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1, FEBRUARY 2021

Fault Detection and Protection Strategy for Islanded

Inverter-Based Microgrids
Seyed Fariborz Zarei , Hossein Mokhtari , Senior Member, IEEE, and Frede Blaabjerg , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— This article proposes a fault detection and protec- including the MG protection. Emerging distributed energy
tion strategy for islanded inverter-based microgrids (IBMGs). resources (DERs) in distribution systems change a passive
Reliable and accurate protection is one of the main challenges in power system into an active one with bidirectional short-
the proliferation of modern microgrids (MGs). Considering the
limited fault current of the voltage–frequency-controlled inverter- circuit currents [2]. In an MG operating in an islanded mode,
based distributed energy resources (VF-IBDERs), the protection the short-circuit level decreases considerably [3], [4]. This
is more challenging in islanded IBMGs. In this regard, the control issue is more challenging if the voltage–frequency controlled
scheme of VF-IBDER with a current limiting strategy plays inverter-based DERs (VF-IBDERs) with limited fault current
an important role. Due to the limited fault currents close to are the power sources [5]. This results in maloperation of the
the converter nominal current, the conventional fault detection
methods do not work properly. In addition, bidirectional fault conventional overcurrent (OC) relays, fuses, and reclosers [6].
currents worsen protection coordination. In this article, first, VF-IBDERs are responsible for regulating the voltage and
an analytical sequence network modeling for VF-IBDERs is frequency, which are essential for reliable operation in an
derived to specify their behavior under fault conditions. Then, a islanded mode of operation. Short-circuit current contributions
voltage-restrained negative-sequence resistance-based fault detec- by VF-IBDERs are limited and mostly depends on their con-
tion approach is proposed, which is based on the derived sequence
networks. This quantity inherently detects the fault and its trol loops [7]. This article focuses on the short-circuit analysis
direction and is independent of the fault current magnitude. of the VF-IBDERs and proposes a fault detection method and
The proposed feature can be employed in both the conventional an MG protection strategy considering this type of energy
and communication-assisted coordination strategies. In addition, resources. It is worth noting that the short-circuit behavior of
a protection coordination strategy based on a definite-time grid-following inverter-based distributed generations (so-called
grading approach is employed. Finally, the performance of the
proposed scheme is demonstrated by applying different faults in PQ-IBDGs), such as photovoltaic and the type IV wind turbine
a test MG in PSCAD/EMTDC environment. DGs, is not considered. However, to describe the impact
of PQ-IBDGs on the proposed scheme, it is provided in
Index Terms— Fault detection method, inverter-based micro-
grid (IBMG), islanded mode, microgrid (MG), microgrid protec- Section IV according to the existing studies available in the
tion strategy. literature.
For the protection of an islanded MG containing syn-
chronous generators, OC relays, fuses, and reclosers are
I. I NTRODUCTION the commonly used protective devices [8], [9]. In addition,
directional OC relays are widely employed to identify fault
I N RECENT years, the environmental concerns associated
with fossil fuels from the one side and strict rules of modern
electric power systems to minimize the electricity outage from
directions [10], [11]. In addition, there have been works on the
coordination and optimal setting selection of OC relays [12].
the other side have made power industry to invest more in the These remedies are not effective in islanded inverter-based
distributed generation of power at users sides. This remedy MGs (IBMGs) containing VF-IBDERs as energy sources.
may decrease the generation cost, reduce the power loss, and In this respect, several approaches have been proposed in the
increases the overall reliability of the system by allowing an literature as follows.
islanded operation under the name of microgrid (MG) [1]. In Some methods try to detect a fault using the VF-IBDERs
this respect, some technical challenges have been highlighted voltage signal. This can be done using an undervoltage (UV)
relay or determining the output voltage total harmonic dis-
Manuscript received July 20, 2019; revised September 14, 2019, tortion (THD) [13]–[15]. Under short-circuit faults, faulty
November 15, 2019, and December 19, 2019; accepted December 21, 2019.
Date of publication December 25, 2019; date of current version January 20, phase voltages drop considerably, which give an opportu-
2021. This work was supported in part by the Reliable Power Electronic-Based nity to detect the fault by the UV relay. However, when a
Power System (REPEPS) project at the Department of Energy Technology, fault occurs, the voltages in all busbars drop considerably,
Aalborg University, as a part of the Villum Investigator Program funded by
the Villum Foundation. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor which complicate finding the fault location. In this respect,
Suryanarayana Doolla (Corresponding author: Seyed Fariborz Zarei.) although the fault occurrence is identified effectively by the
Seyed Fariborz Zarei and Hossein Mokhtari are with the Department of UV relays, the fault location and the relays coordination for the
Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 1458889694,
Iran (e-mail:; fault isolation still remain a challenge. In addition, using the
Frede Blaabjerg is with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg improved current limiting strategy for VF-IBDERs (explained
University, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark (e-mail: in Section II), the THD level considerably decreases, and the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at applicability of the voltage THD-based approach cannot be
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2962245 guaranteed.
2168-6777 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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There are some methods, which use current signals for sequences is proposed in [24]. This method also relies on a
fault detection. As mentioned earlier, the OC relay cannot be communication system for fault detection and coordination.
used for islanded IBMGs due to the reduced fault currents. Using both voltage and current signals for fault detection
Mishra et al. [16] have used the wavelet transform to detect the is an another method in the literature. This method is used
fault, but the noise immunity of such approaches remains still in [25] with a data-mining-based protection scheme for fault
a concern. Monitoring the transient response of the inverter detection. This article does not propose a coordination scheme
current waveform is an another method proposed in [17]. and completely relies on a communication system. In addition,
In both methods, the fault direction cannot be determined at VF-IBDERs are not included in this article. Furthermore,
the relay point, which complicates the coordination among the the method based on measuring the line impedance, such
relays. Liu et al. [18] use a differential current protection, and as distance relay, suffers from the accuracy specifically for
Habib et al.[19] utilize a phase angle comparison of the current the distribution system with short lines and correspondingly
signals at both sides of a given distribution line to detect small line impedance values. Under such conditions, the seen
the fault. However, differential-based protection schemes are impedance by the relay and also the operation threshold is
adversely affected by current transformers (CTs) mismatches low (unlike the transmission lines with hundreds of kilometers
[20]. In addition, these schemes completely rely on the com- length), which cannot assure a reliable condition for correct
munication system not only for coordination but also for fault detection. In other words, the impedance trajectory may
fault detection. Casagrande et al. [21] proposed a method throw out the operating protection zone leading to malopera-
based on current sequence components for fault detection. tion of the relay in the MG [26], [27].
Using this remedy, Zamani et al. [6] proposed a method The functionality and performance of the above-
based on current sequences along with UV relays. However, mentioned methods are compared in Table I. Among
the inherent unbalanced nature of distribution systems may them, the communication-based differential protections
cause maloperation of such methods specially in an islanded are accurate for fault detection. In addition, differential
IBMG [22], [23]. A method based on differential current protections are regarded as unit protection that protects a

