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Designer: Prison
Editor: Prison, Adeex
Art Director: Artsy Prison
Graphic Designer: Graphic Prison (Sounds like an R Rated Movie)
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Hirsbrunner (Seriously check this thing out)
Cover Illustrator: Wizards of the Coast
Interior Illustrators: Wizards of the Coast
Special Thanks: Adeex my fraternity brother, inspired the
construction of the class and the features within.
Playtesters: Mokan, Seb, and Adeex. They know who they are.

ON THE COVER: Image pulled from the DMs Guild Creator

Resource - Allies & Enemies Art 2

Disclaimer: Any real-life demonic summons caused by this guide are the fault of the reader.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Colton Shane Taylor and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Credits .................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents.................................................................. 2
What is a Daemancer? .......................................................... 3
Daemancy in the world ................................................................3
Options for the more cautious wizard ......................................3
Daemancy: Teamwork with the DM ..........................................3
DM’s Guide to Daemancy .......................................................3
Creating a Daemancer .......................................................... 4
Intentions and Ideals ................................................................... 4
Daemancer Physical Trait .......................................................... 4
Psychology ..................................................................................... 4
Caste of Daemancy ............................................................... 5
Subclass Details .................................................................... 5
Demonic Rite ................................................................................. 5
Self-Aware Spellbook .................................................................. 5
Simple Binding Ritual ................................................................. 5
Golem Binding ......................................................................... 5
Totemic Binding ..................................................................... 5
Integral Binding ...................................................................... 5
Named Bindings (Infusions) ..................................................... 6
Table of Lesser Demons ........................................................ 6
Sentient Spell Book ...................................................................... 7
Upgraded Binding Rituals .......................................................... 7
Multi Golem Matrix ................................................................ 7
Advanced Golem Crafting ..................................................... 7
Lasting Totems ....................................................................... 7
Chain Binding .......................................................................... 7
Extended Binding ................................................................... 7
Redirected Siphon .................................................................. 7
Demonic Integral Infusion ......................................................... 8
Daemancy Spells ................................................................... 9

As I peered into the depths of the hells I witnessed many
atrocities, some of which have scarred my mind forever. More
astonishingly I discovered something odd, I discovered a
strange essence, a tangible form of magic.

—Unknown Purveyor of Daemancy, Daemonic Rites Part II

The magics of demons and devils alike, Daemancy does

not follow the traditional ideologies of Magic Schools
studied by Wizards and Scholars. The other schools of
Magic rely on focusing the ethereal magic essence of
the world into a point or ritual and releasing it, creating
spells and magic effects. Daemancy focuses on
extraction and binding of such energies into specific
items, constructs, or living beings.

Take for example the spell Fireball; some refer to this as

the bread and butter of all Wizards. All that ethereal energy
taken to create such a massive explosion only to be
dispersed in an instant. If one were to borrow a similar
amount of energy from the Hells you could funnel it into a
totem or golem of sorts, reducing the strain on the caster.
based on named Demon Lords created just for this
What has been presented here is merely the conceptual
subclass. The player may choose from these as they wish at
design of Daemancy. In practice it can be so much more.
the requisite levels or they may leave it to the DM to add in
chosen Demons throughout the story to add some surprise
Highly experienced Daemancers have taken such
to the mix. Either way you play you are sure to be excited
practices much further, tapping into deeper parts of the
about the prospect of a deal with the devil.
Hells and even into the power of demon lords, striking
bargains to gain a fantastic boon for a short time.


*Player’s should still read*
OPTIONS FOR THE MORE (Also show this to your DM to ease their stress about a
whole new School of Magic)
Daemancy can be easy to add to any world or playspace and
Daemancy is the most dangerous of the Magic Schools, is not only limited to Wizards. If you deem it fit, consider
many who have partaken in Daemantic Rites do not live to allowing other caster classes access to Daemancy. A life
tell their tales. Rather they become examples of what not cleric using Blood Boil might just be the campaign addition
to do with extreme magics. If full Daemantic Magic you’ve been looking for.
Expertise is not what you seek do not fret. Scholars and
Researchers have managed to compile a list of Daemancy Consider how the Daemancer is affected by the magic,
Spells for the more cautious wizard, they will be listed at are they being slowly possessed by a Demon Lord only for
the back of this guide. the player to steal the power for themselves? Or were they
born with some innate connection to the Hells? Allow for a
wide variety of story beats around this Demonic Wizard.
THE DM • It is up to any DM to change things as they need to for it
to fit into a story. This subclass was the brainchild of
both player and DM, as it should be at any table.
Caste of Daemancy can be fun new way to play the Wizard
Class in D&D 5th Edition, however the experience can be • Make up your own table rules about Daemancy if you
enhanced by getting your DM involved.
would like. Should a Daemancy spell require damage to
the caster? It isn’t how I would rule it at my table but if
At certain points in the Caste of Daemancy subclass the
you think so go for it!
player is given the option of choosing different abilities

