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Written Questions

Name : Firman Andika

NIM : 20101102
Prodi : S1 Pariwisata
Class :III C

Written Questions

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Answer all the following questions and submit to your Trainer.

1. List three types of equipment that foods can be grilled on.

Answer :
a. Gas roaster
b. Roaster
c. Contact grill

2. List three types of equipment you could use when steaming.

a. Convection ovens
b. Combination ovens
c. Induction tops

3. Spiders and baskets are equipment used for what method/s of cookery?
Usage. A spider is ideal for lifting and draining foods from hot oil, soups, stocks
and boiling water. It is the perfect tool for skimming stocks, blanching vegetables
and deep frying foods.

4. List two safety precautions you should take when using a pressure steamer.
a. Taking care when handling all the utensils, steamer trays and steamer parts
get extremely hot
b. Always using dry folded cloths to handle items

5. What are 2 safety precautions you should take when cleaning electrical equipment?
Answer :
1. Avoid water at all times when working with electricity. Never touch or try
repairing any electrical equipment or circuits with wet hands. It increases
the conductivity of the electric current.

2. Never use equipment with frayed cords, damaged insulation or broken plugs.
6. List the 5 general steps in cleaning food preparation equipment.
Answer :
a. Remove visible food residues by scraping or pre-cleaning
b. Wash using detergent and hot water
c. Rinse
d. Sanitese
 Using a leave on chemical sanitiser
 Water which has been heated to above 77C for at least 30 seconds
e. Air dry

7. What is the difference between cleaning and sanitising?

Answer :
Cleaning removes dust, debris and dirt from a surface by scrubbing, washing and rinsing.
Sanitizing reduces the bacteria identified on the product's label on surfaces

8. How much liquid is required to stew food?

Commercial pots range in size from 1 litre to over 100 litre capacity

9. Why are steamed puddings covered during the steaming process?

To prevent condensation falling into the pudding and making them soggy

10. What can the method of blanching be used for?

Answer :
a. Remove the bitter taste from many vegetables
b. Seal the product
c. Partiy cook food: speed up the cooking time
d. Assist in removing the skin from some foods, i.e. tomatoes

11. List three typical liquids used to poach food in.

Answer :
a. Water
b. Water can be hot or cold
 This can make a marked difference to the flavour and texture of the
finished products
 Water enhanced with vegetables, herb, spices or other flavorings
c. Milk
d. Syrup
12. Why should legumes be soaked before they are boiled?
Answer :
a. So they slowly absorb the moisture and don’t split during cooking
b. To break down the oligosaccharides (the indigestible sugars that cause gas) which
can cause intestinal discomfort
c. When beans aren’t soaked they take much longer to cook which can impact on
their resulting nutritional value

13. List two differences between stewing and braising.

Answer :
a. Stewing
 The liquor is used to prepare the sauce
 Uncovered
b. Braising
 Generally liquor is used as sauce with the exception of some strong
flavoured vegetables
 Covered/tightly lidded

14. Give two reasons that stock might become cloudy.

Answer :
- When the stock is too boiling
- When using a fire that is too big

15. What could you do to prevent foods like eggs and fish from breaking up during
the poaching process?
Answer :
a. Submerging
b. Draining
c. Reducing poaching liquids

16. List two fast wet cooking methods that you could use during an a la carte service if
you ran out of prepared green vegetables
1.there is residual blood and fat in the meat or chicken.
2.meat or chicken is added when the water is not boiling.

17. List two dishes using wet methods of cooking that would be appropriate to serve on
a buffet.
18. List three points of information about the menu that should be presented to the Front
of House staff at the pre-service briefing.
- Food allergies and intolerances – such as dairy free, fish and shellfish allergies, nut
free and gluten free
- Special dietary requirements – vegetarians, vegans and pregnancy
- Religion reasons – halal

19. Why are many braised meat dishes not suitable for serving to customers with
Coeliac disease?
Many meats that are braised are first dusted in flour-wheat flour is unsuitable

20. Why does the oven need to be preheated before baked goods are put in?
1. So that the developer material does not die quickly or remains active
2. The dough does not need to go through a drastic temperature change
3. The results of baking cakes are perfect and more energy efficient

21. What meats are suitable for Poeleing?

a. Chicken
b. Fish

22. When shallow frying why should the presentation side of the food item be cooked first?
This reduces the risk of overcooked crumbs showing on the presentation side

23. List three types of vegetables that would be appropriate for grilling.
a. Eggplant (aubergines)
b. Peppers
c. Tomatoes and zucchini

24. Why are roasted meats rested before they are carved?
Resting the meat aims to keep the meat soft and juicy when consumed

25. List three items for deep frying that would be suitable to cook in a batter.
Answer :
a. All foods must be coated:
 Season foods before coating
 Starchy vegetables such as potatoes are an exception
 Make sure vegetables are very dry before deep frying-oil
and water DO NOT MIX
b. The fat/oil should be hot enough to seal the food.between 160C and 190C
c. Drain deep fried foods ell before serving

26. List three different forms of the shallow frying method of cookery.
- Barbecuing
- Braising
- Fricassee

27. Your pastry has shrunk during cooking. Give 2 explanations of what may have
gone wrong.
1.Too Long Stirring or Shaking the Dough
2.The cake will deflate when it comes out of the oven if the baking powder
used has lost its ability to expand

28. Joints of meat are trussed to prevent what?

Answer :
Trussing meat before roasting helps retain its shape while it cooks in the oven and
stops the meat from spreading. This method can also be used for stuffed and
rolled joints of meat to hold them together.
29. List 3 factors that need to be considered to ensure consistency in finishing plates to
be served.
a. Plate and crockery selection
b. Portioning
c. Plating: shape and height enhance the look of dishes

30. Why are deep fried and baked items commonly used on cocktail menus?
Because the cocktail must be combined with something light like deep fried and bared, so
as not to give a feeling of emptiness at the beginning of the meal

31. List two dishes using dry cooking methods of cookery which you would suggest to
the FOH staff if you needed to quickly prepared some additional serves of main
courses during a busy service.
Answer :
a. Grilled meats, poultry and seafood
b. Deep fried seafood

32. List three reasons why customers may require meals for specific diets.
Answer :
- Special dietary requirements – vegetarians, vegans and pregnancy
Written Questions

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