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1) Block (1) Output Voltage Control System [29]: The input

to this block is the sinusoidal nominal voltage reference
∗ ). A proportional-resonant (PR) compensator (C =
(Voα v
P + R) is used as the controller to guarantee a zero
steady-state error for sinusoidal inputs. Under normal
conditions, the output of g2 (i t∗α2 · (g1−1 − 1) · g2 ) is zero,
since the current limiter of Block (2) is not activated
(g1 = 1). Also, the output current i oα is used as a
feedforward signal. The output of this block is called
an unlimited current reference of i t∗α1.
2) Block (2) Current Limiter [3], [30]: An instantaneous
saturation limit strategy for a current limiter is a con-
ventional method to limit the current. However, this
limiter cuts the crest of the sinusoidal unlimited current
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic power circuit diagram of a VF-IBDER. (b) General reference i t∗α1 and creates distortions on the current
dynamic model of a VF-IBDER for normal and fault condition.
reference. Instead, limiting the amplitude of i t∗α1 makes
a distortion-free limitation, which is used in this article.
In this scheme, the current limiter is represented by the
specified protection zone [28]. Then, they accurately detect
gain g1 , which is “1” at normal condition. Under a short-
the fault direction and location. However, their functionality
circuit condition, the voltage controller tries to regulate
is completely dependent on the communication infrastructure,
the output voltage by increasing i t∗α1, which activates
which is limited due to the high investment cost and is not
the current limiter. In this condition, g1 takes values
normally available for distribution systems. Furthermore,
less than 1 (0 < g1 < 1), which limits the current
communication failure threatens the whole system protection,
peak to the predefined permissible value. The output of
since not only the coordination but also the fault detection
this block is i t∗α2, which is the limited current reference.
relies on the communication system. Any mismatch in the
Then, the gain g1 is not a constant predefined value
CTs of the two sides of the line also adversely affects this
and is continuously calculated and updated according
method. In addition, dependence on the system conditions,
to the amplitude of i t∗α1. However, at a fault steady
noise immunity, relying on the communication system for
state, it converges to a final value depending on the
fault detection, and the lack of coordination scheme are the
fault severity and g2 value. It is worth noting that g1
concerns of the other existing studies. This article proposes a
calculation does not require any knowledge on the type
fault detection scheme that is based on short-circuit behavior
of fault since i t∗α1 is known from Block (1). Fig. 2 shows
of a VF-IBDER to overcome the shortcomings of the existing
the methodology to find the limiter gain of g1 . In this
methods. Using the proposed method, a fault and its direction
figure, first, the unlimited current references of i t∗α1
can be detected locally by the relays. Also, the proposed ∗
and i tβ1 are transformed into i t∗a , i t∗b , and i t∗c . As the
method uses the fundamental components of voltages and
quantities are sinusoidal in the αβ frame, the amplitude
currents, and therefore, its performance cannot be affected
of the currents is obtained by summing the squares
by system harmonics and nonfundamental components.
of the current and the delayed version of the current
Its functionality is also independent of system operating
by 90◦ (1/4 cycle). Then, the maximum current among
conditions as will be shown in Section IV.
three phases is called I p . When I p is greater than Imax
In this article, first, the modeling of VF-IBDERs under
(permitted current), the gain g1 is defined by I p /Imax ,
short-circuit conditions is presented in Section II. The equiv-
otherwise it is “1.”
alent sequence networks for the VF-IBDERs are introduced
3) Block (3) Antiwindup Mechanism [30]: Using only a
in Section III, which specify the VF-IBDER behavior under
current limiter cannot guarantee a stable loop, since the
short-circuit fault condition. Using this model and knowing
voltage controller still tries to increase the output voltage
VF-IBDER fault behavior, a fault detection method and a
by increasing i t∗α1 while the short circuit exists. In other
protection strategy are proposed in Sections IV and V, respec-
words, the voltage controller saturates in this condition,
tively. Finally, simulation results and the conclusions of this
and an antiwindup mechanism must be employed to
paper are given in Sections VI and VII, respectively.
release the controller. In this scheme, the antiwindup
gain of g2 has a constant and predefined value. Using
II. C ONTROL OF VF-IBDER S U NDER S HORT C IRCUITS this scheme guarantees that no saturation occurs in
the control system even under short-circuit faults, and
Fig. 1(a) shows a power circuit diagram of a VF-IBDER, therefore, the derived equations are valid. Regarding the
in which VF-IBDER controls the voltages Voabc . Fig. 1(b) selection of g2 , it is recommended to use a value in the
shows the dynamic control model of a VF-IBDER in the range of (0.35 ∼ 0.7) × Z base , where Z base is the base
“α-” axis. The same control system is used for the “β-” axis, impedance of the VF-IBDER.
which is not shown for the sake of brevity. The control system 4) Block (4) Terminal Current Controller [29]: This block
consists of four blocks as follows. controls the VF-IBDER current and generates the

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Fig. 3. VF-IBDER sequence network model. (a) Positive sequence.

