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Plan You'll Nee
To grow in this new, more treacherous business environment, every planner needs
a plan. By Stephanie Bogan and Natalie Doss
The seruggle many advisors face is ehae afeer BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LANDSCAPE
nearly a decade of markeeing ehae meane lieele more Alehough financial advisors repore ehae groweh eieher
ehan servicing clienes and waieing for ehe phone eo stopped or declined in 2009, ehey expece noe only eo
ring, aceive markeeing can seem as dauneing and com- recover, hue also eo grow significanely over ehe nexe
plex as a piano concereo by Johann Sebaseian Bach. ehree years. Seill, ie is a eime for realism.
Much like ehe difference beeween a seudene who Advisors dearly recognize ehae groweh in ehe fueure
aspires eo become a greae pianise and a maesero who will require more effore ehan ie did in the pase, and ehis
headlines conceres around ehe world, the difference seares with investing more time in markeeing and devel-
beeween 'waneing' and 'knowing how' eo grow are oping a clear plan for groweh. Overall, ehe posieive oue-
very differene ehings. look is good news. There are, however, some gaps ehae
Johann Sebaseian Bach may have been a musical demand our ateeneion:
genieis, bue his secree was simple, powerful and some- • Failing to plan. Less ehan one-ehird of advisors
ehing advisors can use eo creaee eheir own maseerpiece: indicare ehey have a wrieeen markeeing plan in place,
"There is noehing remarkable aboue ie," he wroee. "Ail and fewer seill have fully implemeneed ehae plan.
one has eo do is hie ehe righe keys ae ehe righe eime and • Lack of focus. While a majoriey of financial advi-
ehe inserumene plays ieself." sors say ehey have some way eo ideneify eheir eargee
clienes (eypically assees), firms ehae do noe make ehe
A BROADER VIEW firse quareile indicaee ehae only half of eheir clienes fie
Wieh all ehis in mind, ehe goal of our Best Practices: ehe bill. Top-quareile advisor firms are significanely
Business Development Study, ehe ehird in our Bese Prac- more focused, wieh 6 8 % of clienes in eheir eargee cli-
tices Seudy Series for Financial Planning, was eo share ene caeegory. To a lesser exeene, firms are beginning eo
wieh advisors ehe fundameneal faceors ehae promoee broaden eheir eargee cliene definieion eo include cliene
successful business developmene. In doing, we hope eo needs and/or affiliations.
promoee business praceices ehae drive groweh across ehe • An ad-hoc approach. Many advisors take an ad-
advisor communiey. hoc approach eo markeeing and communicaeions; only
As wieh our inieial studies in the series, our focus a few indicaee ehae ehey have syseemaeized eheir busi-
looks eo eop-quareile advisory firms, based on eoeal ness developmene process.
owner income (all owner conipen.saeion plus owner- • Inadequate measurement. While ehe abiliey eo
ship reeurns). Whae becomes apparene is ehae geeeing measure results is critical to success, a small minoriey of
to the eop is less aboue individual business develop- advisors have a process in place eo assess ehe success of
mene eaceics and more aboue having ehe righe seraeegy, eheir markeeing inieiaeives.
laying a serong foundaeion and maineaining a syseem- Advisors are keenly aware of ehese challenges and
atic execueion. understand that eheir abiliey eo capiealize on currene FINANCIAL PLANNING October 2010 105

