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a vocabulary handout by Mr. Williams for

advanced students

1. There was a blizzard last night.

a. light shower b. heavy snowstorm
c. raging flood d. light breeze

2. You must keep the aisle clear.

a. surface b. walkway c. sofa
d. fence

3. The soldiers had to dig a trench to

drain off the standing water.
a. long ditch b. deep hole c. steep
hill d. wide pond

4. We found a flaw in the structural

a. insect b. error c. tool d.

5. If he suffered a skull injury, where is

the heaviest damage?
a. the head b. the foot c. the wrist
d. the knee

6. I am starving.
a. hungry b. bored c. lonely
d. angry
7. Congress is going to trim the budget.
a. cut b. increase c. authorize
d. approve

8. A general's wife always has a lot of

a. power b. duties c. money d.

9. I brought you a bundle of newspapers.

a. package b. lane c. tub d.

10. What are the traits of a good military

a. requirements b. characteristics
c. background d. potential rewards

11. I can't account for his erratic

a. endure a. polite
b. explain b. interesting
c. stand c. irregular
d. compete with d. frightening

12. What is the most common color of rust?

a. black b. orange c. brown
d. pink

13. Where is your shin?

a. near your mouth b. on your leg
c. near your backbone d. among your

14. There was a surge in student

a. rapid increase b. quick decrease
c. slight change d. steady falling

15. He shattered the mirror.

a. sold b. borrowed c. broke
d. hid

16. Don't eat the apple core.

a. peel b. stem c. leaf d.

17. I got drenched last night as I was

walking home from the movies.
a. soaked b. lost c. dizzy
d. lonely

18. Where are your knuckles located?

a. in your fingers b. in your ears
c. in your eyes d. in your lungs

19. Why is Joe lame?

a. He injured his ankle. b. He
poked out his eye.
c. He chipped his front teeth. d. His
fingers got crushed.
20. The pirates buried their loot.
a. dead comrades b. weapons
c. treasure d. food supply

21. The Captain is standing at the bow of

the ship.
a. rear b. aft c. galley
d. front end

22. The floor is covered with splinters.

a. water b. dead flowers
c. spilled food d. small pieces of

23. It's time to hoist the flag.

a. lower b. replace c. raise
d. repair

24. We have ample supplies for the next few

a. more than enough b. no
c. only a small amount d. an
insufficient amount

25. The milk tastes sour.

a. unpleasant b. delicious c.
sweet d. cool

26. It is risky to do that.

a. safe b. wise c. proper d.
27. He drowned.
a. He died in water.
b. He fell off a mountain.
c. He had heatstroke in the desert.
d. He was stabbed with a knife.

28. My brother is stingy.

a. tall b. handsome c. smart
d. not generous

29. What is the main crop of your country?

a. tourist site b. agricultural
c. city d. method of

30. Hot and cold air is conveyed through a

a. hook b. duct c. crank
d. tablet

31. We need to get our furnace repaired.

a. air-conditioner b. vehicle
c. window d. heating device

32. That kind of problem really annoys me.

a. bothers b. pleases c.
interests d. entertains

33. Don't stare at him like that.

a. talk to b. play with c. look
at d. touch

34. The police found a white powder in his

a. fine dust b. animal c. thick liquid
d. shoe polish

35. The villagers had to flee their homes.

a. clean b. repair c. protect
d. escape from

36. Don't gripe so much.

a. eat b. complain c. drink
d. buy items

37. The road is steep.

a. greatly inclined b. very wide
c. much too narrow d. extremely

38. Don't shout. I'm not deaf.

a. run a. unable to hear
b. yell b. young and
c. whisper c. helpless
d. shoot d. ignorant

39. His parents forbid him to smoke or

drive yet.
a. They allow him to do it.
b. They encourage him to do it.
c. They prohibit him from doing it.
d. They let him do it.

40. His jeans are faded.

a. They are tight. b. They have lost
some color.
c. They are worthless. d. They are loose
and baggy.

