Why Innocent People Suffer

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1. Why do innocent people suffer?

- To begin with, innocent people are those who did not commit any bad thing or a

crime and suffering is a person experiencing pain. So why do innocent people

suffer? A lot of people know that when you commit crimes or do bad things, that

is the time you will suffer due to the actions you commited. We are not perfect

people, we all make mistakes and suffer not just by the sins we committed. From

my own standpoint, it is only natural to suffer, either physically or mentally.

Suffering is only natural, for example, if we step on a nail, we suffer because of

getting wounded. We didn't know anything when we were born. All of us crawl

before we walk and due to these sufferings, we all learn from our mistakes and

discover new things. Another reason that suffering is only natural is because it

proves that we are free people capable of making decisions for ourselves. If we

choose to eat bad food, we suffer because of stomachache or when we choose to

smoke, we suffer because of the various diseases we may get. With no suffering

from various situations, we are like toys that are being controlled with no freedom

at all. People suffer and that is what makes them alive and not just exist. I think

that suffering has a purpose in our lives. Maybe this is a way for us to become

closer to God since we are just human beings that make mistakes and only want to

live just for ourselves, separated from our creator. Suffering may also be the way

so we can achieve the happiness we want in our lives. We all suffer in order to
grow, to be stronger, and to be resilient when the difficulties or hardships come in

our lives.

2. Is it better to try to make the majority happy at the expense of a few or make a few happy

at the expense of many?

- It is better to try to make the few happy at the expense of many, I prefer having

quality rather than quantity. Making the few happy with the best quality of goods

is better than making a lot of people happy but with less efficient and effective

products or services. It is also much easier to deal with a number of people you

can handle. For example, it is like having few but very good, reliable and

trustworthy friends instead of having a lot of normal friends. In this manner, I can

meet or even exceed the expectations of the few to satisfy them and make them

happy with the quality of the service or goods I will give to them. Having a few

and giving them the best qualities is better and will benefit the both of us because

it lets me handle a number of people that I can attend to and make them happy. To

ensure to make the selected few happy, this is the best way to satisfy them.

Another example is when the people of a certain kingdom will offer a lot of their

belongings or goods to the king that they are serving. This is another example of

making the few happy with the expense of the many. They offer or give their

goods and other services to their king just to satisfy or exceed his expectations

and this will be quite delightful for him. With these, making a selected few and

making them happy at the expense of the many will be much better in order to
satisfy their needs and be much easier to handle all of them. And with quality over

quantity, this will ensure that I can meet or even exceed the expectations of this

few to make them happy.

3. Is looking at reality through mathematics an accurate representation of how things work?

- Our world is a very vast place filled with a lot of unknown discoveries that we are

yet to uncover. Mathematics is a very powerful tool that will help us human

beings understand, learn and uncover about the various aspects of this world even

little by little. It may not give us absolute or perfect values but still, mathematics

is a way to get an accurate or possible answer for a new discovery. It is true that

not all things in reality can be explained and proven just with the use of

mathematical variables, shapes and other devices since reality is filled with

abstract structures but at least we can get a grasp of these undiscovered parts of

the world with the use of mathematics. Nowadays, mathematics is used in our

daily lives from counting simple things into building various complex structures

that may help the people in the society. The use of mathematical numbers, figures

and other variables can be used everywhere. Though math has its own limitations,

we still apply it to discover new things. Every structure, action, and changes to

our surroundings can be calculated using math. To represent reality, models can

be made with the use of mathematics. Due to these, mathematics can be an

accurate representation of looking at reality of how things work. In order to

enlighten ourselves about the world, then mathematics is a necessity. It is the tool
needed for us to understand and to give explanations about how reality works.

Math gives us an understanding about the world. Everyday, math shows the

people the various possibilities and opportunities that we might learn something

new. With math, we can make sense of the world and solve complex or real-life

problems. Reality is an abstract structure that may change anytime and math is the

tool that will help describe to us how these things work.

4. If there existed a perfect clone of you, would it also be you? Would it act in exactly the

same manner as you or would it act differently? If it acted differently then it would still

be you? At what point it would not be you?

- If there existed a perfect clone of myself, it would surely look like me. The

structure of his body and all its other features will be the same as the original.

Though having the same appearances as the original, I doubt that it will act in

exactly the same manner as the original. Even if it is just a clone, it can still

decide for itself, act on its own and may have its own goals. Every being has its

own uniqueness, purpose and thinking in life. A clone is a new being even if

created from an already existing being. We would be different in a lot of various

aspects. Clones are just like our modern phones, though having the same

appearances as the original and all its other features, it will still be up to the user

of the phone on how he/she uses the phone. Going back to what I said earlier, a

clone is unique because even if it is just a clone, it can decide on its own, have its

own attitude that is different from the original and choose what they want to
pursue or do in their life. We will also have our own purposes in life. My clone

may have a different purpose just like when we choose which careers we would

like to take in the future. And our way of thinking in life, if it really is a perfect

clone of mine, then it won’t like other people getting in his way or in his own

decisions. My clone might even get influenced by a lot of people causing him to

change in a lot of ways and mature in a very different way than me. That is why,

even if it is a perfectly copied clone, we can still be differentiated in a lot of ways.

5. Human memory has been shown to be incredibly unreliable. With that in mind, how do

you know which of your memories are genuine and which have been altered or made up?

- In order to determine if the memories I have are genuine is to have confirmation

that the said event did really happen in real life. If human memory has been

shown to be incredibly unreliable, then it will be very difficult to determine if the

memories that I have are genuine or just made up ones, like dreams. Having

evidence of the said event that we have in our memories will give us assurance

and we can say that it is a genuine memory since we have the evidence that

supports the said event. Altered or made up memories are very easy to make

because a person can easily use their imagination to make new ones and even

change old ones.These altered memories can even be made when the person is

easily influenced by rumors spread around by a lot of people and they will believe

that what they are remembering is the truth even if they don’t have any proof that

will support their memories. A genuine memory will always have evidence that
will support it to determine that it did happen. Just like when a suspect is being

questioned of what happened in a certain crime scene, they may just make up

false memories in order to not get caught by the police. That is why they ask for

evidence that will prove that what they are telling is the truth. Similar to our

memories, we really can’t trust our human memory to remember every detail of a

certain event positively since we, ourselves, can just make up new ones or alter

the past memories we have. Due to these, though human memory has been shown

to be incredibly unreliable, in order to determine which memories are genuine and

which are just altered or made up ones, we must have enough evidence that may

prove and support that the said event really did happen in our lives.

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