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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

I. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill MET P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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Use the X They say that the expressive arts gives us a way to
expressive arts as have a healthy outlet for feelings and thoughts that is
a mode of inquiry difficult to necessarily verbalize. In University Choir at
or expression Seton Hill, I learned so much from the other students
and music majors—I love music, but was not a lead
singer by any means. In fact, I was shy and hesitant,
but when the music spoke to me, I lost that and gained
something within. It is absolutely captivating the way
you can use the various sections of the group (the
choir) to create a masterpiece and a universal feeling
that could be felt past the stage and into the audience.
I am forever grateful for Mr. Hulls for working with me
on pronunciation and intonation, and I find that I use
these skills daily in working with clients.

Demonstrate X Within my Global Management Course, we completed

leadership, various assignments on how we thought we would be
negotiation, able to get our business across the cultural divides of
relational, and another country. The immediate goal was to be able
consensus skills to work together in strategizing how to most
successfully create a culturally respectful environment
whilst not losing out on profits. Each member of my
group had a big role in showing the professor why we
would be able to move our company overseas with
little issue.

Use technological X In Advanced Marketing Seminar, our goal was to

skills to access convince our group to stand behind us in supporting
information, something we were passionate about. I chose the
organize need of reforming the stigma around drug usage in our
knowledge, and area and instead, be a support system/ally for those
communicate affected. I created a powerpoint, pamphlets, as well as
a poster board.

Propose new X In my Human Resource Management course, my team

solutions to and I completed a case study of Walmart and
current issues specifically targeted employee turnover. We
combatted the turnover rates with giving more
benefits to increase morale, like cross-training and
implementing programs that aided in long-term
success like helping their employees go back to school.

Express X In my Intro to Human Resource Management Course,

arguments or we spoke on how minorities felt mismanaged and we
main points saw that there were multiple cases where a person’s
clearly, in written employer had openly discriminated against them due
and oral to their gender nonconformity. In many cases,
communication discrimination against and unfair treatment of LGBT
persons remains legally permitted, but I argued in my
paper that we need to work In strengthening the
communal identity and promotion of humanistic
behavior rather than differential identities to aide us
help us in closing margins against minority groups.

Transfer X In my Senior Seminar course, we did our social justice

knowledge and project and I was able to speak on my personal
values into sound experience on my Uncle Dave’s battle with Alzheimer’s
decision making and about the lack of resources available to him and
my Aunt during that time. I provided insight to
President Biden on how to address these issues.

II. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill M P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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Communicate in X In my French class with Madame Chosatt, she had us write

a second journal entries exploring our writing skills. We also
language at the conversed with partners and acted out skits. What I
introductory remember appreciating most about the course is that she
college level spent the time critiquing the intonation and word choice.
If we spoke incorrectly or there was a less formal way of
relaying what we were saying, she would advise in a
constructional way. Being that I took this course at the
beginning of my educational career, I am going to give
myself a “partially met” to this skill, as sadly, I only know
how to say certain phrases. Being able to communicate in
another language is a key skill for business, and I regret not
keeping up with this skill more from when I initially had the

Analyze the X Within my Modern Latin America class, we talked about

impact of history, how the recent social and political climate is not all that
geography, and different from that of the 19th-20th century Latin America.
socio-cultural One assignment that I wrote on suggested that Latin
dynamics on American leaders that were overthrown in office due to
global political unrest is similar to what our nation experienced in
interactions from the January 6th riot at the Capital Building. Even a civilized
a variety of and lawful nation like the United States has its instabilities.
disciplinary I would say that I partially met this requirement as I am not
perspectives well versed on the geographical impact.

Analyze current X Within my Women & Religion course, we learned about

and historical the women that shaped feminist theology and the
events through mistreatment of women. It is hard to say what really
the lens of caused this mistreatment as Puritans believe all were
spirituality and equal in the eyes of God. I wrote a paper on how many
faith more opportunities women have in today’s world but still
are lesser paid. I don’t feel that I understand the
mistreatment of women and those of minorities if we are
all equally created in God’s image.

Assess privilege X In my Intro to Management course, we spoke heavily on

and oppression the various employees we make encounter and how we
from the should respectively handle different scenarios. For this
perspective of course, I spoke on the growing literature and case studies
culture, race, that gay men and lesbians earn significantly less that than
class, and gender heterosexual counterparts. I learned how real some of the
issues are for those in a lower economic status from some
of the other student presentations and from a business
perspective, if I do transition to becoming a manager in my
current business or if I market to a certain segment of
society, I am sure to show a more humane attitude in this
way, realizing that these concerns are validated.
III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill M p N Example of specific assignment or activity

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Generate and X For my Accounting 1 & 2 courses, we created balance

analyze sheet to show a snap shot of a company at a moment in
numerical and time. Creating the balance sheet, with specific data
scientific data pulled from the general ledger showed how much a
company is worth, from showing If it sold everything
and paid off debts, what would be left over as the
company’s value. Analyzing this information showed
the financial success of the company.