(b) Negative sequence. (c) Zero sequence.

Using αβ0 to pn0 transformation matrix of (3), one can

Fig. 2. Methodology to find the limiter gain of g1 . calculate the sequence components of (2) as given in (4),
in which z VF−IBDER = (g1−1 − 1) · g2 . In these equations, “p,”
“n,” and “0” represent positive, negative, and zero sequences,
terminal voltage. Ci and Voα are the PR controller and respectively
the voltage feedforward signal, respectively. The input ⎡ ⎤
to this block is generally unbalanced current reference, 0 0 2
1 ⎣
which is produced by voltage control block to supply the Tαβ0→ pn0 = · 1 j 0⎦ (3)
2 1 −j 0
unbalanced currents demanded by unbalanced grid and 
Vop = Vop∗ −z
loads. Since positive and negative sequence currents are VF−IBDER · i op
sinusoidal in a “αβ” stationary frame, the PR controller ∗
VON = VON − z VF−IBDER vi ON .
of Ci simultaneously controls both currents by zero
steady-state error. Therefore, the extraction of positive Fig. 3 shows the VF-IBDER sequence component model
and negative sequence currents and their separate control based on (4). In this model, the positive and negative sequence
are not required in this scheme. networks have the same impedance as
z VF−IBDER = g1−1 − 1 · g2 (5)
VF-IBDERs where g1 is the current limiter gain and g2 is a predefined
constant value, and also the voltage source amplitude E  δ is
In this section, positive/negative/zero sequence equivalent taken from the droop control. Then, both g1 and g2 determine
networks are derived for a VF-IBDER with the control struc- the VF-IBDER behavior under a short-circuit condition.
ture described in Section II. The models specify VF-IBDER From Fig. 3, the sequence networks for VF-IBDERs are
behavior under different types of faults. the same as those for the conventional synchronous machine-
The control scheme of Fig. 1(b) is taken as a base for based DG, but the equivalent impedance for the VF-IBDER is
modeling. The use of PR compensators for Cv and Ci results considerably higher. This impedance limits the output currents
in zero steady-state errors of voltage and current reference to the values close to the nominal values.
tracking at nominal frequency. Since the quantities are sinu- Regarding the validity margin of the impedance model,
soidal and saturation does not happen using the antiwindup the model of Fig. 3 is correct for both normal and short-circuit
mechanism, not only in normal condition but also in faulty fault conditions. Under normal condition, g1 = 1 and the
grid, the mentioned statement is valid. Hence, equations in (1) impedances are zero; however, under short-circuit condition,
are met for the control loop at steady-state operating points g1 takes lower values, which results in nonzero impedances
under both faulty and normal conditions. It is worth noting that according to (5).
all quantities shown in Fig. 1(b) are sinusoidal, and therefore,
phasor representation of quantities is used in the following

∗ − i ∗ · (g −1 − 1) · g − V
Voα t α2 1 2 oα = 0 In the following sections, the basics of the proposed fault
∗ − i ∗ · (g −1 − 1) · g − V = 0. (1)
Voβ 2 oβ detection method are presented.
tβ2 1

Considering a zero steady-state error for the current control

A. Fundamental Principles of the Proposed Fault Detection
loop, current references i t∗α2 and i tβ2
∗ are equal to the terminal
currents of i t α and i tβ , respectively. Also, the output current
i oαβ is the sum of the terminal current i t αβ and the injected Using the sequence networks of a VF-IBDER, a short-
current by the output capacitor C f . Considering a low value circuit fault discriminative quantity is introduced to identify
for the output capacitor current, specifically under short-circuit the faults. The details are in the following. In a short-circuit
conditions with lower voltage amplitudes, the output current condition, the currents of the faulty or affected phases are
is equal to the terminal current (i oαβ ≈ i t αβ ). Therefore, (1) typically limited to the maximum value of 1.25 × Ib , where
can be rewritten as Ib is the VF-IBDER base current [3], [6]. Fig. 4 shows a
 VF-IBDER circuit subjected to a single-line-to-ground (SLG)
∗ −i −1
Voα = Voα oα · (g1 − 1) · g2 fault. From this figure, the fault current in the “αβ” frame is
∗ − i · (g −1 − 1)vg . (2)
Voβ = Voβ oβ 1 2 as given in (6) and (7) in a phasor representation form, where

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Equations (13) and (14) provide important insight into

the behavior of the VF-IBDER under short-circuit condi-
tions. They reveal that the VF-IBDER equivalent impedance
increases to large values, while it is zero at normal conditions.
This is a valuable finding since the significant impedance vari-
ation from a normal to a short-circuit condition ensures reliable
and precise discrimination between these two conditions. Also,
it is shown that the impedance is resistive, and for this reason,
Z VF−IBDER is replaced by rVF−IBDER in the rest of this article.
This concept is the basis for the proposed protection scheme.
All discussions till now are about an equivalent impedance,
Fig. 4. VF-IBDER subjected to an SLG fault. which is based on the introduced model. However, a physical
quantity is required for practical applications. Looking at the
negative sequence network of Fig. 3, it is concluded that
z a = ra + j x a is the equivalent fault impedance seen by the the derived equivalent impedance is the only element in this
VF-IBDER. In addition, the faulty phase current in the “abc” sequence network. Then, measuring the output voltages and
frame is as given in (8) which is limited to 1.25 × Ib currents and calculating their sequence components, (15) gives

√ the required negative sequence impedance (resistance), where
3 3 · Voα − Voβ
Ioα = · (6) VON and ION are the voltage and current negative sequences.
2 ra + j x a
√ z VF−IBDER (= z 2 ) =
. (15)
−1 3 · Voα − Voβ ION
Ioβ = · (7)
2 r + j xa

