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Nuclear Fission S R THE SOCIETY FOR

Nuclear fission is the spli ng of the nucleus.
Uranium-235 is an example of an isotope that
can decay this way.

Nuclear Fission

See all our Lesson Plans and Informa on Posters at
resources-for-schools The Basics of Radiation
… it's as easy as alpha, beta, gamma …

As the nucleus splits, neutrons and photons and T h e S o c i e t y fo r R a d i o l o g i ca l

An Informa on Leaflet for the Public and Schools
a very large amount of energy are o en Protection is the UK Associate Society
produced by SRP’s Outreach Team
released. Some mes the released neutrons are affiliated to the International
captured by neighbouring atoms, which can Radiation Protection Association. It
s mulate further fissions in what is known as a promotes the science and art of
“chain reac on”. This is the basis of a nuclear radiation protection and allied fields
reactor, which is designed to control the rate of for the public benefit.
the chain reac on and to have mechanisms to
extract the heat and produce electric power.

For Further Informa on


The dominos above are used to illustrate how
DS009 Dartington Hall
the fission in a reactor works.
Dartington Devon TQ9 6EN
01803 866743
See our Poster
Basics 2
Neutron Produc on, Fission and Ac va on Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1122804
Atomic Structure Radioac ve Decay Radia on All Around
Everything is made up of atoms. Common forms of radia on emi ed from atoms Radia on is all around us. Right now you are
are alpha and beta par cles and gamma rays. being exposed to radia on from space, the
Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons
earth, and everyday objects that contain small
(grouped in the centre known as the nucleus) An alpha par cle is made up of two protons and
amounts of radioac vity. You can't see or feel
and electrons (which orbit the nucleus in rings). two neutrons bound together. Beta decay is the
the radia on; you need a detector to show it.
ejec on of an electron a er a neutron splits
The Atom into a proton and an electron.
Brazil nuts: Naturally occurring radium is
In both alpha and beta decay the remaining extracted from soil by the roots of brazil nut
atom is a different element as Z changes. Energy trees and transferred into the brazil nuts.
in the form of a gamma photon is released
Lo-salt: This alterna ve to normal salt contains
during radioac ve decay.
potassium chloride, 0.012% of which is the
Activity radioac ve isotope K-40, found naturally in our
Smoke detectors: These use a radioac ve
An element's Atomic Number (Z) is its number
element called Am-241 which emit alpha
of protons (and determines what element it is).
Bq par cles that ionise air par cles inside the
Its Mass Number (A) is its number of protons smoke detector. Smoke par cles in the detector
plus its number of neutrons. lower the level of ionisa on and set off the
kBq (kilo) = 103 Bq TBq (Tera) = 1012 Bq alarm.
Atoms with the same value of Z but different MBq (Mega) = 106 Bq PBq (Peta) = 1015 Bq
values of A are known as isotopes of the GBq (Giga) = 109 Bq EBq (Eta) = 1018 Bq Rock: Some areas of the world, including
element. Some isotopes may be radioac ve and Cornwall in the UK, have higher levels of
emit radia on such as alpha or beta and Radioac ve decay follows an exponen al decay naturally occurring radioac vity in the soil and
consequently gamma, while others will be law such that the me taken for half the atoms rocks.
stable and emit no radia on. to decay, known as the half-life (T ⁄ ), is always
the same for a specific radioisotope.
trust an atom Does a radioactive
Why can't you ything! cat
make up ever
Because they have 18 half-lives

See our Poster See our Poster See our Lesson Plan
Basics 1 Basics 5 Lesson Plan 3
Radioac ve Emissions Radioac vity Units & Half- Life Everyday Items

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