6
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

conditions. FEA software provides a another software vendor, the structure is

complete solution including deflections, modelled. The final FEA model consists of
stresses, reactions, etc. several elements that collectively represent
In order to become a skilful FEA user, a the entire structure. The elements not only
thorough understanding of techniques for represent segments of the structure, they
modelling a structure, the boundary also simulate it’s mechanical behaviour
conditions and, the limitations of the and properties.
procedure, are very crucial. Engineering
structures, e.g., bridge, aircraft wing, high-
rise buildings, etc., are examples of
complex structures that are extremely
difficult to analyze by classical theory. But
FEA technique facilitates an easier and a
more accurate analysis. In this technique
the structure is divided into very small but
finite size elements (hence the name finite
element analysis). Individual behaviour of
these elements is known and, based on this
knowledge; behaviour of the entire
structure is determined.
FEA solution of engineering problems,
such as finding deflections and stresses in
a structure, requires three steps:
Pre-process or modelling
the structure
Post processing
A brief description of each of these steps
Step1: Pre-process or modeling the
Using a CAD program that either comes
with the FEA software or provided by 7
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

Regions where geometry is complex CAD program is utilized to manipulate the

(curves, notches, holes, etc.) require data for generating deflected shape of the
increased number of elements to structure, creating stress plots, animation,
accurately represent the shape; whereas, etc. A graphical representation of the
the regions with simple geometry can be results is very useful in understanding
represented by coarser mesh (or fewer behaviour of the structure
elements). The selection of proper
Altair® Hyperworks®, A Platform for
elements requires prior experience with
Innovation™, is built on a foundation of
FEA, knowledge of structure’s behaviour,
design optimization, performance data
available elements in the software and
management, and process automation.
their characteristics, etc. The elements are
Hyperworks is an enterprise simulation
joined at the nodes, or common points.
solution for rapid design exploration and
In the pre-processor phase, along with the
decision-making. As one of the most
geometry of the structure, the constraints,
comprehensive CAE solutions in the
loads and mechanical properties of the
industry, Hyperworks provides a tightly
structure are defined. Thus, in pre-
integrated suite of best-in-class tools for
processing, the entire structure is
modelling, analysis, optimization,
completely defined by the geometric
visualization, reporting, and performance
model. The structure represented by nodes
data management. Leveraging a
and elements is called “mesh”.
revolutionary “pay-for-use” token-based
Step 2: Analysis
business model, Hyperworks delivers
In this step, the geometry, constraints,
increased value and flexibility over other
mechanical properties and loads are
software licensing models. Firmly
applied to generate matrix equations for
committed to an open-systems philosophy,
each element, which are then assembled to
Altair Hyperworks continues to lead the
generate a global matrix equation of the
industry with the broadest interoperability
to commercial CAD and CAE solutions.

Step 3: Post processing Altair Hyper works 11.0 is the new version
This is the last step in a finite element of Altair’s CAE software suite. It includes
analysis. Results obtained in step 2 are many new features and several new
usually in the form of raw data and applications. Hyper works 11.0 highlights
difficult to interpret. In post analysis, a are 8
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

Altair RADIOSS is finite element software equilibrium and elastic recover after
using an explicit or implicit time crash)
integration scheme with a Lagrangian,
2.Allows you to analyze accidents and
Eulerian, or an arbitrary Euler-Lagrange
safety related problems (i.e. occupant
formulation. It allows mechanical,
safety and pedestrian safety) thanks to
structure, fluid, or fluid-structure
a wide database of safety tools (i.e.
interaction problems resolution, under
dummies, head forms, and leg forms)
dynamic or static solicitations. The
structures can be subjected to large strains, 3. Enhances risk prediction for studying
large displacements, and large rotations by the behaviour of high strength steel parts
using the materials non-linear behaviours. with the development of new rupture
Solver: RADIOSS is well suited to the
simulation of rapid dynamic phenomena,
such as the study of hyper-velocity impacts The following exercises are included:
in space, and is also used for simulating • Create the thermal material and property
shocks and crash in the automobile, • Create and apply the thermal boundary
aeronautics, rail, and marine industries. conditions on the model
The latest version is enhanced with an • Submit the job to RADIOSS
implicit formulation capable of dealing • Post-process the results in HyperView
with static, dynamic, and linear or non-
Step1: Load the RADIOSS (Bulk Data)
linear problems. A collision simulation’s
User Profile and draw the model
initial equilibrium conditions can now be
efficiently integrated using a single solver.


A state-of-the-art finite element solver


1.Enables users to solve both static and

dynamic calculations with its Figure 3.2 Wireframe model of meshed
completely parallelized implicit hollow pipe
solution algorithms (i.e. initial 9
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

Step 2: Create the thermal material between the solid pipe and the surrounding
properties. Create the material and air.
property collectors before creating the A predefined element set elem_convec,
component collectors. which contains the solid elements on the
Step 3: Link the material and property to outer surface of the pipe, is used to define
the existing structure. Once the material the surface elements.
and property are defined, they need to Step 7: Define the convection boundary
be linked to the structure. condition to surface elements

Figure 3.3 Solid model of meshed hollow

pipe with material and property
Figure 3.5 Convective surface of hollow
Step 4: Create temperatures on the inner
surface of the pipe.
Step 5: Create ambient temperature. Step 8: Create a heat transfer load step. A
RADIOSS steady state heat convection
load step will be created which references
the thermal boundary conditions in the
load collector spc_temp. The gradient,
flux, and temperature output for the heat
transfer analysis will also be requested in
the load steps panel.
Step 9: Launch RADIOSS
View and Post process the Results.
Gradient temperatures and flux contour
results for the steady state heat conduction
analysis and the stress and displacement
Figure 3.4 Ambient load collector
results for the structural analysis are
Step 6: Create CHBDYE surface elements
computed from RADIOSS. Hyper View
for heat convection. Surface elements are
will be used to post process the results.
to be created to simulate the heat exchange 10
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

Step 10: View the results for heat transfer



The analytical result as well as contour

results of Hyper works software that grid
temperature drops along radius and have
temperature 100oC on surface and have
46.67oC on outer surface this is due to Figure Contour plot of element
thermal resistance provided by material temperature gradient
and surrounding temperature is 20oC
which is due to convective resistance. All
the results are shown in contour results of
Hyper works. The graph in figure is
plotted between temperature and radius
which is logarithmic in nature.


The contour plots obtain in hyper view

circular and rectangular cross section duct
are given below:
Figure Temperature variation along
radius for steel pipe

Above Figure shows that the temperature

distribution is logarithmic curves for
cylindrical body. The temperature drop
along the radius of pipe logarithmically.


If Future scope is concern then we can use

a fluid inside the tube and knowing the
Figure Contour of grid temperature
inlet parameters we can find velocity,
temperature, mass flow rate at outlet 11
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

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Vol. 1 Issue 6, August - 2012

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