It should be noted that the resistance of (15) is a negative
3 3 · Voα − Voβ value considering the negative sequence network of Fig. 3.
Ifault = · . (8)
2 ra + j · x a Since the VF-IBDER equivalent resistance can be found
by calculating the negative sequence impedance, this quantity
Substituting (6) and (7) into (2) yields Voα and Voβ versus can be implemented through digital relays for fault detection
∗ and V ∗ . Now, substituting V
Voα oα and Voβ into (8) and purposes. In this regard, it is necessary to find a proper setting,
oβ √
considering 1.25× Ib × 2 for I f ault , the relationship between which results in the reliable operation of the protective relay.
g1 and g2 for an SLG fault can be found as in (9), where The given impedances in (13) and (14) are rVF−IBDER for
Z base is the base impedance based on the VF-IBDER nominal severe SLG and LL faults with zero fault resistance, respec-
ratings. Equation (10) gives the relationship for a line-to- tively. Considering the fact that rVF−IBDER is a function of
line (LL) fault using the same strategy. The details of the the fault type and its severity, it is then necessary to consider
mathematical proof are not given due to space limitation. It is both to determine the relay setting. In (9) and (10), ra + j · x a
worth noting that Voα ∗ and V ∗ are substituted by |V ∗ |0 and represents the equivalent impedance seen by the VF-IBDER,
oβ m

|Vm | − 90, respectively, in which |Vm∗ | √is the peak value of which includes the fault resistance. For VF-IBDERs with the

nominal system voltage (|Vm∗ | = 2 Vll / 3 and Vll is nominal parameters given in Table I, the gain g1 and correspondingly
system LL voltage) rVF−IBDER variations are shown versus the fault resistances

shown in Fig. 5 (the faults occur at the Yg side, as shown
 x 2 r −1 in Fig. 4). As shown in the figure, increasing R f mostly
a a
g1 = g2 · g2 + (0.7 × Z base ) − 2
− (9) affects rVF−IBDER for SLG faults and for a VF-IBDER with
2 2

higher ratings. For secure and selective protection, considering
 x 2  r  −1 a fault resistance of R f = 45, the resistance of r = 0.2 p.u.
a a
g1 = g2 · g2 + (0.8 × Z base ) −2
− . (10) is selected as the setting. In this respect, the impedance of the
6 12
VF-IBDER with a higher rating will be the limiting impedance
Since ra + j · x a is negligible as compared with Z base , (9) for setting selection (VF-IBDER1 in this case).
and (10) can be simplified to (11) and (12), respectively It is worth noting that the proposed fault detection method
does not sense the overload condition. As the current limiter
g1 ≈ (11) is activated at currents above 1.25 × Ib , for currents lower
g2 + 0.7 × Z base than this value, the equivalent impedance of the converter is
g1 ≈ . (12) zero (g1 = 1). This means that under overload condition the
g2 + 0.8 × Z base
seen negative sequence impedance (resistance) is zero and the
Substituting (11) and (12) into (5) results in (13) and (14), proposed method correctly does not respond to this condition.
which gives the VF-IBDER sequence impedances for SLG and
LL faults, respectively B. Extending the Applicability of the Proposed Fault
Detection Method to the System Relays
z VF−IBDER ≈ 0.7 × Z base (13) As mentioned earlier, the negative sequence resistance of
z VF−IBDER ≈ 0.8 × Z base . (14) a VF-IBDER considerably increases during a short-circuit

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Fig. 7. Test system for evaluation of unbalanced loads effect on the proposed

Since the source impedance during a fault is relatively high

and the fault current is close to the nominal current, the effects
of unbalanced loads, which are in the fault loop (between the
source and fault location), are studied in the following section.

C. Evaluation of Unbalanced Loads Effects on the Proposed

Fig. 5. Variations of g1 and z VF−IBDER for different fault resistances with
the given VF-IBDERs parameters in Table I.
Fault Detection Quantity
The load currents are ignored in a short-circuit analysis of
the conventional power systems considering the high short-
circuit levels. However, in the presence of VF-IBDERs as
IBMG sources, this assumption needs to be more investigated
considering the high source equivalent impedance and the low
short-circuit current level (close to the nominal current). The
first step is the sequence component modeling of the loads.
Medium-voltage (MV) distribution systems (e.g., 20 kV) are
connected to low-voltage (LV) systems via DYg transformers
in which the Yg side provides a neutral wire for the single-
phase loads. Therefore, the zero-sequence current cannot enter
the MV side. Then, the MV side only sees the positive and
negative sequence currents of the loads. To clarify more,
consider the test system of Fig. 7 with an unbalanced feeder.
Fig. 6. Sequence networks of a test system for the SLG and the LL faults. In this system, a fault occurs at busbar B, and the effects of the
loads in the fault loop (in this case the neighbor healthy feeder
condition. This feature can be used in the relays as a fault loads) on the negative sequence resistance seen by the relay
detection method. Fig. 6 shows a simple system containing RAB are the concern. In this figure, all loads of the healthy
a VF-IBDER and a distribution feeder equipped with a relay feeder are shown by an equivalent impedance of Z Load−eq
“R.” This figure also shows the sequence networks for an SLG containing three impedances Z ab , Z bc , and Z ca (see Fig. 7).
and a LL short circuits. Using the negative sequence circuit Performing some mathematical calculations, (20) gives the
and (15), the negative sequence impedance seen by the relay positive and negative sequence component equivalents of this
(z 2R ) for the SLG and LL faults are unbalanced three-phase load. As (20) shows, the impedance
matrix is not a simple diagonal matrix. Therefore, the positive
z 2R = −(rVF−IBDER + j · xl ) (16) and negative sequence circuits are coupled together, as graph-
z 2R = −(rVF−IBDER + j · xl ). (17) ically shown in Fig. 8
As previously mentioned, only the real (resistive) parts ⎪
⎪ V p = Z L11 Z L12 · I p

of (16) and (17) are required for a correct decision, which are ⎪

⎪ Vn Z L21 Z L22 In
equal to rVF−IBDER . Then, using (13) and (14), the negative ⎪