D8 Odd Feature
1 Your teeth have sharpened into fangs

INTENTIONS AND IDEALS 2 A set of horns appears on your body

3 Your skin has grown quite pale
While the subject matter of Demons might be a dark or evil 4 When you bleed the blood is thick and black
field it does not mean that your Daemancer MUST be
5 Open wounds that won’t heal
Chaotic Evil. That’s not to say you shouldn’t build Tycon
the Lord of all Demons and conspire to destroy the world 6 Bone spikes begin to protrude from your knees
with your party. If you want to do that then by all means. and elbows
But you can look at Daemancy a multitude of ways. Is your 7 A third eye has appeared somewhere on your
character a priestess of the church who uses the demonic body
magic to destroy the hells? What about a novice wizard 8 Scars that seem to appear when you sleep
who accidently received an infusion of demon blood one
day? Possibly a dwarf who forgot to store his spell book far

away from the sentient demon hand he keeps on him.
There are so many ways to interpret an interest into
Daemancy for all the different alignments.
If you just want to start and don’t care for backstories Daemancy is very taxing on the mind of an individual;
feel free to use the handy table below maybe it has caused some lasting trauma to your character
or maybe it has strengthened their resolve and given new
DAEMANCER IDEALS TABLE cause for them to fight. Keep all these things in mind when
D100 Alignment Ideal creating a Daemancer.

1-10 Lawful I can use my dark powers as a beacon

Good of hope for others
11-20 Neutral These powers should not be used to D8 Mental Trait
Good hurt others 1 You swear you can see shadows move around
21-30 Chaotic My powers could liberate the you
Good impoverished from their worldly 2 Nothing scares you
3 You welcome death, it will free you from your
31-40 Lawful I must hide my powers until I need bargains
Neutral them 4 Strangers may be a demon in disguise
41-50 True This is just like any other magic 5 Demons are a utility to be used
6 Everything you do is to further Daemancy
51-60 Chaotic This magic must be studied and 7 Those whispers can’t be real right?
Neutral applied to the world at large
8 My true home is the hells and I will not hear
61-70 Lawful Evil Perhaps my newfound connection to otherwise
the hells could aid my plans
71-80 Neutral Anyone who crosses me will have
Evil their blood boiled from inside
81-90 Chaotic I will lead an army of demons into the
Evil capitol and conquer the city
91-100 Roll Again Dividing 100 by 9 is rough okay?


Has your use of Daemancy effected your character’s
appearance in any way? It is not a requirement for the
character but maybe some horns sprouting from their
temples or new burn scars that seem to appear over night?
Keep things like this in mind as it can add a bit of depth to
a character as well as a challenge to hide such an odd
feature from the public.

The other wizards define their magic teachings by schools; we SIMPLE BINDING RITUAL
are different. We are not merely students of magic; we are a
At the 6th level you have expanded your knowledge of
Caste above all others. Demons and now know how to siphon extra life away from
the hells and use it to your advantage. You may use this
—Unknown Purveyor of Daemancy, Daemonic Rites Part I
ability (EQUAL to CON mod) per day, regaining charges
after a long rest. You may funnel the energy into one of
Long have the magics of Demons and Devils confounded three forms every time it is cast.
the wide-eyed scholars of the mortal plains, no
more. Those wizards that seek to bind themselves Each option has the potential to grow stronger at Level 12
with fiends eventually find their way to the school of
Daemancy, Daemon Magic. Through this school, one can
siphon energy from the Hells and bind it to their own will.
In some cases, the greatest Daemancers have struck
bargains with Demon Lords to gain boons in battle. Be You take 1 minute to create a small 1-foot tall golem from
warned, not every wizard is cut from the same cloth, and any material around you so long as it is natural. The golem
some may succumb to fiendish desires much quicker than can blend into the material it is made of as though it has
others. turned invisible. You may see through the eyes of the
golem as though it is a familiar (See Find Familiar). The
Daemancy consists of many applications of the arcane, Golem may also be used in combat (See stat Block Attached
all of which are designed to give the caster an edge in PG 6). The golem lasts for 10 minutes or until it is
battle. From extending and enhancing your own abilities to destroyed.
breaking down your enemies piece by piece, Daemancy can

and should be used to dominate the field.

