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Test 2

Marks 45 Time : 1.5 hour

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Assume the skilled brand managers set a framework of six creative filters used to evaluate
proposed advertising. Examine each of the five finalist ads described in the case through each
filter and comment on their suitability considering the brand’s image and the company’s
budget. (5×9=45)
Creative Decision Filters

Is framing of Is expression of Will the ad

Brand Filters: brand benefits brand symbolism resonate with
compelling? apt? target

Engaging, Integrates
simple, product into
Communications Filters:
original, story?

extension of
Campaign Filter: campaign

Labor of Love:
Brand Filters:
Is framing of brand benefits compelling?
Ans. As per exhibit 7 given in the case, Mountain Dew aims to provide an exhilarating,
exciting and one of its kind experiences. This was failed to be captured in the storyboard of
Labour of Love, where the mother was giving birth to a child whereas the father was having
mountain dew. The benefits aren’t communicated clearly other than quenching of the thirst.
Thus, the framing of brand benefits is not much compelling.
Is expression of brand symbolism apt?
Ans. Brand symbolizes that the target consumers enjoy thrill and action in everyday life.
Similar feelings were portrayed in the “done that” campaign. Here also the expression is on
similar lines. Thus, the brand symbolism is apt.
Will the ad resonate with target culture(s)?
Ans. Mountain Dew advertising will convince 18 year –old males that Mountain Dew is the
single most daring yet great tasting carbonated soft drink (CSD) selected by individuals who
want excitement and fun. However, in this storyboard apart from quenching of thirst, there is
no thrilling experience which the consumer should feel. Hence, it doesn’t resonate with the
target cultures.

Communication Filters:
Engaging, simple, original, creative?
Ans. The ad is engaging, simple, original and creative.
Integrates product into story?
Ans. The ad does not integrate the product into the story effectively as it is just shown here to
quench the thirst.

Campaign Filter:
Effective extension of campaign equities?
Ans. The campaign “Labour Love” focuses on the delivery of the baby and is in no way
related to any thrill or action. Also, the epicentre of the target segment is 18 year olds, who
will not be able to relate to this ad. Thus it is not that effective.

Brand Filters:
Is framing of brand benefits compelling?
Ans. As per exhibit 7 given in the case, Mountain Dew aims to provide an exhilarating,
exciting and one of its kind experiences. This was effectively captured in the ad where we can
see a character riding on a BMX bike trying to catch a cheetah, the fastest animal on earth.
Hence, the framing of brand benefits is compelling.
Is expression of brand symbolism apt?
Ans. Brand symbolizes that the target consumers enjoy thrill and action in everyday life.
They are seen participating in thrilling sports with one-of-a-kind experience. Similar feelings
were portrayed in the “done that” campaign. Here also the expression is on similar lines.
Thus, the brand symbolism is apt.
Will the ad resonate with target culture(s)?
Ans. Featuring a character on a BMX bike creates relatability with the target segment. The
storyboard creates shocking but a humorous appeal with the cheetah chase and the character
reaches down the cheetah’s throat in search of the Mountain Dew. This storyboard has a
unique storyline with a shock factor that makes it memorable to the audience.

Communication Filters:
Engaging, simple, original, creative?
Ans. The ad is engaging, simple, original and creative. It is entertaining and has a sock factor
which catches the attention of the audience.
Integrates product into story?
Ans. The product is not introduced until one-third of the way through the ad. This works well
for the product integration filter because the storyline catches audience’s attention so the
product can be introduced without being too overbearing. The ad is not boldly telling
consumers to buy mountain dew or why it is the best, but showing a situation with benefits.

Campaign Filter:
Effective extension of campaign equities?
Ans. This ad has the potential to fit well with other advertisements in a campaign centered
around exhilarating and thrilling experience. The challenge would be creating another ad
with a similar storyline or building upon this particular ad.

Dew or Die:
Brand Filters:
Is framing of brand benefits compelling?
Ans. In this advertisement Brand benefits are not been compelled properly, even though brand
portrays itself as a brand as energizing effects of the caffeine and sugar are toned down and
now are a refreshing part of an outdoor lifestyle. Advertisement showed rejuvenating after
having mountain dew but still they forgotten the scope of their work.
Is expression of brand symbolism apt?
Ans. Expression of the brand symbolism is not apt, as the Gen X are more of work-oriented
values and moreover the generation more towards corporations generally. Dew or Die
showed that the dew dudes forgotten the purpose of their work and sitting enjoying the dew
might create a negative impact in the minds of Gen X people since the advertisement is
mostly targeted towards 18-30 years age group. If the advertisement had ended after dew
dudes worked hard to fight against villain then rejuvenating then this advertisement had been
apt one.
Will the ad resonate with target culture(s)?
Ans. Ad will resonate with the target culture as adventure sports and ice skiing and other
NASCAR sports were trending in the age group of 18-30 years of age group. The
advertisement will perfectly resonate with the rural community of America in which
Mountain Dew had a strong presence.