41. This liquid is inflammable.

a. It will not burn. b. It is
c. It is costly. d. It will burn.

42. We spotted the enemy sniper at a

sixteenth-floor window.
a. detected b. drew c. shot
d. placed

43. His wages are not very high right now.

a. hopes b. expenses c. salary
d. duties

44. He fibbed when he said he had done his

a. laughed b. stuttered c. cried
d. lied

45. What would you use to sweep the floor?

a. a faucet b. a brake c. a coil
d. a broom

46. If one car bumps into another one, it

will leave ________.
a. a dent b. a lap c. a shield
d. a tray

47. My brother is not very trustworthy.

a. wealthy b. happy c. intelligent
d. dependable

48. I need to buy some new slacks.

a. socks b. trousers c. shirts
d. glasses

49. He had crumbs all over his shirt and

a. little pictures b. fallen
c. soup stains d. small
pieces of bread

50. Joe catches on really fast, doesn't he?

a. receives the ball b. disagrees
with you
c. learns things d. forgets
important details

51. I sent for Mariah Carey's new CD.

a. loaned out b. borrowed c.
ordered by mail d. threw out
52. The knee is to the leg as the _________
is to the arm.
a. wrist b. elbow c. ankle d.

53. The entire meal, including drinks and

tip, amounted to $412.
a. chipped in b. came to c. got on
with d. took after

54. Which of the following can hover?

a. a train b. a taxi c. a missile
d. a helicopter

55. I do not like raw turnips.

a. rare b. big c. stale
d. uncooked.

56. I ran into an old friend of mine at

Ingram Mall.
a. hit with my car b. took a picture
c. met by chance d. ignored

57. I rarely go to movies during the

a. seldom b. usually c. from time
to time d. often
58. I dropped off during the history
a. fell out of the chair b.
c. accidentally let something fall d.
fell asleep

59. If you double the radius of a circle,

you get the _________.
a. circumference b. curve d.
tangent d. diameter

60. I want you to think over that job offer

before you say "no."
a. refuse b. forget c. accept
d. consider

61. He will transfer ownership of his

business to his oldest son next month.
a. turn down b. turn into c. turn
over d. turn on

62. He shoplifted from the BX.

a. bought things b. stole something
c. compared prices d. used his credit

63. Let's talk this over tomorrow.

a. rewrite it b. veto it c. discuss it
d. think about it
64. My kids are always quarreling.
a. playing politely b.
arguing with each other
c. exploring the neighborhood d.
studying in their rooms

65. Where did you pick up those bad words?

a. select b. raise c. learn at
random d. spell

66. He was reared in Ponce by his

a. looked over b. brought up
c. called up d. carried out

67. My brother deals in real estate.

a. minerals b. land and
c. stocks and bonds d. farm animals

68. The Captain reprimanded Lt. Jones

during the company formation.
a. called up b. called off
c. called on d. called down

69. This sandpaper is very coarse.

a. smooth b. expensive c. common
d. rough
70. I cannot accept any additional duties
at this time.
a. take on b. get across c. bring
back d. stand by

71. What color should a ripe strawberry be?

a. white b. light green c. red
d. black

72. Which of these best describes tin?

a. tasty b. useless c. metallic
d. gaseous

73. He tumbled down the stairs.

a. walked b. ran c. fell d.

74. He created an interesting game for his

a. thought up b. tried on c. called
for d. looked up

75. What is the opposite of tight?

a. young b. cheap c. long
d. loose

76. He was very sick; therefore, he

couldn't compete in the race.
a. yet b. however c. since
d. thus
77. We always store our sweaters and coats
during the summer.
a. take off b. put away c. throw
out d. keep on

78. There was a trace of gunpowder on the

corpse's right hand.
a. a huge amount a.
b. smell b.
dead person
c. a tiny amount c.
d. a lot d.
military person

79. The taxi made an abrupt stop.

a. sudden, unexpected b. slow,
c. calm, comfortable d. long,

80. The scenery in Northern California is

a. natural views b. theaters
c. sporting arenas d. shopping

81. My brother wrecked his car.

a. destroyed b. sold c.
repainted d. loaned
82. What is the usual color of most
a. white b. red c. blue d.