Many Daemancers become reclusive due to the taboo You may bind the energy to a small totem that must be
nature of their studies and are rarely seen outside their crafted in advance. The totem can be made of any material
own abodes. Daemancers may be called upon during times (Amount determined by the DM) and requires one hour as
of war with the hells, whether they side with the mortals or well as a vial of blood to create; the material does not affect
fiends in these matters is less important than the the power of the totem. The binding and planting of the
knowledge they provide. A single Daemancer may turn the totem takes 1 Action. Once bound the totem must be
tide of war without casting a single spell. planted into the ground to provide its effects. It gives off a

10ft radius that causes any creature seen as a foe by the
caster to slow, the creature must pass a CON saving throw
equal to the wizards spell DC or their movement is reduced
to 0 and they remain at the edge of the radius. They regain

DEMONIC RITE movement at the beginning of their next turn. The totem
lasts for 1 minute and is destroyed when the effect ends. It
cannot be ended prematurely.
Beginning when you select this Caste at 2nd level, you do
not need magic chalk to complete any spells; rather you
may substitute it for your own blood. You also learn the
infernal language if not already known.
At the cost of 10 HP, you force the Demonic energy into

SELF-AWARE SPELLBOOK your own body to give yourself resistance to Fire, Cold, or
Acid damage for 10 minutes.

As an introduction to Daemancy you have bound your

spellbook to a nameless demon and charged it with
granting you extra knowledge. From level two onward, you
may invoke the demon's power and instantly ritual cast
‘Find Familiar’ without using any material components.
The familiar may take whatever form you wish withing the
confines of the ‘Find Familiar’ spell but, it originates from
the hells and is therefore a fiend. As your powers in
Daemancy grow so to does your bound demon’s power,
your abilities with this skill expand at level 10

Tiny Construct, unaligned
Demonic Construct. While the Golem is a construct it still falls
Armor Class 12 under the fiend category and is affected by any spell or effect that
Hit Points 10 (2d6 + 2) applies to fiends.
Speed 25 ft. Slight Sentience. The Golem has its own initiative and will complete
instructions to the best of its abilities on its own turn. The owner may use
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA their bonus action to give it a new command.
14(+2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 3(-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) Fancy Familiar. The golem may perform any action that a familiar from
‘Find Familiar’ could
Saving Throws STR +4, DEX +1 Simple Minded. The golem only has movement and action on its turn
Skills N/A
Damage Resistances N/A
Damage Immunities Psychic
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion,
Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious Multiattack. The golem makes 2 attacks on its turn.
Senses Blindsight, Passive Perception 10
Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: (1d4 + 2)
Languages Languages known by creator
Bludgeoning damage.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)


At the 10 level your understanding of the Hells has grow
to include some of the lesser named demons that inhabit Demon Material
them. These demons seek to gain power and will do so Name Required Boon Deficit
through you if you allow it. You may take their power and
Atosh Item gives +4 to Caster takes
funnel it into items, infusing them with Daemantic energy. stealth checks disadvantage on DEX
the Sly
Think of it as an expansion of Totemic Binding. saving throws
Braunt Gives resistance to Caster receives a -1 to
You may take one hour to infuse an item with a Demonic Psychic Damage their WIS modifier
Rite based off the lesser Demons below. You may have only
Lyrun Gem worth +1 to INT Score Caster receives a -1 to
1 Rite going at a time at your current level. Every Rite has 100GP WIS
both a boon and a deficit which lasts so long as the boon is
Ironfang +1 to STR Score Caster receives -1 to
active. The boon applies to whoever holds or wears the STR Score
item; the deficit only applies to the caster. Every infusion
Laska +10 movement speed Caster receives a -1 to
requires 100GP worth of incense, a vial of blood, and a DEX mod
gemstone worth at least 50GP which are all used in the
Uldroth An ingot of +2 AC Caster receives a -1 to
Rite. An infused item does not require attunement. Some high-quality CON mod
specific Rites may require a rare material that is not used metal
up when the rite is completed Rantock Slab of fresh You have a hellhound Caster takes
Infusions last so long as the caster wishes them to as do meat pet that follows your disadvantage on CHA
the deficits. If the caster falls unconscious the Rite is commands based checks
severed until they wake. If the caster dies the Rite is Uluc Gain the ability to At dawn role a d4, the
rendered void and ends. If the caster is revived after the teleport 30 feet to a number rolled is
Rite is still void. point you can see, subtracted from
You may have 2 Infusions active after level 16 once a day saving throws you
make for that day
(DM’s may add or subtract from the table as they see fit)
Brim Some Gain 60ft of Caster takes
shattered darkvision disadvantage on
Glass Perception checks
involving sight while
in daylight
Black You may use a bonus User must roll a d4
Whip action to cast Recoil when making a DEX
Chain. Without saving throw and
knowledge of the subtract it from their
spell or the use of a total.
spell slot