⎪  1 1 1
sequence resistances seen by the relay (r2R ) for SLG and LL ⎪
⎪ Z L11 = Z L22 = · + +

⎪ 3 Z ab Z bc √ Z ca
faults are simplified as ⎨
 2 1 1 3 1 1
r2R = −0.7 × Z base ⎪ Z L12 = · − − + j · −
(18) ⎪
⎪ 6 Z bc Z ab Z ca √6

⎪ Z ab Z ca
r2R = −0.8 × Z base . (19) ⎪
⎪  2 1 1 3 1 1

⎪ Z L21 = · − − −j · −

⎪ 6 Z Z Z 6 Z Z
Considering (18) and (19), it can be concluded that the ⎪
⎪ bc ab ca ab ca

⎪ Z ab · Z bc · Z ca
negative sequence resistance seen by the relay is equal to ⎩ = .
Z ab + Z bc + Z ca
the resistive impedance of the VF-IBDER sequence models,
which can be used for the fault detection. In this respect,
r2R = 0.2 p.u. can also be used as a setting value for fault In unbalanced cases, the dependent voltage sources impact
detection. on the negative sequence resistance must be investigated.

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Substituting the related quantities from (20) into

(24) and (25) results in (26) and (27), respectively
Z ab · Z bc · Z ca
Z 2load =  2π   4π 
Z ca Z ab − Z bc · e j 3 + Z ab · Z ca − Z bc · e j 3
Fig. 8. Sequence component modeling of an unbalanced three-phase load
according to (20). (26)
Z ab · Z bc · Z ca
Z 2load =  4π   2π 
Z bc · Z ca − Z ca ·e j 3 + Z bc · Z ab − Z ab ·e j 3
Since Z 2load is in parallel with rVF−IBDER (see Fig. 9),
the lower Z 2load , the more reduction of (21), which may
affect the relay functionality. To meet this condition, if Z ab =
−Z bc ·e j (2π/3) and Z ca = −Z bc ·e j (4π/3) , then the denominator
of (26) is maximized. Substituting the impedances into (26)
leads to (28). Applying the same procedure to (27) results
in (29)
Z 2load = (Z ab /4) · e j 3 (28)
√ π
Z 2load = (Z ab /2 3) · e− j 6 . (29)
On the other hand, the VF-IBDER rating is typically
selected 1.5 times more than the system load depending on the
operation strategy and required security. Then, aggregating all
loads of the system in the healthy feeder and assuming a load
peak condition as the worst possible case, the load impedance
is 1.5 × 3 × Z base . Then, (28) and (29) can be rewritten as (30)
Fig. 9. Sequence circuit of Fig. 7 for SLG and LL faults at busbar B. and (31), respectively. The gain “3” in (30) and (31) is due
to the use of delta connection in the load modeling of Fig. 7
(Z Load−eq ).
Fig. 9 shows the sequence circuits for SLG and LL faults π
Z 2load = (1.5 × 3 × Z base /4) · e j 3 (30)
at busbar B. From Fig. 9, by dividing E An by IAB−n from √ π
negative sequence circuit, (21) gives the negative sequence Z 2load = (1.5 × 3 × Z base /2 3) · e− j 6 . (31)
impedance seen by the relay RAB , in which z 2load is the load As a result, in the worst case, the impedances of (30)
imposed negative sequence impedance and (31) are about 1.6 times the impedances in (13) and

I p (14). Then, considering (21), the load impedances do not

z ABseen = −(rVF−IBDER + j · xl )|| Z L22 + Z L21 · . (21) considerably decrease the impedance seen by the relay AB.
In Hence, the negative sequence resistance with the selected
Z 2load setting (0.2 × Z base ) is still valid for the protection purposes
considering the load currents.
Using Fig. 9, neglecting the transformer leakage reactance
(xl ) and line AB impedances (Z AB p , Z ABn , and Z AB0 ), and D. Performance Evaluation of the Proposed Quantity Under
with some calculations, (22) and (23) give the relationship Normal Condition—Unbalanced Loads
between the positive and negative sequence currents of the
During a normal condition and when the current limiter is
unbalanced load during the SLG and LL faults conditions,
not activated, rVF−IBDER is zero, and the negative sequence
network of the VF-IBDER is modeled by a short circuit.
Z L22 + Z L12 As a result, the transformer leakage reactance would be the
I p = −In · (22)
Z L11 + Z L21 only impedance in the negative sequence network of the
Z L22 − Z L12 VF-IBDER and its transformer. Considering a 5 % leakage
I p = In · . (23)
Z L11 − Z L21 reactance for distribution transformers in parallel with the
loads equivalent impedances, the impedances seen by the
Substituting (22) and (23) into Z 2load in (21), Z 2load is
relays are almost equal to the transformer leakage reactance.
calculated as given in (24) and (25) during SLG and LL faults,
Therefore, the negative sequence resistance seen by the relay is
respectively [see  in (20)]
negligible, and the selected settings for the relays (0.2 ×Z base )
1  are valid in such circumstances.
Z 2load = · (24)
3 Z L11 + Z L21 It is worth noting that any change in the load and, conse-
1  quently, the related transients do not affect the functionality
Z 2load = · . (25) of the proposed fault detection method since the current
3 Z L11 − Z L21

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limiter is not activated under such transients. This means

that the negative sequence impedance of VF-IBDER is zero
according to (5) with g1 = 1. Therefore, the negative sequence
resistances seen by the protective relays are zero, which does
not cause malfunction of the relays.

