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Halder Anirban Reviewer Hubei University of Technology

Grade & Class 20 20 to 2021 Academic Year 2 Semester, Final Exam

19lc 软工 二 O 二 O —二 O 二一 学年第 2 学期期末考试

Notice System Analysis and Design 试题/Test Paper

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Q 20 20 30 30
封 Result
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Result I. Choice Questions (10 questions in total, 2 points

Reviewer for each question, 20 points in total)

1.Which of following is not a UML diagram used creating a system analysis

model? (C、)
A、activity diagram
B、class diagram
C、dataflow diagram
D、state diagram
2.A primitive process is ( A )
A、a process that is not exploded to a child diagram.
B、the central process on a context level diagram.
C、a process that requires two or more data flow into it.
D、a process that has only base elements flowing in or out of it.

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3.________ are used when complex branching occurs in a structured
decision process. ( B )
A、structured English
B、Decision trees
C、Data dictionaries
D、All of the above.
4.While the first ________ diagram helps the systems analyst grasp basic
data movement, its general nature limits its usefulness. ( D )
C、user interface
5.An external entity is called a source or ________ of data, and is
considered to be external to the study. ( A )
6.The most prominent quality of an analyst is that of a(n): ( D )
A、agent of change
D、problem solver
7.Which graphically characterize(s) data processes and flows through a
business system? ( B )
A、data dictionary
B、data flow diagrams
C、structured analysis
8.With a ________ approach, the diagrams move from general to specific.
( A )
9.Which of the following are not shown on an activity diagram? ( A )
C、decisions that are made
D、sequence of activities
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10.Objects are represented by and grouped into ________ that are optimal
for reuse and maintainability. ( C )

Result II. True/False (10 questions in total, 2 points for

Reviewer each question, 20 points in total)

1.During the life cycle of an information system, more time is spent in

system maintenance than it took to design and develop the system.
2.In the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), several activities may
occur simultaneously, and activities may be repeated. ( TRUE )
3 . Object-oriented programming differs from traditional procedural
programming in that it examines objects that are part of a system.
( TRUE )
4.The highest level data flow diagram is called Diagram 0. ( TRUE )
5.Unbalanced decomposition means that the data flow to or from a parent
process does not match the data flow in or out of a child diagram.
( TRUE )
6.Use decision tables when complex combinations of conditions, actions,
and rules are found. ( TRUE )
7.A use case model describes what a system does without describing how the
system does it. ( TRUE )
8.An activity diagram shows the flow of information between two or more
use cases. ( FALSE )
9.An abstract class cannot be directly instantiated. ( TRUE )
10 . An association class is used to represent whole/part relationships.

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Result III. Short Answer Questions (5 questions in total, 6
Reviewer points for each question, 30 points in total)

1. Describe the difference between a class and an object.


Also, an important difference between Class and Object is that Class is a logical
entity while Object is a physical entity.


Moreover, Class is declared with the “class” keyword whereas an object is created
using the “new” keyword.

Memory allocation

A class does not get any memory when it is created whereas objects get memory
when they are created. Hence, this is another difference between Class and Object.


Furthermore, a class is declared once while multiple objects are created

using a class.

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2. What models are used for system requirements by object-oriented
analysis technique?

1. Object modelling,
2. Dynamic modelling, and
3. Functional modelling

3.What is the difference between functional requirements and nonfunctional


Functional Requirements: These are the requirements that the end user specifically
demands as basic facilities that the system should offer. All these functionalities need to be
necessarily incorporated into the system as a part of the contract.

Non-functional requirements: These are basically the quality constraints that the system
must satisfy according to the project contract. The priority or extent to which these factors
are implemented varies from one project to other. They are also called non-behavioral

4.What are three types of whole-part relationships?

Whole/part relationships have three categories:

Aggregation, collection, and composition.

5.What is method overloading?

Method Overloading is a feature that allows a class to have more than one
method having the same name, if their argument lists are different. It is
similar to constructor overloading in Java, that allows a class to have more
than one constructor having different argument lists.
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Result IV. Analysis problems(2 questions in total, 30 points
Reviewer in total)

1.Compose a structured English statement for the following supermarket

"First, we determine whether the customer has shopped with us before. If they
have, we give them a free bonus coupon. If they have not yet shopped with us,
we give them a free membership card. We do this until there are no more
customers in line." (10 points)

DO WHILE there are customers in line

IF customer has stopped here before
THEN give customer a bonus coupon
THEN give a free membership card

2.Draw data flow diagram for Textbook Management System, including context
diagram and diagram 0. (20 points)
Textbook Management System has two subsystems—1)Sell texbooks and 2)
Purchase textbooks
1) Sell texbooks (Supply textbooks to students).
①Check the availability of the order and then sell the textbooks according to orders
②Record the information of textbooks which are out of the stock
2) Purchase textbooks (Purchase the out-of-stock textbooks according to the
①Collect the information of the out-of-stock textbooks and make the textbook
purchasing plan
②Inform the students to buy the textbooks after arrival

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