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Anti-Blast Preparation and Adding Procedure

Anti-blast is: 5% of the total volume of the flux tank. The top-up is 0.175kg/ton of Galvanized Steel

Startup with 20% of film-flux into the whole volume of the flux tank. Average consumption is
around 0.450kg/ton of Galvanized Steel.
Film flux is proven to given average reduction of Zinc coating around 10 to 12.5% per year.

Startup quantities: -

Antiblast: 2250Kg startup

Top-up: 700kg/month

Film-flux: @ 20% Vol

900kg Start-up

Top-up: 2160kg/month

Analyze the flux solution: -

pH, Fe in Suspension, Fe in Solution, Ammonium Chloride (gram/liter) in total salt, molar ratio, density
and film flux concentration.

Top-Up Procedure: -

Flux Concentration of around 450 grams/liter at around 35 0C. If there is a dryer (or) 50 / 550C if no dryer

Film-flux for our kind of material has to be minimum concentration @25% Volume in order to
give the best results in thickness coating reduction and brightness.

Procedure: -

Analyze the solution to determine the ZAC (Salt) Concentration and molar ratio
Add ZAC (salt)
Start mix with compressed air in order to mix the salt (3/4 of the depth of the tank try not to
mix the bottom sludge
Add film-flux in the needed quantity.

How to determine the film-flux quantity addition: -?

There is a precise quantity of ZAC consumed for 1 ton of steel galvanized: 1.2kg for every 1kg of ZAC
added, so we have to add 0.450kg of film-flux
Example: -

Tons Galvanized in 1 month: 1800MT

ZAC Consumption: 1800 X 1.2 = 2160kg of salt to be added

Film-Flux: 2160 X 0.450 = 972Kg of film flux to be added

We shall make the addition once a week so: 972: 4: 243kg

i.e., 972/4 = 243kgs

Per week – 243kg film flux to be added (together with the salt)

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