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Assalamaualaikum wr. Wb Introducing my name firdatun aini can be called firda.

I am a student from
STIKES Bhakti Alqodiri Jember. On this occasion I would like to give you the reasons why I studied
nursing, what I think about my career, ideas for developing my career, and what are the interesting
.things about a nurse

First, why did I choose nursing as my career? His reason for wanting to Care for people and help
others lead healthy lives is satisfying and important to both oneself and people. Want to Help
Families in the Health Sector, because every family must experience illness, be it extended family,
relatives or nuclear families. because by having knowledge in the field of nursing it can help families
to consult and overcome health problems according to their field of knowledge. If the nursing staff is
their own family, in terms of handling, attention, and deepening of the symptoms of the disease will
.be different from other nurses

Both my opinions on my career. The specialty of a nurse is also to have patience, dedication and high
totality in caring for a patient. In addition to caring for patients, nurses must also be able to replace
several doctors' roles such as inserting infusions, performing injections, scheduling taking medication
and various other job descriptions. Another specialty of a nurse is to protect all patients regardless
.of background and economy. Don't differentiate

These three ideas to develop my career. Must have a target for the future. Always give the best to
.the patient. Then I really enjoy being a nurse

Ideas for nursing student learning. Hone skills, students who excel are not only smart in class. We
.have to combine hard skills and soft skills

.Interesting thing about a nurse

Nursing is the most trusted profession abroad

A study revealed by Galup said that in the last fifteen years, no less than seventy-nine respondents
.rated nurses as a profession that was most valued and trusted and ethical

Maybe those are just some of my reasons. More or less sorry

Thank you. Don't forget to be healthy

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