Communication Filters:
Engaging, simple, original, creative?
Ans. The advertisement was engaging as the dew dudes were enjoying the Mountain Dew
and getting relaxed after jumping after a snow terrain. The advertisement was not simple
because it would take time to understand how the villain got arrested and how Dew Dudes
were able to achieve their objective. The advertisement is not original. I would say the
advertisement was creative enough as it portrayed that some magic happened and thus the
objective of Dew Dudes got finished. They finally saved the world from super villain. It
portrays the objective of creativity.
Integrates product into story?
Ans. Advertisement will not be able to integrate a product into a story similar to its previous
campaigns with Jackie Chan and James Bond 007. Story line might confuse the target
audience with previous ads.

Campaign Filter:
Effective extension of campaign equities?
Ans. Extension for this campaign can be effectively made. The story line is still incomplete
as villain is alive. An extension to this advertisement with proper story line would be a hit
and can be prolonged for a longer period of time.
Mock Opera:
Brand Filters:
Is framing of brand benefits compelling?
Ans. Featuring a very popular song that their target audience already knows by heart, but with
a twist of lyrics provides an easy way to have the audience remember Mountain Dew
whenever they hear the song. This ad communicates that Mountain Dew is for extreme
athletes (snowboarder, rocker climber, and mountain bikers) because each one is trying to get
the Dew. When you first see the athletes they are all actions cuts communicating that anyone
who drinks mountain dew does extreme sports. When you see the athletes again they are
reaching for the mountain dew zipping by during another action shot. There is both male and
females who look like they are in their late teens or early twenties trying to capture the
targeted audience. In the end the mountain dew reaches the singers and they crack the can
open to quench their thirst as the song gets more rock ‘n roll which also targets music fans.
Is expression of brand symbolism apt?
Ans. This ad symbolizes that anyone drinking Mountain Dew does extreme stuff and
everyone wants it because it quenches your thirst and is refreshing. The ad features both male
and females doing extreme stuff to make sure not to exclude either sex (since women can do
extreme stuff too). This ad tells you that anyone reaching for a Mountain Dew is cool and
doing cool things.
Will the ad resonate with target culture(s)?
Ans. The target audience will easily make sense of this ad if they enjoy extreme sports or
rock ‘n roll. They should identify with the song immediately because it’s been made popular
since its release. The shots are quick with lots of action to keep the audience engaged. Since
there are both male and female Dew athletes they communicate that Mountain Dew is for
both sexes.

Communication Filters:
Engaging, simple, original, creative?
Ans. The advertisement was engaging as the song has been derived from a popular song, so
the audience can relate to it immediately. It is simple to understand and easy to remember
because of the song. The ad is not fully original as it has been derived from a popular song. It
is creative and catches the eyes of the target segment.
Integrates product into story?
Ans. Advertisement integrates the product into the story very well. Here both male and
female athletes are seen trying to catch a can of mountain dew to have a thrilling experience.
Campaign Filter:
Effective extension of campaign equities?
Ans. Extension for this campaign can be effectively made. New songs and new forms of
sports can be added to the advertisement.

Brand Filters:
Is framing of brand benefits compelling?
Ans. The framing of brand benefits is compelling as it shows the people dancing and enoying.
Is expression of brand symbolism apt?
Ans. This ad symbolizes that anyone drinking Mountain Dew does extreme stuff and
everyone wants it because it quenches your thirst and is refreshing. The ad features people
dancing and enjoying the thrilling experience.
Will the ad resonate with target culture(s)?
Ans. The target audience will easily make sense of this ad if they enjoy extreme sports or
rock ‘n roll.

Communication Filters:
Engaging, simple, original, creative?
Ans. The advertisement was engaging, simple, original and creative.
Integrates product into story?
Ans. Advertisement does not integrate the product into story quite well as only the directors
are seen consuming mountain dew.

Campaign Filter:
Effective extension of campaign equities?
Ans. Extension for this campaign can be effectively made as the story ends as a cliffhanger
and a similar ad with the extension of storyline can be made.

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