83. Some children openly defy their

a. support b. resemble c. oppose
d. love

84. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

a. falls apart into pieces b. rises
as it bakes
c. has a flavor when you eat it d.
increases in price

85. The gym is located beyond the post

a. on this side of b. on the
further side of
c. beneath d. too far from

86. He is old, yet he is healthy.

a. but b. and c. so d. for

87. Your task is to alphabetize all of

these files.
a. desire b. method c. reason
d. job
88. I cannot take in all this information
at once.
a. say b. understand c.
translate d. transmit

89. I cannot stress how important

vocabulary is to the ECL test.
a. understand b. explain c.
emphasize d. agree

90. My brother is going to run for mayor

next year.
a. campaign for office b. do exercise
c. loan money to d. argue about

91. He rejected my offer.

a. accepted b. refused c. repeated
d. approved of

92. I'm very perplexed about tomorrow's

a. confident b. certain c. happy
d. confused

93. The movie was terribly good.

a. I disliked the movie. b. I loathed
the movie.
c. I thought it was awful. d. I liked it
a lot.
94. I dread going to the dentist.
a. I look forward to going. b. I hate
c. I anticipate going. d. I can't
wait to go.

95. I'm very fond of chocolate ice cream.

a. I don't like it. b. I love it.
c. I can't afford it. d. I can't stand

96. He injured his left ankle.

a. cured b. hurt c. repaired
d. x-rayed

97. Which of these is NOT an animal?

a. a deer b. a rabbit c. a wrench
d. a bear

98. Which of these would NOT be a good

beverage for breakfast?
a. orange juice b. milk c. coffee
d. gasoline

99. The score was tied at the end of

regulation time.
a. lopsided b. undetermined c. even
d. inconsequential

100. What does water do at 212 degrees

a. It thaws. b. It freezes. c. It
boils. d. It condenses.

101. He flunked the test.

a. wrote b. passed c. corrected
d. failed

102. The Green Team defeated the Orange

a. won b. lost c. beat d.

103. He has acne all over his face.

a. pimples b. hair c. freckles
d. wrinkles

104. I thought the movie was hilarious.

a. too long b. boring c. funny
d. sad

105. He is leaving DLI for good.

a. to make things better b. forever
c. and people are happy d. because
he did well

106. I hope you have the opportunity to

visit the Alamo.
a. time b. chance c. money
d. transportation
107. I am pleased with the results of the
ECL test.
a. happy b. uninformed c. unhappy
d. angry

108. The policeman cautioned him about

a. ticketed b. warned c. arrested
d. handcuffed

109. We reached the summit of the mountain

after 9 hours.
a. base b. peak c. side
d. foothills

110. Why did Pvt Jones wear goggles?

a. to stay warm b. to
protect his eyes
c. to hold his pants up d. to
appear taller

111. After the accident, he was maimed.

a. killed b. severely injured c.
dead d. okay

112. Which of the following is NOT an organ

located in the TORSO of the human body?
a. the liver b. the kidney c. the
brain d. the heart
113. An octopus is so-named because it has
eight ___________.
a. tentacles b. eyes c. ribs
d. mouths

114. My aunt is no spring chicken. She is

not ____________.
a. smart b. young c. popular
d. rich

115. There was a big crowd at the

restaurant last night.
a. fire b. riot c. group
of people d. meal

116. He is a tightwad.
a. He is ugly. b. He
is stingy.
c. He is argumentative. d. He
is silly.

117. When it comes to details, the

supervisor is very fussy.
a. careless b. particular
c. generous d. thoughtless

118. When I turned on the kitchen light, a

bunch of cockroaches scattered.
a. dispersed b. gathered
c. congregated d. died
119. We dug a trench around our tent.
a. cavity b. round hole c.
crater d. ditch

