Portfolio Activity - Unit 8 - EDUC 5220

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Portfolio activity – Unit 8 – EDUC 5220

?How will we adapt the information in response to social change

As I see it, drawn from empirical knowledge developed by the international organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development Program for the International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012, 2015,
and 2018. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia its primary and secondary curricula for all 10+ districts and
territories demand for Curriculum reform. This includes the Common Core information employed by
quite ten regions considerably over the past ten years we've made students WHO are able to show at the
best average performance once tested against alternative students from completely different countries.
Initially look the academics appear wrong, however once doing a great deal of analysis, consultants
agree that is the distinction in the information, that is, what our students use is incredibly completely
different from that of high-performing students countries. See as an example the Hechinger report
(2012): there's a risk of variations within the student performance in new ratings are incorrectly
attributed to variations in quality student academics, instead of the information variations that students
.were exposed to
Even Jacobs within the 1st chapter of her book, information twenty-one, makes it clear that once it
involves that education [primary and secondary], regions aren't standardized. State systems in
Parallel universes... there's no national standards movement in my country. Therein the impact of ten
zones. Imagine that ten basketball groups are enjoying, and every court has the basket
In {a completely different| a special| a unique| a distinct} place and at a different height. however, does
one rank the difference? however, may you tell the winners from the losers? Disparities between
countries within the variety of standards, The actual standards themselves, the graduation
communicating necessities are terribly large Astonishing(2010)
The OECD's PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) has been around for a decade. has
been It has become the world's beloved benchmark for assessing quality, fairness, and potency in class
systems. By process the characteristics of superior education systems, Pisa permits this
Governments and educators to spot effective policies that they will then adapt to their native
communities Contexts (OECD's Pisa, 2015). Pisa (2015) illustrates its mandate by urging it to judge
To what extent have 15-year-old students, close to the tip of their required education, achieved
Basic data and skills are necessary for full participation in fashionable societies. the
The assessment focuses on core subjects in science, reading, and arithmetic. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is
high School student performance has currently fallen below the national average for the second time
When evaluating against high school students from alternative high-performing countries. see PISA
.facts map(2018)
Thus, for social modification in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - if they require to graduate high-
performing students Hence, it's their duty to use constant curricula as those high-performing nations. for
,For example, several countries like China and Japan do not solely have longer tutorial college days
.But conjointly longer college years and a median college week from weekday to a weekday
Also, a basic mastery of science is anticipated in several countries, together with ancient skills
Reading, writing, and arithmetic say Dickinson (2018). He goes on to mention, today, the scholars in
China and the Republic of India are taking courses in pure mathematics, chemistry, and physics since
the seventh grade, While in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it's typically enough to require one or 2
.general science courses to graduate from high school
While Jacobs (2010, chapter 1) doesn't support the concept of single national information, I do as a
result of Unless we have a tendency to replicate the approaches employed by high-performing countries
we'll still do this Experiment and take a look at the information that works. I say: stop the madness, and
use constant strategies Already employed by superior countries... why reinvent the wheel once it's
.already one Perfect and work well...doing so, is simply a waste of precious resources
?What are the wants of this generation of learners and the way well do we meet those needs
According to Fisher (2018): a consecutive generation of scholars already exists! alpha generation
born in 2010 and its largest member currently enters our school rooms. these kids
.they were truly born with devices in their hands and were truly labeled as Generation Glass
I love teaching as a result of it's the line of work of my life. I may do that the remainder of my life and
find it confirmed. Like NAEYC position statement, “I acknowledge that kids and adults attain their full
potential in the context of relationships relies on trust and respect. I conjointly appreciate and support it
.the bond between the kid and therefore the family (p. 1, 2011)
The characteristics and values that I embody are respect for humanity and each kid. NS Understanding
the guts of youngsters, family, community, and my community; A long learner for kids development;
.Appreciating the lifetime of each kid
The school stage is a unique and crucial stage in human development. My overall responsibility
The goal is to help every learner transition to being “smart and good” at once a safe, caring, healthy, and
responsive environment for learners. smart and good at Personal because intelligence without healthy
.values is like creating a little Bernie Madoffs.Very smart, but without conscience
:As a professional, I include the following as suggested by NAEYC ideals to defend them children
I-1.9 - to advocate and ensure that all children, including children with special needs, are needs, access
.to the support services needed to achieve success
I-1.10 — to guarantee that each child's culture, language, ethnicity, and family background are taken
.into account
I-1.11 — To provide all children with experiences in the language they know, such as
As well as supporting children in maintaining the use of their mother tongue and in
.learn English
I-1.12 - to figure with families to supply a secure and smooth transition as children families also migrate
.from one program to the next” (pg. 2, 2011)
Furthermore, I will abide by the following principles as stipulated by NAEYC during
:My teaching practice
P-1.8 - We'll recall the child's risk factors and symptoms," says the researcher".
Abuse and neglect, including physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and abuse Physical, emotional,
educational, and medical neglect. We will know and follow and community actions that protect children
.from abuse and neglect
P-1.9 - Once we have reasonable cause to suspect maltreatment or neglect, we must report back to the
acceptable community agency and follow up to make sure this appropriate action has been taken. Where
.applicable, parents or guardians will be notified that the referral will or has been made
P-1.10 - When someone else tells us they suspect a child for abuse or neglect, we will assist that person
.to take appropriate action in child protection order
P-1.11 - When we become aware of practice or situation that puts you at risk for the health, safety, or
well-being of children, we have a moral responsibility to saving children or informing parents and/or
anybody else in a position to help” (2011, p. 3)
As a man of character and integrity, I support the NAEYC principle because it is compatible with the
:mines there is no contradiction, for example, the following principle says
P-1.1 - in particular, we'll not harm children. We shall not engage in any actions that are harmful to the “
Emotionally harmful, harmful, insulting disrespectful, exploitative or intimidating to children” (p. 3,
,According to my personal belief, we are cautioned not to harm, abuse, or take advantage of anyone
especially innocent and naive children. They need all the help and protection to keep it from being
.corrupt or becoming delinquent in adolescence. In fact, if someone did decides to harm a child


.Jacobs, H. H (2010). Curriculum 21: Ch.1, A New Essential Curriculum for a New Time
Retrieved from https://epdf.tips/queue/curriculum-21-essential-education-for-a-changingworld.html

,NAEYC (2011). Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment. Washington

DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved
from http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/Ethics%20Position

-OECD (2015). PISA Results in Focus. Retrieved from https://www.oecd.org/pisa/pisa-2015


PISA (2018). Facts Map: PISA Worldwide Ranking – average score of math, science and
reading. Retrieved from http://factsmaps.com/pisa-worldwide-ranking-average-score-ofmath-science-

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