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Material Science of Steels

Chapter 5 and 6: Toughness, Materials Damage and Fracture

Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrich Krupp

I. Strength 1: Stress-strain diagram
II. Strength 2: Flow curves and anisotropy
III. Strengthening Mechanisms 1
IV. Strengthening Mechanisms 2
V. Toughness and Fracture behaviour
VI. Materials damage and toughness analysis
VII. Cyclic load
VIII. Material behaviour at high temperatures
IX. Cold formability
X. Economic significance of the material steel
XI. Lifecycle Assessment of steel products
XII. Fabrication of steel products: Hot strip processing
VI. Toughness, materials damage and fracture
1. Examples
2. Ductile and brittle fracture
3. Introduction Fracture Mechanics
4. Critical stress intensity facture – fracture toughness
5. The J integral
6. Fatigue crack propagation
7. Case study – threshold stress intensity range and the Kitagawa diagram
Structural Integrity Concepts Today

neglection of:
• cyclic deformation and fatigue crack
• microcracks due to processing.

experience based material requirements:

Viaduc de Millau:
pylons of steel • max. stresses << yield stress
• ductile material behavior

stress analyis:
• stress limitation within the
structure, • conservative design – heavy weight and
not sustainable
• avoid plastic deformation: • quantitative damage assessment
smax < Rel!

7 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Liberty ships

8 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Boiler exposlion

9 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
ICE accident in Eschede (June 1998)
polygonsiation and fatigue


crack initiation Richard et al. Proc. ICF11 Turin CD ROM

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
De Havilland Comet

11 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Point Pleasant Bridge (1967/West Virginia)

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Aloha accident

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |


14 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Titanic desaster
due to brittle

15 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Titanic – steel analysis

16 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Ductile and brittle failure

17 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Intercrystalline fracture due to P

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Hydrogen-induced intercrystalline failure

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Transcyrstalline Cleavage

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |

Cottrell model for cleavage

• slipband intersection in one grain

• new dislocations due to applied stresss s
• merging of dislocations causes clevage of (001) plane

21 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Higher and lower shelf

cohesive strength
sT ≠ f(T)
cleavage brittle fracture with
plastic deformation
sT brittle fracture dimple fracture
without plastic

yield strength Re

22 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|
Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Temperature dependence of fracture mechanism

microscopic cohesive strength


yield strength ReL / technical yield point Rp0.2

temperature Ti

23 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |

Mechanism of ductile failure

stage 1:
pore formation due to
dislocation reactions at
hard microstructure
constituents or triple points

stage 2:
pore growth

stage 3:
pore coalescence =>
crack propagation

24 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |

Mechanisms of pore coalescence

secondary pores between shear bands between coalescence of

primary pores primary pores primary pores
at hard particles due to strain localization

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |

Influence of purity level

26 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Fractography: tensile test

Al, Ca, S, O

Al, Ca, S, O
27 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|
Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Identification of pore-forming microstructure constituents
Number of
100000 constituents
Number of Number of
per mm2
carbide secondary
precipitates voids
log (Nomber per mm )

10000 per mm2


per mm2


Number of
100 primary
Number of voids
inclusions per mm2
10 (>11 mm)
per mm2

28 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Fractography: Si precipitates in cast Al alloys


29 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Fractography: UFG Al alloy (AA5083)


30 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Introduction: Fracture Mechanics
• stress distribution around elliptical hole
• maximum tangential stress

• flat ellipse: (a/b) = 10

𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 21𝜎

• circular hole: a = b
𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3𝜎

32 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Introduction: Fracture Mechanics
Stress field at crack tip according to GRIFFITHsche (SNEDDON 1946):
1 𝜑 𝜑 3𝜑
𝜎𝑥 = 𝐾𝐼 cos 1 − sin sin
2𝜋𝑟 2 2 2
1 𝜑 𝜑 3𝜑
𝜎𝑥 = 𝐾𝐼 cos 1 + sin sin
2𝜋𝑟 2 2 2
1 𝜑 𝜑 3𝜑
𝜏𝑥𝑦 = 𝐾𝐼 cos sin cos
2𝜋𝑟 2 2 2

