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Good day, ka-CE!

I am Clarisse M. Madayag, the chosen representative of the English majors.

Before anything else, I want first to congratulate each one of my co-students for
being here. Being here only means that we have survived the past three years of
hard work and deep learning. Now, we are down on our last year. Congratulations,
my dear co-students!

The previous years have greatly tested our determination to be ONE, to become
one of the noble teachers. Many of us have surely questioned themselves if they
have chosen the right course or have been close to giving up but hey look at us
now. We are all gathered here today for the orientation of our In-campus
training. This signifies that we are now getting closer on becoming one and that
we are few more steps closer until we can be called as ‘Licensed Professional

Since I’m the representative of the English majors, my voice will then be the voice
of my co-English majors. These are our expectations to ourselves, to our subject
teacher, to our coordinating teacher, to our students, and to our department
during our in-campus deployment and training.

Let’s start with us as the in-campus trainees or the student teachers. We, the
student teachers, expect to acquire more work experiences that we can eventually
use on our out-campus practice teaching. Also, during these work experiences, we can
bring out the best of our skills and capabilities that we never discovered before.

To our subject teacher, Dr. Avelina C. Visaya, we expect to still be guided even
though we are deployed for our in-campus training and that she will remain
approachable, understanding, and benignant as she always is.

To our coordinating teachers, we expect to be trained with utmost guidance

and support with our capabilities and lapses. May both of these be addressed and
corrected with what you know because we are always open for new learning as your
little apprentice. We, the student teachers, are also expecting that the coordinating
teachers will be great models who will effectively influence us to improve our
professional competencies and personal qualities in the teaching and learning process.
The student teachers also expect to build a good relationship with our coordinating
teachers because we will be colleagues in the near future.

To our students, we expect to receive respect and deep understanding even

though we are still student teachers. The students are expected to show interest in
every discussion for every possible learning and that they will participate and give
their best during our future discussions and activities.

To our department, the BSE department, we are expecting to be supported and

guided with our future profession and that they may continue making improvements
that will help us, as future educators.

May our expectations remind and inspire everyone to bring out the best version
of themselves. If you think that you are now the best version of you, think again,
because life never stops giving experiences to bring the best in you every single day.
So, let us never stop working hard and proving to everyone that we are worthy to
become ONE. Good luck on our challenging journey, future teachers! We will soon
become ONE.

Thank you!

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