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GRADE 2(21- 2022)

Name ___________________________ Class/ Sec _____________________ Date_____________

Q1. Read the question carefully and choose the correct answer.

a. Surah al Sharah was revealed in ______________. (Makkah , Madinah)

b. Total number of verses in Surah Ash Sharah is ______________. (8 , 9)

c. Surah Ash Sharah is positioned in the _______________chapter of the Holy Quran. (03rd , 30th)

d. The ordinal number of Surah Al Sharah is ______________. (49 , 94)

e. Sharah means ______________. (expansion, tighten)

f. The meaning of ____________ is “your chest”. (Zahraka , Sadraka)

g. Some special blessings which were given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are:
a. His chest was expanded for knowledge.
b. His status was raised.
c. His problems were solved.
d. All of the above.

h. Mark the verse in which you can find Tanveen.

a.‫سرا‬ ْ ُ‫فَ ِإنَّ َم َع ا ْلع‬

ْ ُ‫س ِر ي‬ b.‫غ ْب‬ ْ َ‫َ إِلى َربِكَ ف‬
َ ‫ار‬ َ َ‫لَ ْم نَش َْر ْح لَك‬i
c. َ‫صد َْرك‬

Q2. What is the learning from Surah Ash Sharah?

Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________


Q3. Mentions some qualities of Ali (RA) which made Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to love him so much.
Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________

Q4. Mention the relationship of Ali (RA) and Fatima (RA) with the below mentioned personalities.

Ali Bin Abu Talib (RA) relation with…. Fatima Zahra (RA) relation with…..

Abdul Muttalib. ___________________________ Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).________________

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). ________________ Ali Bin Abu Talib. _________________________

Fatima Zahra. ____________________________ Hassan and Hussain. ______________________

Hassan / Hussain. ________________________ Zainab and Umm Kulthoom. _________________

Q5. Write any one quality of Ali Bin Abu Talib () you would like to follow. Give reasons.



Q6. Complete the story of Prophet Noah (AS).

Prophet Noah (AS) was the _____________ Prophet. He kept calling his nation to Allah for ___________
years but people did not ___________ to Him. Even His wife and son _________ remained
_________.Later He requested Allah for help so Allah ordered Him to build a ________. All few ________
helped Him in building the Ark. Prophet Noah made ________floors in the ark. One for_______, one for
_________ and the last one for__________. When rain started, Prophet Noah (AS) gathered those few
believers and boarded in the ______. His son did not listen to his___________ and decided to climb the
highest ____________ but he was also ____________. When the rain stopped and earth swallowed all
the water, all believers came down and started a _________

Q7. Match the Arabic words with English meanings.

Arabic English

1 Ameen Untruthful / liar

2 Sadiq Paradise

3 Kazib The Black Stone

4 Hajr e Aswad Truthful

5 Jannah Trustworthy
Q8. Arrange the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) in order.

When all people went to a festival then He entered in their temple.

Prophet Ibrahim (AS) stopped his father from making and worshipping idols.

Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was born in Babylon.

Prophet Ibrahim (AS) broke all the statues with his axe.

They decided to throw Prophet Ibrahim (AS) in the fire.

Allah ordered fire to be cold and save Him.

The people of Babylon were very angry with him.

Q9. Match the columns to create a meaningful sentence.

1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was entitled as to keep the black stone back in its
As Sadiq Al Ameen. proper place

2.The opposite of Sadiq is richest lady in Makkah

3. The leaders of the tribes were satisfied with Kazib

the decision of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

4. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) worked as a before His prophet hood.


5. Khadeejah(RA) was one of the when he was young.

Q10. How did Prophet Ibrahim AS show respect to his father and patience with all other people.
Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________


Q11. Your neighbor gives you some personal things to keep as Amanah before going for vacation. What
is your responsibility regarding her things.
Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________

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