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Isnihaya I.

Hadjisalem Politics and Governance

11h4 - Llamas Quarter 1 Week 8

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. C

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. C

Activity 1. Name that Leader

Position Name
President of the Philippines President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Vice- President of the Philippines Leni Robredo
The Mayor of your town/city Jonas C. Cortes
The Vice-Mayor of your town/city Glenn Ouano Bercede
Your District Representative Emmarie M. Ouano-Dizon
Your Barangay Chairman Urot, Juanito Mindajao, Jr.

Activity 2. Name the Programs and Legislations

Benigno Aquino III

President Benigno S. Aquino III signed Executive Order No. 43, s. 2011, thematically organizing the
Cabinet into smaller groups called as the Cabinet Clusters. The Cabinet Clusters—composed of Good
Governance and Anti-corruption; Human Development and Poverty Reduction; Economic Development;
Security, Justice, and Peace; and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation—serve as the primary
mechanism of the Executive Branch for directing all efforts towards the realization of the Social Contract
with the Filipino People and its five key result areas.

The Cabinet Clusters and their key programs:

Good Governance and Anti-corruption

The Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Cluster shall promote transparency, accountability,
participatory governance, and strengthening of public institutions. It shall also work to regain the trust
and confidence of the public in government.

The Human Development and Poverty Reduction Cluster shall focus on improving the overall quality of
life of the Filipino and translating the gains of good governance into direct, immediate, and substantial
benefits that will empower the poor and marginalized segments of society.

The Economic Development Cluster shall focus on the promotion of rapid, inclusive, and sustained
economic growth.
The Security Cluster shall ensure the preservation of national sovereignty and the rule of law; and focus
on the protection and promotion of human rights and the pursuit of a just, comprehensive, and lasting

The Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Cluster shall focus on the conservation, and protection of
the environment and natural resources. It shall take the lead in pursuing measures to adapt to and
mitigate the effects of climate change on the Philippine archipelago; and undertake all the necessary
preparation for both natural and man-made disasters.

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

As a legislator, Arroyo filed over 400 bills and authored or sponsored 55 laws during her tenure as
senator, including the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law, the Indigenous People's Rights Law, and the Export
Development Act.

Activity 3. Describe the Government

Country Kind of Government

Pre-Colonial The barangay was the Filipino's earliest form of

government. It was an independent settlement
consisting of thirty to one hundred families
usually situated along a river bank or at the
mouth of a river spilling out to the sea.

Spain The form of government in Spain is a

parliamentary monarchy, that is, a social
representative democratic constitutional
monarchy in which the monarch is the head of
state, while the prime minister—whose official
title is "President of the Government"—is the
head of government.

American The United States, under its Constitution, is a

federal, represent- ative, democratic republic, an
indivisible union of 50 sovereign States.

Japan The Government of Japan consists of legislature,

executive and judiciary branches and is based on
popular sovereignty. The Government runs under
the framework established by the Constitution of
Japan, adopted in 1947. It is a unitary state,
containing forty-seven administrative divisions,
with the Emperor as its Head of State. His role is
ceremonial and he has no powers related to
Government. Instead, it is the Cabinet,
comprising the Ministers of State and the Prime
Minister, that directs and controls the
Government and the civil service. The Cabinet has
the executive power and is formed by the Prime
Minister, who is the Head of Government. He is
designated by the National Diet and appointed to
office by the Emperor.

What I Can Do

1. Would the Philippines be better without the American colonization? Why?

Yes. The Philippines would still be under the Spanish influence, in terms of culture, language,
architecture, and the way of life.

Filipinos wouldn’t learn English language. Tagalog and Spanish would still be the lingua franca across the

Mindanao would be a separate Islamic country, maybe a Sultanate.

Roman Catholicism would still be the religion of more than 90% of the people, followed by Islam, and
less than 2% are from other religions. Protestantism and Christian denominations in the Philippines
might have less followers today as most of the first Protestant missionaries here in the Philippines were
predominantly Americans.

Most Filipino names would not be anglicized, and would still rely on Spanish, religious and native names.
Before the U.S. occupation, the common names were Juan, Maria, Jose, etc. Nowadays, Filipino parents
choose English names for their children.

Lastly, I think Filipinos would be more patriotic if the Philippines was never colonized by the Americans.
The colonial mentality will be less. The “stateside” thinking will be less.

2. What if we are still under the American rule, what do you think would happen to our government
and economy?

Everything would be not same anymore, everything will be strict of ours. Filipino people are US citizen.
Enjoy high standard living of USA, enjoy all social benefit that American people have with US passport,
can travel almost the whole world, no more smoking mountain, no more squaters.

Additional Activities

1. Solving a historical problem

Let’s go back to history! Imagine you are Pres. Quezon. You just woke up and found out that the
Japanese forces have invaded the Philippines. What will be your action/s to defend the country?
Obviously there was a failure of intelligence to be surprised by an invasion from a country a few days
away by ship. They'd by pass Taiwan undetected unless the Japanese already occupy the island which
means the latter has been on a overlord spree in the region so Quezon being surprised is out of the
question. It only means he was inept or his subordinates were incompetent to read the situation.

Once the surprise invasion starts there's little you can do but muster all available soldiers to create a
defensive perimeter near the enemy's beachhead and try to repel them as much as they can.
Meanwhile, reserves are called upon to assist in the evacuation of civilians away from the front lines.

Since the territory is still under the jurisdiction of the US, Quezon's Field Marshall and overall
commander of the islands’ armed forces Douglas Macarthur was responsible for the country's defense.
Of course he failed that's why the Philippines suffered immensely during the war.

2. See the Difference

The Philippine Government before the coming of The Philippine Government during the Spanish
the Spaniards period

Long before the arrival of the Spanish, the Royal In the Philippines, Spain built a centralized
Sultanate of Sulu was an Islamic monarchy that colonial administration consisting of a national
governed the islands and waters of the southern government and local governments that
Philippines and northern Borneo. It reigned over governed provinces, cities, towns, and
all of Sarawak, Sabah, and Borneo, as well as a municipalities.
portion of the Philippines and the Sulu Islands.

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