opportunities is largely an issue of planning and commit- have mostly or fully implemented it. Even among the most
ment. This tmderstanding is shown in strategies that advi- successful firms, only 11% have a fully implemented plan.
sors identify as having the greatest potential for driving Failure to market effectively is more about how advisors
future growth: implement a marketing strategy and less about the tactics
1. Have a plan and invest the time and money to execute chosen. Through our work with advisors, we have identified
that plan. three basic scenarios for marketing implementation: event-
2. Buy growth by acquiring another practice or hiring driven, cycle-driven and process-driven.
another advisor. Event-driven. For the event-driven advisor, a single
3. Leverage existing resources by hiring additional busi- event happens and the advisor responds. For example, a
ness development staff. referral calls, or the advisor is asked to speak at an event.
Regardless of the activity, the opportunity arose in isola-
IT STARTS WITH A PLAN tion, driven by an outside source, without any relation to a
Marketing is much more than an activity or event; it is broader strategy or effort. For these advisors, marketing is
an organized business system that consistently creates driven largely by intuition instead of intention.
and drives growth. An effective marketing plan is the link Cycle-driven. The cycle-driven advisor seems to represent
a good number of today's practicing advisors. These advisors
Percentage of participants that do or do not have a marketing pian
are focused on business development, albeit sporadically. The
result is that the advisor engages in series of silo-style events,
which are not connected by a cohesive strategy. For example,
an advisor decides to host an event or have lunch with centers
of infiuence. This is generally done for intense, but relatively
^ ^ ^ ^ 28% brief periods, and then repeated as needed. Then, one of two
3O'K> 1
things happens: A burst of activity generates new business,
20% 1
occupying the advisor's time, preventing him or her from
10% 1 continuing marketing, or the results are not immediate and
0% ' I^I^^H^^IHIil^H the advisor stops engaging in marketing.
Have a marketing plan Do not have a marketing plan
Both of the above models fall prey to a yo-yo effect—the
Source: QuatítUYisK. mm . • Other Advisors
ups and downs in new business activity that are derived
between your growth goals for the future and your daily "to from the sporadic attention paid to it.
do" list. And while a vast majority of advisors accept that Process-driven. By contract the process-driven advisor
this is true and believe that creating a plan will drive growth, develops and consistently implements a marketing plan—
only 32% of the best firms have created such a plan. the true definition of marketing. In particular, a good mar-
Composing a plan can, and should, result in changes to keting plan is predictable and built on a series of simple,
consistently implemented activities. It elevates your posi-
Marketing pian impiementation ievels
tion, enhances your reputation and expands your client base
over time.
Some of the most established advisors lack a systematic
marketing plan. One reason is many are pâturai rainmakers
and therefore, until recently, they simply did not deem it
necessary to develop one. This attitude creates an inherent
risk. Simply put, when it comes to business development,
it is clear that most businesses strongly rely on the firm's
principals to act as rainmakers, with more than half of firms
Marketing plan Marketing plan Marketing plan Marketing plan entirely dependent on the principal to attract new business.
is fully is mostly is partially is not This founder dependency ultimately hinders growth and
implemented implemented implemented implemented at all
creates succession risk.
the way you run your business, which requires commitment As the current advisor population ages and we look to
on a level that is still a resistance point for advisors. Of the younger advisors to take the reins, we may find that a mote
32% of advisors with a clear plan, only about half say they structured approach to growth is required. Further, the abil-


advisors have defined their target client and the extent to
IN PRACTICE—BUILDING A SIMPLE, which they use that definition as part of their marketing and
SMART MARKETING PLAN client acceptance process. More specifically, a target client
The most common misconception about marketing profile defines the characteristics of the clients with whom
is that it is a thing—an event, a catchy jingle, a flashy you work—or the deal-breakers in your decision to work
website. While these are all marketing activities, they with clients, which often include:
are not marketing at its core—a systematic business • Client size (e.g., net worth or Investable assets)
process for cultivating new business.
• Client needs (e.g., age or specialized needs)
What's the key to a good marketing plan? It should • Client affiliations (e.g., lifestyle or profession)
be simple, systematic and sustainable. In fact, a good Based on the data and our consulting experience, there
plan is not sexy and does not sizzle. The more boring does not seem to be any one "best" way to target clients.
reality is that marketing is a carefully crafted exercise Review of the data suggests that a range of approaches work.
consisting of three basic elements: The primary factors used in targeting and selecting new
1. Simple. Effective marketing does not have to be clients included net worth, investable assets, profession,
complicated or flashy. If you're focusing on profes- age group, lifestyle, interests/hobbies, specialized needs and
sional referrals, a simple plan might be to develop otherS. Client size dominated, with about three quarters
monthly value-added communications and weekly
lunch meetings with your referral sources or pro- Factors used in defining a target ciient profile
spective referral sources. 100%