E. Performance Evaluation of the Proposed Quantity Under

Normal Condition—Balanced Loads and No-Load Condition
When the system is balanced, both voltage and current Fig. 10. Sample islanded MG for sequence circuit analysis of an SLG fault
at the middle of line L 3 .
negative sequences are small, and therefore, dividing the low
negative sequence voltage by the low negative sequence cur-
rent may result in an unreliable negative sequence impedance
for fault detection. Consequently, it may cause wrong fault
detection and relay maloperation. This problem is also present
at no-load or light load conditions. To restrain the relays
operation in such conditions, the percentage of the negative
sequence voltage divided by the positive sequence is employed
as the criteria. This percentage rarely exceeds 5% at normal
or light load conditions, but easily exceeds when a fault
occurs [31].
Fig. 11. Sequence circuit for an SLG fault at middle of line L 3 in Fig. 10.

F. Discussion on the Impact of PQ-IBDGs on the Proposed

Quantity is not noticeable and even ground-fault relays may not detect
PQ-IBDGs are the second type of sources in an MG. HIFs [6]. For this reason, the conventional methods cannot
They do not contribute to the voltage and frequency control be employed, and methods based on HIF current waveform
task of an MG [32], [33]. Photovoltaic and type IV wind characteristics, such as the energy level and high-frequency
turbine distributed generations are examples of PQ-IBDGs. components, are utilized [40], [41]. An energy level-based
Under short-circuit conditions, two well-known requirements HIFs detection method has been elaborated in [6] for IBMGs.
are requested by the grid codes that are: 1) remaining con-
nected to the system for a specified time and 2) supporting
the grid voltage by a reactive current injection [34]. Power
system relaying and control (PSRC) committee has released a
comprehensive report on fault current contributions from wind In the following, first, the relays response to a fault con-
plants [35]. IEEE PES Industry Technical Support Task Force sidering the proposed fault detection method is demonstrated
has investigated the protective relay issues related to the pres- by a case study. Then, the suggested protection coordination
ence of PQ-IBDGs [36]. In these references, the short-circuit strategy is presented.
fault current contribution of inverters has been specified for
protective relaying purposes. In addition, prior-art inverter con-
A. Case Study for Applying the Proposed Fault Detection
trol schemes have been included considering the present grid
Quantity to the Relays in a Sample System
codes and different manufacturer specifications. The short-
circuit model of PQ-IBDGs is also provided. It is mentioned A sample test system, as shown in Fig. 10, is considered
that the inverter controls employ current limiting functions to analyze the relays operation. The voltage restraint negative
and inject only a positive sequence current by suppressing sequence resistance-based fault detection method is used as
the negative sequence current under all operating conditions described in Section IV. Fig. 11 shows the sequence circuit
including balanced and unbalanced short-circuit faults. This for an SLG fault in the middle of L 3 as an example. In this
is also highlighted by protection studies in which the nega- figure, “Li” corresponds to line “i .” Using the general form of
tive sequence impedance-based directional element misoper- (15) and considering the negative sequence circuit of Fig. 11,
ates under such conditions [37]–[39]. Therefore, the negative Equations (32)–(36) give the negative sequence impedances
sequence impedance of PQ-IBDGs is represented by an open seen by the different relays in the test system for the fault
circuit or infinite impedance in the negative sequence circuit
[35], [36]. As a conclusion, the negative sequence impedance z R12 = −(rVF−IBDER1 + j · xl−t 1 ) (32)
of PQ-IBDGs is ignored in comparison with the remaining par- z R23 = −z R21 = −(rVF−IBDER1 + j · xl−t 1 + Z L1n ) (33)
allel impedances in the sequence network. Then, a PQ-IBDG z R34 = −z R32 = −(rVF−IBDER1 + j · xl−t 1 + Z L1n + Z L2n )
does not affect the negative sequence resistances that are seen (34)
by the protective relays.
It should be noted that high impedance faults (HIFs) are z R43 = −z R45 = −(rVF−IBDER2 + j · xl−t 2 + Z L4n ) (35)
not elaborated in this article. During HIFs, the voltage drop z R54 = −(rVF−IBDER2 + j · xl−t 2 ). (36)

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Fig. 12. Sample islanded MG with the given parameters in Tables I and II.