120. All of my photos came out blurry.

a. clear b. unfocused c.
sharp d. enlarged

121. The boss decided to terminate the

a. end b. begin c. praise
d. take up

122. This operations manual is obsolete.

a. out-of-date b. current
c. new d. relevant

123. The villagers are rejoicing.

a. laughing b. celebrating c.
hungry d. fighting

124. The robber was concealed among the

cars in the parking lot.
a. found b. sleeping c.
hidden d. stolen

125. I am famished!
a. well-known b. hungry c.
happy d. furious
126. Our team was victorious.
a. We won. b. We were eliminated c.
We didn’t win. d. We lost.

127. The construction company will demolish

the building next week.
a. paint b. destroy c.
build d. construct

128. Sgt Smith lobbed several grenades.

a. threw b. stole c. saved
d. caught

129. During the surprise inspection, the

drill sergeants found some booze in the
privates’ lockers.
a. candy b. weapons c.
pictures d. alcohol

130. Sorry, I am a vegetarian. I can’t eat

any ______.
a. veal b. peas c. lettuce
d. beans

131. The baby of a ram and a ewe is called

a _______.
a. colt b. calf c. lamb
d. chick

132. This material will not burn. It is

a. inflammable b. flammable c.
imflammable d. nonflammable

133. I broke my grandmother’s antique vase.

a. pretty b. new c.
worthless d. old

134. The police helicopter was ______ in

place right above my house for several
a. hovering b. soaring c.
streaking d. submerging

135. That old stamp is worth a lot of

money. It is very _______.
a. new b. ugly c.
valuable d. worthless

136. He is losing his hair. He is ______.

a. balding b. bolding c.
building d. budding

137. I cannot eat uncooked seafood.

a. rare b. braised c.
sautéed d. raw

138. A decade lasts _____ years.

a. five b. ten c. twenty
d. one hundred
139. Lt Szysyzsyzky drew a helix on the
board as part of his presentation.
a. square b. circle c.
triangle d. spiral

140. He has thick stubble today. I guess

he forgot to ______ this morning.
a. shower b. eat c. shave
d. exercise

141. Regulation 31-17 is going to be

a. canceled b. invoked c.
strengthened d. enforced

142. Joe committed arson. He _______.

a. burned down a building b.
robbed a bank
c. killed a person d.
stolen a vehicle

143. The solder got stabbed in the guts.

a. eyes b. throat c.
lungs d. intestines

144. People are raving about the new Matt

Damon movie.
a. complaining about b. condemning
c. praising d. ignoring
145. He hurt his shin. Where does he feel
the most pain?
a. near his mouth b. in his wrist
c. in his lower leg d. near his

146. The math problem was not simple. It

turned out to be extremely ______.
a. easy b. complex c.
painless d. brief

147. I think Mr. Smith is demented.

a. sane b. crazy c.
normal d. lucid

148. Her jokes were hilarious.

a. stupid b. boring c.
incomprehensible d. very funny

149. The scores on the final test were

a. predicted b. unbelievable
c. ordinary d. standard

150. My favorite season of the year is

a. summer b. fall c. winter
d. spring

151. This floor is filthy.

a. dirty b. new c. clean
d. spotless

152. The police said that the victim was

shot once in the temple. This means the
bullet entered ________.
a. the heart b. the head c. the
stomach d. the abdomen

153. The waves were so high that the

lifeboat turned upside down. It ______.
a. capsized b. sank instantly
c. revolved d. demoted

154. She implied that I had plagiarized

from an encyclopedia.
a. didn’t believe b. whispered
c. suggested d. disproved

155. The kids have been rowdy all day.

a. disorderly b. quiet c.
cooperative d. sick

156. I found a typo in your memo.

a. mistake b. fact c. joke
d. lie

157. How many offspring do you have?

a. vehicles b. bedrooms
c. jobs d. children
158. Joe’s plans fizzled.
a. succeeded b. impressed
c. failed d. worked