2. Systematic. Many advisors fall victim to yo-yo

marketing, but this approach does not sustain consis-
tent and long-term growth. Developing a simple and 60%
systematic plan is a key driver for building sustainable
and scalable growth. 40%

3. Sustainable. This feeds from both the simple and 20%

the systematic. Often flashy and complicated market-
ing ideas are not sustainable in the long-term. There
simply aren't enough hours in a day to complete
87 marketing activities, run a business and manage
clients. Creating a simple plan that you can implement
with reasonable frequency (and time commitment) is of advisors using investable assets as the primary means
much more sustainable. by which they defined a target client. About half used net
In short, effective marketing is focused on maximizing worth and just less than half used age (which would drive
your marketing reach and resources. No catchy jingles client needs). There are wide ranges of factors utilized to
required.—S.B. a greater or lesser degree. As a rule, client size dominates
because clients who fall below a certain threshold become
ity to demonstrate a clear and consistent marketing process, unprofitable; this is often a deal-breaker. However, client
which is not linked to the individual skills of any one per- needs and affiliations
son, will have a positive impact on both the growth and Percentage of active cilents who can be critical driv-
meet the target ciient portfoiio
long-term value of the firm. ers of efficiency—and
growth—in a business,
FINDING YOUR AUDIENCE allowing an advisor to
Even with every note in place, a masterpiece is nothing focus his or her efforts
without the right audience. Just as different styles of music and build a business
are appropriate for difference audiences, the development arotind the needs of a
of a marketing plan and its activities can and should differ clearly defined group
from firm to firm, based on the target audience or target of clients.
client profile. I argeting a specific
In our research, we sought to understand if and how niche or using a spe- FINANCIAL PLANNING October 2010 107