Locate and X In my social psychology course, we analyzed YouTubers

analyze as well as various cosmetics/health product ads and
expressive talked on the unrealistic body images that many girls
media to gain have because of it. I wrote a paper titled “Creating a
information or Healthier Future in the Midst of Beauty Ideals” and I
comprehend spoke on the need to begin children with more healthier
the significance imaging early on. I also spoke on my experience in the
of an issue or an cosmetics industry and how we shouldn’t encourage
event everyone to cover up their flaws, but rather embrace

Organize and X In My HR management class, we did a Living Case Study

manage on a company we wanted to work for and learn more on
resources in a so asides from just writing a paper, I used my friend
creative way to Shane who worked for the company to come in and do a
achieve impact sales presentation and to pass out information during
my allotted time for additional impact
Find, evaluate, X For my Statistics course, our objective was to gather
and apply samples of population and recognize correlations of
information date sets using scatter diagrams, being aware of lurking
variables. This allowed us to infer information that we
previously hypothesized. I took this course when I was
studying psychology, but as I am interested in marketing
strategies, I can see how what was learned would
greatly help in consumer market research for a product
or in determining the reach of a campaign.
Interpret X In my Nutrition for Life course, we used the
quantitative and website to explore best practices of eating choices,
qualitative learning extensively about what made for a healthy diet
information to and what we would do to change pattens of eating and
present a logical how we would make recommendations to friends and
argument based family. From a qualitative standpoint, we looked at
on supporting specific recipes and determined what was in the food to
data offer specific health benefits for different groups of
people, like children or diabetics. Quantitatively, we
looked at food preparation and the types of foods
consumed in various surveys.

IV. Self Reflection and Assessment

Skill M P N Example of specific assignment or activity

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Demonstrate X Within my philosophy course, I learned the foundations of

ethical decision- what being a good person is and how I determine what
making that is---how I get my logic. We answered questions like is
grounded in it okay to break the law?? Well, no, right?? How about if
philosophical we are speeding to work down some country roads
inquiry because our co-worker is ill and is waiting on us to come in
so she can rest? Our professor showed us that the only
guarantee is that things will go wrong, so we actually need
to manage our expectations. This life lesson TRULY
impacted me, learning that I am not fully in control of what
happens around me, but can control my reaction to that. I
learned in this class that there is many ways to solve a
problem. Being a typical black & white person, having
more than one answer is frustrating or confusing, but this
course helped me realize that I need to be more creative in
my approach.

Apply Catholic X In my Senior Seminar course, I learned fairly extensively

social teaching about the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. In a
to the analysis of discussion that reflected thoughts from Pope Francis, he
contemporary spoke on the we cannot take from the Earth without
social issues replenishing as we need to care for God’s creation. Many
discussions also were had about solidarity and coming
together for change. Per Pope Francis, “Public pressure
has to be exerted in order to bring about decisive political
action.” It is more than just doing what is right, we need to
be a voice for change.

Recognize the X In Faith Religion & Society, I specially remember us moving

value of diverse our desks to the wall ad sitting on the floor of our
spiritual and classroom, practicing meditation. Many of the religions we
religious were learning practiced this in their worship, but to that
perspectives point, I understood to that be just reserved for those
involved in yoga, or something non-religious. I understood
though, how rich of an experience that was, that I went on
and explored Reiki and other non-mainstream practices to
improve my wellness. I grew up semi-religious, but learned
more of the corruption in the churches, rather that religion
being a beautiful self-discovery. I appreciated through my
exploration how important the practice of religious choice

Integrate the X In Women in Religion course, we learned of many

practice of important historical women and how they were advocates
charity with the for other women and how they made changes in society,
skill of justice defeating the odds-becoming a major influence and
inspiration. We spent much of the class time in open
discussions on how the situations then mirrored similar
issues today, speaking about what was fair, integrating the
skill of justice. Being aware of some of the issues , such as
lower paying wages in certain companies for women over
male counterparts, has made me a stronger, more well-
rounded person, but I would like to be more skillful in
aiding in the justice of those impoverished.

Exercise X Within my freshman year at Seton Hill, back in 2007, I

responsible spent my weekends volunteering at the food bank—
freedom and community service was important to me right away
civic because I realized the need within my community. At a
engagement young age, and in being supported by my parents at that
based on an time, I didn’t know anyone personally impacted.
informed value Volunteering was a part of my freshman Connections
system course, but it went much deeper. I had realized recently,
years later, that I saw many close friends struggle because
of losing their jobs with the pandemic---leading them to
the food bank and to community resources, like church
programs really helped them to get by. To this day, as
busy as I am, I still try to find time to at least do one
volunteer activity periodically. I love making a difference
in someone’s life.

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