Uldroth the Untamed

Forcing Daemantic energy into one’s self is simple
Since you have grown more powerful the demon bound to enough, ergo forcing it into others should prove no
you and your spell book has gained a name, and therefore problem. You may now force any living creature to fall
more power. Choose a name for your bound friend if you under the effects of Integral Binding. When you perform
wish. You may choose to summon your familiar in the Integral Binding, you may force it onto up to 3 creatures
form of a fiend no larger than small with a combat rating including yourself. Integral Binding now has 2 effects. A
lower than ½. They cannot speak, instead using hisses and positive effect may be applied to allies. In this case you still
squeals to communicate and may still only perform tasks receive 10 damage for yourself and 5 for each other
outlined in ‘Find Familiar’. creature. If forced onto an enemy creature you may give
them vulnerability to Acid, Fire or Cold at the cost of 10 HP
UPGRADED BINDING RITUALS per creature. All effects last for 10 minutes.

You may choose to upgrade on of your binding rituals, this
decision cannot be changed once made. Choose one option
from below, every binding ritual has two options to pick Rather than pulling the energy from the hells you can
from. siphon it from another creature. Roll a ranged spell attack
roll and choose a target within 20ft. If the attack lands they
take 10 points of Necrotic Damage and Integral Binding is
MULTI GOLEM MATRIX activated. If activated in this way the damage to yourself is
If upgraded in this way you may summon more than one reduced to 5 points. If you fail to hit the target you still
golem at a time; each takes one minute to craft, but they expend a Binding Ritual Charge.
share the vial of blood and therefore a mind. You cannot
give the golems separate tasks to complete but you may
task one with aiding the other. They will aid each other
how they see fit.


Through the crafting of many Golems you have found a
way to make some improvements to their form.
• Golems now have a fly speed of 25 ft.
• Their AC is increased to 14
• They now have a ranged attack as well as a more
powerful Melee attack
• See Advanced Golem Stat Block

Through experience in Totem craft you have discovered
a way to make them last indefinitely. You may still create
and use simple totems. Advanced totems must be made
from the following:
• 200GP worth of Gems, Precious metal, or obsidian
• 1 vial of Demon Blood
• 1 vial of mortal blood
• 1 vial of Holy Water

These totems may be placed and retrieved as needed.

Their effects are still the same as a simple totem.

Perhaps the effect of the totems could be improved? If
upgraded in this way any creature stopped by your totem is
now restrained. They remain this way until they pass a DC
15 STR check at the beginning of their turn.

Slight Sentience. The Golem has its own initiative and will complete
Tiny Construct, unaligned instructions to the best of its abilities on its own turn. The owner may use
their bonus action to give it a new command.
Armor Class 14 Fancy Familiar. The golem may perform any action that a familiar from
Hit Points 10 (2d6 + 2) ‘Find Familiar’ could
Speed 25 ft. Flying 25ft Simple Minded. The golem only has movement and action on its turn


16(+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 3(-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Multiattack. The golem makes 2 attacks on its turn.
Directed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 target.
Saving Throws STR +4, DEX +1
Hit: (1d6 + 3) Bludgeoning damage.
Skills N/A
Damage Resistances N/A Charged Burn. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit:
Damage Immunities Psychic (1d4 + 2) Fire damage.
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion,
Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious
Senses Blindsight, Passive Perception 10
Languages Languages known by creator
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Demonic Construct. While the Golem is a construct it still falls

under the fiend category and is affected by any spell or effect that
applies to fiends.