cific factor may not drive firms into the top-quartile advisor
category, but data suggests it is a contributing factor, with IN PRACTICE-
68% of top-quartile advisors having a defined client profile REINFORCING REFERRALS
compared with only half for the remainder of the advisor The key to driving increased referral activity is to un-
population. We do believe—and the data suggests—that derstand the behavior you are promoting and reward
what you choose is less important than if you choose to it. If you want a referral source to continue to refer
target your clients. Simply put, those firms with a higher clients, and the right ones, sending a thank-you card
percentage of clients in their target group tend to be consid- or gift only for referrals who become clients may not
erably more profitable. provide enough incentive. Instead, our experience tells
us that a simple process that recognizes and rewards
Even with target clients and niche marketing becoming
the referral behavior—and not the outcome—is more
industry buzzwords, many advisors actively accept clients
effective at increasing not only the quantity, but also
who do not meet their client profile. While there are many
the quality of referrals, and provides you with the op-
valid reasons to accept clients who do not meet the target
portunity to teach referral sources what clients you do
client profile, our experience has been that advisors often
your best work with.
rely too much on the exception. The net result is a client
Our broader process, including a process tailored
base built on the exception and not the rule, leading to a
specifically to centers of influence and in-depth train-
drain on profitability and scalable growth.
ing around why and how to make these systems work,
is being developed into an online tool that will be
Factors used In defining a target ciient profiie launched later this year. In the interim, here's a simple
three-step process you can use with clients:
1. When a referral is received, immediately call, send a
note and/or gift to say that you were touched by their
confidence (a thank you),
2. As the prospect goes through your prospecting
process, update your referral source at least once to
let him or her know how it's going
3. Once the prospect has made a decision, regardless
Client referrals Professional referrals of the outcome, call your referral source again to say
• ;,.' • Other Advisors thank you for the referral.
By creating a multistep process that spans the referral
THE CONDUCTOR OF GROWTH lifetime, you are involving and thus investing the refer-
Developing a plan and focusing on an audience are key ral source in the referral, making him or her feel more
components of sustainable marketing, but what are the valued and important.
components and activities that drive growth? While no one
tactic is a universal silver bullet, referrals do come close. ness came from client referrals and although that number
Top-quartile advisors indicated that 60% of new busi- dropped to 50% for other advisors, it is still the source
Most ot Some of of the majority of new business. Although not as great a
Reierral Follow Up Quartile Always the time the time Rarely Never contributor to new business, professional referrals represent
Place a thank you IQA 475% 15,3% 15,3% 16,9% 5,1% 20% and 10% of new business for top-quartile advisors and
phone call <1QA 42,0% 20,7% 21,8% 9,8% 5,7%
other advisors, respectively.
Send a thank-you 1ÛA 54.2% 15,3% 20,3% 6,8% 3,4%
note or letter <10A 40.8% 26,4% 18,4% 9,2% 5,2% With few advisors implementing a systematic marketing
Send a thank- 10A 10,2% 5,1% 28,8% 28,8% 27,1% plan and an industry that has historically focused on word
you gift <10A 10,3% 12,6% 23,0% 27,6% 26,4% of mouth, it is not surprising to see referrals comprising the
Involve referral source 10A 13,6% 28,8% 32,2% 13,6% 11.9% majority of growth for advisors. Surprisingly, even as the
on ongoing basis <1QA 9,8% 23.0% 33,3% 22,4% 11.5%
single biggest driver of new business, the process by which
Notify referral source lOA 35,6% 27,1% 20,3% 10.2% 6,8%
of result of referral <10A 36,8% 31,6% 17,2% 8,6% 5,7% they are generated is not highly systematized for many advi-
Follow formalized 10A 13,6% 20.3% 13.6% 23.7% 28.8%
sors—only about 20% of advisors ask for referrals routinely.
referral process <1QA 9.8% 16.7% 23.0% 21.3% 29.3% The apparent discomfort of asking for referrals is so dra- FINANCIAL PLANNING October 2010 109

