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Module 1
A Well-ORGANized Human Body
Most Essential Learning Competencies
Describe the main function of the major organs (S4LT-IIa-b-1)
Communicate that the major organs work together to make
the body function properly (S4LT-IIa-b-2)

To the Learner
This module was specially designed to help you understand and apply the lesson
objectives. Read and follow the simple instructions as your guide.
1. Remove any distractions and focus on your learning.
2. Perform the activities with proper care and precaution.
3. Ask your parents or guardian to help you in doing the hands-on activities.
4. Write your answers on pages 8 and 9 of this module.
5. Take note of the important concepts and write them in your Science notebook.


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Describe the main functions of bones, muscles, stomach, intestines,
kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain;
2. Construct a model of bones and muscles, kidneys, and lungs using
recycled materials; and
3. Conduct a role play/ make a comic strip to demonstrate how the above
organs work together.

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
_1. In what internal body organ does the absorption of nutrients take place?
A. large intestines B. stomach C. small intestine D. anus
2. Which body organs work together to supply nutrients and oxygen to
every cell in the body?
A. muscles and bones C. kidneys, lungs and heart
B. stomach and intestines D. small intestines, lungs and heart
_____3. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
A. The brain is the control center of the body.
B. The liver cleans the blood and stores energy.
C. The heart filters the oxygen that we breathe in.
D. The kidneys remove the liquid waste from the blood.
_____4. Which body organs enable our body to move?
I. bones II. muscles III. Intestines IV. stomach
A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II, III, IV

_____5. Why are the lungs important to our body?
A. The lungs absorb nutrients from the food that we eat.
B. The lungs supply oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
C. The lungs filter the blood filled with nutrients and oxygen.
D. The lungs deliver the oxygen to the different parts of the body.

Looking Back
Humans have 5 sense organs that work together to help us know what is going
on around us. We have eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, and
skin to feel.
Identify the five sense organs by writing their names on the blank.



Learn about five Senses

Brief Introduction
What do you think happens to the air as you breathe in? Why do you hear the
beating sound in your chest and rumbling sound in your tummy when hungry? Where
does the food that you eat go? Why can you understand the questions that you are
reading right now? What is there in your body?
Inside your body are organs with specific roles that contribute to their overall
well-being. An organ cannot work alone. The organs work together to keep your body
Let us see how well-organized the internal organs are in the human body as
we go on with the lesson.

Activity 1: Brain Teasers

A. Directions: Every second letter in the box forms the name of the internal organ
being described. Color them yellow to reveal the answer.

1. It is a muscular organ that is located a little to the left of the

middle of your chest. It pumps the blood to all parts of your body
to provide it with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function.
g h f e t a b r o t

2. These are two bean-shaped organs that filter the blood

and remove liquid wastes in the form of urine and keep the
right level of salt and minerals in the body.
p k d i n d b n m e d y v s

3. It is found in the head and protected by the skull. It controls
balance and coordination; and regulates breathing,
heartbeat, and blood pressure. It also allows us to think
and have memories and feelings.
m b w r q a v i s n

4. It is a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either

side of the chest. They filter and purify the air that gets
in our body and remove carbon dioxide.
o l t u b n v g r s p

5. It is a large organ that sits on the right side of the

abdomen. It helps clean the blood, produces bile to
digest fats, and stores energy in the form of sugar.
x l b i k v j e h r

B. Directions: Write the name of the internal organs in the empty rectangles below
the pictures. Then, write their functions in the arrow boxes under the
bridge. Choose the answers flashed on the computer monitor.

Name of Internal Organs:



Shapes our
body, holds Receives the
the body Stores and Absorbs food from the
upright, Enables our
removes nutrients esophagus,
produces new body to
waste and minerals digests,
blood cells, move, gives
materials mixes, and
and from the shape, and
churns the
protects called feces food that we form to our
body food into a
internal organs eat thin liquid
Activity 2: Life-Sized Body Model
Directions: Prepare the materials and follow the instructions.
Ask assistance from your parents or guardian.
What You Need:
Manila paper, permanent
marker, crayons, scissors, tape

What to Do:
A. Human Body Model 1
1. Get a Manila paper. (If not available, you may use
any light-colored cartolina or 6 or more pieces of bond
paper pasted on a length about your height.)
2. Lie down on the paper and trace the outline of
your body with a permanent marker or black crayon.
3. Draw and label the organs in the right places on
your body outline as shown in figure 1.
B. Human Body Model 2
1. Get a clear plastic cover with the
same size as the paper used in Human
Model 1. (May reuse old plastic cover or
sando bags available at home.)
2. Place the plastic sheet on top of Figure
Model I and trace the body outline. 2
3. Draw the bones as shown in figure 2.

Scoring Guide for the Life-Sized Body Model of the Internal Organs
Descriptive Assessment Criteria Score
Excellent All directions were followed; labels and position of organs 10
were correct; handwriting and illustrations were
neatly done
Very Good 1-2 directions were not followed; with 1-2 incorrect labels 9
and position of organs; handwriting and
illustrations were with minimal erasures
Good More than 2 directions were not followed; with 3-4 8
incorrect labels and position of organs; handwriting and
illustrations were with minimal erasures

Activity 3: Simple Paper Bag Lungs

Directions: Prepare the materials and follow the instructions. Ask assistance from
your parents or guardian.