Since line impedances are negligible compared with

rVF−IBDER1 and rVF−IBDER2 , and considering the inductive
nature of the transformer leakage reactance, it can be con-
cluded that the negative sequence resistance seen by each
relay is equal to the impedance of the VF-IBDER located at
behind of the relay as shown in (37) and (38), (e.g., for the the busbars can be avoided. As an example, R43 is responsible
fault shown in Fig. 10, VF-IBDER1 is located at behind of for a fault in F3 not R45, and busbar 4 is kept in service.
relays R12 , R21 , R23 , R32 , and R34 ). Therefore, the previously The coordination margin delay of tcm depends on the relays
selected settings (0.2 × Z base ) for the relays effectively detect technology used in the system. For electromechanical relays,
the faults. It should be noted that the loads does not change the coordination delay typically is considered 400–500 ms.
the conclusion due to the earlier discussions However, using the nowadays breakers and digital relays,
r R12 = r R23 = −r R21 = r R34 = −r R32 = −rVF−IBDER1 (37) the delay can be further reduced typically to about 200 ms
[42], which is used in this article. As the multiples of tcm
r R43 = −r R45 = r R54 = −rVF−IBDER2 . (38)
are added into the relays operation time, last relays in the
From (37) and (38), the relays in the same busbars see the ring (R21 and R67) have long operating times. This long
same resistances but with opposite signs. Then, the sign of operating times are acceptable for most of the applications
the resistance seen by each relay identifies the fault direction. since the reduced fault currents close to the nominal value do
Hence, the proposed quantity not only detects the fault but not cause any damage to the equipment of IBMG [6]. If the
also determines the fault direction. In this respect, a negative system serves sensitive loads, the operating time becomes an
sign represents a forward direction and vice versa. The forward important factor, and the definite time grading method will no
direction for each relay is defined as toward the outside of its longer be suitable. In this case, the communication-assisted
busbar (e.g., direction from busbar 1 to 2 is forward for R12 ). coordination must be employed in which the communication
infrastructure and the MG central protection unit (MCPU) is
B. Proposed Coordination Strategy needed. In this method, all relays send their information (fault
occurrence and direction) to the MCPU. Now, the MCPU
As described in Section V-A, when a fault occurs in the
processes the data and sends trip signals to the proper relays.
system, all relays detect the fault simultaneously since the
In this case, the definite-time grading can be regarded as a
negative sequence resistance seen by the relays increases
redundant backup scheme when the communication system
considerably. To manage the relays operations, an appropriate
fails. It is important to note that even in case of using a
grading method must be employed. Fig. 12 shows the proposed
communication-assisted coordination scheme, the fault detec-
definite-time grading method with dashed lines employed
tion task is done by the proposed voltage-restraint negative
in this article. In this scheme, forward directions and the
sequence resistance. Then, the communication system failure
corresponding operating times are shown with dashed lines.
does not result in the whole protection system failure since the
The operating time for the fastest relays in the ring (R21 and
fault detection is performed locally by the relays. This is the
R67) is considered as tsm which is the safety margin delay
main difference between the proposed protection system and
to avoid any unnecessary operation for temporary faults. A
other existing methods based on communication infrastructure,
five cycle delay is considered for tsm , i.e. 100 ms. For other
in which both fault detection and coordination are done by
relays, multiples of tcm which is the coordination margin or the
MCPU, and any communication system failure disrupts the
coordination time interval is added to ensure protection coor-
whole protection system.
dination among the relays. To clarify the operation, consider
an arbitrary fault of F3, in which relays R34 and R43 are the
operating relays. Using the proposed grading method, other
relays in the system have longer operating times comparing A. Simulation Results
with R34 and R43, which ensures a proper protection coordi- To show the performance of the proposed fault detec-
nation. In addition, using this scheme, unnecessary isolation of tion method and protection strategy, the test system shown

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TABLE IV the setting. To clarify more, the operation of all relays for an
P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION OF THE P ROPOSED R ELAYS IN SLG fault (F3) is explained as an example. The output voltages
and currents of VF-IBDERs are shown in Fig. 13 during
this fault. Also, the gains g1 variation is shown in this
figure. By fault occurrence, the gains g1 decrease from 1 to
0.44 and 0.36 for VF-IBDER1 and VF-IBDER2, respectively.
Accordingly, z VF−IBDER increases from 0 to 0.68 p.u. and
0.64 p.u., for VF-IBDER1 and VF-IBDER2, respectively. The
loads and line impedances are the reason for the difference
between the obtained z VF−IBDER values and the value given
in (13). Also, as shown in Fig. 13, the output currents are
limited to their maximum values as expected. For this fault,
the set of operating relays with the forward direction are (R34,
R23, and R12) and (R43, R54, R65, and R76). As shown
in Table V, the negative sequence resistance seen by the relays
in each set are close to each other, which corresponds to the
resistance of the VF- IBDER in their behind (VF-IBDER1 for
R34, R23, and R12 and VF-IBDER2 for R43, R54, R65,
and R76). In addition, this resistance is about 0.7 times the
VF-IBDER base impedance, which is in accordance with (18).
The load impedance is the reason for the difference between
the negative sequence resistances seen by the relays in each
set. As mentioned earlier, the load impedances are in parallel
with the VF-IBDER resistance. Therefore, they decrease the
R ESISTANCE S EEN BY T HE R ELAYS () resistance seen by the relay.
Furthermore, the R-X diagram and negative sequence
impedance trajectory of the relays R34 and R43 for the SLG
short circuit at F3 are shown in Fig. 14. In this figure, the real
and imaginary axes represent the resistance and reactance
of the negative sequence impedances seen by the relays,
respectively. Under normal conditions, the negative sequence
impedance is zero, then, the trajectory is at the origin of the
R-X diagram. When a short circuit occurs, the impedance
trajectory moves from the origin of the R-X diagram to a
final position corresponding to the steady-state operating point
of the short-circuit fault. Fig. 14 shows this final position
with negative sequence resistances of −70 and −98.5  for
R34 and R43, respectively. Both negative sequence resistances
are considerably higher than the setting of 26  (0.2 p.u.)
which results in correct operation of the relays. In fact,
the relay timer starts to count whenever the impedance exceeds
the relay setting (0.2 p.u.), and then, sends the trip command
considering the definite-time protection coordination strategy,
as shown in Fig. 12 with dashed lines. Fig. 15 shows all the
in Fig. 12 with the parameters given in Tables II and III is relays operation for this fault in which the horizontal axis
simulated in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment. In this case, represents the operating time of the relays, and the vertical
only the islanded operation of the system is considered, and axis shows the relays status with 0 (not tripped) or 1 (tripped).
VF-IBDERs are the sources in the MG. The voltage and fre- To clarify more, relay R43 first sends the trip command at
quency set points of VF-IBDERs are obtained by conventional 310 ms after fault occurrence from the 2nd set of operating
droop characteristics. To demonstrate the performance of the relays. In case of maloperation of R43, R54 behaves as a
proposed method, different faults including SLG, LL, and LLG backup relay which operates at 412 ms. From the 1st set,
faults at various locations (F1 to F6) are applied to the system. R34 is the main relay which responds at 412 ms, and R23 is
The operation times and the negative sequence resistances seen the backup with 510 ms operating time for this fault. Looking
by all the relays for each fault are shown in Tables IV and V, at the operating times shown in Fig. 15 (see Table IV), as it
respectively. The negative sequence resistance setting for the was expected, the relays are coordinated (with time intervals
relays is chosen as 26  (0.2 p.u. with Vbase = 20 kV and of 200 ms) and they operate correctly when the fault occurs.
Sbase = 3 MVA). As shown in Table V, for all fault cases, The same explanation can be given for the faults at other
the negative sequence resistances are considerably higher than locations.