Effectiveness of Extremely Highly Mildly Not Does MORE THAN ONE NOTE
MarketH» Activities Ouartlle effective effective effective effective effective not apply Cliene referrals are ehe clear driver of
Passive referrals lOA 11.9% 11.9% 25.4% 42.4% 3.4% 5.1% groweh. However, we should noe forgée
from existing clients <10A 2.3% 9.8% 22.4% 45.4% 16.7% 3.4%
exeernal drivers, specifically prospece-
Actively market to clients lOA 5.1% 11.9% 18.6% 11.9% 11.9% 40.7%
to generate referrals <10A 2.3% 4.6% t6.7% 24.7% 12.1% 39.7% ing—working wieh ceneers of infiuence
CPA and attorney 10A 5.1% 10.2% 18.6% 28.8% 18.6% 18.6% eo generare professional referrals and
relationships <10A 3.4% 9.2% 16.1% 35.1% 20.7% 15.5% acquisition. Beyond referrals from clienes,
Financial advisor/ 10A 0.0% 0.0% 6.8% 8.5% 10.2% 74.6% referrals from professionals rank as ehe
broker relationships <10A 2.3% 1.1% 6.9% 8.0% 21.3% 60.3%
nexe mose effeceive groweh seraeegy. No
Direct marketing 10A 0.0% 1.7% 3.4% 13.7% 20.6% 60.5%
(mail, fax, email, Internet) <10A 0.0% 1.1% 4.0% 13.2% 24.1% 57.5% oeher seraeegies are raeed as pareicularly
PR/media coverage - 10A 0.0% 0.4% 3.0% 6.9% 6.0% 83.7% effeceive, alehough communiey involve-
retain firm <10A 0.0% 0.0% 1.1% 6.9% 5.2% 86.8% mene, charieable involvemene and niche
PR/media coverage - 10A 0.4% 1.7% 3.0% 7.3% 7.3% 80.3% markeeing do garner some suppore.
internal <10A 0.0% 0.6% 2.3% 5.7% 5.7% 85.6%
Taking a closer look at media, adver-
Radio/ 10A 0.0% 6.8% 1.7% 6.8% 8.5% 76.3%
TV shows <10A 0.6% 0.6% 1.7% 2.9% 6.3% 87.9% tising and PR aceivieies specifically, we
Seminar 10A 0.0% 5.1% 20.3% 3.4% 64.4% see ehae more recognieion-orieneed aceiv-
marketing <10A 1.1% 5.2% 9.8% 17.2% 5.7% 60.9% ieies ofeen employed by eradieional busi-
Professional/ lOA 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 13.6% 10.2% 72.9% nesses have yee eo gain eraceion or prove
trade groups <10A 0.6% 1.1% 5.2% 17.2% 8.6% 67.2%
highly effeceive for financial advisors.
Referral/ 10A 3.4% 0.0% 0.0% 13.6% 16.9% 66.1%
networking groups <10A 1.1% 1.1% 6.9% 17.2% 13.2% 60.3% We do noe eake ehis eo mean ehae ehese
Cold calls/ 10A 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 5.1% 3.4% 88.1% seraeegies cannoe be effeceive. Quiee ehe
solicitation <10A 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 12.1% 10.3% 73.6% conerary: Effeceiveness is more depen-
10A 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 10.2% 15.3% 72.9% dene on firm goals and circumseances.
Advertising <10A 0.0% 0.6% 1.7% 13.2% 20.1% 64.4%
For example, larger advisory firms eend
Internet 10A 0.0% 0.0% 3.1% 6.3% 43.8% 46.9%
presence <10A 0.0% 1.1% 3.2% 8.4% 40.0% 47.4% eo benefie more from ehese markeeing ave-
Community 10A 0.0% 6.8% 13.6% 32.2% 5.1% 42.4% luies as ehey suppore ehe goals of creaeing
involvement <10A 1.7% 4.6% 16.7% 26.4% 10.9% 39.7% name recognieion, brand awareness and
Charitable tOA 0.0% 8.5% 8.5% 30.5% 5.1% 47.5% dominane posieioning. In addieion, ehese
involvement <10A 1.7% 5.2% 10.3% 14.4% 12.6% 55.7%
inieiaeives eend eo be mose effeceive when
Niche 10A 3.4% 11.9% 3.4% 15.3% 3.4% 62.7%
marketing <10A 5.7% 5.7% 10.9% 8.6% 7.5% 61.5% engaged in consiseendy over an exeended
10A 18.2% 0.0% 9.1% 9.1% 0.0% 63.6% period of eime, and smaller firms may lack
Other <10A 8.3% 4.2% 8.3% 12.5% 4.2% 62.5% ehe financial resources eo be persiseene
enough eo realize ehe payoff. Engaging
maeic ehae advisors, knowing full well whae works, neverehe- in any of ehese aceivieies sporadically has, in our experience,
less do noe eap ineo ehe power of ehis opportuniey. proven highly ineffective and a wasee of eime.
While advisors do noe necessarily eake a syseemaeic
approach eo referrals, a majoriey do have a process in place Marketing expenses
eo ehank clienes for referrals. The data shows thae nearly SiO.OOO
half of advisors always place a call or send a ehank-you noee.
However, only aboue 14% of firms, even ehose ae ehe eop, $15,000
indicaee ehae ehey follow a formalized referral process.
The mosr imporeane conclusion we draw from ehese $9,000
findings isn'e whae we found, bue raeher whae we did noe.
These findings suggest ehae 50% of advisors do nothing in 55.000
response eo a referral. Beyond basic business eeiqueeee, we
cannoe logically explain why half of ehe advisor popeila-
eion would noe have a response eo ehe evene ehae drives ehe Client referrals Professional referrals
majoriey of eheir groweh. Our advice eo advisors is eo focus • lOA • other Advisors
fl.' Qtjantuvis r
on reinforcing referral behavior wiehin eheir cliene base.