159. The medic applied a tourniquet to stop

the flow of blood.
a. blanch b. staunch c.
flinch d. paunch

160. The soldiers put their swords back in

the _______.
a. wreaths b. berths c.
sheaths d. mints

161. Mink, sable, and ermine are all types

of ______ that we can use for expensive,
fancy coats.
a. fur b. cloth c. plumage
d. wigs

162. I was amazed by the intricate design

in the mural.
a. elaborately detailed b.
c. needlessly repetitive d.
163. A bugle call that signals the time for
lights out (and can be heard at military
funerals) is called ______.
a. laps b. flaps c. maps
d. taps
164. The engine stopped operating at the
exact moment that I started up the hill.
a. enthralled b. walled c.
stalled d. mauled

165. In prisons and jails, the inmates live

in ______.
a. cells b. spells c. wells
d. dells

166. The sergeant was charged with

disobeying a lawful order from his superior
officer. He was charged with ________.
a. tribulation b.
c. trepidation d. flirtation

167. At night, my grandfather always put

the horses in the ______.
a. calendar b. oven c.
vault d. stable

168. My father was dozing during the movie.

a. coughing b. chortling c.
babbling d. napping

169. Lilies and daffodils are types of

a. fish b. birds c. flowers
d. flags
170. My mother wants new drapes for the
living room.
a. curtains b. rugs c.
chairs d. pictures

171. The vegetables were rotten.

a. fresh b. expensive c.
tasty d. spoiled

172. All of the soldiers seemed sluggish

during the parade practice.
a. slow and lazy b. vigorous
c. energetic d. vivacious

173. The company commanders have made some

tentative plans about the parade
a. brilliant b. preliminary c.
finalized d. perfected

174. These food items will spoil if you

don’t keep them refrigerated. Make sure
you use them soon. They are ________.
a. perishable b. expensive
c. biennial d. vigorous

175. The tour office says that we don’t

have to wear uniforms for the
Fredericksburg tour. We can wear ______.
a. frames b. chess c.
ulcers d. civvies

176. I don’t approve of the way Joe is

always hoarding money. He’s always trying
to get more. He tried to sell me some free
books from the library. He is _____.
a. curt b. greedy c. picky
d. deferential

175. They don’t allow us to smoke in class.

a. permit b. coerce c.
discourage d. demand

176. Mary can write equally well with both

her left and right hands. She is _______.
a. ambulatory b. amphibious c.
ambidextrous d. ambiguous

177. Our trip ended in catastrophe.

a. disaster b. home c.
triumph d. obscurity
178. The soldier received a medal for his
bravery during combat.
a. cowardice b. stupidity c.
aimlessness d. courage

179. We attacked the enemy with lethal

a. deadly b. minor c.
soothing d. negligible
180. The police discovered the old man
walking down the road. He was nude.
a. naked b. drunk c. depressed
d. jubilant

181. My son is very awkward when he tries

to ride his new bicycle.
a. graceful b. clumsy c.
proficient d. irritated

182. There is an over-abundance of old

books in the basement. We have _____ old
a. an excess of b. the correct amount
c. too few d. an insufficient
number of

183. The troops in the field need to take

hot showers as soon as possible. We are
concerned about their ________.
a. hyphen b. hydraulics c.
hygiene d. hyena

184. What would you most likely find in an

a. a collection of off-season clothes
b. an arsenal of weapons
c. perishable food items
d. valuable manuscripts and books
185. A bayonet most resembles a _____.
a. pistol b. knife c. cannon
d. bomb

186. The soldier went AWOL. He _______ his

a. deserted b. deserved c.
desecrated d. desicated

187. The man got bitten by a poisonous

a. venonmous b. harmless c. rare
d. gorgeous

188. The fabric faded.

a. It increased in price. b. It
c. It shredded. d. It lost

189. Joe never drinks alcoholic beverages,

so whenever we go out to eat, he orders
a. beer b. wine c. lemonade
d. scotch e. bourbon


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