𝐾𝐼 = 𝜎 𝜋𝑎

33 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Crack opening modes

34 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Crack propagation according to Griffith (1)
• assumption: stress s leads to elastic deformation only
• the elastic strain due to crack propagation
results in energy release We
  s2  a
WE 
• crack propagation results in the generation of
2a newsurfaces. this requires the energy W0
W0  4  a   0

Crack propagation,
if energy release is higher than the required surface energy

35 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |

Crack propagation according to Griffith (1)

dWE dW0
condition for crack propagation:: 
da da

s    a  2  0  E

Accordingly, the stress intensity factor K is

defined as:
K s   a  f  
W 

36 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Stress intensity factors

Interpolation for mode I stress intensity factors:

37 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Stress intensity factors

38 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Stress intensity factors

39 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Fracture Toughness nickel
(critical stress intensity steel
factor for alloys

fracture toughness KIc

cast iron

polymers ceramics

foam concrete

yield strength

40 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Critical stress intensity factor KIC (fracture toughness)
loading rate:
0,55 𝑏𝑖𝑠 2,75 𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝑚
W = 50mm
B = 25mm
a= 25mm

41 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Critical stress intensity factor KIC (fracture toughness)

Summary –KIc according to ASTM E 399:

1) dimensioning – specimen thickness criterium:

𝐵 ≥ 2,5
estimation of KIc or literature survey or Rp0,2 / E

2) fatigue pre-crack

fatigue precrack

plastic zone Kfmax / E ≤ 0,0032 m0,5

42 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Critical stress intensity factor KIC (fracture toughness)

Summary –KIc according to ASTM E 399:

force F

0,55 … . 2,75 𝑀𝑃𝑎 𝑚

starter notch fatigue pre-crack rupture

displacement v

𝑎1 + 𝑎2 + 𝑎3
𝑎ത =
Δ𝑎 < 0,1 𝑎ത
43 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|
Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Critical stress intensity factor KIC (fracture toughness)

Summary –KIc according to ASTM E 399:

4) check requirements for a valid KIc-value

a) check, if plane strain conditions are fulfilled
𝐵, 𝑎 ≥ 2,5 not fulfilled? repeat test with  B*1,5
b) check symmetry of fatigue pre-crack
c) check stress intensity at fatigue pre-craclk
𝐾𝑓 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ≤ 0,6 ∙ 𝐾𝑄
5) report

44 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Application of the critical stress intensity factor KIC (fracture toughness)


K Ic  s aY s 
leackage before fracture criterion?
45 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|
Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics – The J integral
if plastic zone size at crack tip exceed a certain limit, then
 s 2  a 2
WE 
is not valid any more, since s induces also plastic
2a KIC-value is not valid!

path-independent J integral
 u 
J   W  dy  Tn  ds 
x 

47 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Conversion J integral to K

 
2 2
plane stress:J  plane strain: J  1  2
48 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|
Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Yielding fracture mechnics

Stretch zone:

SZWc = critical stretch zone width

SZHc = critical stretch zone height

50 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Crack resistance curve

51 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
J integral – single specimen method

crack length determination by multiple unloading

52 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Yielding fracture mechanics – single specimen approach

53 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
The J integral – single specimen approach
𝐽𝑄 = 𝐽𝐼𝐶 = 122

𝐽 = 𝐴 ∙ Δ𝑎 𝐵

54 Material Science of Steels | Toughness and fracture|

Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |
Fatigue crack propagation da/dN

Δ𝐾 = Δ𝜎 ∙ 𝜋 ∙ 𝑎 ∙Y

𝜎𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝐾𝐼,𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑅= =
𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐾𝐼,𝑚𝑎𝑥

𝑑𝑎 𝑚
= 𝐶𝑃 ∙ Δ𝐾𝐼 𝑃
𝑎𝑐 =
𝜋 ∙ 𝜎 2 ∙ 𝑌𝐼2

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. U Krupp |

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