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Fig. 14. Negative sequence impedance trajectory in the R-X diagram for
(a) relay R34 and (b) relay R43 under F3 single-line-to-ground short-circuit

Fig. 13. Output voltages and currents of VF-IBDERs by occurrence of an

SLG short-circuit fault at F3, and corresponding g1 values (a) output voltages
of VF-IBDER1, (b) output currents of VF-IBDER1, (c) output voltages of
VF-IBDER2, (d) output currents of VF-IBDER2, and (e) the variation of g1
Fig. 15. Operating times of the system relays for an SLG short-circuit fault
It should be noted that, for the LLL faults, the negative at F3.
sequence voltage and current do not exist, and the proposed
fault detection scheme is not more effective. However, LLL the derived inverter short-circuit model. Having known the
faults rarely occur in power systems, and even LLL faults are inverter behavior under short-circuit conditions, this quantity
normally begin with asymmetrical faults which may end up provides clear discrimination between normal and short-circuit
with LLL faults as the time goes by. conditions.
The proposed scheme is effective considering both types of
B. Discussion on the Achievements inverter control modes which are voltage/frequency (used in
Different methodologies for fault detection in IBMGs are VF-IBDERs) and P/Q (used in PQ-IBDERs) control modes.
compared in Table I in Section I. In this section, the proposed Section IV-F discusses the impact of PQ-IBDERs.
method is also evaluated considering the same criteria used Regarding the noise immunity of the proposed scheme,
in Table I. The achievements are listed as below. the fundamental frequency components of voltages and
An analytical short-circuit fault model is derived for currents are used for negative sequence resistance calculation,
VF-IBDERs. A voltage-restraint negative sequence resistance therefore, the method performance cannot be affected by the
fault detection quantity is proposed which is inspired by system harmonics, noises, and nonfundamental components.

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As shown in Section IV-C, by considering the worst possible negative sequence resistance quantity. Both fault detec-
cases for unbalanced loads, the load unbalanced condition does tion and its direction information are collected from
not impair the proposed method functionality (contrary to the all the relays in the system and sent to the MCPU.
methods based on negative sequence currents). Now, the MCPU identifies the exact location of the
The proposed method does not use the current amplitude as fault and commands the corresponding relays for clear-
a feature for fault detection which makes it useful for fault ance. As the communication system is only used for
detection in an islanded IBGM with reduced fault current coordination purposes, its failure does not impair the
amplitudes (unlike OC protection). protection system if the time-delay-based grading is used
The proposed fault detection scheme only uses the local as a backup. This is the advantage of the proposed
voltage and current waveforms. Then, the information from protection scheme over other schemes relying on the
other points of the network is not needed. Then, the com- communication systems.
munication infrastructure is not required for fault detection. Differential protection-based methods suffer from low accu-
Therefore, the protection system security is increased. racy considering distributed loads in the system. Despite the
In the proposed method, the current signal is taken from the spot loads, the distributed loads are directly connected to
CT located in the relay busbar. Then, unlike the differential the lines and not busbars resulting in a current mismatch
current protection, the proposed method is not sensitive to CTs even under normal conditions in the differential scheme. The
mismatch, improving the protection system security. proposed method only uses the local information which makes
Further to negative sequence resistances amplitude which is it insensitive to the distributed loads.
used for fault occurrence detection, its sign reveals the fault
direction. A negative sign corresponds to the forward direction VII. C ONCLUSION
and vice versa. Then, by knowing both fault occurrence and This article proposes a system protection strategy for
its direction, the proposed quantity can be used effectively islanded IBMGs containing voltage–frequency controlled
in available coordination schemes (communication-assisted inverter-based distributed energy resources (VF-IBDERs) as
coordination or time-delay based grading). The voltage-based IBMG sources. The strategy includes: 1) short-circuit fault
schemes lack this feature resulting in difficulty in the protec- modeling of VF-IBDERs, 2) a fault detection method, and
tion coordination. 3) a protection coordination strategy. First, the control struc-
The existing impedance-based scheme (namely distance ture of VF-IBDERs under a short-circuit condition has been
protection) relies on the measurement of the positive sequence presented. Then, sequence component networks are derived
impedance which logically calculates the positive-sequence to specify the VF-IBDERs behavior under short-circuit condi-
impedance of the line from the relay location to the fault tions. Next, using the sequence networks, a voltage-restrained
point. The calculated impedance and the operation threshold negative-sequence resistance-based fault detection method is
(which is 80% of the protected line impedance) are very small proposed. This method does not rely on large fault current
values for MGs with short lines, and then, the impedance- magnitudes and, therefore, makes it applicable to the IBMG
based distance relays suffer from accuracy for MG protection. in an islanded mode. This fault detection method does not need
Unlike the conventional impedance-based relays, the pro- any communication infrastructure. In addition, this method
posed negative sequence quantity is zero under normal condi- can be implemented in digital relays. Using the proposed
tions, but increases considerably under short-circuit conditions fault detection method, a local definite time grading approach
(0.7 –0.8 p.u.—the base for per unit is the converter nominal is employed for protection coordination. This remedy also
power). Therefore, it accurately discriminates the short-circuit does not require a communication link. However, it can be
conditions from normal conditions. regarded as a backup coordination approach when the com-
The proposed fault detection method can be used either in munication infrastructure, and consequently, MCPU performs
the time-delay-based grading method or in the communication- the coordination task. Several fault conditions including SLG,
assisted coordination strategy. LL, and LLG faults at different locations are performed
1) Time-Delay Based Grading: Using this scheme, neither on a test IBMG system using time-domain simulations in
for fault occurrence and direction detection nor for PSCAD/EMTDC environment to show the performance of the
coordination, the communication system is not needed. proposed protection system.
Then, both detection and coordination tasks are done
locally by the relays which is the most cost-effective R EFERENCES
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