The ultimate goal of Daemancy, permanently infusing Demon Name Infusion Description
one’s own soul with the powers of a Named Demon Lord.
Elbriz of 20 You gain expertise in the Slight of Hand and
Unlike simple Named Binding these Rites are forever and
Hands Stealth skills
cannot extend past the castor. Each Demon Lord offers a
different boon so choose wisely. Black of Night Once a day your touch can induce blindness
on a target for 1 minute. No verbal or
You may pick a Demonic Boon at levels 14, 16 and 18. somatic components required.
Once chosen they cannot be undone or traded for another. The Once a day you may take the form of a
Just as the Named Bindings can be expanded on so to can Wilderbeast Barlgura as though you’ve cast True
these. Polymorph
Ation Infinite You become proficient in Heavy Armor
The Winding You may cast Modify Memories without
Whisper expending a spell slot.
Trelli Lust’s You may use a CHA check DC 20 to enthrall a
Champion humanoid creature to your will. Once bound
they must succeed a DC 20 WIS save to break
free. They can make this save every 24
hours. This effect only lasts one month and
must be re-applied
All Knowing Your INT score is permanently raised by 1
Tossica The Fog Once a day you become intangible to non-
of War magical physical attack for 1 Round. Spells
and other magic effects can still hurt you
(Use as a Reaction to nullify damage)

DAEMANCY SPELLS • You may change a part of your body to resemble a
demonic appendage. This is merely and illusion and has
no physical benefit.
BLOOD BOIL • Change the color of flames around you, you may also

4th-level daemancy brighten or dim them as you wish.

• Cause a food item to taste rotten for a short period
Casting Time: 1 Action; Bonus Action
Components: V, S 7th-level daemancy
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 Action
The caster chooses a target they can see within range, the Range: 25ft
target must pass a constitution saving throw. They take Components: V, S, M
half damage on a passed save. On a failed save the target Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
takes 3d12 fire damage and falls under the lasting effect of
the spell, causing it to become concentration. So long as You draw in as much Daemantic energy as you can
the caster maintains a line of sight with the target they muster, and you force it into your own body. While the
may use their bonus action to inflict an extra 1d12 fire spell is active you receive a +1 to your AC as well as 30
damage. Temporary Hit Points. You become immune to charm and
While active the target feels as though their insides are frighten and cannot be forced to sleep. If you fall to 0HP
burning. while the spell is active it ends prematurely and leaves you
with 1 Hit Point


1st-level daemancy 9th-level daemancy

Casting Time: Bonus Action Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: 40ft Range: Self; 25ft area
Components: V, S Components: V, S, A gemstone worth 200GP
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant

The caster chooses a target they can see within range, the The caster extends their consciousness into the astral
target must pass a strength saving throw or be pulled up to plain and leaves their own body to self-destruct where
25 feet toward the caster. they stand. All creatures within 25ft of the caster must
make a DEX saving throw. On a failed save each creature
takes 35d6 fire damage and half on a success. If a creature
TRUE HELLISH REBUKE is killed by this ability their life force is substituted for the
4th-level daemancy casters. The caster’s body reforms from this energy (5HP
for every killed creature) and the astral projection returns
Casting Time: Reaction (in which you take in response to
to its host (Costing a Bonus Action) if there is a body left. If
being damaged by a creature within 60 feet of you that
no creature is killed by the explosion the body of the caster
you can see)
is destroyed.
Range: 60ft
Components: V, S
You point your finger, and the creature that damaged 9th-level daemancy
you is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames. The Casting Time: 12 Hours
creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 3d12 Range: Self
fire damage on a failed save and is restrained until the end Components: V, S, A gemstone worth 2000GP, 1 Gallon of
of their next turn, or half as much damage on a successful Blood, 100lbs of Clay, 200GP of Gold Dust, 100GP of
one. Magic Chalk, 400 sq. ft of space
Duration: Up to One Year
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d12 for You have discovered a way to cheat death by way of
each slot level above 1st Daemancy. Taking a page from the ever-living nature of
demon kind. This spell requires the help of 2 others to
complete, they need not be spellcasters to aid you. Over the
FANTASIA course of 12 hours you complete the following steps.
Cantrip • Create a magic circle with Magic Chalk

Casting Time: 1 Action • Line the circle with gold dust mixed with the Gallon of

Range: 40ft Blood

Components: V, S • Place the mound of Clay in the center with the gemstone

Duration: Instant lying within

• When the ritual begins no one can leave for 2 hours. The
Choose from a series of effects 2 companions must spend their time focusing on the
• You may change the tone and volume of your voice for 1 image of the caster. All physical traits down to the most

minute detail. The clay will begin to sculpt itself into the
form of the caster.
• Once the clay has fully taken the form of the caster it is
infused with life energy from the hells and made flesh.
• Finally, it is stored within pocket dimension housed with
the gemstone.
• To release the body, the gem must be shattered,
rendering the pocket dimension sundered and no longer
• If the original caster is dead the body will reanimate with
their life force
• If the caster is trapped in the astral plane they may enter
the body and assume control of it.


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