THE END RESULT firms was $20,000, twice that of other advisors. At the
Have yotir efforts resulted in a masterpiece, a one-hit won- same time, they generated a median of four new clients
der or nothing at all? For advisors, an effective measure- compared with five for the rest.
ment system must look at both the revenue generated from In part, this may be attributed to their greater focus on
new business activities and how much is invested to gen- target clients and a slight preference for systematic mar-
erate that revenue. How much you spend often depends keting. But we must also consider their focus on a wealth
on how you would categorize your firm and the types of management offering and higher-net-worth clients, as we
clients you serve. learned in out 2009 Business Performance Study.
Honing in on the comparison between top-performing Keep in mind, we aren't implying that if you throw
firms and their peers, it should be no that top- money at marketing it will translate into new revenue.
quartile advisors spend more on business development Marketing is less about what advisors do and more about
than other advisors; as the old saying goes, it takes money how they do it.
Retum on marketing
We have learned that while financial advisors have yet to
focus on systematic marketing, they see it as a key compo-
nent of future growth. The most difficult step is looking
$1.00 inward and taking the information learned about what
SI 00
improvements can be made, such as developing a market-
ing plan, and then implementing the changes needed to
drive growth.
This does not have to be a daunting task. We don't
believe, and experience has shown us, that the unduly com-
plex 25-page plan that maps out a mountain of activities
to make money. The median dollars top-quartile advisors in infinite detail is necessary. Even the simplest marketing
spend are rtmning at three times what other advisors typi- plan or referral program can do wonders for a firm as long
cally spend. Even during the market downturn, top-quartile as the plan is consistently executed and accountability is
advisors spent considerably more, in absolute terms, than part of the process.
their counterparts in the remaining quartiles. On avetage, People often overcomplicate things when it isn't neces-
firms indicated that they invested a median of 2% of rev- sary. For instance, my three-year-old son Parker was "inde-
enue in marketing activities with budgets ranging from less pendently" zipping his hoodie the other day when he cried
than f % to about 4% of revenue. out in frustration, "Mommy, it won't work." I kneeled
Looking beyond the cost of marketing, one should ask down and said, "Sweetie, the secret is you have to line this
as a whole how much is marketing worth—or what is the part of the zipper with this part and pull" and with the wis-
return on marketing (ROM)? As with all investments, you dom of a child he asked, "Why is it a secret?"
should demand a clear return. It seems that whether from the mouth of babes or the
A simple way to measure your ROM is to compare new genius of great composers, the secret behind many things
revenue generated to the amount you spend on marketing in life is they can be simple when we focus. To build your
each year. ROM is a tangible performance measurement own marketing masterpiece you need the discipline to dis-
that will help you evaluate your marketing performance. till things into a simple plan and, as Bach suggests, hit the
Looking at 2008, ROM for top-quartile advisors was right keys at the right time. S3
$1.63. That is, for every dollar spent in marketing, $1.63
was generated in new revenue. For the others, ROM is one Stephanie Bogan is the GEO ofQuantuvis Gonsulting (Steph-
to one; for every dollar spent in marketing, $ 1 in new rev- Natalie Doss is the firm's research
enue was generated. manager ( To learn more about par-
The result of spending more on marketing not only ticipating in the Best Practices Study Series, or to receive a dis-
affects ROM, but also affects high-level performance mea- counted copy ofstudyfindingsand your complimentary online
surements. At the end of the second quarter of 2009, the Marketing Dashboard with customizable benchmark compar-
median new revenue generated by top-quartile advisory isons, go to Use promo code EPOGTIO.

www. FINANCIAL PLANNING October 2010 111

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