What You Need:

2 paper bags of the same size
2 paper straws, Scotch/ masking tape,
black crayon or pentel pen


What to Do:
1. Label the paper bags left and right lung.
2. Draw the bronchioles and alveoli in the paper
bag using a black crayon or pentel pen.
3. Open the bags and insert 2-3” inches of the
paper straw in the paper bag.
4. Gather the top of the bag around the paper
straw and tape tightly.
5. Cross the straws and tape them together.
6. Blow air in and out the paper bag through the
paper straws.
Right Left 7. Observe what happens to the paper bag as you
blow air in and out through the paper straw.

1. What happens to the paper bag as you blow in and out air through the
paper straw?
2. How is the paper bag lung model similar to how our lungs breathe?

Lungs are two spongy organs protected by the ribcage. They filter the air
that gets in our body and remove carbon dioxide. Air flows into the lungs and into
the tiny tubes called bronchioles. Located at the tip of the bronchioles are the air
sacs called alveoli. These air sacs are surrounded by blood vessels where the
exchange of gases or respiration takes place.
As you breathe in, the air fills the lungs and makes them bigger just like the
paper bags. The lungs go back to their normal position as you breathe out.


The heart is a muscular organ located between the lungs. The heart pumps
the blood carrying oxygen and nutrients along tubes called blood vessels around
the body.
The lungs and the heart work together to deliver oxygen to the different parts
of the body and remove carbon dioxide as a waste product. Without them, the body
will not receive the oxygen in order to grow, produce energy, and do its everyday
The bones and the muscles work together to support and move the body.
The bones serve to protect the body's organs, hold the body upright, and shape the
body. The muscles are attached to the bones. They keep the bones in place and
pull them allowing body movement.

Check Your Understanding

Directions: Match the internal organs in Column B with the work they do to keep
our body healthy in Column A. Write the letter of your answer in the answer sheet.

Column A Column B
1. Digests, mixes, and churns the A. bones
food into a thin liquid B. brain
2. Filter the air that we inhale C. heart
and exhales carbon dioxide D. small intestines
3. Controls our thoughts, memory, E. liver
speech, and balance F. lungs
4. Pumps blood to deliver oxygen G. kidneys
and nutrients to all parts of the body H. stomach
5. Filter liquid waste in the blood I. heart, intestines, and lungs
in the form of urine J. bones and muscles
6. Cleans the blood and stores energy
7. Organs that give shape and enable
our body to move
8. Hold the body upright and produces
new blood cells
9. Organs responsible for the supply of
oxygen and nutrients
10. Absorb the nutrients from the food that we eat

The human body is composed of major internal organs that work together
and contribute to the proper functioning of the body. Here are the specific jobs
of the major organs to keep the body alive and well:

controls our thoughts, memory, speech, balance and

BRAIN coordination, regulates breathing, eye movements, blood
pressure, heartbeat, and swallowing
pumps the blood to all parts of your body to provide it with

HEART the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function

filter and purify the air that gets in our body and
LUNGS remove carbon dioxide

helps clean the blood, produces bile to digest fats. and stores
LIVER energy in the form of a sugar

filter the blood; remove liquid wastes (urine), and keep the
right level of salt and minerals in the body
receives the food from the esophagus, digests, mixes,
and churns the food into a thin liquid
LARGE absorb water into the body; store and remove waste
INTESTINES materials called feces
SMALL connect the stomach and large intestines; absorb
INTESTINES nutrients from the food that we eat and drink

BONES shape our body, hold the body upright, produce new
blood vessels, protect the internal organs

MUSCLES enable our body to move, give shape and form to our body

DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct

1. What internal body organ is responsible for the continuous flow of

blood that delivers oxygen and nutrients to all body parts?
A. brain B. heart C. kidneys D. small intestine
2. Which body organs work together to break down the food into liquid form
and nutrients?
A. muscles and bones C. lungs and heart
B. stomach and intestines D. liver and kidneys
3. Which body organs clean the blood?
A. bones and muscles C. heart and lungs
B. kidneys and liver D. stomach and intestines
4. Which of the following statements does NOT describe the function of the
A. helps us remember, think and understand
B. filters the blood and removes waste materials
C. controls the beating of the heart and breathing
D. controls the muscle movements like walking and writing
5. Why are the lungs important?
A. They pump blood through the blood vessels.
B. They absorb nutrients from the food that we eat.
C. They filter harmful substances and store energy.
D. They provide oxygen from inhaled air to the bloodstream and
exhale carbon dioxide.


Directions: Create your own comic strip. Choose the character icons and speech
bubbles that you like and draw them in the frame provided on page 9. Write a
dialogue to express how the major organs work together to make the body function
Hi, I am Rica. Comic strip is a form
of storytelling. It uses drawings or
characters to tell a story. The text is
normally inside the speech bubbles
or balloons like this.

Character Icons and Speech Bubbles


Name: _ _ Section: _

1. 2. 3. _ 4. 5.

ACTIVITY 1 Brain Teasers

1. 2. _ 3. 4. 5. _

ACTIVITY 2: Life-Sized Body Model

 Submit Human Body Model 1 and 2 together with this Answer Sheet

1. What happens to the paper bag as you blow in and out air through the paper straw?

2. How is the paper bag lung model similar to how our lungs breathe? Why?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

POSTTEST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.






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